Unit 3 Reading and Thinking &amp Learning About Language 单词-ppt课件--(2022)新人教版(2019新版)高中英语选择性必修第二册.pptx

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1、单单词词课课堂堂版本:新人教版本:新人教单元:选择性必修二单元:选择性必修二 Unit 3(Reading and Thinking Learning About Language)本单元词汇梳理本单元词汇梳理1.prior词块:prior to;派生词:priority2.consistcon-(together 一起)+sist(to stand 站立)站在一起 构成词块:consist in,consist of(=be composed of,be made up of)同根词:assist,insist,resist3.pepper词块:Sichuan pepper4.recipe做

2、菜的“处方”食谱古代西方医生在开处方时,第一个字通常是拉丁语 recipe,意思是 take(服用),后来缩写为 Rx,并且 R 的最后一笔和 x 的第一笔重合。因此,recipe 在英语中原本表示“处方”,到了 17 世纪时逐渐用来表示“食谱”,更常用 prescription 来表示“处方”。5.bold词块:in bold6.chef与 cook 的区别:cook 指一般厨师,chef 尤指主厨,级别比一般厨师高。7.peppercornpepper+corn8.stuff形近词:staff 名词动词化:把填(满);给填馅9.slice基本义:薄片;词块:a slice of名词动词化(

3、词块:slice off)10.onion词块:spring/green onion11.lamb词块:lamb kebab12.elegant派生词:elegance13.exceptional构词:exception+-al词族:except,exception,exceptional,exceptionally14.minimum 反义词:maximum;词块:at a minimum,a minimum of 15.consumecon-(表示强调)+sume(to take 拿、取)把某物全部拿/取走 消耗/耗费;派生词:consumer,consumption意为“吃;喝”时是正式

4、用语,尤用于科技文体中16.temper词块:lose/control ones temper,good-tempered/bad-tempered17.vegetarianvegetable+-arian(的人)18.bacon音译词“培根”19.cabbage来自词根 cap(head 头颅);形似人头的蔬菜;卷心菜是最古老的蔬菜之一。在希腊神话中,卷心菜是由主神宙斯头上的汗珠变成的。20.brand 词源:词源义是“火、燃烧的木头、火炬”。古代为了区分牲畜,牧场主会用烙铁在牲畜身上打上烙印,因此 brand 衍生出“火印、烙印”的意思。而动物身上的烙印就是最早的品牌,即brand。合成词

5、:brand-new 全新的 21.ingredient in-(in 入)+gred(=grad)to step,go(迈步、走)+-i-+-ent(的人/物)走进去,成为其中的一部分 材料/成分隐喻:烹饪食物用的“材料”做事成功的“材料”要素22.dessert词源:在西方,人们喜欢在餐后吃甜食或甜心。dessert 源自法语 desservir,=des(remove,undo)+servir (serve 上菜),字面意思“收拾桌子”,收拾完桌子后再吃的就是甜食。23.stable基本义:稳定的反义词:unstable;派生词:stability24.canteen音译词“餐厅”近义词

6、:cafeteria,dining hall重重难难点点词词精精讲讲搭配义搭配义consume熟词生义熟词生义正式用语正式用语名词后缀名词后缀 -(e)rconsist&consistent分词形容词分词形容词stuff名词动词化名词动词化根据所给汉语,在空白处填入适当的单词或词块。根据所给汉语,在空白处填入适当的单词或词块。Up to 70%of your total body weight _ _(由构成)prises/is comprised ofis made up of/consists of正式用语正式用语consistconsist in正式用语在于;存在于正式用语在于;存在于:

7、Happiness consists in contentment.Success consists in the ability to continue efforts through failures.consist of 由由构成;由构成;由组成组成:The committee consists of ten members.Life consists of not only sunshine but also storms.、consist vi不用于进行时和被动语态不用于进行时和被动语态构词:构词:con-(together 一起一起)+sist(to stand 站立站立)站在一起

8、站在一起 构成构成adj(人、言行、文章等)前后一致的;始终如一的;连续的(人、言行、文章等)前后一致的;始终如一的;连续的:Make sure that the tenses are consistent.Remember,even world champion athletes practice their skills on a consistent basis.2020 山东be consistent with sth 与某物相一致;与某物相吻合与某物相一致;与某物相吻合:What we say should be consistent with what we do.词汇拓展词汇拓展

9、consistently adv 始终如一地;一贯地始终如一地;一贯地构词:构词:con-(together 一起一起)+sist(to stand 站站)+-ent(形容词后缀形容词后缀)站在一起表示同意的站在一起表示同意的 一致的一致的consistentstuffn U 东西;物品东西;物品:Wheres all my stuff?vt 把把填(满);给填(满);给填馅:填馅:I stuffed a few clothes into a suitcase.The pillow was stuffed with feathers.The most famous food in Shando

10、ng is pancake rolls stuffed with sliced Chinese green onions.人教新选必 3名词动词化名词动词化thing 和和 stuff 都可以表示都可以表示“东西东西”stuff(非正式用语)是不可数名词,(非正式用语)是不可数名词,thing 是可数名词。是可数名词。名词动词化(一)名词动词化(一)写出下列句子中画线词的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线词的汉语释义。1.To make a ham sandwich,slice a piece of ham and then put it between two slices of bread._2

11、.What is the stuff which you have just stuffed into your suitcase?_ 3.The driver told the man who wasnt wearing a seat belt that any passengers in the vehicle must belt up._4.The TV station plans to junk the junk food ads in kids TV programmes._ 5.In the middle of the yard was a water pump where the

