Unit 5 Using Language -ppt课件--(2022)高中英语新人教版选择性必修第三册.pptx

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1、Using LanguageListeningBefore you listen,discuss the following questions with your partner.11.Have you ever written a poem before?If so,what did you write about?2.What might inspire you to write poems?If you come across a topic you are familiar with,you can think about what you already know about it

2、 before you listen.Using prior knowledge will make it easier for you to predict what you will hear.This will also reduce your anxiety and help you better understand the conversation while listening.I have written a poem before for my mother on her birthday to tell her how much I love and appreciate

3、her.I might be inspired to write poems by seeing something beautiful or by being in love,but also by experiencing some sadness or seeing something bad.I think many different things could inspire a poem.You are going to listen to a conversation between a teacher and her students about a poetry contes

4、t.Listen to Part 1 and answer the questions.2(点击此处播放音频)1.When is the deadline for the poetry contest?2.What does Nora mean by saying that she needs time to polish her writing?3.Why doesnt Pitt want to enter a poem contest?4.What does George plan to do?n.最后期限;截止日期最后期限;截止日期n.比赛;竞赛比赛;竞赛vt.修改;润色修改;润色 Th

5、e deadline for the poetry contest is 24 June.Nora means its not finished,and she needs some time to change it and make it better.Pitt doesnt want to enter a poem contest because he cant think of anything to write about.George plans to write his poem on the weekend but only if he feels inspired.Liste

6、ningListen to Part 2 and find out how the students will inspire themselves to write poetry.3(点击此处播放音频)George:_ _ _Nora:_ _Pitt:_ _plans to go for a hike in the countryside and sit quietly somewhere so he will notice a lot more to inspire interesting thoughts and wordswrites best when surrounded by f

7、amiliar things and will try Georges method toolistens to music while working and writing poetryListeningListen to the two parts again and tick the expressions you hear that are used to praise and encourage somebody.4(点击此处播放音频)o Thats a good idea.o Thats a good effort.o What a great idea!o Keep up th

8、e good work.o I think thats a fantastic idea.o Come on,you can do it.o I like that idea.o You are doing well.o Your ideas sound very encouraging to me.o Do your best.o You know what?Thats a good idea.o Give it your best shot.Praising and encouragingListeningWork in groups.Discuss entering a poem con

9、test like the one in the listening section.The expressions in Activity 4 and the following questions may help you.51.What kind of poem are you going to write?2.What are the topics you would love to write about?3.How will you inspire yourself to write the poem?4.Will you use rhyming words in your poe

10、m?Why?Read poetry aloudPoetry should always be read aloud,as that is when you can hear the music of the words.When reading poetry aloud,start slowly.Find and emphasise the rhythm of the words.Begin to think about how the poem makes you feel happy,sad,in love and read the poem with emotion,pouring ou

11、t your feelings.I am going to write haiku.I would like to write about nature and wildlife.I will inspire myself to write the poem by visiting an ancient temple and forest in the countryside.I wont use rhyming words in my poem as haiku doesnt usually have rhyming words.ListeningListen and practise re

12、ading the following poems aloud.Pay attention to the rhyming words and the rhythm of the poems.THE ARROW AND THE SONGI shot an arrow into the air,It fell to earth,I knew not where;For,so swiftly it flew,the sight Could not follow it in its flight.I breathed a song into the air,It fell to earth,I kne

13、w not where;For who has sight so keen and strong,That it can follow the flight of song?Long,long afterwards,in an oakI found the arrow,still unbroke;And the song,from beginning to end,I found again in the heart of a friend.H.W.Longfellow(点击此处播放音频)Listening箭与歌箭与歌且放一箭射入空,落入尘世无所踪。逃离视线风一阵,无处寻觅轨迹同。奏歌一曲为天

14、颂,飘入尘世无所踪。何人眼锐光如束,寻得歌声航向重。久之偶遇橡树上,铮箭锋锐利如初。歌声婉转始至终,如得旧友是梦中。H.W.朗费罗ListeningListen and practise reading the following poems aloud.Pay attention to the rhyming words and the rhythm of the poems.NIGHTThe sun descending in the west,The evening star does shine;The birds are silent in their nest,And I must

15、 seek for mine.The moon,like a flower,In heavens high bower,With silent delight,Sits and smiles on the night.Farewell,green fields and happy groves,Where flocks have took delight.Where lambs have nibbled,silent movesThe feet of angels bright;Unseen,they pour blessing,And joy without ceasing,On each

16、bud and blossom,And each sleeping bosom.William Blake(点击此处播放音频)Listening夜夜太阳西方沉落,晚星已然闪烁;鸟儿静伏于巢所,我也须寻我的窝。月亮,如一朵花,盛开高高天穹下,蕴涵沉默的欣欢,微笑着朝向夜晚。别了,绿野和愉悦的树林,这里的羊群已感到欢欣。小羊细嚼着嫩草,天使们 明亮的双足寂静地游巡;他们悄然撒下福祉,所赐欢娱无有终止,撒向每株蓓蕾与花丛,向每个熟睡的心胸。威廉布莱克ListeningBefore you read,discuss how to understand a poem with your partner.

