Unit 2 单词趣味讲解1课件-(2022)新外研版高中《英语》必修第二册.pptx

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1、版本:新外研版本:新外研 单元:必修二单元:必修二 Unit 2(Starting out Understanding ideas)单单词词课课堂堂本单元词汇梳理本单元词汇梳理1.honour:词块:in honour of,its an/ones honour to do sth,feel honoured to do sth;名词动词化2.dragon:词源:dragon的原始意义为“蛇”。但数世纪以来,这个“蛇”不仅尺寸增大了,还被附上了许多可怕的特征,如带翅膀、能吐火等,部分特征来源于中国的传说。(注意中西文化差异)3.lunar:词源:罗马神话中,月亮女神叫做“卢娜”(Luna),从

2、卢娜的名字Luna中产生了词根lun,表示月亮。词块:lunar month,lunar calendar(对应solar calendar)4.poet:poe-(make 做)作诗的人 诗人 词族:poem,poet,poetry5.harvest:词源:古英语中harvest本指秋季,后来autumn和fall用来指秋季,harvest则演变成指“收获季节”。名词动词化:收割;熟词生义:采集6.decoration:decorate+-ion7.freedom:free+-dom(表示状况或状态)8.participate:parti-(a part 一部分)+cip(to take 拿

3、)+-ate 拿一部分 参与 词块:participate in=take part in,participate in较为正式 逆生法:participation participate9.vote:n 词块:a vote for/against sb/sth,cast a vote v 词块:vote for/against sb/sth 10.regardless:regard+-less 词块:regardless of11.inequality:in-+equal+-ity;反义词:equality12.fantasy:派生词 fantastic13.novel:来自词根 nov(n

4、ew 新的)新颖的;novel coronavirus 新型冠状病毒;名词派生词:novelist14.limitless:limit+-less15.regard:re-(back 回)+-gard(look 看)注意;关注 词块:have/show regard for,with/in regard to 名词动词化:词块:regard as 派生词:regarding,regardless16.literature:词源:来自拉丁语litera(书写、字母),词源同letter,引申词义文学作品。17.envelope:词源:来自envelop(包住;裹住),信封是用来包裹东西的 拓展:

5、Low clouds envelope the mountainsides,which are covered with thick grass.(2019 全国完形)词块:red envelopes18.pole:词块:the North/South Pole,a telegraph pole19.handwritten:hand+written,拓展handwriting20.regular:一词多义:基本义“规则的;有规律的”词块:regular customers/visitors/readers,regular exercise 派生词:regularly21.polar:pole

6、polar22.roof:复数plain:词块:complain(to sb)about/of/that从句 派生词:complaint24.warning:warn(v 警告)+-ing 词块:issue a warning against(doing)sth25.starving:starve(v 挨饿)+-ing(分词形容词)重重难难点点词词精精讲讲harvest熟词生义熟词生义regard一词多义一词多义英语释义英语释义honour 熟词生义熟词生义搭配义搭配义regular 一词多义一词多义搭配义搭配义complain搭配义搭配义participate正式用语正式用语hono(u)r

7、 U 常用单数常用单数 正式用语正式用语 荣幸;荣幸;U 荣誉;荣誉;C 荣誉称号:荣誉称号:It is my/an honor to be here to share with you my opinions on what to learn in senior high school.2014 江西书面表达改achieve/attain/gain honourThe athletes competed for the honour of their countries.She was chosen for the national honour of Teacher of the Year

8、.hono(u)r n U 尊敬;敬意尊敬;敬意 great respect and admiration for sb/sth:hold sb in honourWe had a great party to show honour to the famous scientist.U 正义感;道义正义感;道义 the quality of knowing and doing what is morally right:a man of honour a matter/point/question of honour 与不定冠词连用与不定冠词连用 光荣的人光荣的人 /事:事:Shes an h

9、onour to her family and her country.常见搭配常见搭配have the honour of(doing)sth:May I have the honour of this dance?in honour of sb/in sbs honour:A ceremony was held in those soldiers honour.使使感到荣幸;感到荣幸;正式用语正式用语 给予给予荣誉:荣誉:She has been honoured with the Star of the Week for her excellent work.向向表达敬意;尊重:表达敬意

10、;尊重:In a marriage,you need to honour one another.hono(u)r vtbe/feel honoured to do sth 做某事感到荣幸:做某事感到荣幸:I feel very honoured to have been able to take on this role.honour的语义网络图的语义网络图荣幸;荣誉;荣荣幸;荣誉;荣誉称号誉称号光荣的人光荣的人 /事事尊敬;敬意尊敬;敬意正义感;道义正义感;道义honour使使感到荣幸;感到荣幸;给予给予荣誉荣誉向向表达敬意;表达敬意;尊重尊重vnharvest看图猜词看图猜词harves

