新人教版英语八年级下册单词趣味讲解 Unit 8.ppt

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1、Unit 8Have you read Treasure Island yet? Howto change words123to use wordsto memorize words短:in a hurry 匆忙;急急忙忙考n. 匆忙;急忙记No hurry.不着急。hurry /hri/ v. 匆忙;赶快短: belong to 属于考be 使 + long 长 使长久拥有 belong 归属;属于记“This boy belongs to me!”I said.belong /bl/ v. 属于;归属introduce /ntrdju:s/ v. 介绍;引见变变n. introductio

2、n 介绍;引言The _ tells you how to use the book. The boy in blue introduced a new friend to her. introduction短:due to 多亏;由于考The baby is due in about one month.记Due to my English teacher, I passed the final exam.due /dju:/ , /du:/ adj. 预期;预定n. south 南方;南部变south 南 + ern 方向的记Hes touring South America at thi

3、s moment in time.Penguins are mostly found in the most southern parts of the world. southern /s(r)n/ adj. 南方的modern /mdn/ adj. 现代的;当代的记记 时髦的例:Phones are very popular in modern life.例:The dress is the most modern.forever /frev(r)/ adv. 永远记记 for 适合于 + ever 永远 forever 永远;总是例:They turned into butterflie

4、s and stayed together forever.abroad /br:d/ adv. 在国外;到国外记记 短: go abroad 出国例:This is a picture of us when we traveled abroad.actually /ktuli/ adv. 真实地;事实上记记 act 行动 + ual adj.后缀+ly adv.后缀例:Although this recipe looks long, it is actually very quick to prepare.treasure /tre(r)/ n. 珠宝;财富记记v. 重视;珍视例:uWe s

5、hall take the treasure away to a safe place.uI treasure his friendship.is /a/ + land记We would love to go to a beautiful island for vacation. island /alnd/ n. 岛classic /klsk/ n. 经典作品;名著 class 阶级 + ic 表人 classic 古典作家记class: n. 等级;班classical:adj. 古典的; 经典的;传统的 变page /ped/ n. 页,面,张例:Please trun your book

6、 to the next page.例:The correct answers can be found at the bottom of page 8.记记(书刊或纸张的) 面,张There is a ship on the sea.This ship means a lot to them.例记ship /p/ n. 船Here are all kinds of tools used to repair things.例记tool /tu:l/ n. 工具The man looks cool with a gun in his hand.例记gun /gn/ n. 枪;炮v. 枪击 mar

7、k /m:(r)k/ v. 打分v. 在上作记号;标记出Prices are marked on the goods. n. 污点;痕迹The children left dirty marks all over the kitchen floor.n. 分数I got full marks in the spelling test.n. 记号;符号;标志He makes star marks on his stick for records.例记The kids are playing in the sand.sand /snd/ n. 沙滩;沙Umm, she eats people? Y

8、ou mean shes a cannibal?!例can + ni + bal 【音】砍你吧记cannibal /knbl/ n. 食人肉者别记v. (使) 登陆; (使)着陆land /lnd/ n. 陆地;大地This land is covered with green grass.The plane landed safely.例fict 塑造;虚构 + ion 名词后缀 虚构的故事记I like science fiction movies with spaceships.fiction /fkn/ n. 小说The phone technology is changing all

9、 the time.例techno 技术,能力 +logy 学说 技术,科技记technology /teknldi/ n. 科技;工艺French /frent/ n. 法语; 法国人考考基本考法变变n. France 法国记记adj. 法国(人)的She spends her Easter holidays taking her children to _. These marks are all closely related to _ culture.FrenchFrance别记v. (使) 发砰砰声pop /pp/ n. 流行音乐;流行乐曲The man popped open th

10、e beer.band /bnd/ n. 乐队例例记记The bands live show made people go crazy. n. 风扇;扇子别The girl is the Argentine fan.记She always held a fan in her hand.fan /fn/ n. 迷;狂热爱好者v. succeed 成功adj. successful 成功的 adv. successfully 成功地suc 在下面+cess行走 在后面跟着前人走1. The only common thing of _ is hard work.2. He was too inex

11、perienced and too inexpert _.3. He was a _ businessmanand brought great changes to our phones.记变考success /skses/ n. 成功to succeedsuccesssuccessfuln. laugh 笑变laugh 笑 + t + er 名词后缀记Im so heavy that everybody else laughs at me.laughter /l:ft/ n. 笑;笑声笑得人发出的声音His laughter is so loud.adj. beautiful 漂亮的变记Do

12、nt judge her by appearance although shes beautiful.beauty /bju:ti/ n. 美;美丽This beauty has blue eyes and blonde hair.record /rek:d/ n. 唱片;记录 /rek:(r)d/ v. 录制;录(音)例例记记re 再 + cord 心脏 一再放在心上 记录 The man is recording his new song. He holds the NBA record for the highest score of 100 points in a single gam

13、e.v. 画线;排队别记People are lining up to pick up the phone.line /lan/ n. 行;排I drew a straight line with my pencil.billion num. 十亿 trillion num. 万亿;兆别记The businessman has one million dollars in his arms.million /mljn/ num. 一百万forwards adv. 向前走;继 续向前别记Do not wait for good things to happen to you. You need to walk towards happiness.towards /tw:dz/ prep. 朝;向;对着People should forget and look forwards.THANK YOUFORWATCHING感谢聆听


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