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1、人教PEP版四年级英语下册期末复习试卷学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、语音选择题选出划线部分发音不同的单词。1AwaterBwinterCherDnumber2ApurpleBshirtCbirdDweather3AforwardBforkChomeworkDmorning4AlittleBappleCuncleDleg5AwarmBballCtallDcard二、单选题6Your school is cool! ()_AThank you.BYes.CWow.7I want two _. ()ApearsBpear8_ is ready. ( )ABreakfastBbreakfastC

2、dinner9_ I go outside now? ()ADoBCanCAm10How many _ are there in your class? ( )AstudentBstudentsCapple三、情景选择11老师问“这些故事书是谁的?”,你应该回答:()AAre these Zhang Pengs?BTheyre Zhang Pengs.CIts Zhang Pengs.12当你想说拉萨的天气凉爽有风,你会说:_ ()AIts cool in Lhasa.BIts windy in Lhasa.CIts cool and windy in Lhasa.13当你想知道对方的班级有多

3、少学生时,应该说:()AHow many are there in your class?BHow many students are there in your class?CHow many student are there in your class?14当你觉得这双鞋子太贵了,会对妈妈说:()AMom, they are just right.BMom, they are too expensive.CMom, thats too expensive.15你想知道这条裤子是谁的, 你应该问:_ ()AAre these your pants?BWhose pants are thes

4、e?四、用单词正确形式填空16This is Mrs Green _ (speak).17Winter is _ (snow). I like making snowmen with my friends.18There are two _ (library) in our school.19Does she _ (have) a football?20Lets _ (sing) and _ (dance) in the music room.五、排序题21Read and number.读一读,为图片排顺序。1. Mr. Wang has a big farm. There are many

5、 vegetables and animals on his farm.2. These are the potatoes and green beans. The potatoes are big and the green beans are long.3. Those are the hens. Mr. Wang has 100 hens on his farm. They are fat.4. Mr. Wang also has many cows on the farm. He loves the cows.A B C D正确顺序为:_六、连线题22将下列单词与正确的图片连起来。1.

6、a. dogs2.b. horses3.c. ducks4.d. hens七、填内容补全对话/短文看图写词语,补全短文。Good morning. This is the weather report. Its _23_in Harbin. Its _24_ in Shanghai. Its _25_in Sanya. Its _26_in Lhasa.八、选内容补全对话/短文A: Hello, Chen Jie.B: Hi, Lucy. _27_A: No. Its warm.B: Thats a nice day! _28_A: OK. _29_B: Potatoes and tomato

7、es.A: _30_B: Of course. We can try some tomatoes there.A: Thats great! _31_B: Me too.AI like to eat them.BIs it cold outside?CAre the tomatoes yummy?DWhats in the vegetable garden?ELets go to my uncles vegetable garden.九、完形填空 Im Lily. This is our _. Its small but nice. There is a big playground and

8、a teaching building (教学楼). Our teaching building has _ floors. Our classroom is on the _ floor. The music room is on the first floor. The _ is on the third floor. Its next to the computer room. The teachers office is _ our classroom. Welcome to our school.32AschoolBclassroom33AtwoBthree34AfirstBseco

9、nd35AlibraryBart room36Anext toBunder十、阅读选择阅读理解。Today all umbrellas are very cheap. They are pretty, too. We have many pretty colours for you. The red umbrella is ten yuan. The yellow one is fifteen yuan. We have many nice sunglasses, too. The brown sunglasses are nice. You can try them on. They are

10、 so cool. But theyre not cheap. The purple ones are very cheap. Come and see us today!37All _ are very cheap. ()AglassesBumbrellasCgloves38The yellow umbrella is _ yuan. ()AfiveBtenCfifteen39We have many nice _, too. ()AsunglassesBshoesCscarves40Are the sunglasses cheap? ()AYes, it is.BYes, they are

11、.CNo, they arent.41Which one is right? ()AAll sunglasses are very cheap.BThe blue umbrella is ten yuan.CThe brown sunglasses are nice.十一、阅读判断读短文,判断句子正T误 F。 Im Zhang Peng. Its 6:40. Its time to get up. I wear my new T-shirt. Its yellow. And I wear my green shorts. Theyre old. But I like them very muc

12、h. I have P.E. class today, so I wear my white shoes. At 7:00, I have some hamburgers and milk for breakfast. Then I go to school at 7:20.42I get up at 6:40. ( )43I have a yellow shirt. Its new. ( )44I like my green shorts. ( )45I wear green shoes today. ( )46I have breakfast at 7:20. ( )参考答案1C2D3C4D5D6A7A8A9B10B11B12C13B14B15B16speaking17snowy18libraries19have20sing dance21C-D-B-A221-4 dcab23cold24warm25hot26cool27B28E29D30C31A32A33B34B35A36B37B38C39A40C41C42T43F44T45F46F


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