11、t n C&U 收获:收获:a good harvest a bad/poor harvesta rich harvest of knowledge名词动化:名词动化:v 收获;收割收获;收割 vt&vi 收获;收割;捕猎收获;收割;捕猎(动物等动物等):harvest cropsStriving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you havent planted.vt 采集:采集:The stem cells are harvested from a donor.2016 全国词源:古英语中harv

12、est本指秋季,后来autumn和fall用来指秋季,harvest则演变成指“收获季节”。participate 正式用语正式用语 vi 参与;参加:参与;参加:Ill have to participate in a sporting activity that day.2017 全国书面表达Any student who is interested is welcome to participate.2016 全国书面表达词汇拓展词汇拓展 participant n C 参与者;参加者参与者;参加者 participation n U 参加;参与:参加;参与:We want more p

13、articipation in the decision-making.应用文写作高频点:参加比赛活动应用文写作高频点:参加比赛活动Hearing that.,I am writing to advise you to.the competition/activity1.take(an active)part in sth/join in sth/join sb in sth 2.participate in sth 3.enter sth U 正式用语 尊重 respect or admiration for sb/sth:Burt had high regard for his old l

14、aw professor.regard n 正式用语 关注 attention to or care for sb/sth:She has no regard for other peoples feelings.用复数 问候;致意:Please give my regards to your parents.with/in regard to sth 正式用语 关于某事 (=about sth):With/In regard to his suggestions,we shalldiscuss them fully.词源:由re-(back 回)+-gard(look 看)构成,词源义是“注

15、意;关注”不用于进行时 把看作;认为是 to think about sb/sth in a particular way:Never regard study as a duty.Even to this day,Lincoln is regarded as one of the most inspiring figures in the world.2012 浙江书面表达regard vt 正式用语 (尤指以某种方式)注视;打量 to look at sb/sth in a particular way:She stood back and regarded him coldly.亚伯拉罕

16、林肯(Abraham Lincoln,18091865),美国第16任总统。regarding prep正式用语 尤用于信函中 关于 (concerning/with regard to):Regarding your recent inquiry,I have enclosed a copy of our new brochure.词汇拓展regardless adv不顾;不加理会不顾;不加理会 regardless of 不管;不顾:不管;不顾:Nobody has the right to spit in the street regardless of their social pos

17、ition or age.regularregular源自单词 rule(规则;规律)它的基本义是“规则的;有规律的”regular or irregular?规则的;有规律的;定期的规则的;有规律的;定期的 having the same amount of space or time between each thing or part:The sides of the building arent regular,so the building has an unusual shape.2014 湖北 The equipment is checked on a regular basis

18、.反反 irregularregular adj.只用于名词前只用于名词前 经常的;频繁的经常的;频繁的 happening or doing sth very often;frequent:regular customers/readers 只用于名词前只用于名词前 正常的;惯常的;普通的:正常的;惯常的;普通的:a regular school/class Our regular opening hours are 10 a.m.to 7 p.m.持久的;稳定的持久的;稳定的 lasting or happening over a long period:Maybe a regular j

19、ob wont be as dull as I feared.2014 天津 语法语法 规则的规则的 regular verbs and irregular verbsregularly adv 有规律地;定期地;经常:有规律地;定期地;经常:We meet regularly,once a month.Two thirds of the worlds population regularly eat rice.regular语义网络图语义网络图regular(有有)规律的规律的(基本义基本义)事件发生的频率很事件发生的频率很高,其间高,其间“有有”着着内在的内在的“规律规律”事件通常情况下的

20、事件通常情况下的发生发生“有规律有规律”事件事件“有规律有规律”得得 持续很长一段时间持续很长一段时间经常的;经常的;频繁的频繁的正常的;正常的;惯常的;惯常的;普通的普通的持久持久的;的;稳定的稳定的时间或空间间隔时间或空间间隔“有规律有规律”规则的;规则的;有规律的;有规律的;定期的定期的regularly有规律地;有规律地;定期地定期地经常经常complain vi&vt 不用于被动语态不用于被动语态 抱怨;发牢骚:抱怨;发牢骚:“I didnt like that meal at all,”complained the plain(to sb)about/of sth:Ive real

21、ly got nothing to complain of.We should strictly follow traffic rules rather than complain about traffic jams.2013 江苏书面表达改 complain(to sb)+(that)从句:Betty complained to Steve that Sara never gave her a chance to talk.2010 北京词汇拓展词汇拓展complaint R1 n C&U 抱怨;不满;投诉:抱怨;不满;投诉:a letter of complaint I have no

22、complaint about my pay.Why dont you make a complaint against your noisy neighbours?In time of difficulty,what we need is not complaint to each other but understanding of each other.C 抱怨抱怨/投诉的事:投诉的事:I have a number of complaints about the hotel room youve given me.随堂检测随堂检测一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。一、写出下列句子中

