Unit 5 Learning About Language ppt课件 -(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册.pptx

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1、UNIT 5 FIRST AIDSection BLearning About LanguageGrammarWhat is the function of the- ing form in each sentence below? Can you express the same ideas without using the -ing form? Activity 11As you can imagine,getting burnt can lead to very serious injuries. 作主语作主语 As you can imagine, if you get burnt,

2、it can lead to very serious injuries. 2The first and most important step in the treatment of burns is giving first aid. 作表语作表语 The first and most important step in the treatment of burns is to give first aid. 3 It is best to place burns under cool running water,especially within the first ten minute

3、s. 作定语作定语 It is best to run some cool water and place burns under it, especially within the first ten minutes. What is the function of the- ing form in each sentence below? Can you express the same ideas without using the -ing form? 4Remove any clothes using scissors if necessary,unless you see the

4、fabric sticking to the burnt skin. 作状语;宾语补足语作状语;宾语补足语 Use scissors to remove any clothes if necessary, unless you find that the fabric sticks to the burnt skin. 5You can protect the burnt area by covering it with a loose clean cloth. 作宾语作宾语 To protect the burnt area, you can cover it with a loose cl

5、ean cloth.Activity 1-ing的句法功能的句法功能p 作定语作定语:说明被修饰词的性质、特征、用途,或所修饰的人说明被修饰词的性质、特征、用途,或所修饰的人/事物的动作、状态,如事物的动作、状态,如: a visiting scholar、the girl wearing a red hat。p 作表语作表语:说明主语的性质、状态或内容,如说明主语的性质、状态或内容,如 : The film is interesting. His hobby is collecting stamps.p 作宾语补足语作宾语补足语:补充说明宾语正在进行的感官动作、心理状态或使役动作等,如补充说

6、明宾语正在进行的感官动作、心理状态或使役动作等,如: I smell something burning in the kitchen. They kept us waiting for over two hours yesterday.Summary -ing的句法功能的句法功能p 作状语作状语:表示动作发生的时间、条件、结果、原因或伴随状况等,如表示动作发生的时间、条件、结果、原因或伴随状况等,如: Seeing those pictures, he remembered his childhood.p 作主语作主语:表示事物化、抽象化概念,表示事物化、抽象化概念, 如如: Seeing

7、is believing. Its no use crying over spit milk.p 作宾语作宾语:表示动作的对象,或代替表示动作的对象,或代替it作真正的宾语,如作真正的宾语,如: We tried to avoid making mistakes. I dont think it possible living in such a cold place.Summary Replace each underlined part with a suitable -ing form and rewrite the sentence as necessary. Work with a

8、partner and summarise the different structures of the -ing form. When is each one used? Activity 21When he got out of the bathtub,he slipped and fell on the floor. When getting out of the bathtub, he slipped and fell on the floor. 2Is there any reason why we are not going to have the first-aid train

9、ing this week? Is there any reason for not having the first-aid training this week? 3 She had been told about the risk of electric shocks and this made her very careful while using hairdryers. Having been told about the risk of electric shocks,she was very careful while using hairdryers. Replace eac

10、h underlined part with a suitable -ing form and rewrite the sentence as necessary. Work with a partner and summarise the different structures of the -ing form. When is each one used? 4Because the child was not watched carefully by his parents,he touched a hot iron and burnt his finger. Not being wat

11、ched carefully by his parents,the child touched a hot iron and burnt his finger. 5After she had been bitten by mosquitoes,she applied some medicine to her skin. After being/having been bitten by mosquitoes,she applied some medicine to her skin. Activity 2主动语态主动语态被动语态被动语态肯定式肯定式否定式否定式肯定式肯定式否定式否定式一般式一般

12、式doing完成式完成式 donehaving been donenot doingbeing donenot being donehavingnot having donenot having been doneSummary Complete the passage with the correct forms of the given words. What happened to Mrs Taylor?Activity 3Mrs Taylor was an elderly woman (live) alone. One day,she was in her living room cl

13、eaning the windows,when suddenly she could no longer feel the right side of her body. _(try)to walk to her sofa to sit down,she fell over onto the carpet . Then she realised that she could not get up,and that she was having trouble _ (breathe). Fortunately,she had her mobile phone with her,and she w

14、as able to reach it with her left hand while _ (lie)on the floor. Her mobile phone _ (already,set up) to call an emergency number at the push of a button, so it was easy to call for help. While attempting tolivingTryingbreathinglyingwas already set up定语补语状语状语状语谓语动词,不要填错哦Complete the passage with the