17、Make a list of questions that the readers should consider while reading poems.The following points may help you.1Reading Rhythm and sounds Feelings and emotions Rhetorical devices Subject Images Tone Suggested Answers What is the subject of the poem?What is the poem about?What images does the poet u

18、se?What is the tone of the poem?What feelings and emotions does the poet try to make the reader feel?How does the poem make you feel?Which emotions is the poet trying to convey to the reader?Does the poet use rhyming words?Which rhetorical devices are used in the poem?Does the poet use alliteration?

19、Metaphor or simile?Repetition of words or phrases?Before you read,discuss how to understand a poem with your partner.Make a list of questions that the readers should consider while reading poems.The following points may help you.1Reading1.I couldnt keep up with it,.我跟不上它我跟不上它keep up with 跟上,不落人之后;对跟

20、上,不落人之后;对消息灵通;保持接触消息灵通;保持接触 I cant keep up with all the changes.我并非所有的变化都能跟得上。She did not bother to keep up with the latest news.她不愿花时间去了解最新的消息。Many people were holding down three jobs just to keep up with the Joneses.许多人同时做3份工作只不过是为了和别人攀比。Reading【词汇拓展】【词汇拓展】keep on 继续继续;反复做反复做keep(sb/sth)from sth 不

21、让不让(某人(某人)做某事做某事;不让不让(某事某事)发生发生keep in touch with 与与保持联系保持联系 You just have to keep on trying.你可得继续努力。I hope I havent kept you from your work.我希望我没有妨碍你的工作。We must keep in touch with each other.大家要经常通气。Readingstring n.细绳;线;一串细绳;线;一串 vt.悬挂;系悬挂;系 adj.弦乐器的;线织的弦乐器的;线织的 Shall I tie all these things togethe

22、r with string?要我把这些东西全部用细绳捆在一起吗?Lanterns were strung in the trees around the pool.水池周围的树上悬挂着灯笼。String instruments are a category of musical instrument.弦乐器是乐器的一种。2.But if I stopped holding 但如果我不再紧握但如果我不再紧握 The string of my kite,我手中的风筝线,我手中的风筝线,Readingwherever 此处相当于此处相当于no matter where,引导让步状语从句。,引导让步状

23、语从句。Wherever he hides,the police will catch him.不论他藏在哪里,警方都会抓住他。Ill go wherever he goes.我将去他所去的任何地方。3.Wherever it blew,无论它吹到任何地方,无论它吹到任何地方,I should know that the wind 我会知道风我会知道风 Had been going there too.也曾经去过那里。也曾经去过那里。Readingbarren adj.贫瘠的;不结果实的贫瘠的;不结果实的 No crops can be grown on this barren land.这片

24、贫瘠的土地无法种植庄稼。He also wants to use the water to irrigate barren desert land.他也想用这些水灌溉荒漠。4.Life is a barren field 生活变成荒芜的田野生活变成荒芜的田野 Frozen with snow.被冰封雪盖。被冰封雪盖。Reading5.Green pleasure or grey grief;感受绿色的欢乐或灰色的苦闷;感受绿色的欢乐或灰色的苦闷;grief n.悲伤;悲痛;伤心事悲伤;悲痛;伤心事 She was out of her mind with grief.她悲痛得精神失常了。The

25、y were able to share their common joys and griefs.他们做到了同甘共苦。ReadingWIND ON THE HILLNo one can tell me,Nobody knows,Where the wind comes from,Where the wind goes.Its flying from somewhereAs fast as it can,I couldnt keep up with it,Not if I ran.山上的风山上的风没有人能够告诉我,也没有人会知道,风来自哪里,又将去往何处。它从一个地方吹来尽它所能,飞快地吹来,

26、我不能赶上它,即使我奔跑。ReadingRead the poems below and then complete the table.2Wind on the HillDreamA MatchSubject ImagesRhyming wordsRhetorical devicesthe winddreamsloveknows/goescan/rankite/nightblew/toogoes/knows repetitionalliterationdie/fly go/snowrepetitionmetaphortogether/weathercloses/isgrief/leafrep

