Unit 10 Lesson 1 How closely connected are we- 单词课件 --(2022)新北师大版《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx

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Unit 10 Lesson 1 How closely connected are we- 单词课件 --(2022)新北师大版《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx_第1页
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Unit 10 Lesson 1 How closely connected are we- 单词课件 --(2022)新北师大版《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx_第2页
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Unit 10 Lesson 1 How closely connected are we- 单词课件 --(2022)新北师大版《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx_第3页
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Unit 10 Lesson 1 How closely connected are we- 单词课件 --(2022)新北师大版《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx_第4页
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Unit 10 Lesson 1 How closely connected are we- 单词课件 --(2022)新北师大版《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx_第5页
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1、单单词词课课堂堂A word is a microcosm of human consciousness.Vygotsky版本:版本:新北师新北师单元:选择性必修四单元:选择性必修四 Unit 10 (LESSON 1)1.theory词块:in theory2.chain一词多义:基本义“链条”名词动词化:用链拴住;束缚词块:the food chain,in chains,a chain of people/events3.impression impress+-ion 词块:leave/make a good/deep impression on sb,leave sb with a g

2、ood/deep impression词族:impress,impressed,impression,impressionist,impressionism,impressive work合成词:net+work词块:friendship/social networks本单元词汇梳理本单元词汇梳理5.sociologist sociology(社会学)+-ist(从事的人/专家)同后缀词:chemist,physicist,scientist,novelist6.random词块:a random sample/selection of,at random派生词:randomly7.parce

3、lpar(part)+-cel(表示“小的”名词后缀)名词动词化:裹好;把包起来词块:a parcel of8.releasere-(back)+lease(to loosen 松开)词源义和基本义为“放开”词块:release a movie9.bimonthlybi-(two)+monthly同前缀词:bicycle10.phrase词块:a set phrase重重难难点点词词精精讲讲chain一词多义一词多义theory英语释义英语释义release一词多义一词多义 U 理论;原理理论;原理 the general principles about a subject:combine

4、theory with practice C(未证明的)推测;猜想:(未证明的)推测;猜想:I have this theory that most people prefer being at work to being at home.in theory 理论上理论上:It sounds fine in theory,but will it work?C&U 学说学说 a formal set of ideas that try to explain sth:Einsteins theory of relativityScientists have many theories about

5、how the universe came into being.theory ntheoretical adj 理论上的;假设的理论上的;假设的:课文 Hawking was famous,not just for his brilliant work in theoretical physics and cosmology,but also for overcoming the challenges of ALS(a disease that affects muscle control).【词汇拓展词汇拓展】theoretically adv句子副词理论上;按理说句子副词理论上;按理说上

6、面两段新闻中的“human chain”是什么意思呢?chain 的基本义是“链子;链条”,衍生义可由基本义推测出来。chainchain词源解读词源解读chain 的词源义为“金属或其他材料连接成的系列”(即链子),14世纪末期衍生出“脖子上带的装饰物”(如金链子);16世纪泛指任何连接起来的系列;随着商业的发展,衍生出了“连锁店”之意;随着物理学的发展及核物理的发现,出现了词块“连锁反应”。chain n C&U 链子;链条;锁链:链子;链条;锁链:a bicycle chain/the food chain The prisoners are in chains.C 一系列;一连串一系列

7、;一连串:课文 Any person on Earth can be connected to any other person through a chain of no more than five other people.a chain of events/accidents/thoughts/misfortunes a chain reaction chain n C 连锁店连锁店(chain store);连锁集团连锁集团:a supermarket chain vt 用链拴住;束缚:用链拴住;束缚:Chain the horse to the tree.名词动词化名词动词化链条链

8、条(基本义)(基本义)连锁店;连锁店;连锁集团连锁集团金属金属“链条链条”一系列;一系列;一连串一连串店铺等构成店铺等构成的的“链条链条”人、事物等人、事物等构成的构成的“链条链条”链子;链条;链子;链条;锁链锁链chain语义网络图语义网络图nv用链拴住;用链拴住;束缚束缚releaseThe Battle at Lake Changjin(长津湖),the ticket sales added up to 5.5 billion yuan since its release on 30 September,2021.It tells the story of the Battle of C

