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1、PS Platform生产井服务平台Hasan Pehlivan SRPC Cased Hole Product ChampionSchlumberger2PSP6/16/2022生产测井中的挑战客户需求探测烃类的进入点探测水的进入点各相流量各种斜井中的答案井眼流体成象采集数据的灵活性(实时采集或记录)诊断问题提供解决方案3PSP6/16/2022三相生产测井中的挑战气-液流在以下几方面发生变化各相密度的相对差异井斜度平均速度各相比例,持率各相的表面张力和粘度层流波状层流拴塞流活塞流离散气泡流环状流4PSP6/16/20225.5英寸管中水-油层流. 含水率 50%6000150060080从

2、垂直面的角度从垂直面的角度总流量总流量桶桶/天天899091流向5PSP6/16/2022PS Platform Services1998Real-time logging only1999Memory System2000FLASKFLASKFLASK6PSP6/16/2022PS Platform 组合Real-time logging only 生产监测和诊断生产监测和诊断储层监测储层监测固井评价固井评价管柱几何评价管柱几何评价基本测量探头加重杆导轮7PSP6/16/2022生产井服务平台标准仪器串基本测量探头流体密度计光学持气率探头 流体-井径成相仪PBMS遥测短节, 伽玛,套管接箍定

3、位器,压力计,温度计PGMC密度密度, 倾角倾角GHOST气体持率气体持率PFCS速度,水持率,速度,水持率, X-Y 井径井径8PSP6/16/2022仪器规格 111/16 英寸外径 (HTHP21/16 英寸外径) 150C,1000小时(HTHP 200C,8小时) 15,000 psi 仪器串短 (通常 18 或25 英尺长) 高度可靠性 (同随钻仪器一样抗震, 6g) 抗腐蚀9PSP6/16/2022PBMS2.528.3 压力+/- 6psi, +/- 0.01%FS.1 psi压力(张力)+/- 6psi.01psi温度+/- 1 degC.006degCPUCS1.274.2

4、 UnigaugePGMC1.515 流体密度+/- 0.04 gr/cc0.002 gr/ccPFCS1.595.2 流量2 ft/minXY 井径+/-0.2 inch0.04 inches水持率5% (2%for Hw90%) 10% in oil continuous 气泡10% (bubble size1mm)Relative Bearing+/- 10 deg (from 10 to 20) +/- 3 deg (aove 20)仪器规格“高度集成传感器组合通过了设计高度集成传感器组合通过了设计1000小时压力和温度循以小时压力和温度循以及超强度及超强度3轴撞击和震动的标准可靠性试

5、验轴撞击和震动的标准可靠性试验”10 PSP6/16/2022仪器可靠性 撞击 震动可靠性循环 = 150C下1000 小时200C下8 小时11 PSP6/16/2022仪器运送所有的电缆测井用电缆SWxS weight/roller system for highly deviated wells钢丝 (记录存储式操作)连续油管 (SRO or memory)爬行器Slickline Unit12 PSP6/16/2022加重杆和导轮 32磅每2英尺重 允许在大倾角井中用电缆传送 ( 最高75 度) 无线, slotted configuration for multiple size c

6、ables ( .22 & .32-in) 各种导轮尺寸Various roller sizes 1 ft length (2 & 3.15-in OD)Upper HeadNozzleSlotted WeightRollers13 PSP6/16/2022基本测量探头存储式或Memory or SRO, 共享传感器存储模式下各种服务 (包括 FloView 传感器)同轴,单芯或多芯电缆无井径规的新型伽码探测器Industry leading pressure sensorsCQG (15k), Sapphire (10k)为附加的RST, SCMT, GHOST,FloView 服务提供平台

