Unit 5教材知识串讲 ppt课件-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册高三一轮复习.pptx

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1、2022高考一轮复习高考一轮复习选择性必修选择性必修 Unit 5 Launching Your CareerI.I.阅读单词阅读单词-知其意知其意1. geometry n. _2. wrist n. _3. graphic n. _ adj. _4. fox n. _5. disk n. _6. camel n. _7. canal n. _ 几何学;几何图形几何学;几何图形手腕;腕关节手腕;腕关节 图表;图形;图画图表;图形;图画 绘画的;绘画的;图案的图案的狐狸;狡猾的人狐狸;狡猾的人磁盘;盘磁盘;盘 骆驼骆驼运河;灌溉渠运河;灌溉渠I.I.阅读单词阅读单词-知其意知其意8. coun

2、cil n. _9. sew vi. & vt. _10. collar n. _11. certificate n. _12. bounce vi. & vt. _ n. _13. profile n. _ vt. _14. code n. _ vt. _委员会;市政服务机构委员会;市政服务机构 缝制;缝;做针线活缝制;缝;做针线活(动物动物) 颈圈;衣领颈圈;衣领 合格证书;证明合格证书;证明 (使使)弹起;上下晃动弹起;上下晃动 弹性;弹跳;弹性;弹跳;活力活力简介;概述;侧面轮廓简介;概述;侧面轮廓 扼要介绍;概述;写简介扼要介绍;概述;写简介 代码;密码代码;密码 编码;把编码;把译

3、成密码译成密码I.I.阅读单词阅读单词-知其意知其意15. estate n. _16. assemble vt. _ vi. & vt. _17. drawer n. _18. hydrogen n. _19. radium n. _20. breast n. _21. bridegroom n. _庄园;住宅区;工业区庄园;住宅区;工业区 组装;装配组装;装配 收集;聚集;集合收集;聚集;集合 抽屉抽屉 氢;氢气氢;氢气 镭镭 乳房;胸部乳房;胸部 新郎新郎II.II.重点单词重点单词-知其知其形形1. _vt. 获得;购得2. _ n. 笼子 vt. 关在笼子里3. _ n. 沙漠;荒漠

4、4. _ n. 律师5. _ n. 公平;公正;合理6. _ n. 债务;欠款acquirecagedesertlawyerjusticedebtII.II.重点单词重点单词-知其知其形形7. _ n. 密探;间谍 vi. 从事间谍活动 vt. 突然看见;发现8. _ vt. 控告;控诉;谴责9. _ n. 钱包;皮夹子 (尤指女用)10. _n. 书法;书写;笔迹spyaccusepursehandwritingIII.III.拓展单词拓展单词-知其知其变变1. _ n. 参与者;参加者_ vi. 参与;参加_ n. 参与;参加2. _ n. 侦探;警探_ vt. 察觉;发觉_ n.察觉;发

5、觉3. _ n. 会计;会计师_ n. 叙述;描写;账户;账目;解释;理由 vi. 认为;解释_ n. 会计行业;会计工作participant participateparticipationdetective detect detectionaccountant accountaccountancyIII.III.拓展单词拓展单词-知其知其变变4. _ adj. 贪婪的;贪心的_ n. 贪婪;贪心5. _ n. 接待员_ n. 接待;招待6. _ adj. 社会主义的 n. 社会主义者_ n. 社会主义_ n. 联谊会;联欢会 adj. 社会的;社交的;交际的_ n. 社会;社团;协会7.

