unit 8revision lesson 27 -北京版 六年级上册 《英语》.docx

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1、Lesson27教学目标1复习第五单元所学交际用语和句型,要求能听懂、会说,能熟练应用。2复习所学词语,要求能听懂、会说,能正确书写及描述。3复习并进一步掌握be 动词、人称代词、物主代词等的用法。4复习第五单元对话内容,要求能阅读语段,完成阅读理解及写作练习。教学重难点教学重点:1训练学生的看图表述能力。2培养学生会用语言来描述奥运会的相关历史。教学难点:语段难度大,在教学过程中要注重学生阅读技巧的训练和阅读策略的培养。教具准备单词图卡、教学课件教学过程 I Do you understand?1. Show the pictures and ask Ss to try to say som

2、ething about them.E.g. Picture 1: The first three winners can get gold, silver, and bronze medals.Picture 2: Linglings size is Medium.2. Listen and tick, and try to write down the key words.3. Discuss in groups.4. Check the answers, and try to correct the sentences.II Can you talk?Picture 1:1. Make

3、a model:When did the ancient Olympic Games begin?When did people hold the first modern Olympic Games?Could both men and women take part in the Olympic Games?Which country held the first Olympic Games?2. Elicit Ss to answer according to the key words.3. Make a dialogue in pairs.4. Pairs show.5. Elici

4、t Ss to try to retell the dialogues.Picture 2:1. Ss try to ask some questions:How many medals did the Chinese Athletes win? 2. Make a dialogue in pairs.3. Pairs show.4. Elicit Ss to try to retell the dialogues.III Can you write?1. Say it in groups.2. Finish the exercises by themselves.3. Check the a

5、nswers.IV Can you do?1. 指导学生阅读题目及表格T:Do you know some sports? Lets read out some sports.2请学生先看表横栏4项:Ball Games, Swimming, Track and Field, Others, 然后用英语说说自己知道的各栏下的具体项目,如:Ball Games, volleyball, basketball, football/soccer, badminton.3请学生自主或小组合作上网或查阅其他工具书等说出并填写表内所有项目的英文单词。4请学生在小组内说一说自己填写的内容。Swimming:

6、 breaststroke, (蛙泳),freestyle(自由泳),backstroke(仰泳)Butterfly stroke (蝶泳)Track and field: hurdle race(跨栏),high jump ,long jump, javelin(标枪)Other fencing(击剑),wrestling(摔跤),weight-lifting(举重),cycling(自行车)5. Practice in groups.6. Group show.V Can you read and write?1Read and try to answer: What is it abou

7、t? Explain: the opening ceremony 2Ss try to say something about them.3Finish Task 1 by themselves.4Check the answers and underline the key sentences.5Write down something you know about the Beijing Olympics in pairs.6Share their ideas in class.板书设计 U8 Review L27Swimming:Ball games:Track and field:Ot

8、hers:学习效果评价评价内容: 1. 学生是否理解听力内容。2. 学生的口语表达能力。3. 学生是否能够区分标点用法。4. 学生是否能够抓住关键词,完成阅读任务。评价方式: 1. 根据听力内容,判断对错。2. 创编对话。3. 改错。4. 完成阅读任务。评价量规: 评价活动 评价方法 评价标准听力听力判断。一级:能理解所听内容,并能根据内容正确地完成相关练习。二级:能基本理解所听内容的大意, 能根据内容较好地完成相关练习。口语表达创编对话。一级:能够依据情境,运用重点句型,创编对话,句型丰富,无错误。二级:能够依据情境,运用重点句型,创编对话,有较少错误。改错改出句子错误。一级:能够准确改错误。 二级:能改正部分错误。阅读完成阅读练习。一级:能理解阅读内容,并能根据内容正确地完成相关练习。二级:能基本理解阅读内容的大意, 能根据内容较好地完成相关练习。 4 / 4


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