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1、.1新编英语教程上海外语教育出版社 第六册.2Concept of Teaching: Teaching is the establishment of an environment for effective learning Roles of teacher : planner, manager (controller, director, conductor, instructor), prompter, presenter, resource, consultant, participant, diagnostician, assessor, etc; Roles of student

2、s: previously as passive recipients; multiple roles: participant, interactor or negotiator, resource or assessor;.3Course Description: Beyond reading comprehension: Analysis and application of what has been learned: speaking, writing and translation; Development of critical thinking; Aspects of lear

3、ning: Theme, Purpose of writing, Point of view, Style, Structure, Rhetorical features, Diction, Translation (either for checking comprehension or developing translation skill); .4OBJECTIVES FOR EACH LESSON General Idea and massage of the text; Purpose of writing and Background information; Writers o

4、pinion and tone of the passage; Outline or structure of the text; Linguistic strategies involved; Style and rhetorical techniques; CF: Purpose of the course (Xiamen University) Develop an overall proficiency in four skills Develop critical ability in reading texts Reinforce grammatical competence. .

5、5FORMAT OF TEACHING: Pre-reading Activities: Brainstorming or pre-reading questions and discussions for warming up; Comprehension and Analysis: Questions and answers for checking understanding; Analysis of some style and rhetorical techniques involved; Translation of some difficult expressions or se

6、ntences to check and enhance comprehension; Post reading Activities: Comments on the passage orally or in writing; Exercises in Workbook; Writing short passage of the similar style or theme;.6Teaching setup and requirements a a. Six class hours per unit. Six class hours per unitb b. Lecture + worksh

7、op+ seminar. Lecture + workshop+ seminarc c. Pre-class review required. Pre-class review requiredd d. Exercises (completed on individual . Exercises (completed on individual basis, selected for discussion)basis, selected for discussion)e e.Text II included in exams.Text II included in examsCourse ev

8、aluation:a. 60-70% coverage of text- or exercises-related samples;b.TEM-8 - related material for Juniors;.7CONTENTS UNIT TWO Text I The fine Art of Putting Things Off Text II Gossip UNIT THREEText I Walls and Barriers Text II Barrier Signals UNIT SIXText I Dull Work Text II Doing Chores UNIT SEVEN T

9、ext I Beauty Text II Sexism in English: A Feminist View UNIT EIGHTText I Appetite Text II Wanting an Orange UNIT NINEText I A Red Light for Scofflaws Text II Trust UNIT TENText I Straight-A Illiteracy Text II The Qualities of Good Writing UNIT ELEVEN Text I On Consigning Manuscripts to Floppy Discs

10、And Archives to Oblivion Text II This Is Progress? UNIT TWELVE Text I Grant and Lee: A Study in Contrasts Text II Grant and Lee UNIT THIRTEEN Text I Euphemism Text II Clutter UNIT FOURTEENText I That Astounding Creator - Nature Text II When the Young Have It Good UNIT FIFTEENText I. Teaching as Moun

11、taineering Text II A Liberal Education .8.9Comprehension-an overview of the text Main Idea: Through depicting popularity of procrastination in nearly all the fields, the writer wanted to prove that “delay can often inspire and revive a creative soul” and “to put off making decision is itself a decis

12、ion” and therefore it can be a fine and useful art. Purpose of writing and Tone: In half serious and half-joking manner and humorous tone,Demarest expresses his view on procrastination that while in some cases it is irrational and encumbering to delay, it is justified and fruitful in others.10Organi

13、zation and Development: Introduction: (P1-2) The world is probably divided between delayers and do-it-nowers; Body: (1)(P3-7) Delay is not without its advantages: it can often inspire and revive a creative soul; examples in many fields; Conclusion: (P8-9) Explanation and conclusion of procrastinatio

14、n;.11The ways in which paragraphs are linked-Transition of paragraphs The use of the word yet at the beginning of para. 3 indicates that in this paragraph the reader will find something contrary to what he has read about in the preceding one. (Para. 2 illustrates the trouble procrastination may incu

15、r while para. 3 tells the reader that delay can often inspire and revive a creative soul. ) At the beginning of para. 4, the word cunctator is repeated, its first occurrence being in para. 1. Para. 5 begins with the parody of the proverb Where there is a will, there is a way. The word will in the pa

16、rody repeats the word will in the last sentence of para. 4. His point at the beginning of para. 6 refers to what Manderbach says in the preceding paragraphs. The use of the word also in the first sentence of para. 7 refers to a similar situation mentioned previously. .12Translation Exercise for Prac