9、hosin Reservoir in 1950.The Chinese side claims it as the most critical victory of the conflict,known in China as the War to Resist American Aggression and Aid Korea.放开;松开放开;松开 to stop holding sth(let go):Dont release the rope.释放;排放释放;排放 to let sb/sth come out of a place where they have been kept or

10、 trapped:release a prisonerThe factory keeps releasing smoke,making the air dirty.release vt构词:构词:re-(back)+lease(to loosen 松开),词源义和基本义为“放开放开”首映(电影);发行(首映(电影);发行(CD、书等);发布(新闻等)、书等);发布(新闻等):课文 Once released,the results were published in the bimonthly magazine Psychology Today.release a movie/new vers

11、ion 发泄;宣泄发泄;宣泄:Physical exercise is a good way of releasing stress.解雇解雇 release n U可用单数放走;释放;排放;宣泄:可用单数放走;释放;排放;宣泄:a release from prisonthe release of homing pigeons U可用单数发行;发布:可用单数发行;发布:The software is planned for release in April.C 发行的影片等;发布的新闻等:发行的影片等;发布的新闻等:the latest release放开放开release(基本义)(基本义

12、)release 语义网络语义网络图图“放开放开”某物某物的保密状态为的保密状态为 公众所知公众所知“放开放开”某物某物“放开放开”被困被困的人的人 /物物放开;松开放开;松开释放;排放释放;排放首映(电影);首映(电影);发行(发行(CD、书、书等);发布(新等);发布(新闻等)闻等)“放开放开”情感情感发泄;宣泄发泄;宣泄将某人从职务或将某人从职务或责任中责任中“放开放开”解雇解雇nv放走;释放;放走;释放;排放;宣泄排放;宣泄发行;发布发行;发布发行的影片等;发行的影片等;发布的新闻等发布的新闻等放开放开release(基本义)(基本义)本单元金句汇总本单元金句汇总1.It sounds

13、 fine in theory,but will it work?2.The factory keeps releasing smoke,making the air dirty.3.Physical exercise is a good way of releasing stress.随堂检测adopt写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.All three teams adopted different approaches to the problem._2.Chinese babies are the favourite choice of Ameri

14、cans adopting children from abroad._3.Danny is their adopted son._4.Paul told me that Spain is his adopted country._采用采用/采纳采纳领养领养/收养收养养子养子移居国移居国theory一、根据句意写出画线部分的汉语意思。1.She taught us political theory._2.Students should learn how to put theory into practice in the classroom._3.According to the theor

15、y of relativity,nothing can travel faster than light._政治理论 把理论付诸实践 相对论 二、在空白处填入二、在空白处填入1 1个适当的单词或括号内所给词的正确形式个适当的单词或括号内所给词的正确形式。1.Achieving these goals seems easy _ theory,yet quite difficult in practice.2.His university education focused on _(theory)knowledge.3.It is impractical though _(theory)poss

16、ible.intheoreticaltheoretically根据句意写出画线部分的汉语意思。1.She wore a heavy gold chain around her neck._2.Before he started Wagamama,he had tried to set up a Chinese fast-food chain in Britain._3.Bitten twice,the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog._4.The book examines the chain o

17、f events that led to the revolution(革命)._ 5.I dont want a job where Im chained to a desk all day._6.Volunteers formed a human chain to save things from the burning house._ 7.I received a key chain with my initials(名字缩写)._连锁快餐店 金项链 用链子拴住 一连串事件 chain束缚 钥匙链 排成一条长龙 一、一、将下列短语翻译成汉语。将下列短语翻译成汉语。1.press rele

18、ases _ 2.sign a release _3.release information _ 4.release a new film _5.release prisoners of war _6.release the creative powers of the people _新闻稿新闻稿签发释放令签发释放令透露消息透露消息发行新影片发行新影片释放战俘释放战俘激发人民的创造性激发人民的创造性release二、二、根据根据所给所给汉语汉语,用适当的词块完成,用适当的词块完成下列句子。下列句子。1.He _(放开了她的胳膊).2.Dont _(放开绳索).3.The prisoner was questioned _(在他获得释放之前).4.The new film _(将于下个月发行).5.After my examination I had _(如释重负).6.The trainer _(把鲸鱼放归大海).released her armrelease(your hold on)the ropebefore his releasewill be released next montha feeling/sense of releasereleased the whale into the sea谢谢谢谢观观赏赏


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