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1、机密启用前2021年天津市普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语笔试本试卷分为第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,共130分,考试用时 100分钟。第I卷2至11页,第II卷12至13页。答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号和座位号填写在答题卡上,并在 规定位置粘贴考试用条形码。答卷时,考生务必将答案涂写在答题卡上,答在试卷上的 无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。注意事项:1.每小题选出答案后,用铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。2.本卷共55小题,共95分。第I卷第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填

2、空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。例:Stand over there _ youll be able to see it better.A. or B. and C. but D. While答案是B。1. I was trying to place an order on your website, but I failed._ .I can take your order over the phone.A. Thats fineB. No wayC. My pleasureD. Of course2. I wanted to

3、 make dumplings but found I had _ flour, so I went out to buy some.A. made up forB. run out ofC. kept away fromD. got down to3. Feeling fearful is healthy _ it helps you slow down and evaluate risks properly.A. becauseB. untilC. beforeD. although4. Mark is a genius. By the time he graduated, he _ jo

4、bs by a dozen computer companies.A. has offeredB. has been offeredC. had offeredD. had been offered5. The police searched the area for several days. _, they found the piece of evidence they were looking for.A. Generally B. Originally C. Eventually D. Unfortunately6. Its a good idea to choose a(n) _

5、destination, in case your first-choice tourist spot is not available.A. annualB. exactC. alternativeD. pleasant7. In the spring, a season _ we are learning new rhythms of life,many of us find comfort in the natural world.A. whenB. whereC. whatD. which8. Nowadays many people travel across China _ hig

6、h-speed trains.A. on behalf ofB. by means ofC. at cost ofD. in terms of9. In the lab, keeping things clean and organized can help provide a safer _.A. systemB. methodC. investmentD. environment10. Good evening, everybody. Professor King _ his lecture in a moment, but let me introduce him first.A. de

7、liveredB. will be deliveringC. was deliveringD. has been delivering11. It seemed that I had become _ my parents had wanted me to be.A. whenB. whereC. whatD. whether12. I told you! I really am ranked the lowest. Number 25 out of 25 players._ Youve got nowhere to go but up.A. Tell me a bit more.B. Im

8、not so sure about that.C. Look on the bright side!D. That is absolute nonsense!13. Although a few have come and gone, the restaurants regular customers have_ the same for nearly 40 years.A. stayedB. turnedC. grownD. got14. Mary became a baker at age 14, because her grandfather paid the local baker _

9、 her all the skills.A. to have taughtB. to teachC. teachingD. having taught15. I honestly dont think Im going to be admitted.Wel1, you never know! You_ a better impression than you think.A. may have madeB. should have madeC. couldnt have madeD. neednt have made第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其

10、大意,然后从1635各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。My brother and I are exactly one year apart. We look like twins, but we are completely _16_ . By the time we got to middle school it was clear that my older brother _17_ meditation (冥想), while I was a born _18_ who preferred the theatrical, even when off stage. I

11、took his relative silence to be offensive. We simply didnt _19_.I didnt _20_ having a tense relationship with my brother because I was involved at school. _21_, I threw myself into the world of musicals. I practised singing in the bedroom every day to remain at my best and be _22_ for roles; my brot

12、her would meditate on a window seat. He might feel high school was already hard enough _23_ my noisy singing. So space to practise became a(n)_24_ between us because we shared a room.At the start of the semester, I practised “Circle of Life for a musical. This was the first time I _25_ to learn a so

13、ng, because my voice cracked (破音)as I switched to a head voice. I was annoyed in that period and _26_ practising, declaring I had reached the ceiling of my singing career. For the first time in years my brother _27_ quiet when I got home.After two days of this, my brother asked me to _28_ him in med

14、itation. Feeling my anger at my inability to manage this song _29_,I accepted. My brother said, When your mind floats away, you simply come back. Dont blame yourself. I got the message, and it soon became my new _30_. I kept trying at the song, no longer getting _31_ at myself. And just in time for

15、the trial performance, I was able to _32_ power in my singing despite the switch to a head voice. It was important for me to learn that you dont have to always get everything _33_ the first time and that good things come with continual _34_.I now understand why my brother favours the _35_.16. A. mat

