2023江苏中考英语专项训练 专题02 用所给单词的正确形式填空(100题)(含解析).doc

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2023江苏中考英语专项训练 专题02 用所给单词的正确形式填空(100题)(含解析).doc_第1页
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1、专题02 用所给单词的正确形式填空(100题)用所给单词的正确形式填空1For Tom, the quiet night was a _ time to focus on study. (value)2According to Bing Dwen Dwens designer, the idea first came from the _ Chinese snack, bingtanghulu. (tradition)3If people dont have breakfast in the morning, they will feel tired and get angry _.(easy

2、)4An _ park called Wonderland of Lego will open in Jinshan. (amuse)5My grandmother spent much time _ (look) after me when I was a kid.6During the game, the coach Shui Qingxia kept encouraging her team _ (have) more confidence.7China in the Classics (典籍里的中国), an educational TV show, shares a lot abou

3、t the great ancient books and the _ (write) experiences with the TV viewers.8Actually, whatever decisions you make, you are supposed to consider these _ (science) suggestions properly in order to show your modesty and respect to them.9Luoyang Museum of Ancient Art catches _ (visit) eyes with a serie

4、s of mystery treasure.10Reading a variety of books can be very helpful for students to _ (rich) their knowledge. 11Some travel companies will _(probable) have to go out of business this spring.12On April 4th this year, people all over China _ (ask) to join in three minutes silence to pay respect to

5、the victims of the pandemic.13Pills should be stored properly because they are easily _ (mistake) for sweets by children.14We insist that watching good TV shows can help us avoid living a _ (meaning) life.15We will have the paintings _ (hang) in the classroom as a celebration of May Day.16Since the

6、73-year-old man made the _ (decide) to travel around the world, he has never given up his hope.17“The love and help from these kind people will never be _ (forget).” the boy said to the reporter.18Kids were reminded to take some money with _ (they) before the school trip.19Yang Zhenning, in his _ (n

7、inety), was on the list of the 2021 Touching China annual people (感动中国年度人物).20What great fun it is _ (see) the elephants take bananas from the visitors!21Good _ means that you will learn more and do better in the test. (prepare)22If people dont obey the rules, it would be _ (possible) to control the

8、 spread of omicron.23On the way to success, we will meet _ (fail), which appears just to tell us where the right way is.24The doctors have been working for several months without _. We should give more care and love to _ them. (relax)25“We Chinese have a _ (say) that honoring a promise carries the w

9、eight of gold,” said Xi Jinping.26When you first meet her, she gives a superficial impression of _ and friendliness. (warm)27My professional training has taught me to look at things _(logical).28Mums do a lot of _ (hardly) work for us, such as cleaning and cooking.29For most of us, learning not to d

10、o the things were used to _ (require) great effort.30Its _ (use) to complain about the bad things around you. Try to change them or change yourself.31Many Americans also like Chinese food, but they cook it _. (different)32Ding Chen from Anhui province invented a booster(助力器) to help the people climb

11、 stairs more _ (easy).33As soon as we arrived at school this morning, we _(ask) to take an English test. How terrible!34In the last stage of making a cartoon sounds effects, like the noise of the underground, must _ (add) separately.35When Sue and her friends got to the small island hotel, they foun

12、d they were the only _ (tour) there.36A _ (careful) decision led to a waste of time and money. He failed to create a company of his own.37As tigers mostly live in Asia, they have become a cultural symbol of _ (east) countries.38Since then, they lost their ability to _ with the audience. (communicati

13、on)39Its _ that the robots can play chess with people and beat them.(believe)40It is _ for you to be a singer if you dont practise more.(possible)41He had no money to buy her a rose, but he managed _ (make) one with paper.42Your age shouldnt make any _ to whether you get a job or not.  &nb

14、sp;(different)43Chairman Xi wished all the Chinese people happiness and _ in his New Year Greetings. (healthy)44Squirrels like saving food, but they forget where it _ (hide) from time to time.45We will move into the new school building which has some modern _ (laboratory).46My father read an article

15、 on WeChat the other day, and that _ (lead) him to believe my words.47The old man collected many _. We do not know what they are used for. (stick)48He has given a very clear _ of his remarks and the context in which they were made. (explain)49The fable Mr. Wind and Mr. Sun showed us that _ is not al

