Unit 3 Understanding ideas单词用法讲解ppt课件(2022)高中英语新外研版必修第一册.pptx

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1、单单词词课课堂堂版本:新外研版本:新外研 单元:必修单元:必修一一 Unit 3(Understanding ideas)本单元词汇梳理本单元词汇梳理1.character:词源:来自希腊语 kharakter“刻下的印 记”,词源同carve。由此产生了 character 的词源义“符号、印记”。2.approach:一词多义,基本义“接近”,come nearer 意为“处理的方法”时与介词to搭配,类似结构solution to,key to等。3.chat:n&v(a)chat with sb about/over sth4.focus:来自拉丁语fireplace,壁炉。古罗马时代

2、壁炉 边即 focus 被认为是家庭生活的中心,引申为集中点、中心点。5.lawyer:构词法law lawyer6.assume:表示“承担”时是正式用语 词块:assume responsibility for sth=take responsibility for sth 派生词:assuming,assumption7.respect:re-(back 向后,回)+specere(look at 看)再看、反复看尊重 词块:show respect for,with respect to 词族:respect,respectable,respectful,respective,resp

3、ectively8.studio:一词多义:录音棚;摄影棚;工作室9.ignore:ig-(不、非)+-gnore(to know 知道、了解)。即不知道的,引申词义“无知、忽视”。10.professional:profession+-al11.suit:派生词:suited,suitable12.talent:同义词:gift 词块:have a talent for,a talent show 派生词:talentedtalent词源故事词源故事13.option:比choice稍正式 词块 have no option but to do sth 派生词 optional14.curt

4、ain:词块:draw back/pull back/open the curtains,draw/pull/close the curtains15.generation:构词法:generate generation 隐喻:产品的代,4G,5G 词块:(bridge/narrow)the generation gap (between and)focus一词多义一词多义搭配义搭配义词族词族respectassumecharacter 一词多义一词多义approach一词多义一词多义一词多义一词多义一词多义一词多义suit辨析义辨析义重重难难点点词词精精讲讲character 词源词源cha

5、racter 来自希腊语 kharakter“刻下的印记刻下的印记”,词源同carve。由此产生了 character 的词源义“符号、印记符号、印记”。古代希腊人认为,环境和人的成长经历会在人的身心留下印记,从而使其具有与众不同的性格特征,因此 character 又衍生出“性格、个性、特征”的含义。在文学、戏剧等艺术作品中,作者通过对人物性格的刻画,从而塑造出个性鲜明的人物,这种“人物角色”也被称为 character。楔形文字甲骨文竹简character C 常用单数常用单数 性格:性格:She has a cheerful but quiet character.U 特色;特性特色;特

6、性 the qualities that make sb/sth different from others(nature):The whole character of the school has changed since he became the president.U(好的好的)品性;道德品质品性;道德品质 strong personal qualities:Sports can be good for character building.C 人物;角色:人物;角色:cartoon characters a leading character in a film C 符号;文字:

7、符号;文字:a musical character Chinese characters 性格性格基本义charactercharacter 语义网络图语义网络图人的性格性格事物与众不同的性格性格人优秀的性格性格体现书写性格性格的符号书、影视中不同性格性格的人性格由人到物由人到物语义缩小语义缩小特色;特性(好的)品性;道德品质人物;角色符号;文字 Watch your actions,they become habits.行为决定习惯。Watch your habits,they become character.习惯决定品格。Watch your character,they become

8、destiny.品格决定命运。乘坐地铁或高铁,每当列车进站时,都会听见车站内语音提示:开往XX方向的(XX次)列车即将进站。英文表达是:The train bound for XX is approaching/arriving.这里的approach就是“靠近靠近”的意思,这也是approach的词源义和基本义,即“come near”。生活中的approach vt&vi(距离上距离上)靠近靠近 (near);(时间上时间上)临近;临近;(数量上数量上)接近接近 to come near or nearer to sb/sth in space,time,amount,etc.:appro

9、ach vApproaching the vehicle,they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window.As Teachers Day was approaching,our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day.The population of our province is now approaching 74 million.走近走近来临来临接近接近The staff soon found the new manager