16、ureB. differentC. contentD. normal17. A. dislikedB. preferredC. replacedD. abandoned18. A. writerB. leaderC. painterD. performer19. A. get alongB. drop byC. show offD. check in20. A. tryB. mindC. enjoyD. delay21. A. In particularB. In vainC. In returnD. In theory22. A. humorousB. ordinaryC. competit

17、iveD. grateful23. A. aboveB. belowC. nearD. without24. A. issueB. contrastC. agreementD. balance25. A. struggledB. expectedC. promisedD. decided26. A. beganB. allowedC. stoppedD. continued27. A. hatedB. experiencedC. acceptedD. wanted28. A. helpB. inviteC. joinD. admire29. A. gracefullyB. suddenlyC.

18、 fiercelyD. cautiously30. A. limitB. sentenceC. mistakeD. philosophy31. A. rudeB. angryC. surprisedD. excited32. A. loseB. shareC. reduceD. maintain33. A. wrongB. rightC. backD. down34. A. luckB. absenceC. effortD. fear35. A. fightB. noiseC. quietD. safety第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2.5分,满分50分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A

19、、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AWhen starting college, most students enjoy a weeks stay on campus before classes actually begin. What should you do with that time? Below are several tips to ease(使熟悉) yourself into college life.Participating in Campus Welcome ActivitiesMost universities host welcome events befor

20、e the academic year officially begins, including freshmen orientations(迎新会),campus picnics, and entertainments like concerts.Participating in such events is a great way to learn about school facilities and understand campus culture: What do students do for fun? What are their favorite classes? What

21、is the history of your university? It can help you observe campus life outside the classroom.Exploring CampusGetting to know where essential campus resources aresuch as the student advising center, psychological services, and the tutoring centerwill make your first few weeks on campus a lot easier,

22、because you wont have to look for them while still getting used to your classes.Take some time to check out the buildings where your classes will be held. This will prevent you from getting lost in the first few days of classes, and familiarize you with how long it takes to get from place to place.

23、If youre worried about taking classes one after another in different buildings, a quick test run wont hurt. That way, you will avoid potential time delays in getting to your classes.Starting a RoutineBefore getting too excited about all of the fun things you will be able to do during the week, remem

24、ber that you do have a pretty big schedule change coming up. Starting classes means being in different places at different times, so its a great idea to start getting used to that routine right this week.What helps you most is to schedule your sleep. Following the planned time will ensure you have e

25、nough sleep to get to those early classes and stay wide awake.If you have other daily routines, such as exercising or talking on the phone with family, work those into your day-to-day life before classes start so that you get a better idea of how they fit in with your schedule.36. By participating i

26、n campus welcome activities, freshmen can _.A. learn about campus cultureB. get their course scheduleC. have a physical examinationD. take an entrance test37. Why are freshmen advised to have a quick test run between buildings?A. To see how many facilities they can use.B. To avoid being late for fut

27、ure classes.C. To help those getting lost on campus.D. To practice running on their way to class.38. When is it best for freshmen to start getting used to the new routine?A. On the first day of their classes.B. Before the orientation week.C. After their first-day classes.D. During the orientation we

28、ek.39. What does the author suggest freshmen do to stay focused in class?A. Take physical exercise before class.B. Leave their phones powered off.C. Take early classes every day.D. Keep to the sleep schedule.40. What is the authors purpose in writing this passage?A. To offer some tips on making an e

29、asier start at college.B. To remind freshmen about the first day of school.C. To help freshmen organize campus activities.D. To share his college experience with the reader.BWhen people ask me how I started writing, I find myself describing an urgent need that I felt to work with language. Having sa

30、id that, I did not know for a long time what I was looking for. It was not until I followed this feeling to its source that I discovered I had a passion for writing. With some encouragement from my colleagues, I had one of my poems published. This bit of success, however, was the point where my prob

31、lem began.Back in 1978, I had to travel between three different campuses in the morning, teaching freshman composition. Afternoons I spent taking my daughter to her ballet and horse-riding lessons. I composed my lectures on the way, and that was all the thinking time I had. When I returned home, the

