1、1 俗话说,民以食为天。 As the saying goes, people regard food as their prime want. Lets start with the interpretation of dishes.2What is your favorite dish?What is your favorite dish?34A Dialogue for Interpretation对话口译 Interpreting the following dialogue alternatively into Chinese and English. In the dialogue
2、, Zhao is a Chinese host and Mr. Smith is a guest from the U.S.A.5 How to interpret Chinese dishes into How to interpret Chinese dishes into English?English? 如何口译中文菜谱?如何口译中文菜谱? 6烹饪方式烹饪方式煎煎 friedfried熏熏 smokedsmoked烤烤 roastroast炸炸 deep-frieddeep-fried红烧红烧 braisedbraised炖炖 stewedstewed蒸蒸 steamedsteame
3、d炒炒 stir-friedstir-fried7直译法:1、烹饪方式+主菜+with+配菜番茄炒蛋清蒸鲈鱼清蒸鲈鱼栗子烧鸡栗子烧鸡Stir-fried tomato with eggsSteamed perchBraised chicken with chestnuts82.主菜+(with+配菜+)in/with+配料蚝汁豆腐碎肉干烧草鱼醋椒三鲜Bean curd with minced pork in oyster sauceGrass carp with chili sauceThree vegetables in hot and sour sauce93. 口味+ 主菜(+with+
4、配菜)咕噜肉 糖醋鲤鱼酸辣黄瓜五香茶蛋 Sweet-and-sour porkSweet-and-sour carpHot and sour cucumberFive-flavored egg with tea104.意译龙虎凤大烩烩霸王别姬霸王别姬发财好市发财好市Thick soup of snake, wild cat and chickenStewed turtle with chickenBlack moss with oysters牡牡蛎蛎;蚝蚝 115.直译+典故东坡肉 Dongpo pork叫花鸡叫花鸡 Beggars chicken Legend has it that in
5、the Song Dynasty when the eminent writer Su Dongpo.It has a story that happened long time ago. 12美食典故:东坡肉美食典故:东坡肉 典故一: 苏东坡被贬到黄州后,发现当地的猪肉价甚贱,富人不肯吃,穷人不会煮。他就把红烧肉的作法改良了一下,发明了“东坡肉”。这道菜也随着苏东坡传到了杭州,由于大受欢迎,被列为杭州第一道名菜。 有一个处处为难苏东坡的御史赵挺之,微服到了杭州,一直找不到苏东坡的把柄。当他得知每家餐馆都把东坡肉列为第一道名菜,心中很不是味道,念头一转,收集了十多家的菜单,一状告到皇帝那儿。
6、赵挺之对皇帝说:“苏东坡在杭州为非作歹,大家对他恨之入骨,所以人人都想吃东坡肉。”皇帝一看菜单,发现每份菜单上的第一道菜都是东坡肉,不由分说,立刻下旨把苏东坡发配到了广东惠州。 13 典故二: 相传北宋年间,大诗人苏东坡第二次到杭州上任太守,发动民众疏理西湖,以造福于百姓。当大功告成时,百姓纷纷送肉、酒以谢太守德政。苏东坡遂命家厨将这些肉按他的烹肉经验:慢着火,少着水,火候足时它自美的方法制成红烧肉,送往每家每户以谢民工,并告之连酒一起送。但家厨把这句话误解为连酒一起烧,便把肉加酒一起烧起来,民工们吃了加酒烧的肉,都觉得味道更为鲜嫩酥香,赞不绝口,从此,人们就把这一美味称之谓“东坡肉”以不忘为
7、百姓造福的好太守。这一制法流传至今,闻名中外。 14美食典故:叫花鸡美食典故:叫花鸡 清代浙江有一叫花子讨得一只鸡,既无锅,又无调料,只好去脏涂泥置于火上烧烤。烤熟时正赶上饥肠辘辘的乾隆皇帝微服私访到此,分得一半,食之奇香无比,“叫花鸡”从此名扬天下。15 Beggars Chicken has a romantic tale behind it. There are many versions but from what I have read, it began when a starving, homeless beggar in rural China caught and stole
8、 a chicken from a yard he passed by. He killed it, built a fire and prepared for cooking. Suddenly, a posse of the emperors guards came passing by. In his panic to hide the chicken, he covered it with mud and threw it into the fire. The resulting baked chicken was said to be the most tender and flav
9、orful hes ever eaten. 166.地名+主菜/主菜+of+地名style北京烤鸭德州扒鸡潮洲鱼丸广式龙虾Beijing roast duckDezhou stewed chickenFish balls of chaozhou styleLobster of Guangdong style17其他译法 在新版的中文菜单英文译法中,大部分中文菜名以主料、烹饪方法、形状或口感、人名或地名等几种为主来翻译。 其中具有中国餐饮特色的传统食品,使用汉语拼音命名,如饺子Jiaozi,包子Baozi,馒头Mantou。18 具有中国特色且被外国人接受的菜名,使用地方语言拼写或音译拼写,如豆
