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1、华东师范大学网络教育学院 闫寒冰n远程培训的优势与劣势n远程教育的本质特点n理念:远程培训质量管理的基本理念n体系:OU的培训案例解读n课程:设计与创新n实施:助学案例剖析n远程培训是指依赖于网络课程的,有明确的培训目的、培训时限的培训,以此区别与非正式学习。n理想:n教学交互性强n超越教学时空n共享教学资源n实现教育理想n开放、灵活学习、以学为主n现实:n学习效果受到质疑n质量管理正趋规范n时空不限,可以运用零碎时间学习n隐性知识外化,便于智慧共享n网络数据库,可以快速地查找资源n教学民主氛围的形成n远程培训优势无限前提:内容设计好,助学得当的情况下n内容:有些教学内容不适于网上进行n情境:




5、与学相互作用中发生的q远程教育必须重新构建教与学相互作用的关系(教与学的再度整合)q教与学行为再度整合的关键q 特殊形式和内容的学习资源 q 以人际交互为主要特征的学习支持n内容设计嵌入教法n教学材料便于人际交互n学习内容的更新与活性时间提醒学术性的支持 非学术性支持问题解决问卷调查技术支持常见问答讲解内容评价跟踪发展学习技能激发动机交流研讨n理念体系课程开发学习支持n理念价值:nOpen University:The Open University is open to people,places,methods and ideas.It promotes educational oppor

6、tunity and social justice by providing high-quality university education to all who wish to realize their ambitions and fulfill their potential.Through academic research,pedagogic innovation and collaborative partnership it seeks to be a world leader in the design,content and delivery of supported o

7、pen and distance learning.From:http:/www.open.ac.uk/about/ou/p2.shtmln华东师范大学网络教育学院:让培训成为真正的福利n远程培训中的文化印记n课程主题的选择、框架的确定、制品符号的表现n培训过程的管理、服务的宗旨、培训课程的再生成理念价值行为方式制品符号祝智庭,2006nOU的理念价值带来的:n质量管理:不是单纯的ISO9000,而是针对一些学科开展质量研究n对残疾人的政策n质量管理-不是规范流程,而是突破重点nCentre for Excellence in Teaching and Learningnreflect its

8、 commitment to be open to methods.nThe Open CETL intends to provide insights into delivery of effective life-long learning at scale and free from constraints of time and place.nThe Centre is helping excellent teachers to develop effective and engaging open learning in mathematics science,computing a

9、nd technologynThe challenges are many.The home based student must be provided with rich and motivating experiences in subjects that are about the wonders of the natural world and technology.They must be helped to work together in spite of geographical separation.They must be supported in learning ho

10、w to use complex tools and techniques.nThe Centre will harness academic creativity and new learning technologies in generating new responses to these long-standing challenges.nIt is about developing expertise and knowledge around practice-based professional learning and offering this to all Open Uni

11、versity colleagues and other bodies with an interest in practice-based learning.nThe Centre is focused on curriculum innovation,the use of modern technology,the development of personal and professional skills,positioning physics in a broader scientific context and widening access.nThe three partners

12、 are supporting a range of teaching and learning projects that will both benefit students and accelerate the growth of pedagogic knowledge in physics and astronomy education.ndeveloping and tailoring learner support within the curriculum n服务观n以学习者*为中心的视角n生态观n考虑课程的更新与成长n系统观n将远程培训中课程的设计、开发、实施、评价作为一个系统

13、来考虑n远程培训的质量管理是考虑以上种种观点视角后,所形成的规范操作。n美国凤凰城大学的课程体系n教育硕士的课程体系(华东师大网络学院研发)nOU的教师培训课程体系能力板块课程集内容示例示例相应课程集的课程目标层次新手阶段高级新手阶段胜任阶段精熟阶段专家阶段专业基础教育哲学教师职业道德中小学教科研计划与准备基于项目的学习个性化教学远程教学设计教学方法与策略课堂提问技巧有效助学技巧信息技术整合教学管理管理学习环境技术支持的教学管理评估与评价绩效评估评价工具设计科研评价与反思注注:纵向依据IBSTPI教师能力标准);横向依据本纳的教师职业发展理论。School placementNeeds Ana

14、lysisAuditITPLevel 1FamiliarizationAssessmentSubject knowledgeModulesRevised ITPSchoolexperienceLevel 2ConsolidationAssessmentSubject knowledgeModulesRevised ITPSchoolexperienceLevel 3AutonomySubject knowledgeModulesSchoolexperienceAssessmentPGCE/QTSCEDPAssessmentonlySchoolexperienceAssessmentPGCE/Q

