川教版四年级上册英语Unit 4Our Lessons Lesson1ppt课件(含教案+习题).rar

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Unit 4 Our Lessons 第一课时第一课时 习题习题一、将英语与相应的图片连线。一、将英语与相应的图片连线。1. eighteen A. 2. seven B. 3.four C. 4. eleven D. 5.two E. 二、根据要求写单词和短语。二、根据要求写单词和短语。1.做算术 (英语)_ 2.三加二(英语)_3. 21(英语) _ 4. 50(英语)_.5.43(英语)_ 三、选出不同类的单词。三、选出不同类的单词。( ) 1.A.eight B. twenty-one C.sum( ) 2.A.lesson B. thirteen C. pen( ) 3. A.dress B.wet C. smart( ) 4. A. men B. hen C. forty( ) 5.A. kid B. fourteen C. twenty 四、算一算,选一选四、算一算,选一选A. seventeen B. thirty-seven C. forty-eight D. twenty E. twenty-nine( ) 1.Whats 24 plus 24? Its _.( ) 2.Whats 11 plus 18? Its_.( )3.Whats 10 plus 7? Its _.( )4.Whats 15 plus 22? Its _.( )5.Whats 10 plus 10? Its _.五、阅读短文,判断正五、阅读短文,判断正 T 误误 F. Sam is a teacher of maths. He has fifteen lessons in a week. He is not young, but he is not old. He is 40 years old. He has a round face and brown hair. He is tall. There are forty-nine students in his class. There are thirty girls in his class. They all like him. Now its in the afternoon. Look, some students are studying in the classroom. Sam is there, too. He is helping them to study maths. He is a good teacher and he is a good friend of his students.( )1. Sam has 15 maths lessons in a week.( )2. Sam is young.( )3. There are 50 students in his class.( )4. There are 30 girls in his class.( )5. There are 20 boys in his class.Unit 4 Our Lessons 第一课时第一课时 答案答案一、【考点】该题考查短语的识记【答案】1C 2A 3E 4B 5D二、【解析】1. do sums 做算术,故填 do sums.2.three plus two 三加二,故填 three plus two.3.twenty-one 21,故填 twenty-one.4.fifty50,故填 fifty.5. forty-three43. 故填 forty-three.【答案】1. do sums 2. three plus two 3. twenty-one 4. fifty 5. forty-three 三、【解析】1. eight, twenty-one 都是表示数字的数词, sum 算术,名词,故选 C.2.lesson, pen 都是名词, thirteen 是数词,故选 B.3.wet, smart 都是形容词, dress 是名词,故选 A.4.men, hen 都是名词, forty 是数词,故选 C.5.twenty, forty 都是数词,kid 是名词,故选 A 【答案】1. C 2. B 3. A 4.C 5.A 四、 【解析】 1. 24 plus 24 is forty-eight, 故选 C.2. 11 plus 18 is twenty-nine, 故选 E.3. 10 plus 7 is seventeen,故选 A.4. 15 plus 22 is thirty-seven,故选 B.5. 10 plus 10 is twenty,故选 D.【答案】1.C 2. E 3.A 4. B 5. D 五、【解析】1.根据短文中 He has fifteen lessons in a week.可知此句是正确的. 故填 T。 2. 根据短文中中 He is not young 可知此句是错误的,故填 F。3.根据短文中 There are forty-nine students in his class.可知此句是错误的,故填 F4. 根据短文中中 There are thirty girls in his class 可知此句是正确的,故填T。5.根据短文中 There are forty-nine students in his class. There are thirty girls in his class.可知 There are nineteen boys in his class, 故此句是错误的,故填 F【答案】1.T 2.F 3.F 4. T 5. F川教版四年级英语上第一课时教学设计川教版四年级英语上第一课时教学设计课题 Lets do sums单元4学科英语年级四年级上学习目标1. 能听懂、会说本课单词和短语 plus, sums, twenty-one, thirty-two, forty-three, thirty, forty,fifty2 掌握本课句型 Whats .plus.? 