15、 correct forms of the given words. What happened to Mrs Taylor?Activity 3talk to the operator,Mrs Taylor discovered that she could not speak. _ (not,hear) an answer,the operator knew that Mrs Taylor must be in trouble . Telling Mrs Taylor that everything would be OK,she immediately sent an ambulance

16、 . After _ (arrive),the ambulance team quickly found Mrs Taylor and without delay gave her oxygen,put in an IV needle,and checked her vital signs . _ (take)to the hospital and treated immediately,Mrs Taylors health was in no great danger,though she had to stay in the hospital ward . After a week,her

17、 _ (frighten) experience was over, and she was allowed to go home. Not hearingarrivingHaving been takenfrighteningShe had a stroke when she was alone at home. She called for an ambulance and was saved in time. 状语宾语状语定语 Make sentences with the following clues. Then try to form a logical paragraph by

18、putting some of the sentences together. Pay attention to the use of the -ing form.Activity 41Reacting rapidly in times of emergency Reacting rapidly in times of emergency is of urgent importance. 2Not hesitating for a single second, Not hesitating for a single second,Paul ran to help the victim. 3Ha

19、ving called the ambulance, Having called the ambulance,Paul began rescue breathing. 4I stopped his bleeding by I stopped his bleeding by pressing down on the wound with a piece of gauze. Make sentences with the following clues. Then try to form a logical paragraph by putting some of the sentences to

20、gether. Pay attention to the use of the -ing form.5When carrying out rescue breathing,. When carrying out rescue breathing,it is important to clear the victims mouth and tilt his head back.6Being educated on how to respond to life-threatening situations, . Being educated on how to respond to life-th

21、reatening situations,Paul was confident that he knew what to do.7The man was thankful for . The man was thankful for Pauls quick action in saving his life.Activity 4 Make sentences with the following clues. Then try to form a logical paragraph by putting some of the sentences together. Pay attention

22、 to the use of the -ing form.8It was an inspiring experience and I think in the future Ill keep It was an inspiring experience and I think in the future Ill keep learning new life-saving techniques. 9To learn more first-aid techniques, Im considering To learn more first-aid techniques,Im considering

23、 signing up for lessons at the Red Cross. 10 When I saw blood flowing out from his arm, I couldnt helpWhen I saw blood flowing out from his arm,I couldnt help but run to his aid. Activity 4 Make sentences with the following clues. Then try to form a logical paragraph by putting some of the sentences

24、 together. Pay attention to the use of the -ing form.The other day when Paul was walking in a park,he saw a young man lying face down in a pool of water. Being educated on how to respond to life-threatening situations,Paul was confident that he knew what to do. Not hesitating for a single second,Pau

25、l ran to help the victim. He pulled the man from the water and saw that he was no longer breathing. Having called the ambulance,Paul began rescue breathing. When carrying out rescue breathing,it is important to clear the victims mouth and tilt his head back. Paul continued doing this until the ambul

26、ance arrived. They were able to revive him. The man was thankful for Pauls quick action in saving his life. Reacting rapidly in times of emergency is of urgent importance.Activity 4Work in pairs and discuss the following questions.1What should people do when facing a frightening experience like Mrs

27、Taylors?When having a frightening experience like Mrs Taylors,people should try to get help,like she did. 2What are some risks that elderly people may encounter when living alone?When living alone,elderly people may fall or get injured,and not be able to help themselves or even call for help. Discus

28、sionWork in pairs and discuss the following questions.3What can we do to help prevent elderly people from taking unnecessary risks?To help prevent elderly people from taking unnecessary risks,we should make sure that their homes are easy to get around in,with handrails(扶手),(扶手), ramps(斜坡)(斜坡) instea

29、d of stairs,and even walking surfaces(人行道)(人行道). Discussion 单元语法单元语法 复习动词复习动词 -ing 形式形式1动词动词 -ing 形式的变化形式的变化 (以 do 为例) 主动式 被动式 否定式 一般式 doing being done not doing/being done 完成式 having done having been done not having been done(1)动词 -ing 形式的一般式:doing 表示动作与谓语动词的动作同时或几乎同时发生, 或表示一般情况。 During the rosy ye

