Unit 3 Food and Culturevocabulary(4) ppt课件 -(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册.pptx

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1、Vocabulary(4)Yao has a good personality, according to Foster, calling him likable, modest, honest, low key and clever.He quickly learned to understand and speak English pretty well, and he could make jokes. People liked him, Foster said.modest adj. 些许的些许的; 谦虚的谦虚的; 朴素朴素的的modestly adv. 谨慎地谨慎地;谦虚地1)You

2、 will suffer modest losses if you leave the company now.2)Parents told us that we would learn from others in a modest attitude.3)She is very modest about her success.4)He is very rich, and (yet) leads a modest life.Gu Ailings inexorable rise continues as Chinas teenage genius shows why she is set to

3、 be one of the biggest stars of Beijing 2022.After just three weeks of practicing the trick, Gu became the first woman to ever land a right double cork 1440 in any freeski competition to claim her first Big Air World Cup title at Steamboat Resort in Colorado on Dec 4.trick n. 诀窍诀窍; 计谋计谋; 把戏把戏play a

4、trick/tricks on戏弄戏弄; 捉弄捉弄; 对对恶作剧恶作剧; 诈骗诈骗play a joke/jokes on戏弄戏弄; 捉弄捉弄; 对对恶作剧恶作剧; 开开的玩笑的玩笑trick sb into doing骗骗某人做某人做trick sb out of sth 从某人处骗走某物从某人处骗走某物(1)John taught me _ opening a bottle of wine.约翰教会了我打开酒瓶盖的窍门约翰教会了我打开酒瓶盖的窍门。(2)The children loved to _ their teacher.这些孩子好跟他们的老师玩恶作剧这些孩子好跟他们的老师玩恶作剧。

5、(3)She _ me _ for her meal at the restaurant.她在饭馆里骗我替她付了饭钱她在饭馆里骗我替她付了饭钱。the trick ofplay tricks ontrickedinto paying Community workers answer questions about the system of peoples congresses in Jining, East Chinas Shandong province on Nov 29, 2021. The document, released earlier in November, provide

6、s overall guidance on the work of peoples congresses in the new era. It is of great significance to further modernize the system and capacity for state governance and gather wisdom and strength from various sectors to fully build a modern socialist country, said the official.overall adv. 总体上总体上; 大致上

7、大致上adj. 全面的全面的; 综合综合的的1. fantastic! I got an overall score of eight.好极了!我最后的总分考了8分2. In the United States Open final, Graf retained overall supremacy.在美国网球公开赛决赛中,格拉芙始终保持优势。3. Overall, there were more losers than gainers.总的说来,失败者要比得胜者多。4. Germanys Jan Ullrich finished well behind and stands eightieth

8、 overall.德国的扬乌尔里希远远落在后面,最终在所有参赛者中排名第八十位。5. My results were quite good overall.我的成绩总体上相当不错。 consume vt. 吃;喝;饮;吃;喝;饮; 消耗消耗consumer n. 消费者消费者, 顾客顾客consumption n. 消费;消耗消费;消耗be consumed with sth. (某种情绪或念头某种情绪或念头)充满充满(内心内心)翻译翻译句子。句子。1) We consume less meat, choosing green food. _2) He consumed much of his

9、 time each day in studying. _3) Tom is a person consumed with ambition. _我们少吃肉,选择绿色食物。我们少吃肉,选择绿色食物。他每天耗费很多时间在学习上。他每天耗费很多时间在学习上。汤姆是一个满怀抱负的人。汤姆是一个满怀抱负的人。On the other hand, it does tell us a lot about Americans. on the other hand 另一方面,反过来说另一方面,反过来说 on the other hand 可与可与on the one hand (一方面一方面)并列使用并列使用

10、, 也可单独使用。也可单独使用。 on the one handon the other hand; for one thing for another (thing)on the one handon the other hand “一方面一方面,另一方面,另一方面”,常用来表述一,常用来表述一个事物的两个方面,通常用于引出不同的,尤个事物的两个方面,通常用于引出不同的,尤其对立的观点、思想等。其对立的观点、思想等。for one thing for another (thing)“首先首先,再者,再者”,所述两个方面的情况,所述两个方面的情况常常一致。常常一致。本句使用助动词本句使用助动词

11、does来强调谓语动词。此用法常用于一般现在时或一般过来强调谓语动词。此用法常用于一般现在时或一般过去时的肯定句中。去时的肯定句中。do/does/did 表强调表强调 结构:结构:主语主语+ do/does/did+谓语谓语eg I do hope you will pass the exam. 我真的希望你能通过这次考试。我真的希望你能通过这次考试。在祈使句中用在祈使句中用 “do+动词原形动词原形” 形式时,往往不表示命令,而表示强烈的请形式时,往往不表示命令,而表示强烈的请求,有时表达更加委婉的语气。求,有时表达更加委婉的语气。eg Do come in and sit down. 请

