Unit 3 Lesson 2单词课件-(2022)新北师大版《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、单单词词课课堂堂A word is a microcosm of human consciousness.Vygotsky版本:版本:新北师新北师单元:选择性必修单元:选择性必修一一 Unit 3(LESSON 2)本单元词汇梳理本单元词汇梳理1.set out 一词多义:基本义“(使)出来”2.packaging package+-ing3.consumerconsume(v 消费)+-er4.wastefulwaste+-ful5.wrap一词多义:基本义“(用)包/裹”词块:wrap sth in6.transportation transport+-ation;英式英语是 transp

2、ort7.dirt 派生词:dirty8.swallow同形异义词:动词和名词来源于不同的词(不要联系记忆);动词的基本义“吞下”吞没 压抑9.realisticrealist+-ic词族:real,realist,realistic,unrealistic10.innovativein-(into 入)+nov(new 新的)+-ative(形容词后缀)创新的、革新的11.refillablere-+fill+-able12.awarea-(强调)+-ware(看、留意)意识到词块:be aware of,be aware that 反义词:unaware(be unaware of)派生词

3、:awareness,raise awareness of13.collectioncollect+-ion;col-(together 一起)+lect(to gather 收集)收集到一起 收集(基本义)词块:a collection of,a stamp collection词族:collect,collection,collector 14.reusablere-+use+-able15.anxious精准的汉语释义“焦虑的”“焦急的”近义词:worried worrying eager词块:be anxious about sth/for sb,be anxious to do st

4、h重重难难点点词词精精讲讲set out一词多义一词多义swallow一词多义一词多义wrap一词多义一词多义aware精准的汉语释义精准的汉语释义搭配义搭配义词根词根novcollection精准的汉语释义精准的汉语释义英语释义英语释义辨析义辨析义anxious一词多义一词多义set out set out 由 set+out 组成:set(使开始)+out(出来)set out(使)出来(使)出来借助小品词 out 去理解 set out 的各义项。首先思考:该短语如何理解和识记?首先思考:该短语如何理解和识记?出发:出发:When setting out on a long walk,a

5、lways wear suitable shoes.打算;着手进行:打算;着手进行:We set out to paint the whole house but finished only the front part that day.2012 全国 阐述:阐述:He set out the reasons for his decision in his report.摆放;陈列摆放;陈列set out(使)出来(使)出来set out(基本义)(基本义)set out 语义网络图语义网络图使使人人出来出来使使工作、任务等工作、任务等开始开始出来出来出发出发将想法将想法 /思想思想/观点表

6、达观点表达出来出来阐述阐述打算;着手打算;着手进行进行把物品摆放把物品摆放出来出来摆放;陈列摆放;陈列set 的短语动词的短语动词set out on a journey 出发set set off fireworks 放set aside some money 留出set down what the teacher said 记下set up a company 建立wrap vt(用(用)包;裹)包;裹:Id like to wrap(up)Christmas presents in pretty paper.Zongzi are wrapped in bamboo leaves.(用(用

7、)缠绕;围住:)缠绕;围住:He wrapped a scarf around his neck.词汇拓展词汇拓展 wrapping n C&U 用于包装的材料用于包装的材料swallow看图猜词义看图猜词义swallow吞下;咽下吞下;咽下swallow v vt&vi 吞下;咽下吞下;咽下:He put a grape into his mouth and swallowed it whole.vt 抑制:抑制:I swallowed my pride and asked someone at the stop for help.2012 广东改swallow up 吞没;淹没;吞并;用尽

8、:吞没;淹没;吞并;用尽:The smog swallowed up the whole city.n C 燕子:燕子:One swallow doesnt make a summer.名词词源义是名词词源义是“燕子燕子”(词源不同)(词源不同)动词词源义是动词词源义是“咽下咽下”swallow 语义网络图语义网络图吞咽吞咽swallow v基本义基本义吞咽吞咽食物等食物等吞下;咽下吞下;咽下抑制抑制 吞;咽吞;咽n吞咽吞咽感情等感情等一物一物吞咽吞咽另一物另一物吞没;淹没;吞没;淹没;吞并吞并awareadj 不用于名词前不用于名词前 意识到的;察觉到的:意识到的;察觉到的:(be)awar

9、e of:People around the world should be aware of the real situation of water shortage.2010 福建书面表达They suddenly became aware of people looking at them.(be)aware+that 从句:从句:If she had been aware that the mushrooms were poisonous,she would not have picked them for dinner.【拓展拓展】awareness n U 认识;意识认识;意识:r

10、aise awareness of词源:词源:a-(加强意义加强意义)+ware(看、留意看、留意)意识到意识到collect v vt 收集;采集收集;采集(gather):collect data/evidence/information vt 收藏收藏:Stamp collectors usually collect stamps only from certain countries or regions.2012 江西 vi&vt 募集;收取(租金、税等)募集;收取(租金、税等):We volunteered to collect money to help the victims

11、of the earthquake.vi&vt 积聚积聚(accumulate);聚集;聚集(gather):Dirt has collected in the corners of the room.A crowd collects when theres a traffic accident.vt 取走(某物);接走(某人)取走(某物);接走(某人)(pick up):After the rubbish is sorted,it needs to be collected and then taken to the recycling centercol-(together 一起)+lec