10、 easy to approach.2012 陕西The students approach their teacher for advice.vt 与与接洽接洽 to speak to sb usually in order to ask for sth:vt 处理处理 to start dealing with a problem,task,etc.:Whats the best way of approaching this problem/matter/task?表示处理的词还有:deal with,handle,address U 靠近;接近:靠近;接近:the approach o

11、f autumn The students stopped talking at the teachers approach.approach n C 通道;通道;道路道路 a road or path,etc.leading to sth:All approaches to the town were blocked.C(处理处理的的)方法;方法;(达到达到的的)途径途径 a way of dealing with sb/sth:The job market has changed and our approach to finding work must change as well.跟t

12、o搭配的常见名词有:answer,key,solution,visit,way,entrance,exit等 approach语义网络图语义网络图“靠近靠近”距离、距离、时间、数量等时间、数量等“靠近靠近”人人(由物到人)(由物到人)vn(距离上)靠近;(距离上)靠近;(时间上)临近;(时间上)临近;(数量上)接近(数量上)接近靠近;接近靠近;接近与与接洽接洽通道;道路通道;道路处理处理(处理(处理的)方法的)方法(达到(达到的)途径的)途径“靠近靠近”距离、距离、时间、数量等时间、数量等“靠近靠近”人人“靠近靠近”事情事情处理处理靠近靠近基本义基本义focus词源词源来自拉丁语firepla

13、ce,壁炉。古罗马时代壁炉边即 focus 被认为是家庭生活的中心,引申为集中点、中心点。focus n C&U(pl focuses/foci)焦点;焦距:焦点;焦距:The focus on my camera isnt working properly.中心点;关注点:中心点;关注点:The focus of attention has changed.We shall maintain our focus on the needs of the customer.成像的中心点注意力的中心点come into focus 成为焦点成为焦点in focus 焦点对准的;清晰的焦点对准的;清

14、晰的out of focus 焦点未对准的;模糊不清的焦点未对准的;模糊不清的vt&vi(使使)调节焦距:调节焦距:In this scene,the camera focuses on the actors face.(使使)集中集中 (注意力、精力等注意力、精力等):The other team was brilliant and we really had to focus.focus(.)on/upon 集中集中()于;聚焦于;聚焦 ()于:于:By focusing on saving oil,water,paper,food,and clothing,we are playing

15、a part in cutting down on waste.同义异构:concentrateassume 将下列句子译成英语。将下列句子译成英语。我本以为他是法国人,但是实际上他是德国人。I _ a Frenchman,but actually he was a German.thought he was had assumed him to beassume vt 正式用语正式用语 担任;承担担任;承担(take):assume office I made a mistake and I will assume responsibility for it.假定;设想假定;设想 to th

16、ink that sth is true,although you have no proof:We think it is reasonable to assume they lived in these caves,regardless of the cold.It is generally assumed(that)stress is caused by too much work.Where unemployment and crime are high,it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former.通过英语释义来理解通过

17、英语释义来理解辨析辨析assume,supposeassume 假定;设想假定;设想 to think that sth is true,although you have no proofI just assumed that the woman standing next to Jack was his wife.suppose 认为;猜想认为;猜想 to think that sth is probably true,especially because of some information you haveThere are many reasons to suppose that

18、Shakespeare was familiar with the stories of medieval Italy.suppose多用于书面语书面语或正式正式用语中。没有依据有依据 assuming conj 假设;假定假设;假定:Assuming(that)youre chosen to be the leader,what will you do?assumption n C 假定;假设假定;假设:We are working on the assumption that everyone invited will turn up.词汇拓展词汇拓展25respect词源词源re-:“回

19、,向后;再回,向后;再”spect:“看看”respect:“再再次看次看”“尊重尊重”词源义:look back at,regard,consider from re-“back+spect“look at”26 尊重;尊敬:尊重;尊敬:The media should respect famous peoples privacy.遵守:遵守:respect the law 遵守法律respect vt 通常不用于进行时通常不用于进行时熟词生义:尊重法律、规章制度等熟词生义:尊重法律、规章制度等27 n U 尊敬;尊重:尊敬;尊重:show respect for sbwin the res