12、快进来坐下。请快进来坐下。用来加强句子语气的其他常见表达方式用来加强句子语气的其他常见表达方式:1) It is/was +被强调部分被强调部分+that+其他部分。其他部分。如果被强调部分指人,可用如果被强调部分指人,可用who代替代替that。该句型可强调主语、宾语、状语等,但不能强调谓语。该句型可强调主语、宾语、状语等,但不能强调谓语。2) 倒装句式(把谓语或部分谓语提前)。倒装句式(把谓语或部分谓语提前)。【语境应用语境应用】语法填空语法填空1) She _(do) come but soon went back. 2)The little boy _(do) grow crazy a

13、bout everything to do with nature.3)It was when I got back to my apartment _ I first came across my new neighbors.did doesthat be up to sb. to do sth. 由某人决定做某事 It is up to you to eat at home or outside. 由你决定是在家吃还是在外面吃。 【归纳拓展归纳拓展】 up to 达到,至多(后面常接数字);从事,忙于;(时间上)一直到 up to sb. 由某人决定,由某人负责up to sth. 胜任某

14、事,适合(做)某事 up to now 到目前为止 up to date 最新的;新式的 Up to two hundred people were on board the ship. 有将近200 人搭乘了这艘船。 You can pay weekly or monthlyit is up to you. 你可以每周或者每月付一次款,这由你自己决定。 He is not up to the post of manager assistant. 他不能胜任经理助理这一职位。词汇复现 Up to now nobody has claimed the suitcase. 到现在还没有人认领这个行

15、李箱。 单句语法填空单句语法填空 (1)词汇复现It is up you to settle the prior misunderstanding between us. (2)It is up to the travel companies (warn)customers of any possible dangers. (3)Up to now,the program (save) thousands of children who would otherwise have died. 完成句子完成句子 (4) (这要由经理最后作出) the final decision. (5)The

16、children are very quiet. I wonder (他们在搞什么鬼). (6)词汇复现Hes not (胜任) the job of chef. toto warnhas savedIts up to the manager to makewhat theyre up toup to读后续写套用模板读后续写套用模板一、套用一、套用模板模板1. 情绪-情绪描写。从原材料中体会作者相应情绪,借助情绪的延续,以此为衔接,续写。2. 细节-进一步描述。3. 转折-个人的努力或者借助外界的力量,使事情发生转折。4. 转机-事情似乎有了转机,让人抱有希望,心理能感到安慰。5. 失望-问题

17、仍然没有解决或者又出现了新的问题。6. 想法-面对没有解决的问题或者新问题,突然有了想法或感触。7. 结局-在想法或感触的影响下,事情有了最后的转折/转机。8. 点题-呼应前文二、套用二、套用词汇词汇1. 情绪描写2.细节描写:哭: howling(嚎哭), sob, weep, burst into tears, burst out crying. (ones eyes) brim with/be filled with tears怕: horror, frightened, scared, speechless, in(a)panic, in a cold sweat, be filled

18、 with terror, rooted to the spot, freeze, ones knees feel weak, (hands)sweat高兴、激动:(动词)dance, jump/leap with joy, feel a surge of joy/ excitement, whistle, overcome with happiness/ delight /joy / excitement, (ones eyes) twinkle,(ones heart) beat/ pound wildly;(形容词)delighted, overjoyed, excited, thril

19、led, wild with joy伤心、痛苦: feel a surge of sadness, (sadness) surge within sb. , ones heart ache, overcome with sadness生气、愤怒:felt/ get angry/furious, feel a surge of anger/rage/fury, eyes blaze, storm out of/into/off, storm/say angrily, sth. makes sb. s blood boil, sth. makes sb. extremely angry, clas

20、p ones fists/teeth, sb. s blood is up3. 转折:个人努力或借助外界鼓起勇气:pluck up/take/gather/summon up ones courage毫不犹豫:without even thinking, without delay, without hesitation, without a second thought4. 转机:事情似乎有了转机,并抱有希望,感到欣慰似乎:as if, seemingly, appear, seem欣慰:breath a sigh of relief, sigh with relief, to ones r

21、elief5. 失望:但是问题还未解决或出现了新问题:徒劳 : in vain, no use, without success茫然 : at a loss, at sea, blankly, be lost in a fog6. 想法:突然有了一个想法(一句话说明这个想法)occur to, hit, strike, flash into ones mind, crowd in ones mind, dawn on7. 结局:过段时间,事情有了最后的转折:过了一段时间not long, shortly afterwards, before long, for an instant/momen

