
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:2781943 上传时间:2022-05-25 格式:PPT 页数:32 大小:1.16MB
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1、Lesson 66Sweet as honey!honey单词学习单词学习Lancaster bomber remote Pacific damage wreck rediscover aerial survey rescue package enthusiast restore imagine packing case colony bee hivepreserve beeswax n. 兰开斯特兰开斯特n. 轰炸机轰炸机adj. 偏僻的偏僻的n. 太平洋太平洋v. 毁坏毁坏n. 残骸残骸v. 重新发现重新发现adj. 航空的航空的n. 调查调查v. 营救(营救(save)v. 把把打包打包

2、n. 热心人热心人v. 修复(修并且复原修复(修并且复原,如对艺术品的修复)如对艺术品的修复)v. 想像想像包装箱包装箱n. 群群n. 蜂蜂n. 蜂房蜂房v. 保护保护n. 蜂蜡蜂蜡Lancaster of the USAWhat wassweet as honey and why?The fourth engine was as sweet as honey because it was preserved in beeswax.课文讲解课文讲解 In 1963 a Lancaster bomber crashed on Wallis Island, a remote place in th

3、e South Pacific, a long way west of Samoa. The plane wasnt too badly damaged, but over the years, the crash was forgotten and the wreck remained undisturbed. Then in 1989, twenty-six years after the crash, the plane was accidentally rediscovered in an aerial survey of the island. By this time, a Lan

4、caster bomber in reasonable condition was rare and worth rescuing. The French authorities had the plane packaged and moved in parts back to France. Now a group of enthusiasts are going to have the plane restored. It has four Rolls-Royce Merlin engines, but the group will need to have only three of t

5、hem rebuilt. Imagine their surprise and delight when they broke open the packing cases and found that the fourth engine was sweet as honey - still in perfect condition. A colony of bees had turned the engine into a hive and it was totally preserved in beeswax!bomber n. 轰炸机轰炸机, 炸弹手炸弹手, 轰炸员轰炸员, 投弹手投弹手

6、 这个港口曾被德国轰炸机袭击过。这个港口曾被德国轰炸机袭击过。 The port has been attacked by German bombers. bomb n. 炸弹炸弹 不知道谁放的炸弹。不知道谁放的炸弹。 Its not known who planted the bomb a time bomb 定时炸弹定时炸弹 an atomic bomb 原子弹原子弹 a bomblet 小炸弹小炸弹 -let表示表示“小的小的” F-15型战斗机F-117“夜鹰”轰炸机四机编队F22隐形战斗机B - 2轰炸机remote (1) adj. 偏僻的,偏远的偏僻的,偏远的 遥远的村庄遥远的村

7、庄 remote village 他的理论有点脱离现实。他的理论有点脱离现实。 His theories are somewhat remote from reality. lonely adj. 偏僻的偏僻的(孤零零的孤零零的) (2) adj. 时间上久远的,遥远的时间上久远的,遥远的 in the remote past 在遥远的过去在遥远的过去 in the remote future 在遥远的将来在遥远的将来 damage 1) n. u 损坏、破坏损坏、破坏 damage to the car 对车辆造成的损坏对车辆造成的损坏 2) vt. 损伤,加害于,损害名誉损伤,加害于,损害

8、名誉 吸烟会损害你的健康。吸烟会损害你的健康。 Smoking can damage your health. 这座桥被洪水严重损坏了。这座桥被洪水严重损坏了。 The bridge was badly damaged by the flood. spoil 损坏、破坏损坏、破坏从情绪上去破坏从情绪上去破坏 damage 造成损坏,造成伤害造成损坏,造成伤害可恢复可恢复 destroy 毁坏、毁灭毁坏、毁灭无法修复无法修复 wreck rek n. 残骸残骸 1)n. 遇难的船,失事船的残骸遇难的船,失事船的残骸 许多失事船只的残骸被冲上岸了。许多失事船只的残骸被冲上岸了。 Lots of w

9、recks were washed up on the shore. 2)n. 残骸(撞毁的车辆,飞机,毁坏的房屋)残骸(撞毁的车辆,飞机,毁坏的房屋) 地震后我的房子只剩下废墟一片了。地震后我的房子只剩下废墟一片了。 My house was a worthless wreck after the earthquake. wreck 撞毁的车辆,飞机残骸,毁坏的房屋撞毁的车辆,飞机残骸,毁坏的房屋 remains 建筑物的遗址建筑物的遗址 (人或动物的)遗体,尸体,残骸(人或动物的)遗体,尸体,残骸 rediscover v. 重新发现重新发现 re- 表示表示“又、再又、再”的概念的概念