17、tice of Language Points (C-E) That the elegant earl never got around to marrying his sons mother and had a bad habit of keeping worthies like Dr. Johnson cooling their heels for hours in an anteroom attests to the fact that even the most well-intentioned men have been postponers ever.(p.2-5) Bureauc

18、ratization, which flourished amid the growing burdens of government and the greater complexity of society, was designed to smother policymakers in blankets of legalism, compromise and reapprasail - and thereby prevent hasty decisions from being made. (p.43-46) So, for that matter, is the creation of

19、 a great paintings, or an entre, or a book, or a building like Blenheim Palace, which took the Duke of Marlboroughs architects and laborers 15 years to construct.(p.70-73).13Post reading Activities Write a short passage of 200 words in favor of or against the the saying “never put off till tomorrow

20、what you can do today”.14Unit Two TEXT II : GossipFrancine ProselPre-reading Brainstorming: How would you define the word “gossip”?What functions does gossip have?.15Main Idea of the passage Through clarifying the present misunderstanding and distorting of the word “gossip”, the writer emphasizes th

21、e strength of gossip as the heritage, as the legacy of a certain community and other functions that it can play in the society.16Structure of the passage Introduction: (P1-2) Gossip-heritage, birthright Body: (P3-9) Gossip: How has it been distorted? What are the functions/roles of gossip? Conclusio

22、n: (P10) Ill continue to cherish gossip.17difficult sentences for translation (E-C) I heard my distorted by that same false note that sometimes creeps into it when social strain and some misguided notion of amiability make me assent to opinions I dont really share.(P.4) Ive often thought that gossip

23、s bad might be cleared by calling it “oral tradition”; for what, after all, is an oral tradition but the stories of other lives, other eras, legends from a time when human traffic with spirits and gods was considered fit for gossipy speculation? (P.6) When one asks, “Whats the gossip ?” its that com

24、munity that is being affirmed. (P.9).18Post reading discussion What is your attitude towards gossiping and being gossiped about? Do you agree with Prose on the subject? Why or why not?.19.20Comprehension: 1) Main Idea: This passage compares classical and modern architecture as well as old and new vi

25、ews of money, and it contrasts the modern notion of wall-as-window with the ancient conception of wall-as-barrier. The writers Conclusion / point of view: Architecture is an expression of peoples mentality (attitudes, prejudices, taboos, and ideals); therefore, changes in their views of the world an

26、d of themselves are bound to be mirrored in architecture.2) Purpose of writing and Tone: Raskin in “Walls and Barriers” intends to illustrate and promote an opinion that changes in their views of the world and of themselves are bound to be mirrored in architecture.He achieves his purpose through log

27、ical reasoning (inductive analysis, making comparison and contrasts and cause-and-effect analysis).21Organization and Development: Introduction: (P1-2) Opening of the passageBody: (1) (P3-5) compares classical and modern architecture as well as old and new views of money (2) (P6-10) contrasts the mo

28、dern notion of wall-as-window with the ancient conception of wall-as-barrier.Conclusion: (P11) Our changing conceptions of ourselves in relations to the world determine how we shall build our walls. List of contrasts:a. architectural designs of banks: paras. 3 & 4b. function of bank: para. 4c. class

29、ical and new criticism of architecture: para.6d. attitude toward possible hostility in primitive and modern world: paras. 7 & 9 e. attitude toward privacyparas. 8, 9, & 10.22Translation Exercise for Practice of Language Points1) I supppose-I more than suppose, I am convinced-that his negative respon

30、se was not so much to the architecture as to a violation of his concept of the nature of money.(L.5-7) 2) It is the in understanding of architecture as a medium for the expression of human attitudes, prejudices,taboos and ideals that the new architectural criticism departs from classical aesthetics.

