吉林省舒兰市2021-2022学年七年级上学期期末考试英语试题 .docx

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1、2021-2022学年度第一学期期末质量监测七年级英语试卷(满分120分;考试时间90分钟 请在答题卡上作答)一、听力(共30分)略二、基础知识(共15分). 句意填词根据所给句子,填入一个适当的单词,使句意完整。(5分)31. My name is Jenny Green. My _ name is Green.32. The second day of the week is _.33. Marys birthday dinner is next week. Lets think _ the food.34. - How do you _ it? - O-R-A-N-G-E.35. Tom

2、s books are _ on his bed, on the sofa, and under the chair. 单项选择从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确的答案。(10分)36. Gina likes _ art best and she wants to be _ art teacher.A. an; aB. /; anC. an; /37. Some bread _ on the table and five eggs are on it, too.A. isB. areC. am38. February 8th is _ fathers birthday.A. mineB.

3、myC. me39. I want to meet you _ Friday afternoon, but I am very busy.A. ofB. onC. in40. - It is _ cold these days. - Yes, we should wear sweaters to keep warm.A. thenB. wellC. really41. _ comes before(在.之前)December, but after October.A. NovemberB. SeptemberC. August42. - _ are your soccer balls? - U

4、nder the bed.A. HowB. WhatC. Where43. This morning we have _ classes, and the _ class is history.A. four; fourthB. fourth; fourC. four; four44. - Is Johns favorite day Friday? - _. His favorite day is Sunday.A. Yes, it isB. No, he isntC. No, it isnt45. - The baseball game is great. - _. Boys in my f

5、amily all love it.A. Its very nice of youB. Thats for sureC. Thank you三、交际运用(共15分). 完成对话从方框中选择正确选项,其中有一个选项与对话内容无关。(5分)A. But I like English best.B. When do you have English?C. Whos your English teacher?D. Why dont you like math?E. Thanks a lot.F. Whats your favorite subject?A: Hows your day, Peter?B

6、: Not good. You know, its Tuesday today and I have two math lessons.A: _46_B: Because its too difficult for me.A: _47_B: Music. I think its very interesting. What about you? Do you like music?A: Yes, I like it, too. _48_ I think its very useful and the English teacher is my favorite.B: _49_A: Mr. Sm

7、ith. Hes a good teacher and hes great fun.B: _50_A: I have it every day. 补全对话根据所给对话,填写适当的内容,使其完整、正确,每空词数不限。(10分)A: Good afternoon, Sir!B: Good afternoon.A: _51_?B: Yes, please. I want to buy a birthday cake for my son.A: _52_?B: Hes twelve years old.A: _53_?B: Its on November 3rd.A: _54_?B: He likes

8、 to play soccer.A: What about buying him a new soccer ball?B: _55_A: Look at this soccer ball. Its nice.B: OK. I will take it.四、阅读(共45分). 短文填空从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文,其中有两个选项是多余的(10分)A. withB. loveC. lunchD. healthyE. fatF. thinkG. wantH. wellI. afterJ. starK. theirL. appleMy name is Mandy. Im in Huawen Midd

9、le School. Im in Class Four. About 25 boys and 20 girls are in my class. Theyre nice to me. Its nice to be _56_ classmate.I like sports. I can play ping-pong _57_. Its an easy and relaxing sport for me. I always play ping-pong with my classmates _58_ school. And I like to watch ping-pong games on TV

10、. My favorite ping-pong _59_ is Chen Meng. Shes a great ping-pong player in China. I can play tennis and basketball, too. I _60_ doing sports is a good habit.I _61_ fruit and vegetables. Theyre healthy food. For breakfast, I like to have some bread and milk. I eat my _62_ at school. In the afternoon

11、, I usually(通常)have a fruit salad. My favorite fruit is _63_. I eat an apple every day. How about my dinner? I like to have a vegetable salad. I dont like ice-cream. I dont want to be a _64_ girl. After dinner, I like to watch TV _65_ my parents. 阅读理解(35分)(A)City Librarys BOOK SALEOctober 11st - Oct