10、discover vt. 发现发现 我在抽屉里找到了一封未拆开的信我在抽屉里找到了一封未拆开的信 I discovered an unopened letter in the drawer. 我很快发现了真相。我很快发现了真相。 I soon discovered the truth. discover + that/wh-(宾语从句)(宾语从句) 我发现她是个好厨师。我发现她是个好厨师。 I discovered that she was a good cook. 我们没法查清他是怎么死的。我们没法查清他是怎么死的。 We never discovered how he died. Surv

11、ey 1)n. 调查;测量,实地勘察调查;测量,实地勘察 a public opinion survey 民意测验民意测验 2)v. =investigate 详细调查;测量,勘察详细调查;测量,勘察 我们调查了我们调查了500名家庭妇女,其中有名家庭妇女,其中有10%使用使用洗碗机。洗碗机。 We surveyed 500 housewives; 10 percent of them use dishwashers. rescue v. 营救营救 1)v. 挽救,解救(通常是从危险情况中)挽救,解救(通常是从危险情况中) 消防员从着火的房子里救出了一个婴儿消防员从着火的房子里救出了一个婴儿

12、The firemen rescued a baby from the burning house. 2) n. 挽救挽救 Come/go to a persons rescue 去营救某人。去营救某人。 (近义词)(近义词)save 1) v. 挽救,拯救,搭救挽救,拯救,搭救 他从水中救起了他的孩子。他从水中救起了他的孩子。 He saved his child from drowning. 2) v. 储存(金钱,体力);储蓄,保留储存(金钱,体力);储蓄,保留 他存钱是为了买自行车。他存钱是为了买自行车。 He is saving his money to buy a bicycle.

13、 package 1) n. 包包 我把包撕开了。我把包撕开了。 I tore open the package.2)vt 将(某物)包装,将将(某物)包装,将打包(为了出售)打包(为了出售) 他们把老鼠包在一个漂亮的盒子里并送给了他们把老鼠包在一个漂亮的盒子里并送给了老师。老师。 They packaged the mouse in a beautiful box and sent it to their teacher. enthusiast n. 热心人热心人 enthusiasm n. u 热心,热情,热忱热心,热情,热忱 学英语需要热情、勤奋及好方法。学英语需要热情、勤奋及好方法。

14、Learning English needs enthusiasm, diligence and good methods. 他对个人电脑很热衷他对个人电脑很热衷 He has great enthusiasm for computer. enthusiastic adj. 热情的,热心的热情的,热心的 他对我们的问题知之甚少,但却很热心。他对我们的问题知之甚少,但却很热心。 He knew little about our trouble, but was very enthusiastic. restore 1) v. 重建,修复(建筑、艺术品等),恢复原重建,修复(建筑、艺术品等),恢复

15、原状(恢复健康)状(恢复健康) restore ones health 恢复健康恢复健康 restore ones confidence 恢复信心恢复信心 2)v. 恢复原职恢复原职 (restore sb. to ) 公司恢复了他原来的工作。公司恢复了他原来的工作。 The company restored him to his former job. imagine 1) v. 想象(不可用于进行时)想象(不可用于进行时) 你能想象没有电的生活吗?你能想象没有电的生活吗? Can you imagine life without electricity? imageine doing st

16、h. 他想拥有一间有花园的大房子。他想拥有一间有花园的大房子。 He imagined owning a big house with a beautiful garden. 想象一下你正在哈佛大学学习。想象一下你正在哈佛大学学习。 Imagine that you are studying in Harvard University. 2)v. 想想,推测,推测 你能猜到他在干什么吗?你能猜到他在干什么吗? Can you imagine what he is doing? Just imagine it! 想想看!想想看! imagination n. 想象,想象力想象,想象力 运用你的想

17、象力。运用你的想象力。 Use your imagination. colony 1)n. 群(生长在同一地方的动物或植物)群(生长在同一地方的动物或植物) 蚁群蚁群 a colony of ants 蜂群蜂群 a colony of bees 2)n. 殖民地殖民地 澳大利亚过去是英国的殖民地。澳大利亚过去是英国的殖民地。 Australia used to be a colony of Britain. bee n. 蜂蜂 bee-keeper n. 养蜂人养蜂人 很忙很忙 as busy as a bee beeswax n. 蜂蜡蜂蜡 bees + wax wax 1) n. 蜡蜡 加

