寒假讲义-上海牛津版高一-语法专题(倒装+综合) T.docx

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1、课程主题: 倒装+综合9授课时间:学习目标非谓语专题复习;阅读专题巩固教学内容课前热身: 1. 照片的展出非常成功,一个月后约翰就辞职做了专职摄影师,实现了他的梦想。(So.) 2016浦东新区一模So successful was the exhibition of the photos that a month later John quit (quitted) his job/resigned and became a professional photographer, realizing his dream/making his dream come true.2. 他在那个偏远小镇

2、过着如此宁静的生活以至于他都不想返回家乡了。(Such) 2016徐汇一模Such a peaceful life does he live in that remote small town that he doesnt feel like returning to his hometown.3. 许多人如此沉溺于网络购物以至每天都要访问购物网站。(So) 2016虹口一模So addicted to online shopping are many people that they will visit shopping websites every day.4. 嘉宾们的故事以及他们的文

3、章如此感人鼓舞人心,在大众中激起了读书的热情。(So)2017静安二模So moving / touching and inspiring are the guestsstories and the articles they read that a passion /enthusiasm for reading has been aroused / stirred (up) among the (general ) public.5. 当球迷们向篮球队员献花时,队员们激动得热泪盈眶。(So)2017宝山二模So excited were the basketball players when

4、 their fans presented flowers to them that their eyes were filled with tears. 倒装句全倒装:谓语+主语【知识梳理1】表存在意义的全倒装句1. 表示存在意义的句型用倒装句,强调存在的方位,有如下几种: 1) There(appear,seem,happen,used to)+be+主语+其他 2) There stand(lie,live,happen)+主语+其他 3) 地点状语+谓语+主语+其他2. 不指具体地点和时间的副词在句首时引起倒装: There(Here,Now,Then)十come/ go/ be+主语

5、 注意: 1)这里there,now等不指具体地点和时间。 2)谓语动词常是be,go,come,run等不及物动词。 3)主语的数决定谓语动词的数;在两个或两个以上的主语并列存在时,谓语动词的数应与其最近的主语保持一致 4)主语是人称代词时,主谓不倒装。 【知识梳理2】方向副词前置的全倒装句“表方向的副词In(Out, Away, Down, Up, Back, Off, Over等)+不及物动词+主语+其他”,这种句型多用于生动的描写。注意:1)动词多是表示位置移动的动词,如come, go, fly, run, rush, move等。2)主语是人称代词时,用主谓不倒装结构,即“状语+代

6、词+谓语”。 【知识梳理3】用直接引语中及分词前置的全倒装句1. 用于直接引语中的倒装句形式如:“直接引语+谓语+主语(+直接引语)” 注意: 1)主语是人称代词时,主谓一般不倒装。 2)谓语较长或带有间接宾语时,不倒装。2. 为了表达生动把分词置于句首时引起主谓倒装,形式为:“分词+ be+主语+其他” 【知识梳理4】soneithernor/表语前置的全倒装句1. “(肯定句)+ so +助动词或情态动词+主语”,这种句型表示前文所谈情况也适用于下文的另一人或物。 注意:如果主语指的是同一人或物,so只是起强调作用,放在前面,主谓语用正常语序。2. “(否定句)+ neither/ nor

7、+助动词或情态动词+主语”,表示前文所谈的否定情况,也适合于后文的他人他物。3. 表语放句首时引起句子倒装,其形式为:“表语+联系动词+主语(名词)+其他”。 【例题精讲】 例题1Among the crises that face humans _ the lack of natural resources.【答案】is【考点】本题考察完全倒装句及主谓一致【解析】Among the crises 介词短语置于句首作状语,且谓语动词是be,本句的真正主语是 the lack of natural resources,而非resources所以谓语用单数例题2Is everyone here?

8、Not yetLook , there_ (come) the rest of our guests!【答案】come【考点】倒装句【解析】谓语动词根据后面的主语选择时态语态例题3There _(stand) a beautiful palace at the foot of the hill.【答案】stands【考点】本题考察完全倒装句及主谓一致.【解析】there置于句首作状语,且谓语动词是stand,本句的真正主语是a beautiful palace所以谓语用单数, 例题4There _. And here _.A. goes the phone; she comes B. is t

9、he phone going; is sheC. does the phone go; does she come D. the phone goes; come she 【答案】A 【考点】本题考察完全倒装句及主语为人称单词的特殊情况。【解析】there,here置于句首作状语,且谓语动词是go ,come 时要倒装,但当主语是人称代词时,不用倒转,既谓语仍位于主语之后。例题5_ from the top of the building when the policeman pointed the gun at him.(12年黄埔一模) A. Jumped down the robber