15、TSCEDPAssessmentLevel 1FamiliarizationModule 1AModule 1BModule 1CModule 1DModule 1EModule 1FLevel 2ConsolidationModule 2AModule 2BModule 2CModule 2DModule 2EModule 2FLevel 3AutonomyModule 3AModule 3BModule 3CModule 3DModule 3EModule 3FStrand A:Your subjectStrand B:PupilsStrand C:PlanningStrand D:Tea

16、chingStrand E:AssessmentStrand F:Professional roleLevel 1Familiarization20 days school experienceBy the end of this level,student teachers will be able to plan,teach and evaluate sections of lessons and single lessons with the support of a mentor.Level 2Consolidation40 days school experience(5 days

17、primary)By the end of this level,student teachers will be able to plan,teach and evaluate short sequences of lessons with the support of a mentor.Level 3Autonomy50 days school experienceBy the end of this level,student teachers will be able to take responsibility for planning,teaching and evaluating

18、 extended sequences of lessons.n终于到了课程开发了n内容的展示形式n即时更新型的n优点:可以即时更新;管理相对容易n缺点:教师的时间成本;忽略远程教学设计(设计粒度、教法设计、内容呈现方式的设计)n制作成形的,偶尔更新的n分类1n视频为主的(如:三分屏的讲座)n音频为主的n文字为主的n分类2n静态呈现讲稿的n动态呈现讲座过程的n教学模式n资源库形式n如,只提供学习资源,设定学生学习的时间。n远程教学形式n如,资源制作好后,将在远程通过讨论、作业能形式组织学习,只在必要的时候面对面学习(如开班)。n远程与面授结合形式n如,资源制作好后,在多个时间安排面授,进行答疑





23、进度n对于共性的问题要通过管理解决n如:远程教学设计书n如:网络课程建设指南n如:网络课程范例n如:学习支持材料范例n如:与各类人员的合同等n安排合适的人组成有效率的团队n课程实施阶段呢 课程开发阶段 培训实施阶段 课程材料课程材料学习支持学习支持传统上讲,学习支持是在课程材料开发完成后发生的(Tait,2000)课程开发阶段 培训实施阶段课程材料课程材料学习支持学习支持在网络课程中尽可能固化优秀的学习支持(多数是学术性支持)可固化的学习支持可固化的学习支持动态学习支持动态学习支持n学习建议:助学导师的话n学习范例:超过60个优秀的作品范例n自评量规:讨论板量规,框架问题量规,单元计划量规 n

24、讨论主题:每个模块中均有精心设计的、与课程内容紧密相关的讨论问题n学习平台:基于Moodle平台n助学支持:助学管理n分析课程材料课程材料助学导师助学导师互动固化更多的学习支持影响因子 面对面中的互动效果 课程改进 学习内容感受节奏,理解重难点不同的颜色与标签标注节奏与重要性;预知重难点,插入视频片段去解释它;创造FAQ从学员中挖掘到更多的难点。学习活动获得对某一主题讨论的关键性理解为每个讨论创建点评,帮助助学导师掌握重点。学习评价 知道为什么需要提高,以及如何提供自己的作品展示范例的修改过程,包括原始案例以及过程性点评。q现象:讨论目的不清晰,学员不需要对课程的学习就可参与q不足分析:q讨论


26、重点:明确讨论的意义,逐渐形成有意义的小结nhttp:/ this habitual flexible and learner-controlled time management fit for a course needs more involvement?nThe cases took place at the end of 2007 to March,2008 in Shanghai.nFacilitator AnHave good experience on facilitating F2F trainingnNo experience on facilitating online

27、training.nWorried very much about the quality.nFacilitator BnHave good experience on facilitating F2F trainingnHave some experience on facilitating online training.nBelieve online training has many advantages over F2F training.nClass An28 selected teachersnVery busy nHave no idea of Intel TeachnClas

28、s Bn20 selected teachersnVery busynFamiliar with the previous version of Intel Teach,but this version is quite different from beforenBlended learningnAfter the F2F training,the learners satisfaction almost same.Requirementfacilitator Afacilitator BRequired Learning timeAt least learn one hour per da

29、yLearn any time but guarantee 6 hours per weekSynchronized communication Compulsory,twice per week,one hour per time;Topics are decided by the course;Optional,twice per week.One hour per time.Topics are decided by the participants,the facilitator will help them to solve problem.Synchronized tool Onl

30、ine Discussion Forum Chatting roomAsynchronized communication-Discuss at Online Discussion Forum on required topics;Other requirementsPost reflective blog after each module;Finish the task in the process of learning Post reflective blog after each module;Finish the task in the process of learningPar

31、ticipants attitude to the requirementPressure,complain,and queryHappy,relaxed,and understandFacilitator A:nPost bulletin everyday to encourage those participants who study online that day at the first two weeks.Also give some remind of learning process.See the Example.nBe sure to be online at the re

