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1、 The use of “it”Grammar (5m)1. It is November 18, 2013.2. It is a fine day. (It is a rainy day). 3. It is 9 oclock at night.4. It is 20 kilometers from Grandads house to James.5. It is bad to smoke.6. It is no good smoking.7. It is likely that he will succeed.Approaching “It”1. It rains heavily . 2.

2、 It is 20 kilometers from Grandads house to James.3. It is November 11, 2005.4. It is 9 oclock at night.6. It is no good smoking.7. It is likely that he will succeed.真正主语真正主语真正主语真正主语形式主语形式主语形式主语形式主语真正主语真正主语形式主语形式主语Discovering “It”= _ is bad.To smoke= _ is no good.Smoking= _ is likely.That he will su

3、cceed5. It is bad to smoke.Read and analyze the sentences.It is Friday today.It was very cold last Monday. It is about 8:30 now.It is about 25km from Longxian to Bazi.It lies in the south of Shaoguan city.It is 40C ! You got a high fever!Conclusion: it 可以用作非人称代词可以用作非人称代词, 表示表示_,_, _, _, _, _等。等。date

4、weathertimedistanceplacetemperature 日期日期天气天气时间时间距离距离地点地点温度温度It is obvious that the water was to blame.It is true that he will treat me for breakfast tomorrow.It is certain that our class will do a good job in the final exam.Is it possible that he will become the chairman of our country?It is amazing

5、 that at my age I still look like a student!分析分析: it是是 _, 句子真正的主语是句子真正的主语是_。Read and analyze the sentences.形式主语形式主语that引导的主语从句引导的主语从句The use of “it”一、一、 用作人称代词用作人称代词, 代表前面提到的人或事物代表前面提到的人或事物1) Whos it? _ me.2) Look at the picture. _ is a picture of our school.ItsIt二、用于代替指示代词二、用于代替指示代词this 和和that。-Is

6、this jacket yours?-Yes, _ is.it1. 代作主语的动词不定式代作主语的动词不定式1) It be adj. (for sb.) to do sth.此处此处adj. 通常为描述事件的形容词通常为描述事件的形容词: easy, difficult, hard, necessary, unnecessary, possible, impossible, likely, unlikely, right, wrong, important, unimportant, legal, illegal, well-mannered, ill-mannered, polite, i

7、mpolite, clear, obvious, certain, suitable, proper, fit, useful, useless, dangerousIt is illegal (for a teenager) to drive a car without a license.2) It be adj. of sb. to do sth.此处此处adj. 通常为描述人的形容词通常为描述人的形容词: kind, unkind, nice, rude, cruel, considerate, thoughtful, thoughtless, careful, careless, s

8、illy, foolish, stupid, clever, wise, crazy.Its kind of you to help me with the problem.Its no good/use doingIts (well) worth doingIts (well) worth ones while doing/to doIts (well) worthwhile doing/ to doIts no use crying over spilt milk.3) It替代作主语的动名词的常见句型替代作主语的动名词的常见句型2. it作形式主语替代主语从句作形式主语替代主语从句It

9、is clear (obvious, true, possible, certain ) that .该句型中该句型中it 是形式主语是形式主语, 真正的主语是真正的主语是that 引导的主语从句引导的主语从句, 常译为常译为“清楚清楚(显然显然, 真的真的)”, 是主语从句最常见的一种结构。是主语从句最常见的一种结构。e.g. It is very clear that hes round and tall like a tree. It is adj. + clause It is said (reported/ learned/believed/thought/known/told/ho

10、ped.) that . 该句型中的该句型中的it 仍是形式主语仍是形式主语, 真正主语是真正主语是that 引导的主语从句引导的主语从句; 该结构常译为该结构常译为“据说据说(据报道据报道, 据悉据悉)”。It is said that he has come to Beijing.It is reported that another earth satellite has been put into orbit.It is v-ed that=sb./sth. is to do It is + noun + 从句从句 It is a pity (a shame /an honor /a

11、good thing/a fact /a surprise/. ) that . 该句型中该句型中, that后的从句一般用虚拟语气后的从句一般用虚拟语气(should + 动词原形动词原形), should可省去。表示可省去。表示出乎意料出乎意料, 常译为常译为“竟然竟然”。没有这种意义时。没有这种意义时, 则不用虚拟语气。如:则不用虚拟语气。如:It is a pity that such a thing (should) happen in your class. 这种事竟然发生在你们班上这种事竟然发生在你们班上, 真是遗憾!真是遗憾!It is a pity that he is il