7、高速遥测传输短节150-kB/s 单芯电缆14 PSP6/16/2022石英压力计短节 工业用先进石英压力传感器 UNIGAGE 仪器 “插入” 短节 与其它生产测井仪器的竞争性电池电子线路板石英压力传感器15 PSP6/16/2022流体密度计 新的机械设计避免仪器被从井口喷出 传感器提供密度和倾角测量值 分离式短节在单相条件下减少了仪器串的长度16 PSP6/16/2022连续流量计 定向旋转测量 1-11/16英寸本体的各种转子叶轮 高强度设计 低维护要求17 PSP6/16/2022传送监视探头 为电缆,连续油管和爬行器施工提供张力与压力值 3轴加速计提供高精度倾角测量 安装在遥测通讯

8、短节下部 2001年完成野外试验18 PSP 接地电极接地电极(油连续相测量)油连续相测量)流体-井径成相探头 (PFCS) 速度 水持率 X-Y 井径 气泡计数 相对方位磁绝缘器导电端导电端探头支架探头支架连接器连接器19 PSP6/16/2022流体-井径成相仪测量高清晰度全井眼导向流量计双轴井径FloView 探针探测水持率并计数油泡数。相对方位自居中应用探测油第一次进入并定位出水点的位置。全井段探测液体贡献各相流速井眼流体成相20 PSP6/16/2022探针原理基本假设 明显的流体(无乳化现象) 仅有水与烃类的差异 Local measurements are representat

9、ive 流体未受探测器的影响探针输出2进制水持率 白Yw= - 黑+白探针是二进制输出. 气持率 Yg = 红色时间总时间烃持率21 PSP6/16/2022只有PSP的 FloView 传感器能够在此种条件下提供答案。在高或低含水率井中的应用读数在读数在0.8 和和0.84 之间之间(水水)(油油)相差相差 流体密度计误差22 PSP6/16/2022精确定位在同一点同时获取数据使生产测井解释变得容易!基本模型 : Qp Vm Yp AYVAmpQp流量;Vm:流速;Yp:相持率; A:面积23 PSP6/16/2022Production Services Tractor ToolMAXI

10、S UnitPower & Telemetry via Monocable or Heptacable2” diameter Cased Hole Tractor Tool(Optional)(Optional)24 PSP6/16/2022Tractor Specifications Operational-Casing ID 2-3/4” to 7” for Tractoring-Min Restriction2-3/4”-Cable 1-23, 1-32 Standard, Coax Optional, Heptacable-Max Reach Well Dependant-Max Do

11、gleg25 deg/100-Nominal Speed 1600 ft/hr 350 lbs.-Maximum Pull 700 lbs.-MotionContinuous, Downhole only-Well Bore Debris, Perforations, Slotted Liner Mechanical-Diameter2-1/2”-Max Temperature 125C-Max Pressure (BHP) 15 kpsi-Shock/Vibration SLIM* specification-Total Length 46 Ft (as Field Tested)l Fun

12、ctionality/Combinability Logging while TractoringProductions Service Platform (PSP*) RSTFlagship (PSP version) Logging without TractoringRST* (CPLT* with Coax)Flagship (CPLT with Coax)PLT-B*Perforating w/ SAFELee ToolsHeptacable Tools25 PSP6/16/2022井下探针GHOST光学持气率探头光学持气率探头26 PSP6/16/2022GHOST 硬件 与PS

13、Platform 仪器串一同工作 在扶正器臂上4个光学探头 井径读数 Sensor orientation with relative bearing 规格7.1 ft 2.18 m 长收缩至 111/16 英寸外径300F 150C ,15,000 psi 1035 bar美国国家电子顾问委员会标准:抗 H2S井下探针27 PSP6/16/2022GHOST 光学探针 0.004-in. 0.1-mm 直径,探测区域不受 sensing area not influenced by wetting effects Sapphire 无最大相流速限制 气持率准确率在7%以内 气泡计数准确率在1

14、%以内28 PSP6/16/2022光学气-液差异光由气体反射至光电二极管强度大于液体.光电二极管气泡或也泡光源气持率的测量是根据气对光的反射能力远大于液体对光的反射能力,当光经偶合器遇到气和液体时,其反射光的强弱不同,经光电二级管其电压值不同,便可推知混合流体中气的含量,GHOST可以得到气持率的成像图。29 PSP6/16/2022GHOST测量原理反射强度取决于介质的折射率(n).GHOST Probe Response30 PSP6/16/2022探针是二进制输出. 气持率Yg = 气泡计数Bc =Local Probe Principle气 泡 量 总时间红色时间总时间31 PSP6