10、B. Jumped the robber downC. Down jumped the robber D. Down the robber jumped【答案】C 【考点】本题考察完全倒装句【解析】表示方位的副词(如up, down, in ,away, round, here, there)放在句首,句子的谓语动词是表示运动的不及物动词(如go, come, run, rush, fly,jump等)时,句子要用完全倒装。 部分倒装【知识梳理1】否定词前置的部分倒装句“否定词语+助动词或情态动词+主语+谓语”,这种句型用于强调否定的意义。常见的否定词语有:never, little, sel

11、dom, hardly, rarely, not until, in no time, in no way, byno means, nowhere, not a bit, at no time, scarcely, not, under no circumstances, at no point, on no condition/ account, few, neither等。 【例题精讲】 1. 人们从来没有像今天这样如此关注食品安全问题。(Never.)Never before have people paid so much attention to the issue of food

12、 safety as they do today.2. 他再也无法忍受没有被晋升为部门经理的事实。(No longer) No longer can he bear the fact that he wasnt promoted to department manager.3. 有些家长从未意识到,做家务可以培养孩子的责任心。(Never)Never are parents aware that doing housework can cultivate/ develop childrens sense of responsibility.4. 直到上世纪60年代人们才实现了探月梦想。(Not

13、 until)(2014静安一模)Not until the 60s last century did peoples dreams of moon exploration come true.5. 直到iPhone 5的出现,人们才意识到它已给手机领域带来了巨大的变化(Not until)Not until iPhone 5 appeared did people realize that it had brought great changes to the field of mobile phones.6. 新郎新娘们很少意识到真正令人难忘的是新人间的浓浓的爱意,而非豪华的婚纱,或是壮观

14、的结婚典礼。(Rarely) (2016年闸北一模) Rarely do brides and bridegrooms realize that what is the most impressive is the strong love between them rather than the luxurious wedding gowns or the grand wedding ceremonies. 【知识梳理2】only前置的部分倒装句“Only+状语+助动词+主语+谓语+其他”,这种句型用于强调和限定状语的意义,常表示只有才。”注意:当only强调和限定的是主语,即“Only+主语

15、”放句首时,语序不倒装。 【例题精讲】 1.只有在事故发生以后人们才能意识到问题的严重性,这真是个遗憾。(Only)Only until the accident/ takes place/ will people not realize/ how serious the result is/, which is really a pity.2. 他到美国呆了一段时间后,才知道之前他对这个国家的了解是何等肤浅。(Only)Only after he stayed in America for some time did he know / realize how poor his knowle

16、dge of the country was.3. 只有政府采取严厉的措施,我们才有望看到空气质量的真正改善。(Only)Only when the government takes serious measures can we expect the real improvement in air quality.4. 整个团队只有互相配合才能按时完成这项任务。(Only)(2016静安一模)Only if the whole group cooperates with each other can they finish this task on time.5. 只有自己愿意投身其中你才能

17、做好你正在做的事情。(Only)(2016宝山一模)Only when you are willing to devote yourself wholeheartedly can you do well in what youre doing. 【知识梳理3】几个固定的部分倒装句1) No sooner+had+主语+过去分词+than十从句 Hardly /Scarcely +had+主语+过去分词+when+从句2) “Not only+助动词+主语+谓语十其他+but also+(省略的)并列句”表示“不但而且.”,用于说明前后并列句的情况一致,在语气上更强调后者。注意: 1) not

18、onlybut also连接两个并列主语时,主语后的语序不倒装。2)连接两个并列分句时,not only引导的前一个分句倒装,后一个则用正常语序。 【例题精讲】 1. 这些电视节目不仅制作质量差,而且会误导青年人,让他们以为不努力也可以一夜成名。(Not only)Not only are these TV programs badly produced but also they will mislead young people to think that they can become famous overnight without efforts.2.这家公司不仅为他提供丰厚的薪水,

19、而且给了他许多施展才华的机会。(Not) Not only did the company offer him a high salary, but also provide him with many opportunities to show his talents.3不仅老人可能患心脏病,由于缺乏锻炼,许多年轻人也因心脏病而病倒。(Not only)Not only are old people likely to suffer from heart diseases, but also many young men may fall sick because of lacking ex

20、ercise.4. 那天傍晚我一走出校门就遇到了一个多年不见的小学同班同学。 (No sooner)(长宁2016一模)No sooner had I left the school that early evening than I met with/ bumped into/ came across/ encountered a classmate of mine in primary school (whom) I hadnt seen for ages/ years.5. 他一到法国就发现很难适应那里的生活,所以半年以后他毅然回到了曾经养育他的祖国。(No sooner) (2016松