16、ways important. (strong)50The boss was very _ (friend) to the workers, and thats why they loved him a lot.51Ive lost my gold ring, but Im _ certain that I left it in the kitchen. (extreme)52Some people go to the bank at noon, because its usually _ (crowded) at this time of day.53Plants on the earth

17、cant grow well if there is no _(hot)or light from the Sun.54Although she is known for her _ (shy), she does show an interest in music and dancing.55It is _ of some online store sellers to lie about the quality of their products.(honest)56The monitor looked _ and relaxed when he gave the speech in cl

18、ass. (confidence)57Born in a poor family, she left home for work in her early _. (twenty)58More and more young people agree that a _ (wealth) man doesnt mean a happy man.59Billy is a sincere person and has many friends because he always keeps secrets to _ (he).60I suggest you should not _ with your

19、mother. It cant help at all. (argument)61A word of cautionits very easy to become _ on sleeping pills. Please seek professional advice from doctors. (independently)62To help India fight the COVID-19 outbreak, _ are flooding in from around the world. (donate)63I was so upset because my boss blamed me

20、 for the companys poor _. (perform)64Although we have discussed it for many times, the final _ is up to you.(decide)65_ (save) some family photos, and you will remember the sweet memories of your old days.66No one was allowed to _ the lab when Dr. Derek was doing an experiment. (entrance)67My daught

21、er was so careless that she _ (drop) her watch onto the ground and it broke.68As Davids eyesight began to fail, he found it increasingly difficult _ (read).69Tom was _ (amaze). This was not the outcome he had looked for.70_ (electric) is the technology of using transistors and silicon chips, especia

22、lly in devices such as radios, televisions, and computers.71Its _ (polite) to ask people like this way: “Where is the bank?”72The club organizes short trips to the mountains, _ museums and so on. (beach)73Mr Wangs son has created a comic strip _ and itll be published in February. (recent)74Youve got

23、 wonderful _ (collect) of seashells. Can I take a look?75I cant believe it! The 12-years-old boy _ (make) up such amazing music that it is on the top ten of Tik Tok now.76The hotel is much _ (comfort) to stay in, next time we will change another one.77In China, many people think “4” is an _ (lucky)

24、number. They like “6” and “8” very much.78Ben Smith has had a “dog helper” because of Miss Lis _ (kind).79They work for twelve hours every day, but they make a little money. Its _. (fair)80I have nothing to do tomorrow. I will consider _ (read) books in the library with you.81Jason has a lot of _ (i

25、nterested) in watching TV but he has to spend all his time studying.82Very few of the books here are worth _ (read). Dont waste time!83The girl didnt want to tell her mother the _ (true) that she didnt do well in the test.84A lot of people were _ (shock) by his death because he used to be healthy.85

26、Good health is the most _ (value) wealth that a person can have in their lives.86Taking a direct _ (fly) to Greek costs much, but is saves a lot more time.87I feel much _ (weak) and cant stand or walk after the illness.88Trees and forest are one of the most _ ways of fighting climate change. (effect

27、)89You may never be in an emergency situation(紧急状况). But if it happens, you should know how _(get) help.90Country music is about modern life in the US, not about _ (belong) to a group.91Her _ (foot) are so big that it isnt easy for her to buy shoes.92Janet _ (set) a number of world records since she

28、 _ (take) up the sport.93Emily, here is your birthday present your aunt bought you. Wow! A nice camera. Its _ (exact) what I want.94Later that night, they could see the stones because of the _ (shine) moon.95The man started his painting career in his _ (forty), but he still made a real success.96Man

29、y college students work while they are studying because they want to make some money for their college _.(expensive)97The boy noticed an _ mistake on his paper, but he decided not to say anything about it.(correct)98Sorry, I can t take you to a movie tonight, dear. Let s go next Saturday.Why? But yo

30、u _ (promise).99As a new student in a foreign school, Jim knows nothing about it and feels _ ( help).100To the _ (win) surprise, the Oscar wasnt given to them because of the wrong announcement.参考答案:1valuable【解析】【详解】句意:对Tom来说,安静的夜晚是专注学习的宝贵时间。此空为形容词作定语修饰名词,value为名词,形容词为valuable,表示“宝贵的”。故填valuable。2tra