及其对应回答 Its.2. 引导学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,并在成功中体会英语学习中的乐趣。重点能听懂、会说本课单词和短语 plus, sums, twenty-one, thirty-two, forty-three, thirty, forty,fifty掌握本课句型 Whats .plus.? 及其对应回答 Its.难点掌握本课句型 Whats .plus.? 及其对应回答 Its.教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图导入新课一.Free talkT: Good morning, class.Ss; Good morning, Miss Li.T:Lets count the numbers. OK?Ss:OK.然后老师出示数字 1-20,学生用英语齐读这些数字2. Lets play.Pass the ball, and count one by one(Count from ten to twenty.)师生在交流过程中复习有关数字的单词和句型。 在交流的过程中老师将话题自然引入本单元教学内容。讲授新课三Lets learn.1.老师出示图片学习单词 twenty, twenty-one 老师领读并播放录音,学生跟读,注意语音语调,同法学习 thirty, thirty-two, forty, forty-three, fifty老师出示课本中的图片,让学生根据图片的数字能够说出其相应的英语。2.Try to read from 22 to 59 in English.3. Lets say老师出示图片,并问 Whats . plus .?引导学生根能配合老师学习有关数字的新单词和短语,能够说出所学短语的名称,并会用此短语造句。对于低年级学生来说,图像和动画更能吸引他们的注意力, 让他们很快融入情景之中。据图片回答 Its.四.Magic eyes快速翻译出苹果上的单词, 就能帮助刺猬拿到苹果哦!五Lets talk.1.教师播放课文对话,学生跟读,提醒学生注意模仿语音、语调。要注意读出故事中人物的心情哦!2.Listen and imitate老师播放课文对话录音,学生认真听,并跟读。3. Answer the questions.4. Listen and fill.老师再次播放课文对话录音,学生根据录音将对话内容补充完整。六. Work in pairs.老师将全班学生分成 A、B 两组进行双人活动,就课本中的图画进行此对话练习 Whats.plus.? Its .七 Lets chant.老师播放录音,学生跟唱。八 Look, listen and write.老师播放录音,学生根据录音及所给图片和首字母提示,写出相应的英语单词,并注意 e 的发音/e/.九Listen, say and write.老师出示图片并播放录音,让学生根据图片及录音说出其相应的英语,然后要求学生将这些单词写下来;并将图片与相应的句子连线。十重点句型:Whats . plus .?Its .通过游戏的方式巩固所学单词跟录音读课文对话,模仿语音语调;分角色朗读课文,并上台表演对话。能根据课文内容回答问题及填空完成对话内容两人一组练习对话听录音,并跟唱能够根据录音和图片写出相应的单词能填出正确的单词掌握重点句型引导学生用各种形式,变化各种声调朗读课文对话,不断深入学习,加深印象。更能熟练地掌握课文内容能够达到复习新句型,加深学生记忆。通过反复的听读训练,掌握词汇;通过图片方式,巩固单词;针对性的完成学习目标;学习形式生动多样化,使学生集中注意力,同时保持学习的积极性。能够掌握本课重点句型Lets do sums.十一Practice1. 将数字与相应的图片连线2. 按要求改写句子十二Summary1.单词和短语:plus, sums, twenty-one, thirty-two, forty-three, thirty, forty, fifty2. 句型:Whats . plus .?Its .Lets do sums.十二Homework1.将下列单词和短语抄写五遍:plus, sums, twenty-one, thirty-two, forty-three, thirty, forty, fifty2. 熟读课文,并掌握句型:Whats . plus .?Its .Lets do sums.3. Do sums. (自己在家和父母一起做 50 以内的算术题)积极配合老师完成练习通过练习方式能够掌握本课所学内容课堂小结大部分学生还坐不住,对于低年级学生来说,图像和动画更能吸引他们的注意力, 老师在今后的课上还可以增加一些趣味性,让他们很快融入情景之中,引导学生展开想象,让他们在类似的生活场景中运用所学语言,每队上台在交流的过程中老师将话题自然引入本单元教学内容,只有在提高学生英语兴趣的基础上,才能上好英语课。板书Lesson 1 Lets do sums1.单词和短语:plus, sums, twenty-one, thirty-two, forty-three, thirty, forty, fifty2. 句型:Whats . plus .?Its .Lets do sums. (Lesson 1)川教版 四年级上Free talkGood morning, boys and girls.Good morning, Miss Li.Free talkLets count numbers. OK?OK.Free talkonetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelvethirteenfourteenfifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteentwentyRead togetherLets playPass the ball, and count one by one(Count from ten to twenty.)Lets