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1、Unit 1Text A Roles of International organizations in the Global EconomyText B Story of the International Chamber of Commerce1ppt课件1.background information (business knowledge ,words and phrases)2.words presentation (prefixes )3. structure4. understand the whole text by analyzing the long sentences a

2、nd answering questions.5.how to guess words .2ppt课件Background information3ppt课件Globalization4ppt课件Questions for your thinkingWhat will come to your mind, when globalization is mentioned?From the perspective of word-formation,Can you give some examples of globalization? Or What has globalization brou

3、ght to our life?5ppt课件Is this an impact of globalization on our daily life?sitting and eating in a KFC, a Mcdonalds or to have a coffee leisurely in a Starbuck?A product of a wide selection of origins?Little Tikes toys made in China? reaching a friend at the other side of the world within seconds by

4、 phone or a emailthe quick spread of SARS and other epidemics?the sending of peace corps to war-areas in the other parts of the world?Toyota outsources its auto parts to U.S manufacturers.6ppt课件then, what is globalization?7ppt课件 Globalization (or globalisation) describes the process by which regiona

5、l economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a global network of political ideas through communication, transportation, and trade. The term is most closely associated with the term economic globalization: the integration of national economies into the international economy thr

6、ough trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows and the spread of technologyglobalizationeconomic globalization8ppt课件international organizations9ppt课件Discuss the following questions with your classmates based on your own knowledge and beliefs.(5mins)What is the relationship between globalizatio

7、n and international organizations?What are international organizations?10ppt课件Can you recognize these organizations?UNWTOIMFAIIBADB RC11ppt课件Types of international organizationsIntergovernmental Organizations (IGOs), formed by states international Nongovernmental Organizations (INGOs), members are i

8、ndividuals, companies, or associations, non-profit.Multinational Corporations (MNCs), for-profit enterprises that operate in several countries. 12ppt课件IGOsUN (United Nations)IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency IMF International Monetary Fund World Bank World Bank Group ASEAN Association of South

9、east Asian NationsCE Council of Europe 欧洲理事会EU European Union NATO North Atlantic Treaty OrganizationOECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and DevelopmentOPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting CountriesWTO World Trade Organization13ppt课件NGOsICC International Chamber of Commerce 国际商会IOC Intern

10、ational Olympic Committee 国际奥林匹克委员会ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross 14ppt课件MNCsMicrosoftCiscoSunOracleCoca-colaMcDonaldsNestle雀巢Johnson &JohnsonExxon 埃克森石油公司Sony, GE 美国通用电器公司15ppt课件Other standards for classification:a) on the subject of activity - political, economic, credit and financi

11、al, on trade, health, etc.; b) in the range of participants - the universal (ie, for all of the UN) and regional (Organization of African Unity); c) the order of admission of new members - open or closed; d) in the sphere of activity - with the general (UN) or special competence (UPU 万国邮政联盟); 16ppt课

12、件Words and phrasesGlobalization全球化 economic growth经济增长Booming or slumping of economic growth经济增长的快慢exchange stability汇率稳定economic stagnation经济停滞economic recession经济衰退geographical disparities地域差异Sustainable development可持续性发展17ppt课件Poverty cycle贫穷循环make credit 放贷balance of payments国际收支平衡表Contraction i

13、n aggregate demand 总需求收缩GDP: 国内生产总值Macroeconomic policies宏观经济政策Infrastructure基础设施18ppt课件Finance(财政、金融)Financial flows(资金流,金融流量)analysis, risk, crisisMonetary 货币的,财政的Fund基金trade barrierobstacles贸易壁垒19ppt课件Trade preference Trade preference 贸易优惠优惠贸易安排(Preferential Trade Arrangements),是经济一体化较低级和松散的一种形式,

14、是指在实行优惠贸易安排的成员国间,通过协议或其他形式,对全部商品或部分商品规定特别的优惠关税。 QuotaQuotaA maximum amount or number of things allowed. 对一种商品每年能够进口或出口的数量所施加的限制。配额,我国的配额分为进口配额和出口配额。进口配额进口配额,是指进口国对某些产品的进口价格或数量设定的限制,其目的是保护国内生产商免受低价格进口产品保护国内生产商免受低价格进口产品的影响的影响。出口配额出口配额,是指出口国对某些产品出口施加的数量限制,其目的是保护保护国内生产者和消费者免受这些产品临时短缺国内生产者和消费者免受这些产品临时短缺的

15、影响,或者通过减少特定产品的供应量来提高其国际市场价格提高其国际市场价格。20ppt课件Tariff & BarrierTariff :an amount that must be paid when particular goods are imported into a country or occasionally when they are exported.Barrier: is something such as a rule, law, or policy that makes it difficult or impossible for something to happen