12、t(to gather 收集)收集到一起 收集(基本义)collectcollection n(collect+-ion)U 收集;采集;收集;采集;U&C 收取收取:The first stage in research is data collection.rubbish collection C(故事、诗歌、音乐等的)集子;专辑:(故事、诗歌、音乐等的)集子;专辑:a collection of short stories C(常指同类的)收集物;收藏品:(常指同类的)收集物;收藏品:a stamp/coin collection C 募捐;募集的钱募捐;募集的钱:a collectio

13、n for the poor a collection box C 一批物品;一群人:一批物品;一群人:a collection of interesting people The library has a collection of 80,000 books and 90 kinds of newspapers and magazines.2012 湖南collect&collection 语义网络语义网络图图“收集收集”物品物品收集;采集收集;采集 收藏收藏积聚;聚集积聚;聚集collectioncollect收集;采集;收集;采集;收取收取 (常指同类的)(常指同类的)收集物;收藏品收

14、集物;收藏品一批物品;一群人一批物品;一群人收集收集collect基本义基本义取走(某物);取走(某物);接走(某人)接走(某人)募集;收取(租募集;收取(租金、税等)金、税等)募捐;募集的钱募捐;募集的钱“收集收集”同一类同一类物品并保存物品并保存“收集收集”捐款、捐款、租金、税金等租金、税金等“收集收集”分散的分散的东西或人使集中东西或人使集中“收集收集”物或人物或人并将其带走并将其带走(故事、诗歌、(故事、诗歌、音乐等的)集子;音乐等的)集子;专辑专辑anxious adj 忧虑的;焦虑的忧虑的;焦虑的 feeling worried or nervous(worried):be anx

15、ious for sb/about sth 令人焦虑的令人焦虑的 causing worry and fear(worrying):We had an anxious couple of weeks waiting for the test results.焦急的;急切的焦急的;急切的 wanting sth very much(eager):The parents suggested sleeping in the hotel room but their kids were anxious to camp out during the trip.【拓展拓展】anxiously adv 忧虑

16、地;不安地忧虑地;不安地(必修二 U5)注意与注意与eager的不同:的不同:anxious更强调更强调“焦急焦急”worried 是最常用的词,表示对某个问题或可能发生的不幸有所担忧。nervous 常用于重要事情(如考试、面试等)、令人不快或困难的事情发生前的紧张不安。anxious 可指较强烈的担忧和不安,且较正式。辨析辨析 worried,nervous,anxious词根词根前缀前缀/后缀后缀单词单词派生词派生词 nov in-(向里);-ate(使成为)innovate vinnovative adj innovation ninnovator n-elnovel nnovelis

17、t(小说家)nnovel adjnovelty nre-;-aterenovate vrenovation n词根词根 nov词根nov意为“新的”,由该词根构成的词大多含有此义。本单元金句汇总本单元金句汇总1.We set out to paint the whole house but finished only the front part that day.2012 全国2.I swallowed my pride and asked someone at the stop for help.2012 广东改3.One swallow doesnt make a summer.4.We

18、 volunteered to collect money to help the victims of the earthquake.5.The library has a collection of 80,000 books and 90 kinds of newspapers and magazines.2012 湖南随堂检测随堂检测set out写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.They set out on the last stage of their journey._2.The researchers set out to develop

19、a cure for cancer._3.He set out the reasons for his decision in his report._4.The market traders began setting out their displays._出发出发/动身动身开始研发开始研发阐述阐述/陈述陈述摆放摆放/陈列陈列写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.The present was beautifully wrapped in gold paper._2.Ella wrapped a thick coat around her shoulder

20、s._3.The boy wrapped his arms around his mothers waist._4.She told them to wrap up warm._ 包包 围围用用围绕围绕wrap穿暖和点穿暖和点写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.Jamies always had trouble swallowing pills._ 2.She swallowed her anger and turned to face him._ 3.Hundreds of small companies have been swallowed up by

21、 these huge companies._4.Swallows begin their migration south in autumn._swallow吞下吞下 抑制抑制吞并吞并燕子燕子aware根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成下列句子。根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成下列句子。1.People are becoming far more _(意识到)environmental problems.2.She _(察觉到)a tall dark person watching her.3.The writers book _ (提高人们的意识)the dangers of pollution

22、.(2014 江苏改)4.Many people _(不知道)how much food and drink they consume(消耗).aware ofwas aware ofraised peoples awareness ofare not aware/unaware of 写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.The computer systems could speed up the collection of information._2.I have bought a new collection of poetry._3.The pai

23、nting comes from his private collection._4.Every Christmas we have a collection for a local charity._5.There was an interesting collection of people at the wedding._收集收集诗集诗集私人收藏私人收藏募捐募捐一群有趣的人一群有趣的人collection一、同义替换一、同义替换。1.Jack still cant help being anxious about his job interview.Lack of self-confid

24、ence is his Achilles heel I am afraid.(worrying/worried)(2016 江苏)_2.There was an anxious moment when the plane suddenly dropped.(worrying/worried)_worried Achilles heel(致命弱点)源于希腊神话阿喀琉斯的故事。传说他年幼时,母亲把他浸在斯提克斯冥河中,使他刀枪不入。由于母亲提着他的脚踵,因此他的脚踵没有粘上河水。后来他因脚踵中箭身亡。worryinganxious二、完成句子。二、完成句子。1.Parents _(自然为担心)their children.2.He seemed _(对忧心忡忡)the meeting.3.There were a few _(令人焦虑不安的时刻)in the baseball game.4.I was told the Learning Center provides help for students and _(我急切想要得到你的帮助).Im anxious to get help from you/your helpanxious aboutare naturally anxious foranxious moments谢谢谢谢观观赏赏


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