Unit 5 Understanding ideas Language pointsppt课件(2022)高一英语新外研版必修第一册.pptx

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1、B1U5Language pointsP501.at certain times of the year(指“时候”)在每年的特定时间 a period of history connected with particular events or experiences in peoples lives 时代;时期 在古代 in ancient timesP502.seek partner 1)to look for sth./sb.寻找 2)seek to do sth.=to try to do sth.试图;设法 They quickly sought to distance thems

2、elves from the protesters.他们迅速设法远离抗议者。P503.in search of 1)search sb to examine sbs clothes,their pockets,etc.in order to find sth.that they may be hiding 搜身 2)search for sb./sth.to look carefully for sth./sb.搜索;搜寻;她翻找自己的护照,但没找着。She searched in vain for her passport.P504.One of the most wonderful mig

3、rations in nature is that of the North American monarch butterfly.自然界最为壮观的迁徙之一就是北美洲黑脉金斑蝶的迁徙。1)这里的交通比成都的糟糕。The traffic here is worse than that of Chengdu.2)零冠词搭配 in nature/society/spaceP505.they manage to travel south and find their way to 1)manage to do=to succeed in doing sth.,especially sth.diffic

4、ult 完成(困难的事)2)south adv.=towards the south 3)find ones way to make ones way to fight ones way through make it to P506.These two pieces of information the time allow the butterfly to determine the way to go.1)常见不可数名词:advice,luggage,baggage,weather,furniture,progress,exercise(锻炼),knowledge,traffic 2)a

5、llow=make sth.possible 使可能P517.The solution to 黑脉金斑蝶这一惊人能力的奥秘被揭开时,这一生物正处于水深火热的生存状态中。后面接介词to的搭配:key,approach,answer,way,attitude,access,reference,introductionP518.crashHe crashed his car into a wall.他的汽车撞到了墙上。Thunder crashed overhead.头顶上雷声隆隆。Share prices crashed to an all-time low yesterday.昨天股票价格暴跌到

6、了前所未有的最低纪录。Files can be lost if the system suddenly crashes.要是计算机系统突然崩溃,文件就可能丢失。P519.cut down 砍倒(树木)He cut down on coffee and cigarettes and ate a balanced diet.他喝咖啡和吸烟都比以前少了,饮食也均衡了。cut down on drinking,fat,food,intake,smoking,wasteCar owners were asked to cut down travel.要求车主们减少驾车出行的次数。P5110.The re

7、search on the monarchs 不过,对黑脉金斑蝶行为的研究也使得人们对这种生物有了更多的了解。11.feed on =(of an animal 动物)to eat sth 以为食 蝴蝶以园林中草木的花为食。Butterflies feed on the flowers of garden plants.12.The more we,the greater 我们对这种迷人的生物了解越多,它们在自然界中得以长久生存并保持其位置的可能性就越大。P53-5513.中式场所(围栏)Chinese-style compound14.中文翻译 Chinese equivalents15.当

8、权者 someone in authority16.相应的习语 corresponding idioms17.支持/反对 be for/againstP5618.冒着风雨 brave the elements19.尽管 despite sth.=in spite of20.照相 take photos21.野生动物的种类 the variety of wildlife22.达到 up to各种各样的野生动物a variety of wildlifeP56-5723.以的速度 at a speed of24.走出森林 step out of the trees25.白雪皑皑的山峰 the sno

9、w-capped mountains26.平静的湖 still lake27.聚焦 concentrate onP5728.有一种感觉 I had a feeling that29.With the camera still held to my eye 相机还端在眼前30.I turnedand froze.我转身,僵住了。31.With water falling off its thick,brown hair 厚厚的棕色皮毛滴着水珠with sb./sth.+done/doing/to dowith sb./sth.+done/doing/to do1)With the teacher

10、 _(guide)us,I am convinced that we will succeed with our efforts.2)With work _(finish),I was able to have a long holiday.3)With much work _(do),I wont have the chance to have a holiday.guidingfinishedto doP5732.盯着 stare at33.Time stood still 时间凝固了。Still Still water runs deep.静水深流。Keep still while I

11、brush your hair.我给你梳头时你不要动。a still summers day 无风的夏日 the still night air 夜间宁静的空气still adj.1)not moving;calm and quiet 静止的;平静的2)with no wind 无风的P5734.I forced my finger to press the button 我竟然还硬是按下了快门。to use physical strength to move sb./sth.into a particular position 用力,强行(把移动)to force a lock/window

12、/door(=to break it open using force)强行打开锁、窗、门 他硬要把他的一本书往我手里塞。He tried to force a copy of his book into my hand.她在记者群中挤出一条通路。She forced her way through the crowd of reporters.她勉强笑笑。She managed to force a smile.P5735.对表示尊重 show respect for/to36.It is after all we who are the visitors to their world.It

13、 is we that are the visitors to their world.毕竟,我们才是他们世界的访客。P5837.groomer 玩赏动物美容师 to clean or brush an animal(给动物)擦洗,刷洗 to groom a horse/dog/cat 刷洗马、狗、猫 zoologist a scientist who studies zoology 动物学家 vet 兽医 veterinarian /vetrnerin/police dog handler 警犬的管理员P5938.站起来大概150厘米高 standing at about 150cm tall39.除了 except for40.因而得名 from which it gets its names41.是的象征 be a symbol of


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