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1、Units 3-4I. 将下列各句中画线部分单词与其英文释义相匹配。1. He was barely able to drag his poisoned leg behind him. _2. They were patiently waiting until the time was ripe for action. _3. She spent the afternoon pulling up the weeds in the flowerbeds. _4. The painter used different textures and shades to represent the sea

2、sons. _5. The government has extended the ban on the import of beef until June. _6. We were disappointed that they insisted on such a rigid interpretation of the rules. _a. a very suitable time for something to happenb. not able to be changed or persuadedc. wild plant growing where it is not wantedd

3、. to move something by pulling it along a surface, usually the grounde. to continue for a longer period of timef. a particular form of a colorII. 选用方框内合适的单词并用其正确形式填空(每项限用一次)。stable, criterion, mix, cover, possess, applaud1. A(n) _ of clay and sand is ideal for this kind of plant.2. The managers firs

4、t task is to bring some _ to the team.3. They have been _ for their humanitarian work in Ethiopia.4. Everyone whose qualifications meet our _ will be considered.5. Most media _ disapproves of the travellers lifestyle and values.6. Please remember to take all your personal _ with you when you leave t

5、he aircraft.III. 改写下列句子,使每组句子意思相同或相近(每空一词)。1. He was forced to give up his job due to ill health. He was forced to _ due to ill health.2. As a painter he is much better than others. As a painter he is _ _ _ _ _ _.3. The ship left for Europe, taking many people longing for happiness. The ship _ _ for

6、 Europe, taking many people longing for happiness.4. Its too far to walk, without mentioning the fact that itll probably be closed by now anyway. Its too far to walk, _ _ _ the fact that itll probably be closed by nowanyway.5. All particulars should be carefully checked and verified; nothing should

7、be supposed to be true. All particulars should be carefully checked and verified; nothing should be _ _.IV. 用括号内单词的正确形式填空。1. After months of unemployment, all he asked for was a chance _ (earn) his daily bread.2. I was interested in astronomy and he asked me _ (give) a presentation to the class.3. S

8、he didnt mean _ (say) anything hurtful. It just came out of her mouth by accident.4. This has made it necessary for agriculture and industry _ (develop) very quickly.5. Per capita income is a nations entire income _ (divide) by the number of people in thenation.6. Dams are used _ (generate) electric

9、ity for the surrounding area.7. The article opens and closes with descriptions of two news reports, each _ (make) onemajor point in contrast with the other.8. It is difficult for present-day readers _ (understand) why the novel Sister Carrie waswithdrawn from circulation at the beginning of the 20th

10、 century.V. 英汉互译。1. He put plugs in his ears because the noise was too loud._2. Beyond a certain distance we are out of contact with our headquarters._3. 在我看来,这篇文章值得仔细研究。 (deserve)_4. 因为质量问题,两百万瓶水被迫停止销售。 (withdraw from)_VI. 判断下面短文中画线部分的性质(NP? VP? AdjP? AdvP? PrepP?)及其在句中的功能(Subject? Predicate? Predi

11、cative? Object? Adverbial? Attributive?)。I worked as a doctor in a small town in Switzerland 1. for almost thirty years and I retiredfive years ago. To begin with, I enjoyed it, but I soon got bored. Then I saw an advertisement forVoluntary Service Overseas (VSO) and applied. They offered me a job w

12、orking in Sierra Leoneand I moved here 2. nine months ago. They 3. paid for my flight and they pay my rent, butbasically Im working for nothing.Im not complaining, though. It is amazing! Im having 4. the best time of my life. Life can bevery hard for people here, but everyone has a 5. really positiv

13、e attitude. Now, Im doing sometraining with local doctors and advising them on how to improve services. My contract ends inthree months, but Im planning to stay here for another year, if I can.1. _ _ 2. _ _3. _ _ 4. _ _5. _ _VII. 阅读下列短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。AWith the mission to explore the oce

14、an for national benefit, the NOAA Office of OceanExploration and Research (OER) is 1. _ only U.S. federal program devoted to exploringthe deep ocean. OER is filling gaps in the basic 2. _ (understand) of U.S. deep waters andthe seafloor and delivering the ocean information needed to 3. _ (strength)

15、the economy,health, and security of the United States.OER carries 4. _ its mission by leading expeditions on NOAA Ship OkeanosExplorer and other research ships, establishing public, private, and academic partnerships,providing funding and other support for ocean exploration expeditions 5. _ technolo

16、gydevelopment.OER works with partners to explore previously 6. _ (known) areas of our deep ocean,making 7. _ (discovery) of scientific, economic, and cultural value and supportinginnovations in exploration tools and capabilities. Through live video streams, online expeditioncoverage and training opp

17、ortunities, OER 8. _ (give) scientists, resource managers,students, members of the general public, and others opportunities to actively experience oceanexploration, allowing broader scientific 9. _ (participate), cultivating ( 培 养 ) the nextgeneration of ocean explorers, and engaging the public in e

18、xploration activities. The data andinformation 10. _ (collect) during expeditions and research supported by OER arepublicly available, giving resource managers, the academic community, and the private sector theinformation they need to identify, understand, and manage ocean resources for this and fu

19、turegenerations of Americans.BThe Peace Corps is a volunteer program run by a United States government agency with thesame name. It 1. _ (set) up in 1961 by an executive order from President John F. Kennedy.Since then, the Peace Corps has sent over 235,000 volunteers to serve in 141 countries.The pu

20、rpose of the Peace Corps is “to promote world peace and friendship”. They servepeople and groups in other nations 2. _ need trained volunteers. Peace Corps membersusually have a college degree. They also complete a three-month training program. Then, they goto other countries and work for two years.

21、 At the end of two years, they can leave the Peace Corpsor ask 3. _ an extension of service.What jobs do Peace Corps members do? They often help with 4. _ (educate),technology, and agriculture. They also work to end hunger and help the environment. Manyvolunteers work with governments or schools. Th

22、rough 5. _ (they) work, Peace Corpsvolunteers try 6. _ (achieve) the three goals of the Peace Corps. The first is to providetechnical assistance. Second, they help people from other countries to understand Americanculture. 7. _ (final), they work to help the American citizens to understand othercoun

23、tries cultures.Would you like to work for the Peace Corps one day? 8. _ is advisable to help othersin this way. However, there 9. _ (be) plenty of ways to help out in your own community.To serve others, you could start with 10. _ (meet) the needs in your area.答案I.1. d 2. a3. c 4. f5. e 6. bII.1. mix

24、(ture) 2. stability3. applauded 4. criteria5. coverage 6. possessionsIII.1. resign 2. in a league of his own3. set sail 4. not to mention5. taken for grantedIV.1. to earn 2. to give3. to say 4. to develop5. divided 6. to generate7. making 8. to understandV.1. 因为太吵闹了, 他用耳塞堵住了耳朵。2. 我们跟总部超过一定距离通讯就会中断。3

25、. In my opinion, the article deserves careful study.4. Two million bottles of water had to be withdrawn from sale due to poor quality.VI.1. PrepP; Adverbial 2. AdvP; Adverbial3. VP; Predicate 4. NP; Object5. AdjP; AttributiveVII.A.1. the 2. understanding3. strengthen 4. out5. and 6. unknown7. discoveries 8. gives9. participation 10. collectedB.1. was set 2. that / which3. for 4. education5. their 6. to achieve7. Finally 8. It9. are 10. meeting学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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