learntwentytwenty-oneLets learnthirteenthirtyLets learnthirtythirty-twoLets learnfourteenfortyLets learnfortyforty-threeLets learnfifteenfiftyReviewplusWhats one plus two?Its three.Lets learnthirty-twotwenty-oneforty-threethirtyfortyfiftyLets learnTry to read from 22 to 59 in English.Lets sayWhats.plus.?Its.Whats 2 plus 3? -Its 5.Whats 3 plus 6? -Its 9.Whats 5 plus 1? -Its 6.Lets sayWhats 13 plus 11?Its_13 + 11 =Lets sayWhats.plus.? Its.11 + 15 = 2620 + 30 = 5013 + 12 = 2513 + 16 = 29Magic eyestwentythirtyfifteentwenty-onethirty-twothirteenforty-threefiftyfourteenforty 快速翻译出苹果上的单词, 就能帮助刺猬拿到苹果哦!Lets talkHi, kids. Lets do sums. OK?OK.Whats 14 plus 12?Its 25.Lets talkYes or no?No.Youre smart!Its 26.Yes.Listen and imitateMiss Yang: Hi. kids. Lets do sums. OK? Ss: OK. Miss Yang: Whats 14 plus 12? Tingting: Its 25.Miss Yang: Yes or no? Peter: No. Tingting: Its 26. Peter: Yes.Miss Yang: Youre smart. Lets talk1.What are they doing?A. They are playing football.B. They are watching TV.C. They are doing sums.Answer the questions2. Does Tingting get the right(正确的) answer at first?No, she doesnt.Listen and fillMiss Yang: Hi. kids. Lets do _. OK? Ss: OK. Miss Yang: Whats 14 _ 12? Tingting: Its 25.Miss Yang: Yes _ no? Peter: No. Tingting: Its _. Peter: Yes.Miss Yang: Youre _. sumsplusor26smartWork in pairsA: Lets do sums. OK?B: OK.A: Whats _ plus _?B: Its _.A: Yes./ No./ Well done. 1.能用原文数字编对话可获得2.能用右边老师给出的数字编对话可获得3.能用自己所学的数字编对话可获得 12+15=2720+13=3330+14=4440+16=56 Work in pairsWhats 12 plus 15?Its 27.Work in pairsWhats 14 plus 23?Its 37.Work in pairsWhats 41 plus 14?Its 55.Work in pairsWhats 33 plus 11?Its 44.Work in pairsWhats 29 plus 20?Its 49.Lets chant Fifteen or Fifty? Fifteen or fifty? Fifty or fifteen? Its no fifteen. Its not fifty. Oh. Its fifteen fifty.Make up your chants.Look, listen and writebdpt pyellenenesressete-/e/Listen, say and write1. Sam and Ben sell _(hens, pens).2. It is a wet _(trees, dress).3. I have a _(pet, bet) cat.4. A _(men, hen) is in the box.pens dress pet hen Sentences重点句型Whats . plus .?Its .Lets do sums.Practice将数字与相应的图片连线1.thrity2.fifty3.forty4.forty-three5.ten6.thirty-two7. twenty-onePractice1. 12+13=? (翻译成英语) _2.The pet cat is in the box. (对划线部分提问) _3. sums Lets do (.) (连词成句) _按要求改写句子What is 12 plus 13?Where is the pet cat?Lets do sums.Summary1.单词和短语:plus, sums, twenty-one, thirty-two, forty-three, thirty, forty, fifty 2. 句型:Whats . plus .?Its .Lets do sums.Homework1.将下列词汇抄写五遍: plus, sums, twenty-one, thirty-two, forty-three, thirty, forty, fifty.2. 熟读课文,并掌握句型: Whats . plus .?Its .Lets do sums.3. Do sums. (自己在家和父母一起做50以内的算术题)
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