21、江一模)No sooner had he reached France than he found it very difficult to be accustomed to the life there. So half year later, he returned to the motherland where he was raised. *【知识梳理4】虚拟语气中的部分倒装句虚拟语气条件句中省去连词if时,从句主谓部分倒装:“Were(had,should)+主语+谓语动词+虚拟主句”。 【例题精讲】 1. , I would have phoned you.A. If I know

22、 it B. Had I known it C. If I knew it D. Did I know it2._ for your help, wed never have been able to get over the difficulties.A. Had it notB. Had it not been C. If it were notD. If we had not been3.here tomorrow, he would show us his new pictures.A. Were he to come B. Should he come C. Had he comeD

23、. A and B4., I could have done something.A. Told you me earlierB. Should you tell me earlierC. Were you to tell me earlierD. Had you told me earlier5.like that again, he would be published.A. Act should he B. Act he shouldC. Should he actD. Were he act【答案】BBDBC 【知识梳理5】让步状语从句中的部分倒装形式as/ though引导的让步状语

24、从句,其倒装形式为:“副词形容词名词动词十as(though,that)+主语十谓语”,相当于although引导的让步状语从句。 注意:1)这种句型中提前的常是限制主语的形容词、副词、过去分词或名词。2)提前的表语是单数可数名词时,名词前不加a/ an;但是有形容词修饰的名词前置时,不定冠词不能省略。3)动词提前后,主语后还应有一个情态动词may,might等或助动词do等。 【例题精讲】 1. Cold _ the weather was, we got up very early as usual.答案:as/though2. Girlshe was, she dared to thin

25、k, speak up and act.答案:as/ though3. Short of money _ he was, he wanted to buy his daughter a Christmas gift.答案:as/though4.Try I might, I could not convince him of my story.答案:as/though5. Terrible _ the storm was, we continued our way.答案:as/though 【知识梳理6】so,such,前置的部分倒装句1. “So+形容词副词十助动词十主语十that-结果状语从

26、句”,用于强调形容词副词所表示的意义。2. “Such+(a/an十)形容词+名词+助动词+主语+that-结果状语从句”,用于强调名词所表示的意义。【巩固练习】 l 倒装句翻译练习1.只有通过交流,家长与孩子间的代沟才能缩小。(Only) 2.直到那时她才意识到,把电脑游戏卖给老年人不是个好主意。(Only) 3.过去我们从没见过这么严重的食品问题。(Never) 4.专家们一入座,外语节的演讲比赛就在王校长的主持下开始了。(Hardly) 5. 运动能增强我的体质,也能让我释放学习压力。(Not only) 6. 获悉自己被一所理想大学录取时,他才松了一口气。(Not until) 7.

27、桌上有本最新版的英语字典。(On) 8. 人们很少仅仅因为这座城市的生活节奏太快而决定离开。(Rarely) 9. 这位年轻的科学家如此专注于他的研究,每天很晚睡觉。(So) 10. 我们被告知任何情况下都不可以用办公室的电话处理私事。(under no circumstances) 【答案】 1. Only by/through communication can the generation gap between parents and children be narrowed.2. Only then did she realize it was not a good idea to

28、sell computer games to old / aged people.3. Never before have we seen such a serious food problem.4. Hardly had the experts sat down/ got seated/ seated themselves/ taken (their) seats when the speech contest of the Foreign Language Festival (that was) hosted by Principal Wang started.5. Not only ca

29、n sports strengthen my body, it can also relieve studying pressure.6. Not until he was informed of being admitted to his dream university did he feel relieved.7. On the table lies an English dictionary of the latest issue.8. Rarely do people decide to leave the city only because of its too fast pace

30、 of life.9. So devoted is the young scientist to his research that he goes to bed very late every night.10. We have been told that under no circumstances may we use the telephone in the office for personal affairs. 当堂一测:Section CDirections: Complete the following sentences with the help of the Chine

31、se given.1. The reason why many people choose to raise dogs is that dogs can _(陪伴他们帮助他们克服孤独感).2. At the exhibition, the companys _ (安排了一位销售经理展示新产品).3. By the end of last semester, all the examination rooms _(配备了摄像头阻止学生作弊).4. People are encouraged _( 用纸袋子代替塑料袋replace) for the sake of environmental pr

32、otection.5. _(随着期末考试的临近, draw), almost all the students are busy reviewing the lessons and some have to burn the night oil.6. To his disappointment, he didnt get the job offer _( 因为缺少足够的工作经验)。7. On the first day of school, the students are eager _( 相互分享寒假里的所见所闻).8. For long, the scientists have been