20、pect of 复数复数 正式用语正式用语 问候:问候:Give my respects to your father.C 关系;方面:关系;方面:In this respect,new technologies have shaped our culture.同根词同根词spect(看)(看)to lookinspect v 检查检查(in-入入)expect v 期待期待(ex-出来出来)suspect v 怀疑怀疑(sus-/sub-在下面在下面)prospect n 前景前景(pro-前前)aspect n 方面方面(a-:加强意义加强意义)suit,fit,match 句中悟句中悟1

21、.Red and black are colours that _ me very well.2.The seven oclock train will _ us very well.3.Her coat _(her)exactly.4.All the facts certainly _ your theory.5.The curtains and the carpets _ perfectly.6.Do you think these two colours _?7.a perfect _suitsuitfitsfitmatchmatchmatch1.match 多指大小、色调、形状、性质等

22、相匹配、协调。2.suit 主要指款式、颜色或花样等适合,也可指合乎需要、口味、性格、条件、身份,对方便等。3.fit 多指大小、形状等合适,引申为“一致”、“吻合”。suit,fit,match 总结总结随堂检测随堂检测character一、一、根据句意根据句意写写出画线部分的出画线部分的汉语汉语释义。释义。1.My mom is a woman of great character who puts everyones needs before her own._2.An unhappy childhood may have some negative effects on a perso

23、ns character._3.At the last moment,Tom decided to put in a new character to make the story seem more likely._ 4.The town is so beautiful!I just love it.The character of the town is well preserved._5.Truly elegant chopsticks might be made of gold and silver with Chinese characters._ _品性品性性格性格角色角色/人物人

24、物特色特色文字文字二、根据汉语提示完成下列句子。二、根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1.Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health.It may also be good for _(良好品格的培养).2.Any filmmaker will tell you that they cant make a movie without good _(实力派演员).3.Julia Roberts _(演主角)in the movie.4.The two brothers were totally _(性格不同).character actorsdiff

25、erent in charactercharacter buildingplayed the main character一、一、写出下列句子中写出下列句子中approach的汉语释义。的汉语释义。_ 1.A moment later,the man came out of the washroom and approached our table._ 2.It might be possible to approach the problem in a different way._ 3.I always approach my parents for help._ 4.The temper

26、atures are approaching 37C.靠近靠近 处理处理 与与接洽接洽 接近接近 approach35二、根据所给汉语用二、根据所给汉语用 approach 完成句子。完成句子。1.Id like to talk about _(处理 困难的方法)in learning.2.There were differences in _ _(他们教育孩子的方法).3.I expect _(秋天的来临).4.There is a _(去市里的新路).my approach to difficultiestheir approach to educatingthe approach of

27、autumnnew approach to the citytheir children focus写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.The book focuses on big questions:What has science revealed (揭露)about human nature?_2.I think Dave likes to be the focus of attention._3.These topics have recently come into focus._4.The childrens faces are badly o

28、ut of focus in the photograph._聚焦;关注聚焦;关注关注的焦点关注的焦点成为焦点成为焦点 模糊不清模糊不清将下列句子译成英语。将下列句子译成英语。1.普遍认为,压力为工作过重所致。_2.在失业率和犯罪率高的地方,我们可以假定高犯罪率是由高失业率造成的。Where unemployment and crime are high,_ the latter is due to the former.assumeIt is generally assumed(that)stress is caused by too much work.it can be assumed

29、that一、一、填入适当的介词完成下列各句。填入适当的介词完成下列各句。1.His work is good _ respect of quality.2.Children should have respect _ their grandparents.3._ respect to your other suggestion,I am not yet able to tell you our decision.inforWithrespect二、写出下列句子中二、写出下列句子中respect的汉语释义的汉语释义。1.When visiting another country,you shou

30、ld be aware of those differences and respect them._ 2.She respected him for his honesty._ 3.The new leader has promised to respect the constitution(宪法)._ 尊重尊重尊敬尊敬 /敬重敬重遵守遵守suit,fit,match选出适当的单词并用其正确形式填空。选出适当的单词并用其正确形式填空。(suit,fit,match)1.Mary:Mike,how do I look in these blue jeans?Mike:Wow,great!They really _ you,Mary!2.Only Cinderellas foot _ perfectly and so the prince chose to marry her.3.If you can find whatever learning method that _ you,your learning efficiency is likely to improve remarkably.4.The shoes are too tight.Well,they do _ your dress.suitfitsuitsmatch谢谢观观谢谢赏赏


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