1、杭 州 师 范 大 学 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 命题 纸杭 州 师 范 大 学 2013 年招收攻读硕士研究生入学考试题 考试科目代码: 815 考试科目名称: 翻译与写作 说明:考生答题时一律写在答题纸上,否则漏批责任自负。. Translate the following passage from English into Chinese. (40分)All these assets have lured people to those areas tired of typical city or modern village. The people looking for t
2、he timeless values in the beauty of nature and in the preserved culture of the site. The less affluent have become more attractive customers. Agritourism came to burgeon anew. Agritourist businesses emerged, the symbols of which became, for instance, the stork, the bird that always was an inseparabl
3、e companion of Polish agricultural landscape. The ecological approach to life has enlivened agricultural economy and allowed traditional landscape to survive. Ecological farming has gained widespread popularity, as has its associated ecotourism. It became apparent that in small-size counties and vil
4、lages the locals have more to offer than large agglomerations have. This by no means caused depopulation of towns but indeed called attention to the value of the landscape both aesthetic and functional ones. From the conservators standpoint only partly are we able to influence the changes occurring
5、in the landscape including agricultural landscape. This is feasible by setting up landscape protection zones. The zones can secure vistas, guard against defacing of landscape by building developments. The conservation protection zones, thanks to their requirements permit old timber developments of P
6、olish village to survive. It is not, however, where lies the major problem of protection and preservation of historic agricultural landscape. Translate the following passage from Chinese into English. (40分)大运河,一条宽广的河,三千里古道去留无意,写尽神州秀山丽水、高天厚土;拱宸桥,一座挺拔的桥,四百年沧桑荣辱不惊,看遍华夏潮起潮落,云卷云舒。古运河边,拱宸桥畔,静静地矗立着一所百年老校,大
7、仙庙的悠悠钟声敲响了它的第一堂课,千年运河水滋润了一代代学子柔软的心灵,它就是杭州市拱宸桥小学,这里的人们亲切地称它为“拱小”。百年拱小,风景这边独好。近年来,这所古老的小学以跨越式的发展,书写了一个“平民小学”的教育传奇。名不见经传的拱小,一跃成为杭城百姓心中的名校。到过这里的人们都说:真实的拱小,远比传说中的更加令人惊叹!. Please write in English at least 400 words a commentary essay on the following statement: How to solve the housing problem in big citi
8、es. Pay attention to the focus of your theme, development of ideas, origination of structures and choice of dictions.(40分). Please write in Chinese at least 800 words .an argumentative essay on the following statement: 创新与语言研究. Pay attention to the focus of your theme, development of ideas, origination of structures and choice of dictions.(30分) 2013 年 考试科目代码 815 考试科目名称 翻译与写作 (本考试科目共 2页,第2 页)