30、ars of elementary school,I enjoyed sharing my dolls and jokes. 在小学的美好岁月里,我喜欢分享我的玩具和笑话。(2)动词 -ing 形式的完成式:having done 表示动作发生在谓语动词的动作之前。 Having returned from a long bike ride,I was tired and bathed in sweat. 骑自行车跑了很长一段路返回后,我身体疲惫,汗流浃背。(3)动词 -ing 形式的主动式表示它的逻辑主语是动作的执行者。 He insisted on participating in vol

31、untary work every week. 他坚持每周参加志愿活动。(4)动词 -ing 形式的被动式表示它的逻辑主语是动作的承受者。 He cant stand being blamed for others fault. 他忍受不了因为别人的过错而受责备。(5)动词 -ing 形式的复合结构 动词 -ing 形式加上自己的逻辑主语,便构成了动词 -ing 形式的复合结构。其逻辑 主语可以是形容词性物主代词、名词所有格、人称代词的宾格、名词普通格。 位于句首时,逻辑主语只能用形容词性物主代词或名词所有格。 Toms/His being outspoken won our respect.

32、汤姆的坦诚赢得了我们的尊敬。 We are looking forward to his/him/Toms/Tom coming to deliver a speech to us. 我们盼望着他 / 汤姆来给我们作演讲。指出下列句中动词指出下列句中动词 -ing 形式形式(1) As is often the case,nobody likes being laughed at in public. _(2) He is very kind and likes helping those who are in trouble. _(3) On seeing the rescue worker

33、s,they felt a sense of relief and tears flooded their eyes._(4) Not having received the helmet and boot,I telephoned the seller. _(5) Marys not passing the exam made her mother very angry. _单句语法填空单句语法填空(6)Every student was silent,(wait)to see who would be called upon to read his or her paragraph alo

34、ud.(7) (wait) in the rain for half an hour,the audience began to feel impatient.(8) (cause) great damage to the town,the rain stopped at last.(9)The car broke down on the way,(cause) the delay.(10)The old man insisted on (give)the night shift,saying he had no one to take care of.被动式主动式一般式完成式-ing 形式的

35、复合结构waitingHaving waitedHaving causedcausingbeing given2 动词动词 -ing 形式作主语形式作主语(1)位置 动词 -ing 形式作主语时通常有两种位置:一种是位于句首,另一种是 it 作形式主语, 而将动词 -ing 形式后置。 Building up a dream team is more complex than simply hiring the best talent. 建立一个梦想团队比简单地雇用最好的人才更复杂。 【学法点拨学法点拨】 单个的动词 -ing 形式作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 Having seen a l

36、ot of the world in ones youth is a good thing. 年轻时见过很多世面是一件好事。(2)常用动词 -ing 形式作主语的句型 It is a waste of time doing. 做是浪费时间。 It is no good/use doing. 做是没用的。 It is worthwhile doing. 做是值得的。 It is no fun doing. 做没有乐趣。 It is a waste of time arguing with him about the matter. 同他争辩这件事是浪费时间。 It is no good/use

37、regretting. 悔恨是没用的。 It is no use crying over spilt milk. 牛奶已洒,哭也白搭。(覆水难收。)(3)动词 -ing 形式和 to do 作主语时的区别 动词 -ing 形式作主语表示比较抽象的一般行为,而不定式作主语往往表示具体的或一次性 的动作。 Singing is my hobby,and to sing at the concert is my dream. 唱歌是我的爱好,在音乐会上唱歌是我的梦想。单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)(relearn) the art of seeing the world around us is q

38、uite simple,although it takes practice and requires breaking some bad habits.(2) As a chef,(study)Chinese cuisine is what he often does whether in work or at home.(3) Its a waste of time just (wait). We should engage ourselves in the search work.(4) (expose) to loud noise can do damage to your heari

39、ng.(5) (share) is also a way to cut down living expenses.完成句子完成句子(6) (怀疑他没有用). We need to find out some evidence.(7) (期待是没用的) the teacher to overlook your careless mistakes. RelearningstudyingwaitingBeing exposedSharingIt is no use suspecting himIt is no good expecting3 动词动词 -ing 形式作表语形式作表语(1)动词 -in

40、g 形式作表语表示抽象的、一般性的行为,用来说明主语的内容或者某种性质 或特征,表语和主语常可互换位置。 Her job is keeping the lecture hall as clean as possible. 她的工作是使演讲厅尽可能地干净。(2)动词 -ing 形式作表语,表示主语的某种性质和特征,这类动词 -ing 形式通常可以看作 形容词。 Bacteria are annoying for astronauts in space.细菌对于在太空的宇航员来说是很烦人的。 【误区警示误区警示】 动词 -ing 形式作表语表抽象的一般性的行为,而不定式作表语表一次具体的动作或将要

