Unit 1 Using languageppt课件--2022年秋高中英语新外研版必修二.pptx

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1、必修二 Unit 1 Using language高一年级 英语Step 1:Analysis of the material 本版块的两个小语段分别介绍了一款能够帮助人们培养健康饮食习惯的手机应用软件和英国的餐桌礼仪。词汇部分用网络点评的形式呈现了描述食物的词汇,帮助大家对食物做出评价。通过真实语境下技能的综合训练,大家将能够了解情态动词的基本用法,能够根据语境选择合适的情态动词,使用恰当的形容词描述食物,初步学习、了解英国的餐桌礼仪,开阔国际视野,加深对单元主题的理解,提高综合语言运用能力。Step 2:Leading-inActivity 1Look at the sentences f

2、rom the reading passage.Think and work out the meanings of the words in bold.A.Growing up in England with a British father and Chinese mother,Ive enjoyed food from both countries ever since I was able to hold a knife and fork and chopsticks!5.have the ability to do somethingB.Mum has sweet memories

3、of the food from her home town in Sichuan,and often cooks spicy dishes.Thanks to this,Dad has come to love hot pot!But there are still some dishes that Dad dare not try even after many years of marriage to my mother.1.be afraid to do somethingC.Dad can cook a super“full English breakfast”of bacon,eg

4、gs,beans,sausages and toast with butter Mum and I just have to find a way to get him into the kitchen!4.be necessary or give strong advice to do somethingD.We all love roast beef and vegetables,but Mum says wed better not eat too much roast food as it may make us suffer from heat inside our bodies,a

5、ccording to traditional Chinese medicine.3.give advice to do or not to do somethingE.But just when I thought I could deal with all Chinese food,I came across stinky tofu,a horrible grey thing that looked and smelt like a burnt sports shoe.“You neednt try it if you dont want to,”Mum said,but I gather

6、ed all my courage to take a bite and was amazed to find it wasnt so bad.2.not be necessary to do somethingStep 3:Knowledge learning1.Growing up in England with a British father and Chinese mother,Ive enjoyed food from both countries ever since I was able to hold a knife and fork and chopsticks!在这个语境

7、下was able to 大体相当于could,表达过去所具有的一种能力。be able to后接动词原形,表示某人做某事的能力,可用于大多数时态。用于过去时态时,还可以表示“某人过去或当时成功地做了某事”。I will be able to speak Japanese in another few months.(再过几个月,我就能讲日语了。)They were able to escape from the building when the fire broke out.(火灾发生时,他们设法从那栋建筑里逃了出去。)Q:如何正确使用be able to?2.Mum has sweet

8、memories of the food from her home town in Sichuan,and often cooks spicy dishes.Thanks to this,Dad has come to love hot pot!But there are still some dishes that Dad dare not try even after many years of marriage to my mother.dare在此句中是一个情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,dare not表示“不敢”。dare作情态动词主要用于否定句和疑问句,形式分别是 dare no

9、t(darent)和 Dare I/you/he?等,后面跟动词原形。在肯定句中,通常只用于I dare say这一习惯用语,表示“我想;我敢说”。Dare you go to the forest alone?I dare not go there by myself.I dont think he dare have a try.He dare not have a try at all.Q:如何正确使用dare呢?A:dare可以作为实义动词使用,意为“敢,敢于”常用搭配为dare to do,在人称、数和时态等形式变化上与其他实义动词相同。There are still some di

10、shes that Dad dare not try.There are still some dishes that Dad does not dare to try.Q:dare可以作实义动词吗?How dare you say Im unfair?你怎么敢说我不公平?I dare to swim across this river.我敢游过河去。He does not dare(to)answer.他不敢回答。Q:dare在使用中有什么要注意的吗?dare作情态动词时,主要用于否定句否定句、疑问句疑问句和条件从句条件从句中,一般不用在肯定句中。dare作实义动词时,在肯定句中,后面通常接

11、带to的不定式;在否定句和疑问句中,dare后面的不定式to可省略。3.Dad can cook a super“full English breakfast”of bacon,eggs,beans,sausages and toast with butter Mum and I just have to find a way to get him into the kitchen!Mum and I must find a way to get him into the kitchen!I leave because of the bad weather.(因为天气不好,我不得不离开了。)I

12、 leave because of the bad weather.(因为天气不好,我必须得离开了。)A:must 表示说话人主观上认为必须做的事以及职责、义务等,而have to的含义与must相似,两者往往可以互换使用,但 have to有各种时态,并表示由于客观情况造成的必须要做的事,强调客观需要,意为“不得不”。I get up early tomorrow.There are many things I want to do.I get up early tomorrow.The train leaves at 7:30.Q:have to 和must 有什么区别吗?A:have t

13、o用于否定形式表示“没必要”。You dont have to tell others.相当于You neednt tell others.即不用告诉别人,自己知道就可以了;而must否定形式表示“禁止”,因此,You mustnt tell others.相当于Dont tell others.即千万不要告诉别人。You dont have to tell others.You mustnt tell others.Q:dont have to 和 mustnt 有什么区别?4.We all love roast beef and vegetables,but Mum says wed be

14、tter not eat too much roast food as it may make us suffer from heat inside our bodies,according to traditional Chinese medicine.d better=had betterA:had better 后接动词原形,意为“最好”,用于现在时或将来时,可用于一切人称,没有任何词形变化。had better 的否定式是在其后加not,疑问式是把had和not提前。Youd better sit here and have a rest.She had better not tell