10、腐To-fu。 中文菜肴名称难以体现其做法及主配料的,使用汉语拼音,并在其后标注英文注释。 如: 佛跳墙Fotiaoqiang (Steamed Abalone鲍鱼 with Sharks Fin and Fish Maw胃,咽喉 ); 锅贴Guotie (Pan-fried Dumpling)。 19 Review1.1.烹饪方式烹饪方式+ +主菜主菜+with+with+配菜配菜2.2.主菜主菜+(+(with+ +配菜配菜+)+)in/with+ +配料配料3.3.口味口味+ + 主菜主菜(+(+with+ +配菜配菜) )4.4.意译意译5.5.直译直译+ +典故典故6.6.地名地名+
11、 +主菜主菜/ /主菜主菜+of+of+地名地名stylestyle20Local cuisine in Nanning南宁特色菜 南宁烧鸭 Nanning roast duck 南宁烧猪Nanning roast pig 烤田螺 roast snail 柠檬鸭 lemon duck 烤鱼 grilled fish 清水羊肉 spring water mutton21Local snacks in Nanning南宁特色小吃 老友粉(面)old friend rice noodles (noodles) 炒粉虫 fried worm-like noodle 卷筒粉 rice starch(淀粉
12、) rolls 蒸粉饺 steamed dumpling 虾饺 shrimp dumpling 红豆粥 red bean porridge 糯米糍粑 glutinous rice cake22Reference version 白斩鸡 boiled chicken 北京烤鸭Beijing roast duck 糖醋排骨sweet-and sour pork ribs 清蒸鱼steamed fish 椒盐虾shrimps with spiced salt 竹筒鸡steamed chicken in the bamboo tube 23 Interpret the dialogue again.2
13、4 At the dinner party 在晚宴上 Zhao: 史密斯先生,很高兴您能光临我们的晚宴。 Zhao: Mr. Smith, Im so glad to have you at our dinner party. Smith: Thank you for your invitation. Thats very kind of you. Smith: 谢谢你的邀请, 你真客气。25 Zhao: 请入座,史密斯先生。 Zhao: Please be seated, Mr. Smith. Smith: All right, thank you very much. Smith: 好的,
14、谢谢! (The dishes are served.)26 Zhao:史密斯先生,请别客气,随便吃。对了,您会用筷子吗? Zhao: Please help yourself, Mr. Smith. By the way, have you learned to manage chopsticks? Smith: Yes. After my last visit to Nanning, I often went to Chinese restaurants in New York in order to learn how to use chopsticks. These dishes lo
15、ok very appetizing. What are they? Smith: 会的。我上次访问南宁后,就经常去纽约的中餐馆学习如何使用筷子。这些菜看上去很诱人。是些什么菜?27 Zhao: 这是白斩鸡,这是北京烤鸭,这是糖醋排骨,那边一个是清蒸鱼,那是椒盐虾。请大家随意! Zhao: This is boiled chicken. This is Beijing roast duck. This is sweet-and sour pork ribs. That is steamed fish. That is shrimps with spiced salt. Please help
16、yourself to whatever you like. Smith: They not only look good but also taste good. Smith: 它们不仅看上去漂亮,味道也很棒。28 Zhao: 中国人烧菜特别讲究“色”、“香”、“味”。这是壮族的竹筒鸡,是广西的特色菜,把鸡肉放在竹筒里蒸,加上配料,鸡肉嫩滑而清香。 Zhao: Chinese dishes are famous for their “color”, “aroma” and “flavor”. This is steamed chicken in the bamboo tube with Zh
17、uang peoples style. The dish is unique in Guangxi. Put the chicken with certain kinds of ingredients into the bamboo tube and steam it. The chicken is tender and pleasant to the palate.29写在最后写在最后成功的基础在于好的学习习惯成功的基础在于好的学习习惯The foundation of success lies in good habits30谢谢大家荣幸这一路,与你同行ItS An Honor To Walk With You All The Way讲师:XXXXXX XX年XX月XX日