(2022)高一上学期新外研版高中英语必修第一册unit5Into the wild Using language.pptx

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1、Lesson 1Starting out&vocabulary与动物有关的英文习语、英国人饲养宠物的情况Lesson 2Reading黑脉金斑蝶的迁徙Lesson 3Using language中国熊猫出访荷兰Lesson 4Speaking&listening关于动物园圈养动物的辩论Lesson 5Reading一次惊心动魄的拍摄经历Lesson 6Writing创建动物档案Lesson 7Presenting ideas&reflection介绍一个表现人与动物关系的电影或故事课时设计与衔接树立树立人与动物和谐相处的意识,关爱动物,尊重动物,保护动物。大观念:大观念:通过以上内容的学习旨在

2、通过以上内容的学习旨在帮助学生了解动物习性、特征等相帮助学生了解动物习性、特征等相关知识,引导学生深入思考人与动物的关系,使学生最终形成关爱动关知识,引导学生深入思考人与动物的关系,使学生最终形成关爱动物、与动物和谐相处的正确的、可持续发展的观念物、与动物和谐相处的正确的、可持续发展的观念。思考思考人和动物的关系人和动物的关系感知感知人与动物之间的和谐相处Unit 5Unit 5Into the Into the wwildildPeriodPeriod 3 Using language3 Using languageActivity 1 Reviewing Please read the p

3、assage we have learnt last class to find the attributive clauses introduced by“where”,“when”and“why”.接下来三分钟学生阅读课文接下来三分钟学生阅读课文找找wherewhere,whenwhen和和whywhy引导的定语从句。引导的定语从句。1.Eventually,it manages to reach the places where it will spend the winter.2.The solution to the mystery of the monarchs amazing a

4、bility comes at a time when it is in serious trouble.3.Sadly,human activity is the main reason why the number of monarch butterflies is falling.4.In many of the places where the butterfly can be found,people are destroying the natural environment.Activity 1 ReviewingPlease observe these sentences ca

5、refully and answer the question:what do“where,when and why”refer to.1.Eventually,it manages to reach the places where it will spend the winter.2.The solution to the mystery of the monarchs amazing ability comes at a time when it is in serious trouble.3.Sadly,human activity is the main reason why the

6、 number of monarch butterflies is falling.1.最终,它会到达过冬的地方。2.在黑脉金斑蝶陷入严重困难的时期,人们揭开了它的惊人能力之谜。3.不幸的是,人类活动是这种蝴蝶数量下降的主要原因。定语从句用来修饰主句的名词,翻译时为“.的先行词”Activity 2 AnalyzingPlease observe these sentences carefully and answer the question:what do“where,when and why”refer to.1.Eventually,it manages to reach the pl

7、aces where it will spend the winter.2.The solution to the mystery of the monarchs amazing ability comes at a time when it is in serious trouble.3.Sadly,human activity is the main reason why the number of monarch butterflies is falling.4.In many of the places where the butterfly can be found,people a

8、re destroying the natural environment.Activity 2 Analyzing1.Eventually,it manages to reach the places where it will spend the winter.2.The solution to the mystery of the monarchs amazing ability comes at a time when it is in serious trouble.3.Sadly,human activity is the main reason why the number of

9、 monarch butterflies is falling.Please try to fill in the blank.引导词(关系副词)引导词(关系副词)先行词先行词功能功能whenwherewhy表时间的名词表地点的名词reason时间状语地点状语原因状语Activity 2 Analyzing关系副词判断步骤:v首先要看先行词。如果先行词是表地点的名词,关系副词可用where;如果先行词是表时间的名词,关系副词可用when;如果先行词是reason(s),关系副词可用why。Activity 3 Summarizingv 然后要确定关系词在从句中的成分。请看下表:先行词先行词状语

10、状语表地点的名词where表时间的名词whenreason(s)why当关系词在定语从句中作当关系词在定语从句中作时间、地点、原因时间、地点、原因状语时,应状语时,应使用关系副词使用关系副词when,where,why。关系副词的作用如下:关系副词的作用如下:指代表示时间、原因、地点的先行词指代表示时间、原因、地点的先行词 先行词中充当句子成分先行词中充当句子成分状语状语 起连接作用,把先行词跟定语从句连起连接作用,把先行词跟定语从句连 接起来接起来Activity 3 Summarizing(一)一)when引导定语从句的用法引导定语从句的用法 当先行词是表示时间的名词,(如当先行词是表示时

11、间的名词,(如time,day,year,month,week等),且关系词在定语从句中作时间状语时,等),且关系词在定语从句中作时间状语时,定语从句用定语从句用when引导。引导。E.g.I still remember the time when I was in college.I have forgotten the exact date when this country became independent.Activity 3 Summarizing(二)(二)where引导定语从句的用法引导定语从句的用法 当先行词是表示地点的名词(如当先行词是表示地点的名词(如place,ro

12、om,mountain,airport等),且关系词在从句中作地点状语时,定语从等),且关系词在从句中作地点状语时,定语从句用句用where引导。引导。E.g.This is the hotel where they stayed.Activity 3 Summarizing此外,当先行词为此外,当先行词为 position,point,case,stage,situation,atmosphere等,且关系词在定语从句中作状等,且关系词在定语从句中作状语时,也要用关系副词语时,也要用关系副词where 引导。引导。eg.They have reached the point where th