27、etitionmetaphor,similerose,leaf,fieldsbroken-winged bird,barren field frozen with snowkite,personReadingChoose one of the poems and write a short essay about it.The following example may help you.3The poem Dream by Langston Hughes is very short with only 8 lines.When I read the poem aloud I can hear

28、 that the ends of the second and fourth sentences rhyme “die”and“fly”.The last word from the sixth and eighth sentences also rhyme “go”and“snow”.These rhyming words sound nice and make the poem pleasing to read.When I close my eyes,I can see different images from the poem.For example,I can see two h

29、ands being held.I can see a bird flying in the sky.I can see a field and I can imagine what it looks like with lots of snow.I start to feel cold when I read these lines!I learnt a new phrase,“hold fast”,which means to hold onto something.“Barren”is also a new word to me,which means empty.I think the

30、 poet is giving us advice.He wants us to keep dreaming,because life is much better when we dream and have something to look forward to.WritingHow to write a short essay about a poem?如何写诗歌赏析类文章如何写诗歌赏析类文章写法一通过对全诗的整体分析,表达自己的观点。写法二就诗歌最突出的方面进行分析,表达自己的见解。Writing写法一一篇较完整的诗歌赏析类文章一般包含如下内容:一篇较完整的诗歌赏析类文章一般包含如下

31、内容:1.作者简介2.作品写作背景简介3.作品意象分析(诗句的解释或翻译,诗句所表达的情感、思想和意境)4.作品的艺术手法分析(通常结合在作品意象分析之中)5.作品艺术特点的综合评价(常带有总结的意味)写法二采用这种写法时,作者只需要抓住其中一个方面,如意境、语言表达、某一手法等。对于其他方面则可不提及,因而采用这种写法的文章篇幅一般较短小。Writing体 裁人 称时 态要点结构图开头点题提炼出诗歌中所包含的信息。议论文以第三人称为主1.一般现在时2.一般过去时主体段落多种方式表达、层次分明、结构清晰、过渡自然。结尾针对诗歌中所提供的信息,发表自己的观点。写作布局WritingHere is

32、 a poem titled.by.It is popular with Chinese readers.This poem is about nature and life.It is written with special writing skills.It rhymes at the end of each line.The language of the poem is descriptive and vivid.Whenever we read this poem,some characters appear clearly.Only by reading it repeatedl

33、y can we grasp the spirit of this poem.Considered as one of the greatest poets of the Tang Dynasty,will undoubtedly live in peoples heart forever.In my opinion,the young generation today should understand the poem and learnt from it.Useful expressionsWritingWrite your own poem by following these ste

34、ps.4 Start with the theme first.Ask yourself,“What message do I want to give to the reader?What is important to me?”Next,think about the words and phrases you would like to use.Make a list of words related to your theme.Then check how well your details paint a picture in your need.Now write the poem

35、.Read it aloud and listen to how it sounds.Finally,give it a title.Now your poem is ready!Part 3 Writing如何写英文诗歌 诗歌是高度概括、反映社会生活的文学体裁,也是最富有激情和感情色彩的体裁。诗歌往往用高度凝练的语言来表达诗人的喜怒哀乐,诗人把自己对生活和客观世界的理解和感悟融入诗中。诗歌以其特有的节奏与方式影响人们的精神世界,饱含着作者丰富的思想感情。Writing写作要点1.目的明确人们写诗歌出于各种各样的目的,有的是为了讲述一个故事,有的是为了表达感情,有的是为了描述事物等。2.内容充


37、词(主题);第二行:两个形容词(描写主题);第三行:三个动词-ing形式(与主题相关的动作);第四行:四个词(作者感受);第五行:一个词(回归主题)。KittyNaughty,sleepyChasing,tearing,lickingDay in,night outMeowWriting清单诗可长可短,可以重复一些短语,形成固定句型和诗的节奏。可以有韵脚,也可以没有。What moves meIt moves me.When my family around the table have holiday feasts.When my father mends my bicycle with o

38、il-covered hands.When my mother waits a long time for me at the school gate.When my grandpa holds Grandmas hands while crossing the street.When my sister sings a sweet lullaby to her baby.When my pet cat licks her kittens softly.WritingWrite your own poem.Take turns to read aloud your poems and then have a discussion on what you think they mean.Give your personal opinion or advice based on what you have learnt from this unit.Read aloud your poem to the class or put it up in the classroom.Writing


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