1、理理基基础础精精剖剖析析提提素素能能巧巧突突破破学学业业分分层层测测评评重重应应用用merchanttreattrapthememannerdrawbackstrikeevidentrecommendonandinintoongetatinwithas disgusting and cruel aseitheroron v.对待v.请客n.乐事towithadmitting Itonto obeygoingup basedtreatmentmannersmakingevidenceHang onwas based on good serviceIt strikes me thathe take
2、 a holidaytreated them to a good dinneras well as wishes as interesting as that oneas many mistakes as I haveeither go at once or wait till tomorroware right Avatar,a Hollywood film,has been showed on the Chinese mainland,which has broken the record set by , to become the highest boxoffice film so farThe film is set in 2154 and tells a story of a disabled soldier,who was sent to Pandora to persuade the inhabitants to let his mates mine their homeland for natural resources.