6、 _ adj. 共产主义的 n. 共产主义者_ n. 共产主义greedy greedreceptionist receptionsocialist socialismsocialsocietycommunist communismIII.III.拓展单词拓展单词-知其知其变变8. _ vt. 把奉献给_ adj. 献身的;专心致志的_ n. 奉献9. _ n. 停车位;停车_ vt. & vi. 停车;泊车 n. 公园10. _ n. 油煎的食物 vt. & vi. 油炸;油炒;油煎_ adj. 油炸的;油煎的dedicate dedicateddedicationparking parkf

7、ryfriedIII.III.拓展单词拓展单词-知其知其变变11. _ n. 毛;毛线;毛料_ adj. 羊毛的12. _ n. 优先事项;首要的事;优先_ adj. 先前的;优先的13. _ n. 资金;财政;金融 vt. 提供资金_ adj. 金融的;财政的14. _ n. 收据;接收_ vt. 接收;收到15. _ n. 雇主;老板_ n. 雇员;员工_ vt.雇用;使用_ n. 雇用;使用;工作;就业;受雇wool woolenprioritypriorfinance financialreceipt receiveemployer employee employemployment

8、IV.IV.单元短语单元短语-再认再现再认再现1. _适合于2. _以为基础3. _位于4. _总之5. _得出结论6. _ 关怀;照料;处理be suited tobe based onbe located inin conclusioncome to a conclusionattend toIV.IV.单元短语单元短语-再认再现再认再现7. _ 回忆,回顾8. _分割;分配9. _对热情10. _受欢迎11. _帮助克服困难12. _把变成look backdivide upbe passionate aboutbe popular withhelp . outturn . into .

9、V.V.教材句式教材句式-举一反三举一反三1. The best time to start thinking about possible careers is while you are still at school, before you make any choices about your further education.(before 引导时间状语从句引导时间状语从句)旅客们还没来得及拍照,导游就让他们上车。The guide asked the tourists to get on the bus _.before they could take photosV.V.教材句

10、式教材句式-举一反三举一反三2. As an adult, one of the first questions you are asked when meeting someone new is, “What do you do?”(状语从句的省略状语从句的省略)在公园散步时我遇到了初中时的一个同班同学。I came across a classmate in junior high school _ in the park.when walkingV.V.教材句式教材句式-举一反三举一反三3. This is because your career is a very important

11、part of who you are.(This/That is because .)这是因为你没有把精力用在学习上。_ you havent focused your attention on your studies.This is because1. spy n. 密探;间谍密探;间谍 vi. 从事间谍活动从事间谍活动 vt. 突然看见;发现突然看见;发现spy on sb. 监视某人spy sb. doing sth. 发现某人正在做某事单句语法填空单句语法填空That day he spied _ her while pretending to work on the shrubs

12、 (灌木)The policeman spied a stranger _ (hang) around the corner.on hanging2. accuse vt. 控告;控诉;谴责控告;控诉;谴责(1)accuse sb. of (doing) sth. 指责/控告某人(做)某事accuse sb. as . 指控某人为(2)accusation n. 指责;控告make an accusation against sb. 控告某人(3)accused n. 被告辨析辨析accuse/charge易混词易混词 区别区别accuse 意为“控告,谴责”,常用搭配为 accuse sb.

13、 of sth.charge 意为“控诉,指责”,常用搭配为 charge sb. with sth.2. accuse vt. 控告;控诉;谴责控告;控诉;谴责单句语法填空单句语法填空She accused him _ not keeping his promise that he would help her with her work.The old man gave witness on behalf of the _ (accuse) person.Only after she made her _ (accuse) did the police take up her case.o

14、f accused accusation2. accuse vt. 控告;控诉;谴责控告;控诉;谴责我觉得指责我有态度问题有失公允。I dont think its fair _ an attitude problem.(accuse)I dont think its fair to _ an attitude problem.(charge)to accuse me of having charge me with having3. dedicate vt. 把把 奉献给奉献给(1)dedicate . to . 把奉献给dedicate oneself to doing sth. 献身/致

15、力于做某事(2)dedicated adj. 献身的;专心致志的be dedicated to 献给(3)dedication n. 奉献英语中表示“奉献;献身”的词汇还有 commit, devote, contribute等。3. dedicate vt. 把把 奉献给奉献给单句语法填空单句语法填空For ten years, she has dedicated herself to _ (teach) the children there.She is a _ (dedicate) mother who worked very hard to support her family.Im