12、ober 15thOct. 11st16:30-19:30 member(会员)onlyOct. 12nd10:00-19:30Oct. 13rd10:00-15:30Oct. 14th10:00-15:30Oct. 15th10:00-16:00 (9 Bag Day)The book sale on Oct. 11st is only for members of the City Library. Not a member? Sign up(报名)at Seymours Bookstore in the library, or at the door of this sale! On t

13、he last day of the sale, you can buy a bag at9 here and take a bag of books home for free.Call 827-6950 with any questions.Welcome to the book sale!阅读上面的材料,选择正确答案(5分)。66. Its a _ book sale.A. three-dayB. four-dayC. five-dayD. six-day67. Who can go to the book sale on Oct. 11st?A. The school members.

14、B. Middle school teachers.C. Any students.D. The members of City Library.68. Where can you sign up to be a member of the City Library?At the door of the library.At Seymours Bookstore.At the door of this sale.At any bookstore in the city.A. B. C. D. 69. On the last day of the book sale, you can get a

15、 bag and a bag of books at the price of _.A. 0B. 4C. 9D. 1270. What number can you call to ask questions about the book sale?A. 827-6950.B. 827-6095.C. 872-9960.D. 872-9650.(B)Mr. Smith is 40 years old. Hes an English teacher in a middle school. Jack and Jim are his sons. Linda is his daughter.Today

16、 is June 20th. Next day is Mr. Smiths birthday. His children buy some things for him. Mr. Smith likes apples very much. Jack buys his father a lot of apples. Jim buys a basketball for his father because Mr. Smith likes playing basketball. Mr. Smith often plays it with his sons in the afternoon. Lind

17、a gives her father a big white cake. Its his favorite color.On his birthday, Mr. and Mrs. Smith neednt go to work. And the children dont go to school. So they have birthday party in the evening. Mr. Smiths friends come to his party. They give some cards to Mr. Smith. There are many words on the card

18、s. Mr. Smith likes them very much. The next day, the Smiths have a picnic in a park(公园). Its great fun for them to eat there.根据短文内容,选择正确答案(5分)。71. When is Mr. Smiths birthday?A. On June 20th.B. On July 20th.C. On June 21st.D. On July 21st.72. The underlined word “have a picnic” mean _ in Chinese.A.

19、钓鱼B. 野餐C. 游泳D. 远足73. What do the Smiths do on the evening of June 21st?A. Go to the store.B. Go to the park.C. Play basketball.D. Have a party at home.74. What does Mr. Smith do?A. Have a party.B. A worker.C. An English teacher.D. Get some things.75. The second paragrapg(段)is mainly about _.A. the t

20、hings Mr. Smiths children buy for himB. Mr. Smiths favorite thingsC. Mr. Smiths family membersD. the place they go for a trip(C)Hello, Im Peter. I am an English boy. Im twelve. I have a good friend. His name is Liu Gang. He is a Chinese student.Now Liu Gang studies in No. 2 Middle School. He is twel

21、ve years old, too. He is in Class Two, Grade Seven. He likes English very much and he is good at it. This is his cat. I dont know its name. I think it is three. That is his schoolbag. You can see his school ID card, a pencil box, an English notebook, two Chinese notebooks, some exercise books and an

22、 English-Chinese dictionary in it.I can help him with English. And he can help me with Chinese. I like to play soccer ball. Liu Gang likes to play soccer, too. We often play soccer after school every day.根据短文内容,判断下列格局正(T)误(F)。(5分)76. Liu Gang is not a Chinese boy.77. Liu Gang is in Class Two, Grade

23、Seven.78. Liu Gang knows the cats name.79. Liu Gangs school ID card is in his schoolbag.80. Peter and Liu Gang like to play soccer.(D)Dear Jenny,_81_ At 8:00 I have math. It is not fun. The teacher says it is useful, but I think it is difficult. Then at 9:00 I have science _82_ At 10:00 I have histo

24、ry _83_ It is easy and fun. Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00, and after that we have Chinese. It is my favorite subject. _84_ My classes finish at 1:50, but after that I have an art lesson for two hours. It is really relaxing!How about you? _85_ What is your favorite subject?Your friend,Yu Mei短文还原 根据短文内容

