Unit 4 单词用法讲解(Learning About Language)-ppt课件 -(2022)新人教版(2019新版)高中英语选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、版本:新人教版本:新人教单元:选择性必修一单元:选择性必修一 Unit 4(Learning About Language)单单词词课课堂堂1.incident尤指不平常的事件2.trial try+-al(名词后缀)词块:a(free)trial period,trial and error,on trial3.slight&slightlyslight 英语释义:very small in degreeslight+-ly slightly(a little)4.assess&assessmentassess 精准的汉语释义:“评”价,强调定性 估“算”,强调定量assess+-ment

2、assessment 5.internal词块:internal organs/injuries,internal doubts6.pose词块:pose a threat/challenge/danger/risk(to)7.bend一词多义:基本义“(使)弯曲”本单元词汇梳理本单元词汇梳理重重难难点点词词精精讲讲辨析义辨析义incidenttrialassess精准的汉语释义精准的汉语释义bend一词多义一词多义pose搭配义搭配义熟词生义熟词生义incident 西安事变(双十二事变)西安事变(双十二事变)发生于1936年12月12日。张学良和杨虎城为了达到劝谏蒋介石改变“攘外必先安内”

3、的既定国策,停止内战,一致抗日的目的,在西安发动“兵谏”。同月25日,在中共中央和周恩来主导下,以蒋介石接受“停止内战,联共抗日”的主张而和平解决。根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成句子。根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成句子。_(西安事变)is one of the most important events in modern Chinese history.Xian Incident incident n C(尤指不平常的)事件(尤指不平常的)事件 sth that happens,especially sth unusual or unpleasant:a shooting incidentN

4、ot too long ago,an incident that happened at Walt Disney touched me greatly.事变:事变:the July 7th Incident of 1937incident既可指小事件,又可指具有影响力的事变,如犯罪、袭击等。既可指小事件,又可指具有影响力的事变,如犯罪、袭击等。He could remember every incident in great detail.the Lugouqiao Incident accident多指意外或偶然发生的不幸事件。多指意外或偶然发生的不幸事件。a traffic acciden

5、t affair可指私事或相关的事件,其复数形式可指私事或相关的事件,其复数形式affairs一般指公共或政治一般指公共或政治事务。事务。Masses of fresh reports and stories keep you up-to-date on world affairs.event一般指重大事件、活动或体育运动的比赛项目。一般指重大事件、活动或体育运动的比赛项目。the chief events of 2020 The 800 metres is not his best event.incident,accident,affair,event析析辨辨trial词源解读:词源解读:

6、trial 来自 try,基本义为“试验”。trial n C&U 试用;试验:试用;试验:a(free)trial period New cars have several severe trials before they are put on the market.审判;审讯:审判;审讯:In a trial,a judge must decide which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe.on trial 在试用中;在受审:在试用中;在受审:The clerk was employed on trial.Hes on

7、trial for theft.trial and error 反复试验;不断摸索:反复试验;不断摸索:Children learn technical skills by/through trial and error.评价;评定评价;评定assess估算;估价估算;估价assess vt 评价;评定评价;评定 to make a judgement about a person or situation(judge):Its difficult to assess the impact of the Presidents speech.Many of the adults were ass

8、essed as having learning difficulties.估算;估价估算;估价 to calculate the value or cost of sth(estimate):Damage to the building was assessed at 40,000.assessment n C&U 评定;评价;估价;估算评定;评价;估价;估算精准的汉语释义:精准的汉语释义:“评评”价,强调定性价,强调定性精准的汉语释义:估精准的汉语释义:估“算算”,强调定量,强调定量assess 小结小结assess 评价;评定评价;评定强调“定性定性”,与judge同义,后面不接具体的数

9、字。估算;估价估算;估价强调“定量定量”,与estimate同义,后面往往接具体的数字或how much等。pose照相的时候我们常常说要摆个pose。摆 pose 就是摆姿势姿势的意思。摆个pose,在模特行业或演艺圈经常被提起,就是做个造型、姿势姿势。不过现在“摆 pose”这种说法已经被大众广泛使用了。vi 摆好姿势;佯装:摆好姿势;佯装:After the wedding we all posed for a photograph.vt 造成(威胁、问题等):造成(威胁、问题等):pose a threat/challenge/danger/risk(to)n C 姿势;姿态;假装姿势