15、/16/2022气-液波形相应电压时间液体气-液分离值气32 PSP6/16/2022多相波形响应电压油水气气-液分离值水-油分离值33 PSP6/16/2022GHOST仪器的应用 即使在高角度和水平井中也可以从液体中区分气体 探测液体中 1% 的气体或者气体中的液体 为三相流率的计算定量求得气体和流体的持率 在气井中确定水的进入点 区分凝析气和天然气 确定泡点压力34 PSP6/16/2022Three-Phase Holdup MeasurementsFloView measures water holdupGHOST measures gas holdupCombining FloVi

16、ew & GHOST provides oil holdup35 PSP6/16/2022Optical Probe AccuracyThe GHOST sensor is ideal for first entry detection in these conditions.36 PSP6/16/2022Local (FloView) Probes VersusGradiomanometer Sensors37 PSP6/16/2022生产测井的直接测量Gradio shows fluid entries, butIs it oil or gas?Is it low salinity wat

17、er from a water flood?Is the gradio affected by jetting?Is the gradio affected by an increase in velocity?流率 = 速度 持率 面积水持率水持率w气持率气持率密度流率密度流量38 PSP6/16/2022GHOST 测井曲线的输出定向井的例子持率气泡数烃烃油油气气液体液体39 PSP6/16/2022SPRINT PS Platform Real-TimeAnswer Product流率 = 速度 持率 面积滑速校正因子摩擦校正井径刻度流量计40 PSP6/16/2022气泡率和大小的概念

18、CTp = / - Cs我们测量 和 Cs Bubble rate if is known (model) 气泡大小 若 Vb 自流量计Vm估算出C bubble sizeTp bubble-on time41 PSP6/16/2022模型与实际数据对比42 PSP6/16/2022SPRINT Output Presentation43 PSP6/16/2022BorDyn Real Time Validation ProductReal time link Interactive transient definition Comparative plot for best transien

19、t selection derivative and convolution derivativeFlow regime identification and specialized plot44 PSP6/16/2022BorFlow Interactive Production Logging InterpretationMeasuredvalues (red)Theoreticalvalues (green)BorFlowresultsSPRINTresultsInteractive data editing Builtin algorithms: holdup recomputatio

20、ns bubble models MapFlo & SPRINTMultipass averaging by depth or by zonesInteractive calibrationsUser defined presentations Quality control displays Global inverse solver45 PSP6/16/2022PL Software - StrategyMarkets Complex interpretations Standard interpretations. Realtime/Wellsite StrategyGrow reven

21、ueGrow high-tier marketImprove efficiencyGrow acquisition revenue by demonstrating the value of better Real time/Wellsite interpretations with Horizon.Use new sensors to grow the horizontal market Use “Horizon Client” to significantly decrease the time and effort to reprocess logs and to generate PL

22、 reports.Improve BorFlow useabilityOP:PLQL, SPRINT, BorDynPC:EmeraudeBorFlowBorFlowPC:PLATO & EmeraudeHorizon w/ Horizon Client20002004?46 PSP6/16/2022PS Platform Log ExamplesBasic Measurement sondeGradiomanometer toolGHOST toolFlow-Caliper Imaging toolPBMSTelemetry, gamma ray, CCL, pressure, temper

23、aturePGMCDensity, deviationGHOSTGas holdupPFCSVelocity, Water holdup, X-Y caliper47 PSPFirst entry detection with FloView48 PSPMulti-pass overlay49 PSP6/16/2022Locate an Oil Entry with High Water Production50 PSPFloView Plus in horizontal well51 PSPFloViewPlus in a horizontal well52 PSP6/16/2022PS测井