13、ey have to separate with each other.(三)(三)why 引导的定语从句引导的定语从句 当先行词是表示原因的名词当先行词是表示原因的名词reason,且引导词在从,且引导词在从句中作原因状语,定语从句用句中作原因状语,定语从句用why引导,且只能引导限引导,且只能引导限定性定语从句。定性定语从句。E.g.This is the reason why he left in a hurry.Activity 3 Summarizing关系副词关系副词when,where 可用于可用于非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句,而关系副词而关系副词why不可以。不可以。例如:

14、例如:The year 1949 is very important,when Peoples Republic of China was founded.We will visit a factory,where my father once worked.1.定义定义:在复合句中作定语,修饰名词或代词的:在复合句中作定语,修饰名词或代词的 从句从句。2.先行词:先行词:被修饰的名词被修饰的名词、代词或整句话代词或整句话。3.引导定语从句的词引导定语从句的词有有:关系代词:关系代词:who,whom,whose,which,that。关系副词:关系副词:when,where,why。Acti

15、vity 3 SummarizingActivity 3 SummarizingIn April 2017,two giant pandas from China arrived at a zoo in the Netherlands.There,they were welcomed to the Chinese-style compound where they were to live.On 30 May,after the preparations were complete,the day finally came when the pandas met their fans for

16、the first time.People were excited the zoo is the only place in the country where it is possible to see pandas.In fact,the last time there were pandas in the Netherlands was in 1987.And of course,the main reason why they were so excited is that pandas are just so cute!Read the passage and underline

17、the words that where,when,why refer to.Activity 4 PracticingHi Kay,Were having an amazing time here in South Africa.Our accommodation is perfect.It is in a location 1 we can watch animals wandering past on their way to the waterhole.Sunset is the time of day 2 we sit on the balcony and count how man

18、y giraffes or antelopes we can see.I guess this is the reason 3 this place is so popular.Next week,we are going to fly up to Zambia.Thats one of the countries 4 you can visit the famous Victoria Falls.See you soon.DavidComplete the email with where,when or why.Hi Kay,Were having an amazing time here

19、 in South Africa.Our accommodation is perfect.It is in a location 1 we can watch animals wandering past on their way to the waterhole.Sunset is the time of day 2 we sit on the balcony and count how many giraffes or antelopes we can see.I guess this is the reason 3 this place is so popular.Next week,

20、we are going to fly up to Zambia.Thats one of the countries 4 you can visit the famous Victoria Falls.See you soon.David FromSubjectToDavid Waters Back to nature Kay SilvermanHi Kay,Were having an amazing time here in South Africa.Our accommodation is perfect.It is in a location _ we can watch anima

21、ls wandering past on their way to the waterhole.Sunset is the time of day _ we sit on the balcony and count how many giraffes or antelopes we can see.I guess this is the reason _ this place is so popular.Next week,we are going to fly up to Zambia.Thats one of the countries _ you can visit the famous

22、 Victoria Falls.See you soon.Davidwhere whenwhywhereActivity 4 Practicingwhen when where why Activity 4 Practicing缺._,选择_定语从句关系词的选择判断从句_缺_,_选择._句子成分句子成分关系副词关系副词状语状语关系代词关系代词宾语宾语主语主语when,where,whywhen,where,why与与that,whichthat,which的区分的区分总结做题方法总结做题方法Step 1:Step 2:Step 3:找先行词确定其性质(人找先行词确定其性质(人/物)物)将先行词

23、代入从句中看做何成分将先行词代入从句中看做何成分确定关系代词确定关系代词/关系副词关系副词指时间,地点或原因的先行词在定语从句中指时间,地点或原因的先行词在定语从句中作状语时用作状语时用whenwhen,wherewhere或或whywhy;而;而作主语或宾语作主语或宾语时时,要要用用whichwhich或或thatthat。1.Hangzhou is the place _ I went last summer.2.He read the book _ his sister had told him about.3.The reason _ Peter is so happy is that

24、 he passed the exam.where(which/that)whyII.Complete the following sentences using which/that,why,where or when.4.Sunday is the day _very few people go to work.5.Please give me the reason _ you were late this time.6.I will go back to the place _ I grew up and live there forever.whenwhywhere 7.This is

25、 the very book_ I want to buy.8.I dont know the reason _ the boss was so angry yesterday.9.I will remember the day _I won first prize in the singing competition.10.Have you ever been to Beijing _you can visit many places of interest.11.Why did you throw away the book_ cover is light green.thatwhywhe

26、n wherewhoseI.Translation.1.你能告诉我汽车坏的原因吗你能告诉我汽车坏的原因吗?2.我讨厌我住过的那个旅馆。我讨厌我住过的那个旅馆。3.我永远也忘不了我们共同生活和学习的那个我永远也忘不了我们共同生活和学习的那个 秋天。秋天。4.这就是你能在上面找到答案的那一页。这就是你能在上面找到答案的那一页。5.你认识那个警察一直在找的小偷吗?你认识那个警察一直在找的小偷吗?6.你能告诉我你为什么来这里工作的原因吗?你能告诉我你为什么来这里工作的原因吗?II.Combine the two sentences into one sentence.1.This is the sch

27、ool.My mother works in the school.2.I still remember that day.You left for Beijing on that day.3.Could you explain the reason?You were late for the reason.4.I have forgotten the exact date.This country became independent on the exact day.5.He gets into a situation.It is hard to decide what is right or wrong in the situation.Thank You!Thank You!


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