
上传人(卖家):luzy369 文档编号:3192892 上传时间:2022-07-31 格式:DOC 页数:3 大小:40KB
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1、初中英语常见话题提问句式一、自身类1.What did you do for last birthday? 翻译上个生日你做了什么?2.If you could have the perfect birthday party, what would it be? 翻译如果你能有一个完美的生日派对,你会是什么?3.What is your favorite food? why?翻译你最喜欢的食物是什么?为什么?4.What is your favorite kind of ice cream? why? 翻译你最喜欢哪种冰淇淋?为什么喜欢?5.What is your favorite kind

2、 of candy? Why? 翻译你最喜欢哪种糖果?为什么喜欢?6.What is your favorite color? Why?翻译什么是你最喜欢的颜色?为什么?7.What is your favorite zoo animal? Why?翻译你最喜欢的动物园动物是什么?为什么?8.What is your favorite time of the year? 翻译一年中你最喜欢的时间是什么时候?9.Is your bedroom decorated? How is it decorated? 翻译你的卧室装修了吗?它是如何装饰的?10.If you could receive on

3、e thing in the whole world as a present right now, what would it be? 翻译如果你现在可以收到全世界的一件东西作为礼物,那会是什么?11.What do you want to be when you get older? Why? 翻译当你老了,你想成为什么样的人?为什么?12.What is the silliest thing you have ever said or done? 翻译你说过或做过的最愚蠢的事情是什么?13.What do you like to spend your allowance on? 翻译你喜

4、欢把零用钱花在什么上面?二、家庭类1.How do you like being a big/little sister/brother?Why? 翻译你喜欢做当大哥哥(姐姐)还是小弟弟(妹妹)吗?为什么?2.Where does your Dad work / what does your dad do for a job? 翻译你爸爸在哪里工作/你爸爸做什么工作?3.What is your favorite thing to do as a family? 翻译你最喜欢你们家庭成员一块做的事情是什么?4.What kind of pets do you have? Say somethi

5、ng.翻译你有什么样的宠物?介绍它一下吧!三、学校类1.Which teacher is your favorite one? Why? 翻译你比较喜欢哪个老师?为什么?2.Do you go to school on foot or by bus? What do you feel?翻译你坐公共汽车去学校还是步行去学校?你感觉如何?3.What is your favorite thing to study at school? 翻译你最喜欢在学校学习什么?4.What are you studying in school right now in math? foreign languag

6、e? .science? etc? 翻译你现在在学校学什么?数学? 外语? .科学?.5.What is your least favorite thing to study? Why?翻译你最不喜欢学习什么?为什么?6.Who is your best friend? Why?翻译谁是你最好的朋友?为什么?7.What do you like to play at recess? 翻译课间休息时你喜欢玩什么?四、休闲类1.What do you like to do for fun? Why? 翻译你喜欢什么娱乐活动?为什么?2.Do you play sports? Which ones?

7、 翻译你运动吗?哪个?3.What is your favorite thing to do on the weekend? 翻译周末你最喜欢做什么?4.Do you prefer to spend your time inside or outside? 翻译你更喜欢在室内还是室外消磨时间?5.Do you like to draw? What kinds of things do you draw? 翻译你喜欢画画吗?你画什么样的东西?6.What do you do when you get home from school? why?翻译放学回家后你会做什么?为什么?7.Where i

8、s the most exciting place you have been in the past year? Say something.翻译过去一年你去过的最激动人心的地方在哪里?说一说。8.Do you have a bike? What does it look like? 翻译你有自行车吗?它是什么样子的?9.What is your favorite TV show? 翻译您最喜欢的电视节目是什么?10.What is your favorite movie ever? 翻译你最喜欢的电影是什么?11.What is the best toy that you have? 翻译

9、你最好的玩具是什么?12.What is your favorite book? 翻译你最喜欢的书是什么?13.What is your favorite computer game? 翻译你最喜欢的电脑游戏是什么?14.What is your favorite place to eat? 翻译你最喜欢吃的地方是什么?15.What kind of music do you like? 翻译你喜欢什么样的音乐?16.What is your favorite song? 翻译什么是你最喜欢的歌曲?17.Do you like to dance? why?翻译你喜欢跳舞吗?为什么?18.Do

10、you know how to play any instruments? Which one(s)? 翻译你知道如何演奏任何乐器吗?哪个?五、回忆类(过去时)1.What was something fun you did this week? 翻译这周你做了什么有趣的事情?2.What was something you had to do this week that you didnt care for? 翻译本周你必须做哪些你不关心的事情?3.Did you see anyone this week that you havent seen for a while? 翻译这周你有没有看到好长时间没有见过的人?4.Did you go visit anyone this week? Who? Where? What did he/she say?翻译这周你去拜访过任何人吗?是谁?在哪里?他/她都说了些什么?5.Did anyone come to visit your house this week? 翻译这周有人来过你家吗?6.Do you have any exciting stories to tell from the past week? 翻译在过去的一周里,你有什么激动人心的故事要讲吗?3


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