32、re was not enough of me left for writing after a full working day.As a way out, I decided to get up two hours before my usual time. My alarm was set for 5:00 A.M. The first day I shut it off because I had placed it within arms reach. The second day I set two clocks, one on my night table, and one ou

33、t in the hallway. I had to jump out of bed and run to silence it before my family was awoken. This was when my morning writing began.Since that first morning in 1978, I have been following the habit to this day, not making or accepting many excuses for not writing. I wrote my poems in this manner fo

34、r nearly ten years before my first book was published. When I decided to write a novel, I divided my two hours: the first for poetry, the second for fiction. Well or badly, I wrote at least two pages a day. This is how my novel, The Line of the Sun. was finished. If I had waited to have the time, I

35、would still be waiting to write my novel.What I got out of getting up in the dark to work is the feeling that I am in control. For many people, the initial sense of urgency to create easily dies away because it requires making the tough decision: taking the time to create, stealing it from yourself

36、if its the only way.41. What motivated the author to start her writing career?A. Her strong wish to share.B. Her keen interest in writing.C. Her urgent need to make a living.D. Her passionate desire for fame.42. What problem did the author face when she decided to begin her writing?A. She was too ex

37、hausted to write after a busy day.B. She had trouble in deciding on her writing style.C. She had to take time to discipline her daughter.D. She was unsure about her writing skills.43. Why did the author place an alarm clock in the hallway?A. In case the clock in her room broke down.B. In case she fa

38、iled to hear the ringing.C. To force herself out of bed.D. To wake up her family.44. How did the author manage to finish her novel?A. By sticking to writing every morning.B. By writing when her mind was most active.C. By drawing inspirations from classic novels.D. By reducing her teaching hours at s

39、chool.45. What can we learn from the authors success in her writing career?A. It is never too late to change your job.B. Imaginative ideas die away if not taken in time.C. A tight schedule is no excuse for lack of action.D. Daily life provides ideas for creative writing.CIn the fictional worlds of f

40、ilm and TV, artificial intelligence(AI) has been described as so advanced that it is indistinguishable from humans. But what if were actually getting closer to a world where AI is capable of thinking and feeling?Tech company UneeQ is heading for its digital humans, which appear lifelike on the scree

41、n not only in terms of language, but also because of facial movements: raised eyebrows, a smile, even a nod. They look close to a human, but not quite.What lies beneath UneeQs digital humans? Their 3D faces are modeled on actual human features. Speech recognition enables them to understand what a pe

42、rson is saying, and natural language processing is used to work out a response. Meanwhile, another AI company, Soul Machines, is taking a more biological approach, with a digital brain that imitates aspects of the human brain to adjust the emotions felt and expressed by its digital people.Shiwali Mo

43、han, an AI scientist at the Palo Research Center, is skeptical of these digital beings. Theyre humanlike in their looks and the way they sound, but that in itself is not being human, she says. Human qualities also involve how you think, how you approach problems, and how you break them down; and tha

44、t takes a lot of algorithmic(算法)design. Designing for human-level intelligence is a different attempt than designing images that behave like humans. She then continues, “If something looks like a human, we have high expectations of them, but they might behave differently in ways that humans just ins

45、tinctively(直觉地)know how other humans react.Yet the demand is there, with UneeQ seeing high adoption of its digital employees across the financial, health care, and commercial sectors(行业). Unless these sectors make their business models much more efficient digitally, they might be left behind, says C

46、hetan Dube, UneeQs CEO.Some other companies are taking their digital beings a step further, enabling organizations and individuals to create digital humans themselves using free-access platforms they provide. The biggest motivation for such platforms is to popularize AI, Dube says.Mohan is cautious

47、about this approach, yet she supports the purpose behind these digital beings and is optimistic about where theyre headed. As we develop more advanced AI technology, we would then have to use new ways of communicating with that technology, she says. Hopefully, all of that is designed to support humans in their goals.46. According to Para. 2, in what respect(s) do UneeQs digital humans resemble human beings?


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