12、 four little girls pumped water for cooking,cleaning and watering the garden._英语中有很多表示实物类的名词可转化为动词,常表示具有该名词的活动特英语中有很多表示实物类的名词可转化为动词,常表示具有该名词的活动特点或性质特征的动作。点或性质特征的动作。切切 把把塞进塞进系系放弃放弃 /剔除剔除抽出(水等)抽出(水等)名词动词化(二)名词动词化(二)写出下列句子中画线词的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线词的汉语释义。1.The salesman tricked the old lady out of her money by

13、 a trick._2.It is your fault for not getting the job done well.How can you fault others?_ 3.He budgeted for buying a new car though he was on a tight budget._4.Who angled the mirror?It is at an angle now!_ 5.They are on his side,but Ill side with you on this question._英语中有一些抽象名词可转化为动词,常表示具有该名词的活动特点或

14、性质英语中有一些抽象名词可转化为动词,常表示具有该名词的活动特点或性质特征的动作。特征的动作。欺骗欺骗指责指责 /找找的缺点的缺点编预算编预算斜移斜移支持支持构词:构词:con-(表示强调)+sume(to take 拿、取)把某物全部拿/取走 消耗消耗/耗费耗费consumeconsume vt 消耗;耗费;消费消耗;耗费;消费:Lighting accounts for about 7%of the total electricity consumed in the US.2020 全国Looking after the children,cooking and cleaning are

15、time-consuming.正式用语吃;喝正式用语吃;喝:Babies consume large amounts relative to their body weight.尤用于科技问题中尤用于科技问题中 常用于被动语态使充满:常用于被动语态使充满:He was consumed with guilt after the accident.【词汇拓展词汇拓展】consumer n C 消费者;用户;客户消费者;用户;客户consumption n U 消费(量);消耗(量)消费(量);消耗(量)正式用语与非正式用语正式用语与非正式用语用膳吃饭用膳吃饭非正式用语非正式用语中性词中性词正式用

16、语正式用语(使)花一大笔钱cost a lot of money/举例/give an example 参加体育运动/take part in/be(get)involved in sports患感冒suffer from a cold/catch a cold/减少的数量/reduce the amount of 此外;而且plus in addition/besides选择性必修选择性必修B2U1 B2U3典型词典型词cost an arm and a legcite an example participate in/engage in sportsgo/come down with a

17、 colddecrease the amount of furthermore/moreover名词后缀名词后缀 -(e)r选出适当的单词,并用其正确形式填空。选出适当的单词,并用其正确形式填空。1.A _ is someone who writes regularly for an online journal or website.2.The author agrees that _ are born with a gift for music.3.So far they have found few _ of their point of view on campus.4.Stella,

18、21,is at art school training to be a fashion _.5.For many years,illegal _ have attacked the elephant and its home has been reduced to small pieces of land.6.I like reading Railway Magazine and I have been a _ to the magazine for many years.名词后缀名词后缀-(e)r 可用于动词后,构成表示身份的名词。此时,后缀可用于动词后,构成表示身份的名词。此时,后缀-(

19、e)r 表示表示动作的实施者。动作的实施者。blogger subscribe,design,defend,blog,compose,huntcomposers defenders designer hunters subscriber 分词形容词分词形容词根据提示,用所给词的正确形式完成下列词块,体会根据提示,用所给词的正确形式完成下列词块,体会。1.煮鸡蛋 _ eggs 2.烤肉 _ meat3.切片面包 _ bread4.烩面 _ noodles5.清蒸鱼 _ fish6.沸水 _ water7.多样化的饮食 a _ diet 8.不同程度 _ degreesboiledroasted

20、steamedslicedstewedboilingvariedvary,slice,steam,stew,boil,roastvarying分词形容词分词形容词:很多动词的:很多动词的-ed形式和形式和-ing形式已经成为独立词形式已经成为独立词条的形容词,其中有一类分词形容词表示动作已经完成或动条的形容词,其中有一类分词形容词表示动作已经完成或动作正在进行。作正在进行。例如:例如:boiled/boiling,roasted,sliced,stewed,steamed,varied/varying 将上述分词形容词分类:表示动作已完成:_ 表示动作正在进行:_boiled,roasted,

21、sliced,stewed,steamed,varied boiling,varying本单元金句汇总本单元金句汇总1.Happiness consists in contentment.2.Success consists in the ability to continue efforts through failures.3.Life consists of not only sunshine but also storms.4.Remember,even world champion athletes practice their skills on a consistent basi

22、s.2020 山东5.What we say should be consistent with what we do.6.Looking after the children,cooking and cleaning are time-consuming.随堂检测随堂检测consist&consistent一、在空白处填入一、在空白处填入1 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1.There has been a _(consist)improvement in her attitude.2.The results are entirely consis

23、tent _ our earlier research.3.We have argued _(consist)for a change in the law.二、根据所给词块,将下列句子译成英语。二、根据所给词块,将下列句子译成英语。1.生活不仅有阳光,还有风雨。(consist of)_2.成功在于百折不挠。(consist in)_Life consists of not only sunshine but also storms.Success consists in the ability to continue efforts through failures.consistentw

24、ithconsistently写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.How do you think youre going to fit all that stuff into the car?_2.Ive got so much stuff to do this weekend._3.She stuffed two more sweaters into her bag._4.Under her bed,they found a bag stuffed with money._东西东西 /物品物品 事情事情 塞塞stuff装满装满 一、一、写出下列句子中画线

25、部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.Only 27%of the paper we consume is recycled._2.He was consumed with guilt after the accident._3.Mary would consume nearly a pound of cheese per day._二、在空白处填入括号内单词的正确形式。二、在空白处填入括号内单词的正确形式。1.Cake-making is a very time _(consume)process.2.We need more feedback(反馈)from the _(consume)in order to improve our goods.3.Gas and oil _(consume)always increases in cold weather.消耗消耗 充满充满吃吃consumeconsumingconsumersconsumption谢谢谢谢观观赏赏


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