1、 科目代码: 830 科目名称: 英语语言学基础知识与翻译 第 1 页 共 2 页 南京师范大学南京师范大学 20212021 年硕士研究生入学考试初试试题(年硕士研究生入学考试初试试题( A A 卷)卷) 科目代码: 830 科目名称: 英语语言学基础知识与翻译 满分: 150 分 考生注意:认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项;所有答案必须写在考生注意:认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项;所有答案必须写在答题纸答题纸上,写在本试题纸或草稿纸上上,写在本试题纸或草稿纸上均无效;均无效;本试题纸须随答题纸一起装入试题袋中交回!本试题纸须随答题纸一起装入试题袋中交回! 一、英语语言学基础知识(本部分只能用英语答题
2、,共一、英语语言学基础知识(本部分只能用英语答题,共 9090 分) 。分) 。 I. Explain the following terms with examples. (20 points in total, 5 points for each) 1. Complementary Distribution 2. Constituent 3. Garden Path Sentence 4. Componential Analysis II. Answer the following questions. (30 points in total, 10 points for each) 1.
3、 Suppose you taught a dog to “heel”, “sit up”, “roll over”, “play dead”, “stay”, “jump”, and “bark” on command, using the words in quotation marks as cues. Would you be teaching it language? Why or why not? 2. What is grammar? 3. What is the behaviorist view on language acquisition? III. Analyze the
4、 following data as required. (40 points in total, 20 points for each) 1. Read the following sentence and do the tasks below: Get the “feel” of balance in a beautiful sentence, rejoice in the lovely appropriateness of the exact right word and thank your gods that the author had the wit and industry t
5、o choose that word, out of whole “dictionaryful” of less adequate words, for the “express” purpose of pleasing you. a. How do you determine the category of each word in quotation marks? b. Use a tree diagram to represent the structure of “the feel of balance in a beautiful sentence”. 2. Decide wheth
6、er each of the following utterances contains a performative verb and give reasons for your decisions. a. I apologize. b. He said he was sorry. c. I bet you $20. d. You must have a lot of money. 科目代码: 830 科目名称: 英语语言学基础知识与翻译 第 2 页 共 2 页 二、翻译(二、翻译(6060 分) 。分) 。 IV. Translate the following passage into
7、English. (60 points) 听人说话,最好效陶渊明读书,不求甚解。若要细加注释,未免琐细。不过,不求甚解,总该懂得大意。如果自己未得真谛,反一笔抹煞,认为一切说话都是吹牛拍马撒谎造谣,那就忘却了说话根本是艺术,并非柴米油盐类的日用必需品。责怪人家说话不真实,等于责怪一篇小说不是构自事实,一幅图画不如照相准确。说话之用譬如衣服,一方面遮掩身体,一方面衬托显露身上某几个部分。我们绝不谴责衣服掩饰真情,歪曲事实。假如赤条条一丝不挂,反惹人骇怪了。难道了个人的自我比一个人的身体更多自然美? 谁都知道艺术品的真实并不指符合实事。亚利斯多德早说过:诗的真实不是史实。大概天生诗人比历史家多。
8、(诗人,我依照希腊字原义,指创造者。 )而最普遍的创造是说话。夫子“述而不作”,又何尝述而不作!不过我们看戏听故事或赏鉴其他艺术品,只求“诗的真实” 。虽然明知是假,甘愿信以为真。珂立支所谓: “姑妄听之” 。听话的时候恰恰相反:“诗的真实”不能满足我们,我们渴要知道的是事实。这种心情,恰和珂立支所说的相反,可叫做“宁可不信” 。同时我们总借用亚利斯多德“必然与可能”的原则来推定事实真相。 举几个简单的例子。假如一位女士叹恨着说: “唉,我这一头头发真麻烦,恨不得天生是秃子。 ”谁信以为真呢!依照“可能与必然” ,推知她一定自知有一头好头发。假如有人说:“某人拉我帮他忙,某机关又不肯放,真叫人为难。”他大概正在向某人钻营,而某机关的位置在动摇,可能他钻营尚未成功,认真在为难。