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1、 新课标人教版高二英语2020-2021学年度第二学期第一次月考/期中考复习资料Part 1 单句语法填空56. It took him a while to adapt _(he) to his new environment.57.The question was very difficult _(answer).58.David complained about salary and decided to resign _ his office. 59. The president was so young that he was junior _ some of his employe

2、es.60. They urged that the swimming pool _(keep) open during the vacation.61.Medicine shall-not be kept where it is _(access) to children.62. The museum _(repair) now will be re-opened to Visitors next year. 63. Neither you nor he _(be) able to swim, but I can.64. If everyone has sat _(comfort), we

3、will start our lecture now.65. He forgot to bring his pen with him, _ was often the case.66. The teacher is _(annoy) at his not getting into the classroom on time.67. She has come up with a _(satisfy) solution.68.Time _(permit), we will stay at Shanghai for days.69 ._(company) by the music, they sta

4、rt to sing and dance.70. She was the very girl _ name is known to everyone here.句子考查71.Thank you for (帮我一个忙) by helping me prepare a big dinner for my family.72.You (不能使学生一直学习) all the day without break.73.那晚在音乐会上我看到的人是你吗?(it) I saw at the concert lat night?74._(为了完成家庭作业), they have stay up late thi

5、s evening.75.Yuehua school is in Dongguan. Many students study there every year.(合并成非限制性定语从句)_76.这是他第一次被人取笑。_Part 2 单句语法填空51. Isaac Asimovs first novel _(publish) in 1950.52. Marty has a muscle disease _ makes him very weak.53. She could have been a brilliant pianist if she _(put) her mind to it.54.

6、 we can not win the game _ all the players work as a team.55. The snowstorm cut off the access _ the mountain village.56.Carla keeps running away from her life because she is never satisfied with _ she has got.57. As we drew closer, I could see a whale _(attack) by other killers.58. _(include) in th

7、e hunt was a great thrill for Clancy.59. The reporters hurried to the airport, only _(tell) that the famous singer had left.60. The thieves happened _(quarrel) about the treasure when the police went in.完成句子71.I just want to show a little _ _ (同情) those who are trying to enforce the law-they are _ _

8、(注定要) fall.72.He suddenly notice that someone was spying on him.(同义句转换)He suddenly became _ _ _ _ on by him.73.我从未见过她这样美丽的女子。Ive never seen as _ _ _ as she is.74. Samson _ _ _ _(毫不费力地找到了) his way to the train station.75. He was so inexperienced that they could not give him such an important task.He

9、was too inexperienced _ _ _ such an important task.76.Students are planting apple trees on the mountain.(改为被动语态)_77.Claire didnt want the robot in her house.(强调划线部分)_ 78.我们不会让这样的事情再次发生的。(用have短语翻译)_ Part 3 语法填空I was in the ninth year when I began to suffer depression. My parents noticed but felt tha

10、t since Id always been _41_ good child, this was temporary._42_(fortunate), it was not to be so. I didnt have friends. Hardly could I share my problems. Deep worry began to destroy my _43_(confident). Finally I refused to attend classes, _44_(shut) myself in my room for hours.The examination was app

11、roaching, but I simply didnt care. My parents and teachers were surprised _45_ my bad performance. One morning, after a particularly severe lecture from my father, I stood at the school gate, _46_(depress). Then as the other students marched to their classrooms, our headmaster called me. The next fo

12、rty-five minutes was one of _67_(precious) moments in my life. She said she _48_(notice) a big change in me and wondered why. At first she took my hands in _49_(she) and listened patiently as I mentioned my worries. Then she hugged me as I wept. Months of frustration and loneliness disappeared in he

13、r motherly hug.No one had tried to understand what the real problem was except the headmaster, _50_ helped me out simply by listening and hugging.Part 4 语法填空After leaving college, I found it wasnt easy to find work. 41._ I sent many emails trying to find work, I hardly got any replies. At last, I fo

14、und work in 42._ small company. The pay there wasnt very 43._ (satisfy), but the work was easy. I had a lot of time 44._ my own. I lived a very relaxing life. However, two months ago, I 45._ (decide) to make a change. I realized I needed more challenging work.One night two months ago, I read an arti

15、cle about buzzards (秃鹰). If you put a buzzard in a pen six to eight feet square and 46._ (entire) open at the top, the bird, in spite of his 47._ (able) to fly, will be an absolute prisoner. The reason is that a buzzard always 48._(begin) a flight from the ground with a runup (助跑) of ten or twelve f

16、eet. Without space 49._ (run), which is his habit, he will not even attempt to fly, but he will remain a prisoner for life in a small jail with no top.After I read the article, I realized I was exactly like a buzzard. If I kept 50._ (stay) in that small company, I wouldnt be able to “fly” one day. S

17、o I decided to make a change.Part 5 单句语法填空51. I hope my suggestions will meet with your (approve).52.Many disabled people in this community find the website (benefit).53. It was the first time that Tom (take) a trip to the UK.54. After graduation, he adapted himself quickly the new job.55.As a mater

18、 of fact, I really mind (abandon) by my best friends.56. I ought to make apology to my teacher for telling a lie.57.He (accompany) his father to the hospital to see whats wrong with his stomach yesterday.58. They talked about persons and things interested them in our school.59. She wont have her chi

19、ldren (stay) out late at night.50. I doubt he can keep the secret because he really has a big mouth.61. Emmas ambition is (live) as rich and full a life as her parents do.62.There are 20 members in our club, most of are from Harvard University.63.Mary offered the money to me. I couldnt have afforded