15、 lies any more.Hadnt the doctor better see him?Q:如何正确使用had better呢?5.But just when I thought I could deal with all Chinese food,I came across stinky tofu,a horrible grey thing that looked and smelt like a burnt sports shoe.“You neednt try it if you dont want to,”Mum said,but I gathered all my courag

16、e to take a bite and was amazed to find it wasnt so bad.You dont need to try it if you dont want to.A:need可以作情态动词使用,用于否定句否定句或疑问句疑问句中,表示“需要”或“必须”,在肯定句中一般用must,have to,should 代替。Q:need也可以做情态动词使用吗?You neednt come so early.你不用这么早来。Need I give him a hand?需要我帮他一下吗?Activity 4资料1 Backyard BBQ,Kansas City,US

17、56 reviewsThe most tender steak Ive ever had!The barbecue gives it that famous smoky flavour,and it comes with a shiny sauce thats very,very spicy!资料2 Bund 59,Shanghai,China98 reviewsA bowl of soup with a large,round meatball!The meatball is cooked through,which looked slightly pink inside.Incredibl

18、y soft and juicy it melts in the mouth!资料3 Antonios Pizzeria,London.UK86 reviewsWorst pizza ever!I ordered a large vegetarian pizza,but it was tiny!It was served cold and came with some sort of sticky sauce which tasted bitter and smelt really fishy!资料4 Madame Laurents Bakery,Paris,France 95 reviews

19、Youve got to try the strawberry cheesecake.Its smooth and creamy with fresh strawberries,which give it a lovely sweet and fruity taste.Highly recommended!资料Activity 55 Underline the words that describe food in Activity 4 and put them into the table.Add any more you can think of.AppearanceSmellTasteF

20、eelAppearanceshiny,large,round,pink,tiny,freshtransparent,burnt,bright,colourful,thickSmell fishystinky,fragrant,pungentTaste smoky,spicy,bitter,sweet,fruitysour,hot,tasty,raw,saltyFeel tender,soft,juicy,cold,sticky,smooth,creamygreasy,crispy,hard,chewy,rubberyStep 4:Language practiceActivity 2Under

21、line the modals in the introduction to an app and talk about their meanings.资料If you dare not try a“painful”diet to stay healthy,this new app is the perfect solution and you neednt pay for it!The app works by quickly showing photos of different food.All you have to do is select the photos of healthy

22、 food.Then youll be able to train your brain to select healthy food in real situations.So,if youre a sugar addict and arent able to say no to chocolate or cola,you had better download it now!Activity 2If you dare not(be afraid to do something)try a“painful”diet to stay healthy,this new app is the pe

23、rfect solution and you neednt(not be necessary to do something)pay for it!The app works by quickly showing photos of different food.All you have to(be necessary to do something)do is select the photos of healthy food.Activity 2Then youll be able to(have the ability to do something)train your brain t

24、o select healthy food in real situations.So,if youre a sugar addict and arent able to(dont have the ability to do something)say no to chocolate or cola,you had better(give advice to do something)download it now!Activity 2Complete the tips for good table manners with the correct form of the modals in

25、 Activity 1.Activity 3资料While going on your first trip to the UK is exciting,new and different customs can also be confusing.Table manners are no exception.But dont worry here are some tips:Youd better wait until everyone else has been served before you start eating.Sometimes there are so many knive

26、s and forks that you dare not pick them up in case you get it wrong.The trick is to start with the ones on the outside.When you finish your meal,youd better place the knife and fork together on your plate with the handles at the four oclock position.Table manners,however,can differ in different situ

27、ations.For example,you neednt use a knife and fork when eating a hamburger or pizza.Just remember:when in Rome,do as the Romans do,and you will be able to enjoy the local cuisine!Step 5:Practical applicationWork in pairs.Talk about your favourite food using the words you have learnt.A:Whats your fav

28、ourite food?B:My favourite food is.A:How does it look/smell/taste/feel?B:It looks/smells/tastes/feels.Activity 6A:Whats your favorite food?B:My favorite food is Jianbingguozi.A:How does it taste?B:Believe it or not,its the most delicious snack I have ever eaten.When a spoon of panada(面糊)made from mu

29、ng beans(绿豆)with two eggs is put on the hot iron plate,a tender and tasty wrapper comes out.Then one or two pieces of Guozi or crispy Guobier will be wrapped with that wrapper.Different sauces will add different flavors to it.I like the shiny spicy sauce most.Incredibly impressive its flavor stays i

30、n your mouth for a long time.So,highly recommended!1.The title is “Table manners in China”.2.Use the following modal verbs:be able to,have to,dare not,had better(not),neednt if possible.3.The content should be real and logical.Table manners in China Table manners vary from place to place and my coun

31、try,China,also has some special table manners.First of all,youd better put your chopsticks beside your bowl.You cant insert(插入)your chopsticks into your rice vertically(垂直地).Besides,when you take food from public plates,you have to do it from near your side.Dont pick food off from the middle of the

32、plate,or even worse,from the other side of the plate.In addition,while eating,you neednt keep quiet all the time.If you are able to make some funny jokes or help others take dish from public plates with public chopsticks,you will be praised.Above all,as a young guy,you should let the elderly and other adults take dish first so as to show your respect to them.Step 6:Homework Polish your writing“Table manners in China”and share it with your classmates.Thank you for watching!


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