Unit 4 Reading and Thinkingppt课件-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、1. 1. ToTo get a general ideaget a general idea ofof body languagebody languageandand itsits implicationsimplications in different cultures.in different cultures.2. 2. ToTo summarizesummarize andand retellretell the the main idea ofmain idea ofthethe passage.passage.3. 3. ToTo understand theundersta

2、nd the body language inbody language indifferent countriesdifferent countries andand useuse themthem correctly.correctly.4. 4. ToTo describedescribe howhow people use body languagepeople use body languageto to expressexpress meanings and theirmeanings and their feelings.feelings.VIDEOVIDEO TIMETIMES

3、uppose we Suppose we areare living in a silent world. How will youliving in a silent world. How will youcommunicate with each other?communicate with each other?DiscussionWhat can we learn from the short video?(from the following aspects)1. 1. CanCan you get the definition of body language?you get th

4、e definition of body language?2. 2. What does body language include?What does body language include?3. 3. What impressed you most inWhat impressed you most in this shortthis shortvideo?video?WhatWhat I I hide by myhide by my language, mylanguage, mybody body uttersutters. .RoaldRoaldBarthesBarthes我用

5、语言隐藏的,我的身体会说出来。罗兰 . . 巴特So facial expressions and body languageSo facial expressions and body languageusually tellusually tell the the realreal story.story.LISTENING TO HOWLISTENING TO HOWBODIES BODIES TALKTALK1.What do you think will be talk1.What do you think will be talked about in theed about in

6、 the text?text?2.What2.What rhetorical devicesrhetorical devices areareusedused in the title?in the title?personificationpersonificationReading StrategyReading StrategyMakeMake InferencesInferencesSometimes a passage does not saySometimes a passage does not say somethingsomething directly.directly.H

7、owever,However, you can you can figurefigure it it out out by looking by looking atat the clues i the clues in the passagen the passage. .1.What is the type 1.What is the type ofof this text?this text?2.Divide this passage into2.Divide this passage into fourfour parts andparts andsummarize the main

8、idea of eachsummarize the main idea of each part.part.Match theMatch the main idea of each part.main idea of each part.Some Some gesturesgestures seem seem toto have the sahave the sameme meaning everywhere.meaning everywhere.(Para.1)(Para.1)Part 2.Part 2.Some body language hasSome body language has

9、 manymanydifferentdifferent uses. uses.(Para. 24)(Para. 24)Part 3.Part 3.(Para. 5)(Para. 5)Part Part 4. 4.Body language playsBody language plays anan importantimportantrolerole in daily communication.in daily communication.Body language variesBody language varies fromfrom cultureculturetoto culture.

10、culture.(Para. 6)(Para. 6)Summarize the main idea of this textSummarize the main idea of this textBody language is a p_Body language is a p_o o _ _ w w _ _e e _ _r r _ _f f_ _ u u _ _ l l_ communication system icommunication system in all n all cultures,cultures, but body language can signal very d_

11、but body language can signal very d_i it t f fh h fe fei ir r n ne e g g n n s st tin in differentdifferent cultures.cultures. So, it is very c_So, it is very c_ toto u understand and use it nderstand and use it correctly.correctly.rucialrucialPartPart 1 1Part 2Part 21. 1. CanCan you guess the meani

12、ng of the word “inyou guess the meaning of the word “interaction” according toteraction” according to the context?the context?interchangeinterchangeinterpersonalinterpersonalinterdependenceinterdependenceinteractive/interact/interactioninterinterinterviewinterviewinternetinternetinterconnectintercon

13、nectinternationalinternational2. 2. WhatWhat is is the functionthe function of the last sentence inof the last sentence inPara1?Para1?themetheme sentence and transitionalsentence and transitionalsentencesentenceBody Language/Body Language/gesturegestureMeaningMeaningCountry/ RegionCountry/ RegionEye

14、 contactEye contact betweenbetweenmen and womenmen and womenLooking down whenLooking down whentalking talking toto someonesomeoneOK signOK signKissing on the cheekKissing on the cheek2.Go over2.Go over the topic sentences in Para2,3the topic sentences in Para2,3and 4and 4 and identifyand identify ho

15、whow each paragrapheach paragraphis is developeddeveloped. .Part 3Part 3PartPart 4 4Can you thinkCan you think ofof somesome otherother uses uses ofof s smiling?miling?WeWe can usecan use smiles to hide feelings likesmiles to hide feelings likeanger,anger, fear,fear, oror worry.worry.SmileSmile Tria

16、lTrial6. avoid making this gesture7. differ around the world8. get through difficult situations9. break down barrier10. there is nothing better than seeing the smiling face of a good friend.A A TalkTalk ShowShowInterviewer(host)IntervieweesIntervieweesSuppose you are being interviewedon a Talk Show.

17、InterviewerInterviewerI amI am veryvery glad toglad to meet you meet you today.today.Can you introduce someCan you introduce some cultures such ascultures such as bodybodylanguage around the world?language around the world?How to avoid cultural misunderstanding incross-culture communication ?I amI a

18、m very honored to be interviewedvery honored to be interviewedhere.here. First ofFirst of all, I wantall, I want to sayto saysomething about bodysomething about body language. Itlanguage. Itvariesvaries fromfrom culture culture toto culture suchculture such asasgreet somegreet some person.person.Mic

19、ro-writing假定你是李华,你的英国好友 Tom 下学期要来中国交换学习。请你给他写一封邮件,介绍中国的一些肢体语言。注意:1. 词数 80 左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Summary (a mind-map )Summary (a mind-map )Our world is becoming a global village,so we should raise our awareness ofcross-culture communication.AssignmentAssignment1. 1. Review whatReview what wewe learned learned in this class accordingin this class accordingto yourto your mind-map.mind-map.2.Revise2.Revise youryour position.3.Surf on the3.Surf on the internet, enjoyinternet, enjoy andand findfind moremore about aboutbody language.body language.Thank you!


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