20、 the ticket.64. Huawei researches and develops technologies so that consumers will (voluntary) to buy the products.65. He hurried to the station only (tell) that the high-speed railway had left.完成句子66.Many people believe they dont have the ability _ _ _ _(对.有意义,有影响) to the world.67.It took Steven Sp

21、ielberg several years to bring Ready Player One to the big screen.(改写)Steven Spielberg _ several years _ _ Ready Player One to the big screen.68.It seems that she has forgotten what she was looking for.(改写)_ _ _ _ _ what she was looking for.69. Because I felt very tired, I went to bed early.(用分词合并句子

22、)_70. With the help of my teacher, I made rapid progress in English.(强调划线部分)_71. I often hear John sing English songs in the classroom. (改为被动语态)_72. 昨天雨下的很大,阻止了我们参加社团活动。(用非限定性定语从句翻译)_Part 6 单句语法填空56.Doing morning exercise is _(benefit) to our health.57.The meeting _(hold) tomorrow morning is of grea

23、t importance.58.The teacher was extremely _(satisfy) with his solution to the problem.59.The sun came out and dried _ the streets.60.I was about to go out _ it began to rain.61._(injure) in the head by a car put him into hospital.62.It took him a while to adapt _(he) to his new environment.63.He is

24、an excellent _(participate), who never gives up easily.64.Please pass me the book _cover is red.65.It is not worthwhile _(discuss) such a silly question.66.We strongly recommended that he _(report) the incident to the police.67.The boy cried, _(acknowledge) that he had broken the glass.68.It was the

25、 second time that she _(deny) that he knew me.69.Alice admitted her mistake and make _ apologize immediately.70.Not you but I _(be) responsible for the delay.句子考察71. He _ _(收到来信) my parents in Japan yesterday.72.A friend _ _(在困难之中、在危急之中) is a friend in deed.73.Its not difficult to _ _(整理、分类) the mat

26、erials as long as time permits. 74.People didnt know what heat is until the early years of the 19th century.(对划线部分强调)_75.They are looking for the patient. Doctors just performed an operation on him.(合并成限定性定语从句)_76.老师和她的学生们来了。(用全部倒装翻译)_Part 7 语法填空51. We should accept _ disabled and give them encourag

27、ement to live as rich and full a life as we do.52. Her latest book _(publish) next month is well worth reading.53. All in all, doing some sports after studying all day is _(benefit) to our health.54. Later, man began to settle in the places _ the food and water were abundant.55. Can we have our orde

28、r now? I am starving to _(die).56. Astronauts in Shenzhou IX find it hard to adapt _(they) to weightlessness.57. _ you go, please remember your motherland is behind you.58. It scared me to see a whale _(attack) by a pack of about six other killers at that time.59. As a global citizen, each one of us

29、 should be aware _ the significance of the environment protection.60. The parents still care about _ their little kid has arrived there safely.61. With the help of the volunteer, the elderly could live _(comfortable) in the nursing house.62. Those who are not open to the world all the time are bound

30、 _(fail) in the end.63. Dongguan _(witness) great changes in all aspects of life in the past 30 years.64. There is no doubt that we will meet _ various difficulties in our life.65. The other day, he _(make) fun of by a stranger due to disability.句子考察66.He apologized to the lady for what he had done

31、for her.(同义句改写)=He _ _ _ _the lady for what he had done to her.67.The whales were too fierce for the hunters to approach.(同义句改写)=The whales were _ fierce _the hunters couldnt approach them.68.It is said that the robots has been tested out successfully.(同义句改写)=The robots is said _ _ _ _out successful

32、ly.69.Although it was dragged away by the snake, the mouse still struggled for life.(同义句改写)=_ _ by the snake, the mouse still struggled for life.70.As he didnt recognize the voice, he refused to give the person his address.(用分词作状语合并句子)_71.The disabled teenager always kept an optimistic attitude towa

33、rd life. It cheered everyone around him up.(用定语从句合并句子)_72.这是这位母亲第一次收到儿子的来信。(用固定句型翻译句子)_Part 8 语法填空51.Suddenly Bell had _ flash of inspiration that sound waves could be sent along a wire.52.That boy owes his success _ his teachers and parents encouragement.53.Nowadays, smoking _(forbid) in more and m

34、ore public places.54.Widely _(regard) as one of the worlds most brilliant minds, Stephen Hawking was known throughout the world for his contributions to science.55.It is still under discussion _ the old bus station should be replaced with a modern hotel or not.56._(apparent), she was cast down by th

35、e fact that the majority objected to her proposal.57.When we saw the road _(block) with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home.58._(raise) the awareness of the importance upon reading, our school organized the 2rd Reading Festival.59.These teenagers dont know much of the world yet, and thats

36、_ they are so easily taken in.60.She likes collecting a lot of stamps, but none of _ is valuable.61.It is true _ music has no borders and culture has no limit.62.Exactly when the first people arrived in _ we now know as California, no one really knows.63.They went home happily after making _(arrange

37、) for the party.64._ is surprising that there are so many Chinese restaurants in Toronto.65.Since he arrived in Beijing, he has adjusted to _(eat) the northern food gradually.句子考察66.He attempted to set up a company of his own, but everything was _ _(白费力气).67 After years of hard work, Chinese artists have successfully _ the palace _ _ _(恢复生机).68.The latest news can reach every corner of the world swiftly _ _ _(借助) computers.69.The words he said made us believe that he was a generous man.=_ _ _ made us believe that he was a generous man.(含主语从句)70.He came in, and he was fol


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