10、;姿态;假装pose vbendbend 的词源义为“给弓绑上弓弦”,给弓上弦就要使弓弯曲,其释义逐渐扩大为“(使)弯曲(使)弯曲”(基本义)。bend v vt&vi(使)弯曲:(使)弯曲:He bent the wire into the shape of a square.vi&vt(使)(使)倾侧;俯身;(使)弯腰:倾侧;俯身;(使)弯腰:You have to bend your knees to sit down.He bent down/over and picked up a book from the floor.vi(路)转弯:(路)转弯:The road bends to

11、 the right after a few yards.bend to sbs will正式用语屈服于某人的意愿正式用语屈服于某人的意愿n C(尤指道路或河流的)拐弯;弯道:(尤指道路或河流的)拐弯;弯道:a sharp bend in the road(使)物体弯曲(使)物体弯曲(使)身体部位弯曲(使)身体部位弯曲路弯曲路弯曲(使)弯曲(使)弯曲bend(基本义)(基本义)(使)(使)物体物体弯曲弯曲(使)(使)身体部身体部位位弯曲弯曲路路弯曲弯曲bend 语义网络图语义网络图 (使)弯曲(使)弯曲(使)倾侧;俯(使)倾侧;俯身;(使)弯腰身;(使)弯腰 (路)转弯(路)转弯(尤指道路或河

12、流(尤指道路或河流的)拐弯;弯道的)拐弯;弯道vn随堂检测随堂检测选出适当的单词,并用其正确形式填空。选出适当的单词,并用其正确形式填空。1.The _ caused some damage to my car,but its nothing serious.(2013 辽宁)2.The minister is busy with important _ of state.3.During the trip,I was busy recording every _,name and place I came across in my diary.(2013 湖北改)4.Earth Day,ma

13、rked on 22 April,is an annual _ aiming to raise public awareness about environmental protection.(2019 北京)5.If you live in the capital,renting a room out during the Olympics or other big _ could bring in money.(2011 四川)incident accidentaffairsincident eventeventsevent,accident,incident,affairtrial写出下

14、列句子中写出下列句子中画线部分画线部分的汉语释义。的汉语释义。1.They succeeded in the experiment on the fifteenth trial._ 2.The case is now under trial._3.She agreed to employ me for a trial period._ 4.Trial and error is the source of our knowledge._5.The robots have been on trial for the past year._6.He was on trial for theft._试

15、验试验审判审判 /审讯审讯试用期试用期反复试验反复试验 /不断摸索不断摸索试验中试验中审讯中审讯中assess一、根据句意,选出下列句子中一、根据句意,选出下列句子中assess的汉语释义。的汉语释义。1.Use the information below to assess how much money Dave and Jane will be able to give to charity._2.I was determined to be assessed as a musician,not as a deaf musician,and I applied to the famous

16、Royal Academy of Music in London.(2008 江苏)_二、根据句意,选出下列句子中根据句意,选出下列句子中assess的近义词。的近义词。1.Our house is assessed at$200,000 but its only 2,100 square feet.(judged/estimated)_2.This exam is a tool to help me and you assess how well you are learning the course material.(judge/estimate)_ estimated judge 评价

17、;评定 估算;估价写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.The winning team posed for photographs._2.Chemicals in our drinking water could pose a serious threat to public health._ 3.Peter adopted a relaxed pose for the camera._摆好姿势摆好姿势构成严重威胁构成严重威胁摆了个悠闲的姿势摆了个悠闲的姿势 pose写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.You need a special tool to bend steel._2.I bent down to lift the box off the floor._ 3.The roads bends to the left after the first set of traffic lights._4.Watch out for sharp bends and adjust your speed accordingly._ 使弯曲使弯曲 弯腰弯腰 转弯转弯 急转弯急转弯bend谢谢谢谢观观赏赏


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