18、热的时候蜡可以很容易地融化掉。加热的时候蜡可以很容易地融化掉。 Wax can be easily melted by heat. 2) adj. 蜡制的蜡制的 a wax candle 蜡烛蜡烛 a wax doll 蜡人蜡人 3)vt. 打蜡于打蜡于 wax a car 给汽车打蜡给汽车打蜡 preserve v. 保护,保存保护,保存(经过特殊手段而保存下来经过特殊手段而保存下来) 果脯果脯 preserved fruit 腊肉腊肉 preserved meat 豆腐乳豆腐乳 preserved bean curdPacific n. 太平洋Its name is derived fro

19、m the Latin name, “peaceful sea”by the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan. 麦哲伦l peaceful or loving peace 平静的;和平的;爱和平的We are pacific people.The night is pacific.Asia Pacific Economic CooperationNorth Atlantic Treaty OrganizationAPEC亚太经济合作组织NATO北大西洋公约组织Arctic ocean AtlanticIndian oceanPacificAsiaE

20、uropeAfricaNorth AmericaPacificSouth AmericaOceaniaAntarcticaIn 1963 a Lancaster bomber crashed on Wallis Island, a remote place in the South Pacific, a long way west of Samoa. crash n. (飞机的)坠毁,迫降(飞机的)坠毁,迫降 所有乘客在飞机坠毁中都丧生了。所有乘客在飞机坠毁中都丧生了。 All the passengers were killed in the plane crash. v. (飞机)坠毁;(

21、汽车)冲撞,使冲撞(飞机)坠毁;(汽车)冲撞,使冲撞 飞机在山区坠毁了。飞机在山区坠毁了。 The plane crashed in the mountains. 他的车撞到墙上去了他的车撞到墙上去了 He crashed his car into the wall. west ofto the west of 在英文中跟方位感相连的介词有三个在英文中跟方位感相连的介词有三个in, on, to in 隶属关系隶属关系 哈尔滨在中国北部哈尔滨在中国北部 Harbins in the north of China. on是指跟一个地方有接触面是指跟一个地方有接触面 韩国在中国北部韩国在中国北部

22、Korea is on the north of China. to是相离的概念是相离的概念 日本在中国东部日本在中国东部 Japan is to the east of China. The plane wasnt too badly damaged, but over the years, the crash was forgotten and the wreck remained undisturbed. over the years 这些年来这些年来 over 在在期间期间/之中(相当于之中(相当于during) 在新年期间在新年期间 over the new year 在圣诞期间,我

23、们的总经理在中国在圣诞期间,我们的总经理在中国 Our GM stays in China over the Christmas. 在过去的两年里,他工作的非常努力。在过去的两年里,他工作的非常努力。 He worked very hard over the last two years. remain+adj. 保持某种状态保持某种状态 房间还是那么暖和房间还是那么暖和 The room remained warm. Then in 1989, twenty-six years after the crash, the plane was accidentally rediscovered

24、in an aerial survey of the island. accidentally =by chance/ by accident 苹果碰巧掉在鲍比的头上。苹果碰巧掉在鲍比的头上。 The apple fell on Bobbys head by chance/accidentally/by accident By this time, a Lancaster bomber in reasonable condition was rare and worth rescuing. by this time 到这时到这时 In condition 处于处于状态状态 in reasona

25、ble conditionin good condition 状态不好状态不好 in poor confition reasonable在这里表示在这里表示“尚好的,过得去的尚好的,过得去的”,用于,用于表示价钱时,指表示价钱时,指“公道的,合理的,不贵的公道的,合理的,不贵的”等等 这裙子的价格还行。这裙子的价格还行。 The price of the dress is reasonable. be worth doing sth. 值得值得,具有,具有的价值的价值 这几本书值得一读这几本书值得一读 These books are worth reading. The French auth

26、orities had the plane packaged and moved in parts back to France. have sth. done 让别人做某事让别人做某事 in parts =little by little 一部分一部分一部分一部分 Now a group of enthusiasts are going to have the plane restored. It has four Rolls-Royce Merlin engines, but the group will need to have only three of them rebuilt. I

27、magine their surprise and delight when they broke open the packing cases and found that the fourth engine was sweet as honey - still in perfect condition. 想象一下当中华人民共和国建立的时候他们想象一下当中华人民共和国建立的时候他们有多兴奋和喜悦。有多兴奋和喜悦。 Imagine their excitement and delight when the Peoples Republic of China was founded. 在固定短语中在固定短语中asas中的第一个中的第一个as可省略可省略 他像马一样健壮他像马一样健壮 He is stong as horse A colony of bees had turned the engine into a hive and it was totally preserved in beeswax! turninto 把把变成变成 当足够冷的时候,谁就会变成冰当足够冷的时候,谁就会变成冰 When it is cold enough, water will turn into ice.


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