25、,将下面方框内的句子还原到文中空缺处,使短文内容完整(5分)A. It is difficult but interesting.B. After that, I have P.E. at 11:00.C. I am very busy on Friday.D. When are your classes?E. Our Chinese teacher, Mrs. Wang, is great fun.(E)86. My birthday is on January 24th. I want to ask some friends to my birthday party.87. On Apri

26、l 4th, the students and teachers go on a school trip. We can take some food and drinks.88. Hello, Im Jenny. Look! This is my room. Its on the second floor. Its pink. I have a purple bed. My green bag is on the bed. I like the bag. I have a desk in my room. Theres some books on the table. I like my r

27、oom.89. A computer game and some keys are in the classroom. Are they yours? Please call me at 613-588.90. My brother likes his school, too. He likes math, but he doesnt like English. His favorite subject is P.E. He likes it very much because he think its fun.根据短文内容,从方框中选出每段的主旨大意。(5分)A. My RoomB. Sch

28、ool TripC. FoundD. SubjectsE. Birthday Party86. _87. _88. _89. _90. _(F)My name is Sally. Im 13 years old and I live in New York. My favorite subject is music. I dont like science because its boring. I usually do my homework at 5 p.m. and I go to bed at 9 oclock. My favorite teacher is Mr. Green.Hi,

29、 my name is Paul. Im 14 and my birthday is February 13th. Ms. Martin is my favorite teacher. She teaches math. I like math and music. I can play the piano but I cant sing very well. I dont like science. Its so boring.My name is Jack. Im from England. I get up at 6 oclock and I have breakfast at 7 oc

30、lock. I like swimming and drawing. I dont like science. I think its boring. I speak English and a little Chinese.My name is Mary. Im from Japan. I speak Japanese and English. I usually go to school at 7 oclock in the morning. I think science is boring, but I like history. I want to visit China and A

31、merica. I think they are very interesting countries.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。(10分)91. When does Jack get up?92. What does Sally usually do at 5 p.m.?93. Why does Mary want to visit China and America?94. Who is Pauls favorite teacher?95. Why dont they like science?五、书面表达(15分)XIII. 假如你是刘敏,你朋友开了一家名为Good Clothes S

32、tore的服装店。最近店里打算开展一次促销活动。请你根据下面表格中的提示,用英语帮你的朋友写一则促销广告,以吸引更多的顾客光临服装店。(15分)衣服颜色价格短裙各种颜色80元一件毛衣红色、蓝色、绿色70元一件裤子蓝色、白色、黑色60元一条/100元两条运动鞋黑色、白色50元一双要求:1. 语句通顺,语义连贯,层次清晰;2. 包含表格中所有内容。3、70词左右。(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。Good Clothes StoreWelcome to our clothes store! We are at a great sale now._Come to Good Clothes Stor

33、e and have a look now!2021-2022学年度第一学期期末质量监测七年级英语试卷参考答案一、听力(共30分)略二、基础知识(共15分). 句意填词根据所给句子,填入一个适当的单词,使句意完整。(5分)31. last/family; 32. Tuesday; 33. about; 34. spell; 35. everywhere. 单项选择从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确的答案。(10分)3640BACBC4145ACACB三、交际运用(共15分). 完成对话从方框中选择正确选项,其中有一个选项与对话内容无关。(5分)4650DFACB. 补全对话根据所给对话,填

34、写适当的内容,使其完整、正确,每空词数不限。(10分)51. Can I help you?52. How old is he?53. When is his birthday?54. What does he like?55. Good idea.四、阅读(共45分). 短文填空从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文,其中有两个选项是多余的(10分)5660KHIJF6165BCLEA. 阅读理解(35分)6670CDBCA7175CBDCA7680FTTTT8185CABED8690EBACD91. At 6 oclock.92. She usually does her homework.93. Because she thinks they are very interesting countries.94. Ms. Martin.95. Because they think its boring.五、书面表达(15分)略


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