16、or be achieved 关税壁垒关税壁垒(Tariff Barriers)(Tariff Barriers)是指用征收高额进口税和各种进口附加税征收高额进口税和各种进口附加税的办法,以限制和以限制和阻止外国商品阻止外国商品进口的一种手段。贸易壁垒的一种。 这可以提高进口商品的成本从而削弱其竞争能力,起到保护国内生产和国内市场保护国内生产和国内市场的作用。它还是在贸易谈判中迫使对方妥协让步的重要手段。世界贸易组织对其极力反对,并通过谈判将其大幅削减。 非非关税关税壁垒(壁垒(Non-tariff barrierNon-tariff barrier),),又称非关税贸易壁垒,指一国政府采取除

17、关税以外除关税以外的各种办法,对本国的对外贸易活动进行调节、管理和控制的一切政策与手段的总和,其目的是试图在一定程度上限制进口限制进口,以保护国内市场和国内产业以保护国内市场和国内产业的发展。非关税壁垒大致可以分为直接的和间接的两大类:前者是由海关直接对进口商品的数量、品种加以限制,其主要措施有:进口限额制、进口许可证制、“自动”出口限额制、出口许可证制等;后者是指进口国对进口商品制订严格的条例和标准,间接地限制商品进口,如进口押金制、苛刻的技术标准和卫生检验规定等。 21ppt课件Read the text quickly, and finish the following question

18、s.1. what is globalization?2. whats the relationship between globalization and international organization?3. whats the role of international organizations? 22ppt课件Answers:1. Globalization is the actual movement or potential to move across borders of nations in areas of trade, investment, technology,

19、 finance and labor.2. International organizations are the result of globalization.3. The role is to promote policy coordination amongst countries and attempt to provide rules for trade and investment transactions and a forum for discussion trade-related issues.23ppt课件Prefixes(前缀):1. Dis, apart, away

20、, not 离开,否定( Disadvantage, )disparity, discontent, discourage, disable, disagree, disappear, disintegrate, disapprove2. de down, downward, apart, away 降低、分离、除去( deregulate )Deform, decode, deface, degrade, decrease, deflation, deficit,defrost3. non, not 非 nonmemberNonaggression, nonstop, nondiscrimi

21、nation, nontariff, 24ppt课件4. en 使进入某种状态,使成为 ( enforce ) enclose, encourage, enlarge, enlighten, enable, enlist, enrich, 5.multi many multilateral negotiations, tradingMultimedia, purpose, cultural, color, channel, lingual 6.trans across Transplant, transport, transaction, translate, transparent 7. i

22、nter between, among Interchange, interact, interplay 25ppt课件Analyze some sentencesP.4 The WTO also exists in order to provide non-discrimination between member countries, liberalization of trade which involved the removal of all tariff and non-tariff barriers, stability of trading relations where WT

23、O mechanisms are set up to discuss and solve trade disputes between countries, and transparency of trade agreements, where trade preferences between countries are scrutinized and discussed in the WTO forum thereby reducing corruption. The WTO also exists in order to provide non-discrimination betwee

24、n member countries, liberalization of trade which involved the removal of all tariff and non-tariff barriers, stability of trading relations where WTO mechanisms are set up to discuss and solve trade disputes between countries, and transparency of trade agreements, where trade preferences between co

25、untries are scrutinized and discussed in the WTO forum thereby reducing corruption. 26ppt课件P7. Without the IMF, poorer countries will find themselves without assistance, and at a point where they cannot achieve economic growth, poorer areas within the country will be stagnating, and contrasting to t

26、he growing richer economies and richer areas, it will result in greater geographical disparities both within and between countries due to the poverty cycle.27ppt课件p10Similar to the IMF it exists in order to ensure that all countries benefit from globalization, and to make sure that countries that ar

27、e disadvantageous from lack of economic development, achieve economic growth that will in turn benefit the global community.28ppt课件p13For example if oil prices were increased, the cost of production for many goods would rise, which will in turn lead to decrease in demand as suppliers raise their pri

28、ces to compensate.29ppt课件Questions for you to thinkBased on the text, please find out the followings are True or False?1.When countries have difficulties in organizing trade policies, globalization would be a struggling process.2.the World Banks role is to help developing countries to achieve a sust

29、ainable development.3.with OPECs adjustment of oil prices, the world economy can increase very fast.4.half of the worlds GDP is contributed by G7.5. G7 is established to offer help to all the countries.6. In fact, the national organizations benefits developed countries more than developing countries

30、. 30ppt课件homeworkRead some materials about globalization and international organizations31ppt课件Answers to exercises:International Monetary FundAsia Pacific Economic CooperationWorld BankOrganization for Economic Cooperation and DevelopmentWorld Trade OrganizationOrganization of the Petroleum Exporting CountriesGroup of SevenInternational Chamber of CommerceEuropean UnionNorth American Free Trade Agreement32ppt课件


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