33、 hunting for the answer _(宇宙是如何诞生的这个问题).9. As we all know, your academic performance _( 很大程度上取决于你有多努力).10. Specific action has been take to control the quality of the private vehicles so as to _( 缓解高峰时期交通压力).11. 过去的十年见证了科技的巨大进步,像 Ipad 这样的电子产品受到了各行各业年龄阶层人的欢迎。 (see)12. 许多市民表达了对空气污染对健康的影响的担忧并希望政府立即采取措施

34、治理雾霾天气。( concern)13. 尽管很多人吐槽上海的快节奏生活和高昂的生活成本, 许多年轻人还是希望毕业之后能在上海得到一份高薪工作以实现自己人生梦想。(despite)【答案】1. ease their loneliness by accompanying2. arranged for a sales man to demonstrate the new production3. have been equipped with the camera to prevent students from cheating in the exam.4. to replace the pla

35、stic bags with the paper bags5. As the final exam draws/ with the final exam drawing 6. for the lack of the work experience.7. to share what they saw and heard during the winter holiday.8. to the problem how the universe came into being.9. depends on how hard you worked.10. ease the traffic pressure

36、 during the traffic jams.11. The past ten years has seen the huge progress of science and the electronic products like Ipad has been popular with people of all ages from all walks of life.12. Many citizens expressed their concern about the effect of air pollution on health and expected the governmen

37、t would take immediate measures to address smog.13. Despite the fact that many people complain about the fast pace of life and high living costs in Shanghai , many young people still hope they can gain a well-paid job there in order to realize his dream.【分析】1. 克服孤独感:ease their loneliness2. 安排某人做某事:a

38、rrange for sb. to do sth.3. 配备了:be equipped with4. 用B代替A:replace A with B5. 随着的临近:as+句子,with+非谓语。6. 由于缺少:for lack of7. 所见所闻:what they saw and heard8. 形成:came into being9. 取决于:depends on10. 缓解交通压力:ease the traffic pressure11. 各行各业年龄阶层的人people of all ages from all walks of life12. 空气污染对健康的影响:the effec

39、t of air pollution on health,注意两个介词的使用。13. 尽管:Despite the fact that 课后作业:上海交通大学附属中学2016-2017 学年度第一学期高一英语期末试卷 I. Listening ComprehensionIIGrammar and Vocabulary Section ADirections: beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one answer that best comp

40、letes the sentence. 17. Have you ever heard such stories about those loyal dogs _in this book?A. as they are described B. that they are describedC. as are described D. that are described【答案】C【分析】考察such.as.和such.that. 区别在于前者引导定语从句,后者引导状语从句18. The efforts made by researchers _ possible the appearance

41、of a new life-saving medicine.A. were made B. made C. made it D. were made it【答案】B【分析】考察后置。因为the appearance of a new life-saving medicine在made和possible之间太长了,所以放在了possible后面。19. _ we are faced with, we will have no choice but to unite and overcome them.A. However tremendous difficultiesB. However tre

42、mendous some difficultiesC. Whatever tremendous difficultiesD. Whatever tremendous the difficulties【答案】C【分析】这边考察感叹句。20. _ the class teacher put emphasis on the importance of doing homework independently his students still spent most of the time copying others homework.A. While B. Despite C. Unless D

43、. Once【答案】A【分析】考察连词。尽管班主任强调独立做作业的重要性,他的学生仍然花大部分时间在抄袭别人的作业。21. _they went abroad, the tourists were so serious about everything that they couldnt help purchasing many goods, which made it difficult to control the budget.A. For the first time B. By the first timeC. At the first time D. The first time【

44、答案】D【分析】考察the first time 作连词的用法,前不加介词。22. It was not until the entire river was covered with rotten fish which died from acid rain that _ how serious the pollution was.A. did the villagers realize B. made the villagers realizeC. the villagers realized D. realized the villagers.【答案】C【分析】考察强调句。如果此处将It

45、 was.that.去掉,则此处则将选A,考倒装。23. The President, _ administration has been under constant fire during the last eighteen months, is unlikely to seek a second term of life.A. who B. whose C. which D. his 【答案】B【分析】考察定语从句。此处定语从句中缺定语。在这个总统过去任职的18个月,他的管理不断受到攻击,他很难继续担任第二任总统。24. The little girl had been taught to behave _her parents would live as quiet a life as possible.A. in such a way that B. in a way such that C. in such a way as D. in a way so that 【答案】A【分析】此处既考such.as.和such.that 的区别,也考such对名词的修饰方法。需注意such + 不可数名词/可数名词复数;such+a/an+可数名词单数25. Scien


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