31、(L.31-) 3) The greater the fear, the heavier the wall, until in the tombs of ancient kings we find structures that are practically all wall, the fear of dissolution being the ultimate fear.(L41-43) 4) This is perhaps why it is the most “advanced” and “forward-looking” among us who live and work in g

32、lass house.Even the fear of the cast stone has been analyzed out of us. (L.74-76).23Post reading Activities: Some people think that money ought to be spent mainly on food so as to help build up strong constitution; but some think that it is more important for a person to try to make himself look sma

33、rt. Develop a short passage, comparing and contrasting the two different view.24Unit Three TEXT II Barrier Signals Desmond Morris Pre-reading Brainstorming: What is body language? What do you know about it? - nonverbal communication; body language / kinesics - message of space: space; territoriality

34、; proxemics; What is barrier signal? What are functions of barrier signals? Examples of barrier signals? Reference: A dictionary of British & American Culture 胡文仲, 外研社,.25 Main Idea of the passage: This essay, in the form of extended definition and developed largely through examples, illustrates the

35、 Body-cross, the most popular form of Barrier Signals.26Structure of the passage Introduction (P1-2): the origin and development of barrier signalsMain part (P3-12): the Body-cross - its variables in different situations, such as greeting, standing & sittingExamples of barrier signals throughout the

36、 text by Morris:l. A little child biding behind its mothers body or a chair or some piece of solid furniture.2. A teenage girl covering up her face with hands or papers.3. The special guest on a gala occasion having his right hand reach across his body and touch his left cuff-link.4. The female gues

37、t on a gala occasion having her right hand across her body and shifting the position of her handbag. 5. A man fingering a button or the strap of a wristwatch. 6. A woman smoothing out an imaginary crease in a sleeve or repositioning the scarf or coat held over her left arm. 7. A man rubbing his hand

38、s together or clasping them firmly in front of him. 8. The arm-fold, i.e., the left and right arms intertwining themselves across the front of tile chest. 9. Pressing the tightly clasped hands down on to the crotch.10. Using the desk as a barrier.27Post reading Activity Describe situations from your

39、 experience in which you or other people made the imaginary movement of Body-cross as defined by Morris.29Main Idea In this passage the writer tries to convince the readers that what a man can achieve does not depend on the type of work he does, or the life experiences he has; rather, it depends on

40、his ability to transmute what seems dull and routine into what is momentous (or creativeness of a mans mind is primary to what he can achieve).30Organization and Development: The use of the technique, classical rhetoric,for effective expository writing Introduction: (P1) presentation of the real obj

41、ective that the writer intends to attain, or the genuine concern he aims to focus on Body: (P2P5) the citations of numerous truly brilliant people and their reputed creations, as well as the writers own experiences Conclusion: (P6) reinforcement of the topic.31Organization and Development (II) The s

42、entence that summarizes Hoffers view on dull work could be: What a man can achieve does not depend on the type of work he does, or the life experiences he has; rather, it depends on his ability to transmute what seems dull and routine into what is momentous.The purpose of each paragraph in the body

43、of the passage(P2P5): Para. 2 People who achieve do not necessarily live eventful lives. Para. 3 What is essential for creative work is a mans ability to make the trivial reach an enormous way. Para. 4 An eventful life does more harm than good to a creative man. Para. 5 How he himself has been benef

44、ited from his dull work experience. Comment on the arrangement of each paragraph in the body of the passage The arrangement is logical and sound. Well-reputed men are cited before his own experience. The possible harmful effect of an eventful life is illustrated only after he has made it clear that

45、an eventful life is not a must for creative achievement.32difficult sentences for translation The outstanding characteristic of mans creativeness is the ability to transmute trivial impulses into momentous consequences. The greatness of man is in what he can do with petty grievances and joys, and wi

46、th common physiological pressures and hungers. To a creative individual all experience is seminal-all events are equidistant from new ideas and insights-and his inordinate humanness shows itself in the ability to make the trivial and common reach an enormous way. chances are that had my work been of

47、 absorbing interest I could not have done any thinking and composing on the companys time or even on my own time after returning from work. Children and mature people thrive on dull routine, while the adolescent, who has lost the childs capacity for concentration and is without the inner resources o

48、f the mature, needs excitement and novelty to stave off boredom.33Post Reading Activities1. Translation Exercise for Practice of Language Points (C-E): Paragraph 3: The outstanding characteristic of mans creativeness Paragraph 6: People who find dull jobs unendurable2.Writing a short passage of the

49、similar style on the following topic: “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” is generally accepted as true by many people. How do you feel about this assumption?.34Unit Six TEXT II Doing Chores August HeckschernPre-reading Brainstorming: 1) What is meaning of “chores”?2) What is the significan

50、ce of doing chores?.35 Main Idea of the passageThe writer dwells on happening, work and chores and their relationship - to season chores with work, and to intersperse them with a few happenings, is the secret of a contented existence.Purpose of writingFor those, who may be in some doubt as to the na


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