23、画线部分的汉语释义。1.By the time Dale was a senior,he had won every top honor in speech.(2014 江苏)_ 2.Her actions were always guided by a deep sense of honour._3.Once again the company has failed to honor its promise._honour最高荣誉最高荣誉信守承诺信守承诺道义感道义感二、根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成下列句子。二、根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成下列句子。1.Earlier this year,

24、I _(有幸)meeting the President.2.A party will be held _(为向表示敬意)the prince.三、三、根据所给词块及提示,将下列句子译成英语。根据所给词块及提示,将下列句子译成英语。1.我们为我们国家的荣誉而战。We fought our country.2.大驾光临,深感荣幸。(it is ones/an honour to do sth)_for the honour of It is my/an/a great honour to have you here.had the honour of in honour of 一、一、在空白处填

25、入括号内单词的正确形式。在空白处填入括号内单词的正确形式。1.In the US,winter wheat _(harvest)in the early summer.2.This charming picture book highlights(突出)the life of a garden,from planting seeds to _(harvest).二二、英汉互译。、英汉互译。1.a good harvest _ 2.harvest crops _ 3.在美国,七月收割麦子。_ _ _4.The donor organ(捐献器官)is harvested at the accide

26、nt scene and rushed to a hospital._is harvestedharvesting好收成好收成 /丰收丰收harvestIn the US,July is the time for wheat harvest./In the US,July is the time to harvest wheat./In the US,wheat is harvested in July.收庄稼收庄稼事故现场采集的捐献器官被紧急事故现场采集的捐献器官被紧急 /迅速送往医院。迅速送往医院。三、把句中画线部分译成汉语。三、把句中画线部分译成汉语。Later-borns dont e

27、njoy that much talking time with parents,but instead they harvest lessons from bigger brothers and sisters,learning entire phrases and getting an understanding of social concepts such as the difference between“I”and“me”.(2012 湖北 阅读)他们从哥哥姐姐那里获取经验。他们从哥哥姐姐那里获取经验。根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成下列句子。根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成下列句子。

28、1.In the spring of 2006,about 36,000 students in the USA _(参与)the Alternative Break Program.2.We watched a show with lots of _(观众参与).3.A leg injury is preventing him from _(积极参与)the competition.4.Mary has been _(积极参与者)in the discussion.participateparticipated inaudience participationan active partic

29、ipant active participation in/participating actively inregard根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成下列句子。根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成下列句子。1._(代我向你哥哥问好)when you see him.2.Her parents always _(认为她是)the smartest of their children.3.I am always delighted when I receive an e-mail from you._ (关于)the party on July 1st,I shall be pleased to at

30、tend.(2013 江苏改)4.Our club is open to everyone _(不管)age,sex or educational background.(2014 福建改)Give your brother my regards/Give my regards to your brother regard her as With/In regard toregardless of一、将下列短语按一、将下列短语按regular的释义分类。的释义分类。regular释义释义:规则的;定期的;有规律的 following a pattern,especially with the

31、same time and space in between each thing and the nextregular释义释义:频繁的;经常的 happening or doing sth very often;frequentregular 释义 _ _regular 释义 _ _ a regular customer a regular occurrenceon a regular basis a regular heartbeatregulara regular customer,a regular heartbeat,on a regular basis,a regular occ

32、urrence(常事)二、根据句意写出画线部分的汉语释义。二、根据句意写出画线部分的汉语释义。1.After years of regular treatment,she finally became healthy.(2016 天津)_2.The kite that is used to give lessons is a regular diamond kite with a rainbow pattern.(2012 安徽)_3.On Monday he would have to return to his regular duties._4.The handsome actor ha

33、s a face with regular features._5.This is the best burger in Houston for sure.I absolutely love getting a cheeseburger,regular fries and a soda here._ 正常的正常的中份中份/标准标准端正的端正的(a face with regular features 五官端正的脸庞五官端正的脸庞)规则的规则的定期的定期的 三、根据汉语提示完成下列句子。三、根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1.A person who avoids exercise is more l

34、ikely to have illnesses than one who _(经常锻炼).(2014 天津)2.She couldnt find any _ (固定的工作).3.Im a _(忠实读者)of your newspaper.(2011 全国)4.Hannah still has the normal life of a Winnipeg schoolgirl,except that she _ (定期拜访)to homeless people.(2017 北京)exercises regularly 或或takes/does regular exercise pays regul

35、ar visitsregular jobregular reader根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成下列句子。根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成下列句子。1.One of their neighbors had written to _(抱怨)the sound of the piano.(2015 北京)2.The manager received _(一封投诉信).3.If the service was so bad why didnt you _(向投诉)the manager?4.Teachers _(抱怨说)more of their time is taken up with administration(行政)than with plaincomplain about/of或或make a complaint about a letter of complaintcomplain to complain that 谢谢谢谢观观赏赏


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