25、密度和持水率资料可以确定产水位置,结合流量、压力、温度测井便可确定产气量。,结合流量、压力、温度测井便可确定产气量。生产测井的直接测量与应用生产测井的直接测量与应用5、产油位置及产油量:利用密度、持水率、持气率等确定产油位、产油位置及产油量:利用密度、持水率、持气率等确定产油位置,结合流量便可确定正确的产油量。置,结合流量便可确定正确的产油量。53 PSP6/16/2022Water Entry Detected in High-Rate Gas WellOver 400,000 m3/D (14mmcfd/D) gas downhole productionLess than 120 BWP

26、D water downhole productionCharacter of bubble count curves indicates water recirculation in wellbore- confirmed with downhol cameraGas first entry located below major contribution (X270), phase continuity changes. T change : flow behind casing?Water entry at X270 seen by GHOST bubble count (phase c

27、hange to gas continuous)54 PSP6/16/20223-Phase Flow ProfileWith GHOST- DEFTSome gas and oil entering at each zoneWater entering below XX900Bottom zone producing small amounts of each phaseMiddle perforation is major source of water and hydrocarbonTop section influx is hydrocarbon only55 PSP6/16/2022

28、Water Entry Detected in High-Rate Gas WellOver 14 MMcf/D gas downhole productionLess than 120 BWPD water downhole productionCharacter of bubble count curves indicates water recirculation in wellboreGas first entry at X290 below major contribution Water entry at X270 seen by GHOST bubble count56 PSP6

29、/16/2022Detecting Less Than 1% Liquid in Gas WellsTraditional sensors cannot detect this situation.57 PSP6/16/2022Oil Entry Identified with PS PlatformThree-phase production profile determinedOil and water discrimination possible with relative optical propertiesBottom interval producing water, oil a

30、nd tiny amount of gasMeasuring 10% oil not possible without GHOST measurement58 PSP6/16/2022Production Log Analysis in a Gravel-Pack CompletionHorizontal, openhole, gravel-pack completionPS Platform service run with the GHOST and RSTPro toolsGHOST gas holdup identified water entering wellbore (X450)

31、TPHL log, from RSTPro inelastic measurements, showed water in gravel packWFL log confirmed water move-ment behind gravel-pack screen59 PSP6/16/2022Water Recirculation Confuses Traditional Production Log InterpretationSmall water entry point (X40) differentiated from fluid recirculationin wellbore wi

32、th GHOST bubble countClient received necessary information to alter remedial action from frequent scale removal to one-time water shutoff60 PSP6/16/2022Gas and Oil Entry IdentificationDetermined flow profile and well water cut Identified dry gas entry (X905 and X960) for calculations of relative GOR

33、 Reperforated bottom interval to increase oil production without gasSurface conditions: High GOR and four wells sharing one multiphase separator61 PSP6/16/2022Distinguishing Gas from CondensateSurface facility maximized gas capacity but more oil production neededGOR for each producing interval estab

34、lished with GHOST measurement Top zone reperforated Production increased by 400 BOPD62 PSP6/16/2022Estimate of Bubblepoint PressureGHOST bubble count shows gas bubbles coming out of solution.Traditional sensors lack sensitivity to detect this occurrence.63 PSP6/16/2022PS Platform Application Sensors

35、64 PSP6/16/2022GHOST Features and Benefits65 PSP6/16/2022Main PS Platform FeaturesFloView 探测水的持率GHOST探测气的持率通常自仪器底部1.5英寸开始测量短小,紧凑的仪器串遥测短节或存储器的共同传感器与 RST 和 SCMT 仪器的兼容性选装石英压力计提供高清晰度压力最好的可靠性标准 6级甚至可以在存储器中与射孔枪一同使用SPRINT PS Platform 实时有效的现场出图气泡计数成相以便探测第一次进入66 PSP6/16/2022使用 PS Platform的好处 可靠 减少停工时间 高效 减少钻机等待时间或生产延误 简化后勤保障 数据质量 增加了结果的肯定性 最高质量压力数据 回答生产问题 SPRINT实时有效的现场出图 BorFlow 交互式解释


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