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1、杭 州 师 范 大 学 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 命 题 纸杭 州 师 范 大 学 2017 年招收攻读硕士研究生入学考试题 考试科目代码: 815 考试科目名称: 翻译与写作 说明:考生答题时一律写在答题纸上,否则漏批责任自负。I. Translate the following passages into Chinese:(40分)What is life? What are the true nature, meaning and purpose of life? Since ancient times, great philosophers and scholars of r

2、eligion have strained their energy and intellect to the limit for an answer to these crucial and central questions in a persons life. But they are not alone. First-rate poets in the world have done the same by contemplating and pondering over the questionsnow delving into the depth of their soulsnow

3、 communing with Nature. They envision Paradise through a flower and see the meaning of life in a dewdrop. Then, with their gifted pens, they picture a kaleidoscopic world and act upon act of the drama of life. In the end their works serve no other purpose than revealing the truth and meaning of life

4、. Faced with these questions, philosophers adopt the attitude and approach of trying to explain and expound; poets and men of letters to portray and reveal. Homers epics enlighten us about the kind of refined, colorful life and ideal in Greek art. Shakespeares plays reflect the contradictions in men

5、s lives and the “will to power” during the Renaissance.II. Translate the following passages into English:(40分)阳光正暖,江面水波不兴。海鸥在她面前的护墙上摇摇摆摆地走着,船只从她身边驶过。一行树木打破了人行道的单调,树上长满了深浅不一的黄色树叶。远方桥上的行人正心无旁骛大踏步地向前走着,那些小人儿细细点点的,看上去影影绰绰、似真似幻。远处什么地方的扩音器里传来响亮的声音。她用手在座椅的一条横木上来回摩挲着,手指爱抚地摸着光滑的木头。天空湛蓝湛蓝的,一丝云彩也没有,连天边的颜色都不见淡下

6、去。她翻转双手,让阳光从不同的角度拂照着它们,并且微微抬起头,让脸的另一侧也能感受到阳光的温暖。III. Please write in English about the following topic:(40分)Some university students think it more important to choose to study subjects that will prepare them better for their job or career in the future. Others believe that they should be allowed to

7、study whatever they like.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.Give reasons and include relevant examples to support your answer.Write at least 400 words.IV. 中文写作:(30分)题目:语言学习与跨文化交际要求:1. 800字以上的议论文;2. 结合自身外语学习的实践,谈谈你对外语学习与跨文化交际两者关系的认识,以及如何在外语学习过程中培养跨文化交际能力。 2017 年 考试科目代码 815 考试科目名称 翻译与写作 (本考试科目共 2页,第2 页)


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