31、ditional【解析】【详解】句意:据冰墩墩的设计师说,冰墩墩的创意最初来自中国传统小吃冰糖葫芦。此处作定语修饰“Chinese snack”,用形容词traditional,故填traditional。3easily【解析】【详解】句意:如果人们早上不吃早餐,他们会感到疲劳,很容易生气。根据情境和动词短语“get angry”可知,应该使用副词修饰动词,“easy”的副词形式为“easily”。故填easily。4amusement【解析】【详解】句意:一个名为“乐高仙境”的游乐园将在金山开业。此处表达“游乐园”amusement park,名词作定语,固定表达。故填amusement。5

32、looking【解析】【详解】句意:当我还是小孩子的时候,我的奶奶花很多时间照顾我。表达“花时间做某事”用“spend+时间+(in) doing”的结构,表达“照顾”用“looking after”。故填looking。6to have【解析】【详解】句意:在比赛中,教练水庆霞不断鼓励她的球队要有更多的信心。根据“encouraging her team”可知,encourage sb. to do sth.“鼓励某人做某事”,不定式作宾补,故填to have。7writers【解析】【详解】句意:典籍里的中国是一档教育性的电视节目,它向观众分享了很多关于伟大的古代书籍和作者的经历。根据“t

33、he great ancient books and the . (write) experiences”可推出此处表示作者的经历,writer“作者,作家”,结合“books”可知有很多作者,用其复数形式的名词所有格writers。故填writers。8scientists【解析】【详解】句意:实际上,无论你做什么决定,你都应该适当地考虑这些科学家的建议,以显示你的谦虚和尊重他们。根据“to consider these . (science) suggestions properly”可推出是考虑这些科学家们的意见,science的变形scientist意为“科学家”,these后用其复数

34、形式,而suggestions前需要用其所有格,其复数形式的所有格为scientists。故填scientists。9visitors【解析】【详解】句意:洛阳古代艺术博物馆以一系列神秘的珍品吸引了游客的眼球。根据“with a series of mystery treasure.”可知,此处是吸引了游客的眼球,短语catch ones eyes“吸引某人的眼球”,visit“参观”,是动词,此处用名词复数的所有格,visitor“游客”,此处是复数所有格,故填visitors。10enrich【解析】【详解】句意:阅读各种书籍对学生丰富知识很有帮助。动词不定式符号to后应加动词原形,形容词

35、rich的动词形式为enrich“丰富”。故填enrich。11probably【解析】【详解】句意:一些旅行公司可能不得不在这个春天歇业。根据句意和所给词汇可知,此处指可能歇业,应用副词修饰动词“have to go out of business”,probable的副词形式是“probably”。故填probably。12were asked【解析】【详解】句意:今年4月4日,全国人民参加了为疫情受害者默哀3分钟的活动。根据“people”和“ask”可知,两者是被动关系,结合“On April 4th this year”,此句是一般过去时的被动语态,用was/were+done结构,

36、主语是people,因此用were asked;故填were asked。13mistaken【解析】【详解】句意:药片应该妥善存放,因为它们很容易被孩子误认为是糖果。主语“they”是动作mistake的承受者,用一般现在时的被动语态,故填mistaken。14meaningless【解析】【详解】句意:我们坚持认为看好的电视节目可以帮助我们避免过无意义的生活。根据“watching good TV shows”结合常识可知好电视节目能帮人避免过无意义的生活,此处用meaning的形容词形式meaningless表示“无意义的”,作定语。故填meaningless。15hung【解析】【详解

37、】句意:我们将把这些画挂在教室里庆祝五一节。have sth done“让某事被做”,此处动词hang与the paintings是被动关系,所以用过去分词作宾语补足语。故填hung。16decision【解析】【详解】句意:自从这位73岁的老人决定环游世界以来,他从未放弃过希望。decide“决定”,动词,冠词the修饰名词,decide的名词形式是decision,make the decision“做决定”。故填decision。17forgotten 【解析】【详解】句意:“这些善良人们的爱和帮助永远不会被忘记。”男孩对记者说。主语与动词forget之间是被动关系,故此处应填过去分词与

38、be构成被动语态,forget的过去分词是forgotten,故填forgotten。18them【解析】【详解】句意:孩子们被提醒在学校旅行之前要带钱。根据“Kids”可知是复数概念,句子表达“他们”,介词“with”后用人称代词的宾格“them”。故填them。19nineties【解析】【详解】句意:杨振宁,在他九十多岁时,被提名为2021年度感动中国年度人物。表示某人几十多岁这样的约略年龄,用“in ones+逢十的基数词的复数(如tens, twenties, thirties等)”来表达。ninety的复数形式为nineties。故填nineties。20to see【解析】【详解