12、l. 他生病了他生病了, 真遗憾!真遗憾! It is never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。活到老,学到老。 It is easier to fall than to rise. 摔倒容易爬起来难。摔倒容易爬起来难。 It is no use crying over spilt(溢出的)(溢出的) milk. 覆水难收。覆水难收。 It never rains but it pours(泼水泼水). 不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。 It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it always open. 创业容易

13、守业难。创业容易守业难。 It takes three generations(代)(代) to make a gentleman. 十年树木,百年树人。十年树木,百年树人。Proverbs(谚语谚语) with “It”Classify(分类)(分类) the proverbs according to the usages of “it”.Group 1 _Group 2 _Group 3 _1. 1.努力学习英语很必要。努力学习英语很必要。It is necessary to work hard on English.对于我们来说,努力学习英语很必要。对于我们来说,努力学习英语很必要。I

14、t is necessary _us to work hard on English.for2. 2. 你把真相说出来了,真诚实。你把真相说出来了,真诚实。It is honest _you to tell me the truth.ofTo work hard on English is necessary for us.You are honest to tell me the truth.Talk about the following pictures, using It is no use/good doing sth 做做没有用没有用/不好不好It is fun doing sth

15、 做做很有趣很有趣还想跑?还想跑?甭想!甭想!想追我?没门想追我?没门!Ah! My milk is spilt(溢(溢出)出)“I told you not to play with fire!”该死的电脑游戏!该死的电脑游戏!I love it!It is wonderful that my father has quit smoking.2. My father has quit smoking. That is wonderful.It is likely that you could suffer from bad health if you keep smoking.Rewrite

16、 the following sentences, using “Its that”.3. You could suffer from bad health if you keep smoking. ( It is likely).1.Im still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometers in an afternoon. That is amazing.It is amazing that I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometers in an afternoon.It is known to us that bir

17、d flu(禽流感禽流感) hit China again.It is said that Li Yuchun got more than one million yuan for the advertisement. 5.Bird flu(禽流感禽流感) hit China again. That is known to us.6. Li Yuchun got more than one million yuan for the advertisement. People say that.4. China produces one third of the worlds cigarette

18、s. It is reported.It is reported that China produces one third of the worlds cigarettes.五、五、it作形式宾语作形式宾语 当复合宾语中的宾语是不定式、动名词宾语当复合宾语中的宾语是不定式、动名词宾语从句时从句时, 往往把宾语放在它的补足语后面,往往把宾语放在它的补足语后面,而用而用it 作形式宾语作形式宾语, 放在宾语补足语之前。放在宾语补足语之前。 该句型中的该句型中的it 作形式宾语作形式宾语, 常用的动词有常用的动词有think, believe, make, find, consider, feel

19、等。等。 I think it no use arguing with him.我认为和他争吵没有用。我认为和他争吵没有用。I found it very interesting to study English.我发现学英语非常有趣。我发现学英语非常有趣。He made it clear that he was notinterested in this subject.他非常清楚地表示他对那门学科不感兴趣。他非常清楚地表示他对那门学科不感兴趣。 六、用于强调句型中六、用于强调句型中It + be+被强调部分被强调部分 + that/who(a person)从句从句I met Tom in

20、 the park yesterday.1) It was I who met Tom in the park yesterday.2) It was Tom who I met in the park yesterday.3) It was in the park that I met Tom yesterday.4) It was yesterday that I met Tom in the park.It was five oclock _ I got home.It was at five oclock _ I got home.whenthat7. Some young peopl

21、e think that they look attractive when they smoke. It seems thatIt seems that some young people think they look attractive when they smoke.Student 1: ReporterStudent 2: IntervieweeMake up a dialogue, asking and answering about the journey (e.g.: date, distance, weather, special local sites and produ

22、cts, feelings etc.)Use “it” as often as possible.An unforgettable journeyWhen did you?Was it Nov 1st when you went to ?How far was it? Was it far from? How was the weather? Was it Sunny?What Was it famous for?How did you feel? Was it excited of you to Was it interesting to?Patterns Learning grammar

23、is not difficult Never be afraid of grammar Collect some examples; Watch them very carefully; Find out something in common; Try to use the rules - practise.Lets have a Find out the difficult words and expressions in the text. Discussion (group work) Discuss with the partners in your group, and try t

24、o help your partners to solve their questions. After your discussion, please write down the words and expressions all of you dont know on a piece of paper. be due to be addicted to be accustomed tomentally/automatically/eventuallysmellquitmanagebe due tobe addicted tobe accustomed tomentallysmellqui

25、tmanageautomaticallyeventuallySuperficial comprehension(2-3 minutes)b. because of ;owing to a. likes sth very much and wants to spend as much time doing it as possiblei. usual; be used toc. relating to the process of thinking d. machines can do work by themselves instead of last; in the e