16、deeply impressed by her _ (dedicate) to her work. teachingdedicated dedication4. attend to 关怀;照料;处理关怀;照料;处理(1)attend v. 参加;出席;到场;看护;照料attend on 伺候;服侍(2)attendance n. 出席;参加(3)attendant n. 服务员;侍者;护理者4. attend to 关怀;照料;处理关怀;照料;处理单句语法填空单句语法填空Im afraid I cant go out with you tomorrow for I have some pres

17、sing business to attend _.He who was attended _ by a number of servants didnt feel happy.He would have a nurse in constant _ (attend) day and night.完成句子在我去银行时你帮我照看一会儿店铺好吗?Will you _ the shop for a few minutes when I go to the bank? to on attendanceattend to5. before 引导时间状语从句引导时间状语从句(教材原文)The best ti

18、me to start thinking about possible careers is while you are still at school, before you make any choices about your further education. 考虑可能的职业的最佳时间是在你上学的时候,在你决定继续深造之前。(1)before 作连词引导时间状语从句时,在句中的译法很灵活,通常有以下含义:在之前;之后才;不多久就。5. before 引导时间状语从句引导时间状语从句(2)It was时间段before . 过了多久才It was not时间段before . 不久就I

19、t will be时间段before . 要过多久才It will not be时间段before . 不久就(3)It be时间段since . 自从已有多久了(4)It be时间点when . 某事在某时发生5. before 引导时间状语从句引导时间状语从句选词填空:选词填空: before/since/whenWhy didnt you tell him about the meeting?He rushed out of the room _ I could say a word.If you miss this chance, it may be years _ you get a

20、nother one.Its been ten years _ they married.We need to get to the root of the problem _ we can solve it.It was ten oclock _ we went to bed last night. before before since beforewhen单句语法填空单句语法填空1. He is equipped with a deep sense of _ (just) and responsibility.2. She had a feeling that she _ (spy) o

21、n so she felt frightened.3. Both of them studied law at college and became _ (law) after graduation.4. While studying Chinese in China, Kate _ (acquire) a good knowledge of Chinese history.5. Much to my surprise, the man _ (accuse) of murder and was arrested by the police. justicewas being spied law

22、yers acquired was accused填入一个适当的词填入一个适当的词1. _ conclusion, I wish you every success with your studies.2. I believe there is no better choice than the one that is suited _ your interest.3. Its said that the novel is based _ a true story which happened in the 1930s.4. My hometown is located _ the north

23、west of Shandong Province.5.Looking _,I often think of Mrs Li my English teacher in primary school. She was passionate _ her work and always focused on her lessons. Her lessons were so lively and interesting that we all liked English very much. Besides, she offered to help us _ whenever we got into

24、trouble. So she was very popular _ us.In to on in back about out with语篇填空语篇填空Coding as a job is seen as a very recent phenomenon. However, if you take account of its roots 1. _ (lie) back in the middle of the 19th century, you will find it has a long history.In 1842, Ada Lovelace, 2. _ only child of

25、 the poet Lond Byron, wrote the first computer programme. Up until the 1980s, computer programming was 3. _ (probable) recognised as the preserve (专门领域) of specialised companies or teams of individuals. And this industry 4._ (understand) only by professionals, owing to the fact that most of the prog

26、rammes produced at the time were for industrial or military applications. lying theprobablywas understood语篇填空语篇填空This all changed with the coming of the “home computer”, when, 5._ the first time, programming platforms were available to families 6._ could afford the relatively high cost of entry. Lar

27、ge 7._ (quantity) of “open source” software in the 2000s and theappearance of the smartphone caused the industry 8. _ (boom) and made it what it is today. Unlike previous generations, we are living in a digitised world and are always surrounded by many an 9. _ (invent) that coders produce. This has allowed coding to become a more satisfying and 10. _ (cool) career for many of us than any other. for who/that quantities to boominvention coolerBye-bye!


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