39、】句意:看到大象从游客手中拿走香蕉是多么有趣啊。see“看到,看见”,动词。根据“it is.the elephants take.”可知,该句使用了句型:It is +n./adj. to do sth“做某事是”。故填to see。21preparation【解析】【详解】句意:做好准备意味着你会学到更多,在考试中做得更好。根据“Good”可知,需要一个名词作主语,prepare的名词是preparation,此处是不可数名词,故填preparation。22impossible【解析】【详解】句意:如果人们都不遵守规定,就不可能控制住奥密克戎的传播。句型It+be+adj.+to do

40、sth.表示“做某事是怎么样的”。因此空格处应填上一个形容词。根据“If people dont obey the rules”可知如果人们不遵守规定,那就不可能控制病毒的传播。“不可能”用形容词impossible。故填impossible。23failure【解析】【详解】句意:在通往成功的路上,我们会遇到失败,失败似乎只是告诉我们正确的道路在哪里。根据“meet”和英文提示可知,后用名词failure“失败” 作宾语,是不可数名词,故填failure。24     relaxing     relax【解析】

41、【详解】句意:医生已经工作了好几个月没有休息。我们应该给予更多的关心和爱来使他们放松。第一空位于介词“without”后需用动名词relaxing“放松”;第二空, 不定式“to”后跟动词原形relax,表示“使放松”。故填relaxing; relax。25saying【解析】【详解】句意:习近平说:“我们中国人有一句谚语一诺千金。” 题干中“honoring a promise carries the weight of gold”意为“一诺千金”,是中国谚语,用say的名词形式saying表示“谚语”,a后用其单数形式。故填saying。26warmth【解析】【详解】句意:当你第一次见

42、到她时,她给你温暖友好的表面印象。此处在句中作宾语,与“friendliness”并列,用名词形式,故填warmth。27logically【解析】【详解】句意:我的专业训练让我学会了逻辑地看待事物。logical“有逻辑的”,是形容词,此处应用副词形式修饰动词,故填logically。28hard【解析】【详解】句意:妈妈们为我们做了很多艰苦的工作,比如打扫卫生和做饭。“work”是名词,由此推断,空格处填形容词,“hardly”的形容词是“hard”。故填hard。29requires【解析】【详解】句意:对于我们大多数人来说,学习不做我们习惯做的事情需要很大的努力。本句中“were us

43、ed to”是定语从句,修饰先行词“things”,因此这里“require”是谓语动词;本句是动名词短语“learning not to do the things”作主语,因此谓语用单数,描述客观事实为一般现在时,因此动词用三单。故填requires。30useless【解析】【详解】句意:抱怨你周围的坏事是没有用的。试着改变它们或者改变你自己。根据“Try to change them or change yourself.”可知,抱怨是没有用的,useless意为“无用的”,符合题意。故填useless。31differently【解析】【详解】句意:许多美国人也喜欢中餐,但是他们的烹

44、饪方法不同。根据转折连词“but”及提示词可知,这里指烹饪方法不同,此处应填副词做状语,different“不同的”副词形式为differently。故填differently。32easily【解析】【详解】句意:来自安徽省的丁忱发明了一种助力器来帮助人们更容易地爬楼梯。空格处应填副词修饰动词climb,easy对应的副词是easily,more easily是其比较级形式。故填easily。33were asked【解析】【详解】句意:今天早上我们一到学校,就被要求参加英语考试。太可怕了!ask“要求”,动词。根据“As soon as we arrived at school this

45、morning,”可知,此句是表示紧接着发生的两个动作,主从句都用一般过去时。且主语“we”和动词“ask”构成被动关系,故此处需用一般过去时的被动语态,其结构为:was/were+过去分词。主语是“we”,be动词用were;ask的过去分词为asked。故填were asked。34be added【解析】【详解】句意:在制作动画片声效的最后阶段,像地下的噪音,都必须要单独添加。根据“the noise of the underground”可知,主语地下的噪音和add“添加”之间应该是被动关系,含有情态动词的被动语态结构是情态动词+be+过去分词,add是规则变化,过去分词是added,故填be added。35tourists【解析】【详解】句意:当苏和她的朋友们到达小岛酒店时,他们发现他们是那里唯一的游客。根据“When Sue and her friends got to the small island hotel”可知,此处指的是tourist“游客”


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