26、nd f. give upg.use your nose to notice or discover somethingh. to succeed in doing somethingPerceptual comprehension(3 minutes)(be due to;owing to;because of ) 1.They decided to delay the trip, owing to the change of weather. The delay of the trip _ _ _ the change of weather. The delay of the trip _

27、 _ _ the change of weather.was because ofwas due toD2.The accident was _ his careless driving.A. due to B. because C.because of D. Both A and CPerceptual comprehension(3 minutes)(be addicted to; be accustomed to)1. When young he was _ _ watching cartoons and playing games online.2. He was used to ha

28、ving a walk alone in the garden after dinner.He _ _ _having a walk alone in the garden after dinner.addicted towas accustomed toPerceptual comprehension(3 minutes)(mentally;automatically;eventually) 1.The air-conditioner(空调空调)can control the temperature_. 2.One can become physically and _ addicted t

29、o nicotine. 3. He tried many times but he gave it up_. automaticallymentallyeventuallyPerceptual comprehension(3 minutes)(try;manage) 1.In spite of (尽管尽管)his rude behavior,the policeman_not to get angry. 2.He _to get there on time,but failed. managedtried注意:注意:manage强调的是客观结果,表示强调的是客观结果,表示“做做到,做成功到,做

30、成功”;try强调的是主观动作,表示强调的是主观动作,表示“尝试去做(但没做成功)尝试去做(但没做成功)”。Perceptual comprehension(3 minutes)(smell; quit) 1.The fish smells unpleasant. The fish _. 2.The doctor told him to give up the bad habit of smoking. The doctor told him to _ the bad habit of smoking. smellsquitRational comprehension(8 minutes)Ma

31、ke sentences according to the key words and pictures given.Key words: success;be due to;unity(团结团结);effortsOur success in the sports meeting _ _ _ our unity(团结团结) and efforts.was due to Our success in the sports meeting _ _ _ our unity(团结团结) and efforts.was due to Key words: success;be due to;unity(

32、团结团结);effortsErics bad temper _ _ _ the stress of his work. is due to Key words: bad temper;be due to;stress of workKey words: kids; easy; be addicted toIt is easy for kids to _ _ _ computer addicted to“I am not_ _(get) up so early.”Candy said.accustomed to gettingKey words: be accustomed t

33、o; get up Marys grandmother was gone last year.“physically I might not have seen my grandmother, but _ and spiritually(精神上的精神上的) I was with her. Mary said.mentally“Oh, it is unbelievable !the door opens _as I approach!” Old Tom said.automatically Key words: automatically; approachJulia worked so har

34、d that _ she made herself ill.eventuallyKey words: work hard; eventually;illEventually, he _the bad habit of taking drugs.quitBen likes drinking to remove his unhappiness.But now he has _ this bad habit.quit/quitted Key words: quit; drug-takingsmell v.If something smells in a particular way, it has

35、a quality which you know through your nose. “Ah, this kind of flower _so good!” she said.smellsCan you imagine what the little girl says?But if we say that something smells, we mean that it smells unpleasant.-“Oh, God! Stop! It_, Jack!” Mother cried out.smellsComplete the dialogue-“Really, Mum? Do m

36、y feet_?” Jack answered.smellmanageIf we say we manage or manage to do sth, we succeed in doing sth.Liu Xiang _get the first gold medal of the 110-metre hurdle race in Athens Olympic Games.managed toKey words: manage; gold medal;Olympic GamesIf we say “I can manage” or “I will manage”, we are refusi

37、ng someones offer of help.-Can I help you?-No, thanks._.I can manage myself.Complete the dialogue Can you make up more sentences by yourself with these words and expressions? Discuss with the partners in your group,and try to make as many sentences as possible.Comprehensive utilization(6-7minutes)Ac

38、tivity:Have a discussion with the members in your group, and try to take advantage of the words and expressions mentioned above to make up a story. Try your best to use as many words and expressions as you can.Here is a sample for you:The story of “Duo La A Meng” Now, Ive already got accustomed to t

39、he modern life, and I am addicted to the pies with love peas(红豆)inside. I like to be clean and healthy, so I never smell and always look fit. That is due to my good lifestyles. Physically I am a mechanical cat, but mentally I am the same as all of you! I have a door which can open automatically, and

40、 it can bring you to any place you want to go. But unfortunately, it was broken some days ago. Through my efforts, Ive managed to repair it eventually. I hope we can go traveling in the future!Hi,I am Duo La A Meng from the future! I managed to get here by the “Time Machine”. Ah, it is really fantastic!Assignment a) Make use of different learning resources to have a inquiry(探究).1) become addicted through habit.2)But I did finally manage.3)couldnt run as fast any more.Assignment b) Revise(修改)your story and write a good article.


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