32、quired discussion time,and also encourages those participants who takes part in the discussion.nAt the end of each week,facilitator A will report the participants involving situation one by one.See the Example.nWhen he found participants are really motivated to learn,he change to post bulletin twice

33、-third times per week.Keep on reporting participants involving situation at the end of each week.Facilitator B:nPost bulletin to emphasis the key point of learning twice per week at the first two weeks.nBe sure to be online at the office time.Have some deep discussion with 3-4 participants.nTo check

34、 Online Discussion Forum and Blog frequently,be sure to give feedback.nPay a lot of efforts and time to call participants one by one(twice),email to participants to discuss about their works one by one.Class A:nBecome more and more involved.nOnline discussion is very successfulnShow satisfaction abo

35、ut the trainingClass B:nOnly 4-5 participants are very involved,but they also feel worried about online learningnAlmost all the participants feel appreciated for facilitators effort and timenMost participants didnt show deep understanding about the course according to the finished unit portfolioComp

36、aring Items Class AClass BRetentionNumber 26/2814/20Ratio92.9%70%Satisfaction to the training Very satisfied38%7%Somewhat satisfied50%29%Somewhat unsatisfied12%50%Very unsatisfied014%Participants for the survey 26 14Quality of the final products Very well23%21%Good 42%29%Passed35%50%nParticipants in

37、 Class B familiar with a part of the content.Does it make them feel proud or impatient?nClass A online discussion:synchronized and compulsory nLearners post can get feedback soon npeer review was guaranteed nonly if the discussion finished,no matter facilitator or learners need to revisit it from ti

38、me to time learning melody nClass B online discussion:asynchronized and compulsorynwhen a learner post a discussion,he had to check the discussion from time to time.nsynchronized office time,but optional.If learners didnt learn enough,it would be quite difficult for them to have questions.“the stric

39、t-time-scheduled discussion give me an enlightenment to organize my own discussion,which based on online discussion board of my middle-school,and very time-consuming for her without strict-time-schedule”.-a learner from Class AnLearners in Class A developed a good habit.“I have gradually developed a

40、 habit during these two months-the first thing when I get to school is to turn on my computer,login in the online course,to prepare for new learning.To be frank,I have not cared so much about any other training like this.”-From blog of a learner of Class A“Inertia is natural for human being.If we le

41、arn in the same classroom,with teacher and classmates are in presence,that would certainly easy to be involved without wandering.However,online learning is quite different-higher self-discipline is deadly needed.I almost quit from it at the beginning.However,I was touched by teachers encouragement a

42、nd classmates diligence.I decide to go along with others.Now,two weeks pasted,I get used to the learning model.No matter how busy I am everyday,I still care about this online learning,try my best to learn online even got sick sometimes.Now and then,I will ask if today is Wednesday,because Wednesday

43、is a discussion day;from time to time,unit plan,student example and rubric,those terms used to be strange,will come to my mind.I know now,with developing a good habit,a difficult thing can be easy.”-From blog of a learner of Class AnLearners in Class B didnt show that they really fully use the poten

44、tial time,such as weekends.“To be frank,I didnt reduce my attention to online course.Every time when I was invited by friends to play,I always decide to make it up tomorrow.However,tomorrow I maybe go out to play again or do some housework.I found it is easier to insist on learning at weekdays,the s

45、chool is a place to remind me to learn.However,at weekends I seemed have much free time,but with the thought that I have much time anyway,I always delayed and delayed,at last give it up at all.”-From a learner of Class BFacilitator AFacilitator BTime consuming onPost bulletinOnline discussion forumR

46、eport process(Email)Post bulletinOnline office timeOnline discussion forumEmailTelephoneStatesinitiative,ordered,and concentratedpassive,disorder and dispersivenIn topic discussion,ODF can be a better synchronized tool than chatting room mainly because it npermits multi topics to be discussed at the

47、 same time.nprovides participants comparatively enough time to think and feedbacknPermits participants post their feedback at any possible level nLeadership training for school headteachersnAdopted facilitator As strategy,but enhanced with a clear rubric,in which compulsory online discussion at sett

48、led time is required.nRetention:100%nSatisfaction:very highblog community:http:/ nOther two TEO trainingnRetention of the better one:93%nRetention of the normal one:82%blog community:http:/ At present,facilitator As dynamic support(mainly different on time management from habitual one)has been concl

49、uded and became the criterion for dynamic support of TEO.A new round training will be launched in 2010.nIn addition to“static support”mentioned in this article.This course integrate and solidify two roles:a matured teacher and new teacher.nlearners interact not only with materials but with an“interaction”-more interesting and effective learning is expected to happen.We have sufficient reasons to believe online learning will be more effective in the future with human beings wisdom.


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