41、 发生的事。 Tonys hobby is drawing,but now what he wants to do is(to) dance. 托尼的爱好是画画,可是现在他想要做的是跳舞。单句语法填空单句语法填空(1) Judging from his look,the news was (shock).(2) The situation both at home and abroad is very(inspire).(3) One part of his work is (make)monthly advertising budgets.(4) One mistake you made i

42、s (ignore)the difference between the two findings.(5) Your task for the next few days is (read) the adaptation from the novel.shockinginspiringmakingignoringto read4 动词动词 -ing 形式作宾语形式作宾语 (1)作动词的宾语接动词 -ing 形式作宾语的常用动词(短语)有:avoid,miss,delay/put off 避免 错过 少延期advise/ suggest,finish,practise 建议 完成 多练习enjo

43、y,imagine,cant help 喜欢 想象 禁不住admit,deny,envy 承认 否定 与嫉妒escape,risk,excuse 逃避 冒险 莫原谅stand,keep,mind 忍受 保持 不介意 To avoid being noticed,he slipped into the room.为了不被注意到,他悄悄地溜进房间。 (2)作介词的宾语常用动词 -ing 形式作宾语的短语有:give up,dream of,be fond of,be concerned about,feel like,insist on,think of,set about 等。I dream o

44、f sailing around the world and leading a happy life.我梦想着环游世界,过上幸福的生活。【误区警示误区警示】下列短语中的 to 是介词,后应接动词 -ing 形式作宾语。be addicted to,be accustomed to,devote oneself to,be used to,look forward to,get down to,stick to,object to,pay attention to,lead to,contribute to【学法点拨学法点拨】(1) 动词-ing形式作宾语时,如果动作不是主语发出,则需加逻辑主

45、语。 Would you mind opening the window? 你介意打开窗户吗? Would you mind me/my /Tom/ Toms opening the window? 你介意我 / 汤姆打开窗户吗?(2) 当不强调动作先后时既可以用doing也可以用having done作宾语。 He admitted having referred /referring to his notes in the exam.他承认在考试中查阅了笔记。(3) 接动词 -ing 形式或 to do 作宾语时意义差别不大的动词有:begin,start,continue,like, l

46、ove,prefer,hate 等。 Statistics show that prices will continue rising/to rise. 统计数据显示,物价将持续上涨。(4) 接动词 -ing 形式或 to do 作宾语时意义差别较大的动词有: remember/forget to do sth. 记着 / 忘记要做某事 remember/forget doing sth. 记着 / 忘记做过某事 regret to do/ doing sth. 遗憾要做 / 后悔做了某事 try to do/ doing sth. 努力做 / 试着做某事 mean to do/ doing

47、sth. 打算做 / 意味着做某事 stop to do/ doing sth. 停下来去做(另一件事)/ 停止做某事 cant help(to) do/doing sth. 不能帮忙做 / 禁不住做某事 They stopped to have a look at the fantastic scenery. 他们停下来,看了看这美妙绝伦的风景。 They stopped working and had a rest. 他们停止工作,休息了一下(5) 动词 think/consider/find/feel/believe 后面可以用 it 作形式宾语,动词 -ing 形式作真正的宾语 Do

48、you consider it good trying again? 你觉得再试一次有用吗?(6) 动词 -ing 形式作介词宾语,介词可省略的短语有: spend time/money(in) doing be busy(in) doing prevent/stop sb.(from) doing have trouble/difficulty/a problem/a good time(in) doing The police had much difficulty(in)finding out the connection between the man and the case. 警方

49、颇费周折才查明这个人与该案的关联。(7) 主动形式表被动意义 need,require,want 作“需要”讲时,接动词 -ing 形式作宾语,表示被动含义, 相当于 to be done。 The room needs equipping /to be equipped with a video camera. 这个房间需要安装一台摄像机。单句语法填空单句语法填空(1) When it comes to (give) first aid,we should learn from this paramedic.(2) Some people believe that they cant hel

50、p(put)on weight as they get older.(3) Id advise (buy)your tickets well in advance if you want to travel in August.(4) He regretted (select)this mobile phone which cost him an arm and a leg.(5) Generally speaking,many companies prefer employing a skilled worker to(employ) a new graduate who has no pr


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