22、t令人惊讶的是 to ones surprise, strangely enough8.总结:点题,呼应前文realize, echo, linger, whisper in ones mind, down deep in ones heart三、套用三、套用句子句子哭:1. A lump came to his throat.2. Her eyes were red from crying.3. Her eyes brimmed with tears.4. Tears coursed/trickled/streamed/ran down her cheeks.害怕:1. She was to

23、o frightened to tell her family what had happened.2. His heart was pounding, as if he were frightened.3. Liza was so frightened that she couldnt make a sound.4. I bowed my head timidly and dared not look at my fathers cloudy face.5. My brain is blank. I just want to leave this horrible place.高兴、激动:1

24、. When she knew. . .she felt excited/thrilled.2. When she knew. . .her eyes twinkled with excitement.3. When she knew. . . her heart was pounding with wild joy.4. When she knew. . .a wild excitement took hold of her.5. Knowing.she felt a surge of excitement.伤心、痛苦:1. A sadness came over her.2. Her he

25、art ached, tears streaming down her cheeks.3. Numb with grief, she became speechless.4. Feeling a surge of sadness, she couldnt help crying bitterly.5. Sadness surging within her, she burst into tears.生气、愤怒:1. Sam stood rooted to the spot, his eyes blazing with anger.2. He felt so angry that he stor

26、med out of the room, slamming the door furiously behind him.3. Boiling with rage, he shook his fist at me.4. Filled with fury, she was unable to utter a single word.转折:个人努力或借助外界鼓起勇气:1. He summoned up his courage and lodged a protest with his father.2. I finally plucked up the courage to ask her for.

27、 .毫不犹豫:1. She could hardly wait to. . .2. Hardly thinking/Without even thinking, he ran to. . .转机:事情似乎有了转机,并抱有希望,感到欣慰1. It seemed as if/that someone was coming to save us.2. Oftentimes our tears of remorse reveal a glimmer of hope.3. A wave of relief flooded through me. . .4. A wave of relief washed

28、 over him. . .1.ltsuddlyoccur1失望:但是问题还未解决或出现了新问题1. But bad luck for me, I failed in my attempt to persuade her.2. She closed her eyes tightly in a vain attempt to hold back the tears.3. All our efforts were in vain.4. She kept pacing, wondering what to do next.5. With tears streaming down her face,

29、she didnt know what to do next.6. With tears streaming down her face, she was unsure of what to do next.7. She was at a loss what to do.8. He was in a dilemma about whether to do or not.想法:突然有了一个想法1. It suddenly occurred to him that.2. It hit me that I had a choice.3. A thought struck her that. . .4

30、. It dawned that. . .5. An idea occurred/came to me that6. A ludicrous thought/idea flashed/came through Harrys mind.结局:过段时间,事情有了最后的转折1. It didnt take long before. . .2. It took some time before. . .3. To my surprise enough, it turned out that.总结:点题,呼应前文直到意识到倒装句:Not until+时间状语did sb. realize/notice

31、that+从句强调句:It was only+时间状语that sb. realized that+从句还记得某人的话:1. Ones words echoed/rang out in ones ears.2. Ones words/voice/lingered/whispered in ones mind/head3. Ones head was still full of. . .经历与教训1. What a/an valuable/useful/great/painful lesson she taught me/I learned from her!2. What a/an enjoy

32、able/pleasant/wonderful/unforgettable/memorable/valuable experience I had!3. Down deep in my heart, it was an interesting experience I had ever had. 综合练习一、在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1. There has been a _ (consist) improvement in her attitude.2. The results are entirely consistent _ our earlier researc

33、h.3. We have argued _ (consist) for a change in the law.4. China is a huge market of _,and large groups of_usually _too much food and water.(consume).consistentwithconsistentlyconsumptionconsumersconsume5. They have maintained a close association _ a college.with6. Water is fundamental _ survival.7.

34、 The two approaches are _ (fundamental) different.8.9. Good hygiene can help _ (minimum) the risk of infection.10. Generally speaking,roses_(associate) with romance.11. We were tricked _ buying a poor car which made me very upset.tofundamentally All the arrangements should be completed prior_ your d

35、eparture. tominimizeare associatedinto12. The water supply has been cut _ temporarily because the workers are repairing one of the main pipes. in13was extremely inspired by the _ (elegance)way the words sounded.14Most are also equipped with automatic fire alarm systems _ (consist) of heat detectors, smoke detectors and sprinklers.elegantconsisting15.At the age of five he showed _ (exception) talent as a musician.16.The boxes belonging to him were stuffed _ books.17.I protested,but she carried on _ (regard)exceptionalwithregardlessThank you


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