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1、研究生英语核心教材综合教程(下)陈锵明 主编对外经济贸易大学出版社Unit 1The UnabomberContents1.About the author Background of the Text:1).2).3.Questions Word Distinctions Oral Translation 1).2).Written Translation 1).2).3).Further questions for discussionAbout the author After graduating in Communications Arts,Ted Ottley began his

2、career as an English teacher in London He went on to become a copywriter(广告词撰稿人)then creative director with a London advertising agency.He returned to his birthplace Canada and continued his writing career.He contributed to(投稿)all media advertising,theatre,and broadcasting.He currently devotes most

3、of his time to journalism and fiction,and has two books in progress.Ted Ottley 4.1.Background of the TextvBorn May 22,1942 in Chicago,and grew up in Evergreen park,IllinoisvEntered Harvard University in 1958 on a scholarship at age 16,to study mathematics and physics.vIn graduate school at the Unive

4、rsity of Michigan,he earned a doctorate degree in 1967 at age 25.vKaczynski was enrolled at Berkeley in 1967,taught in mathematics department between 1967-69,assistant professor.Not interested in political protest in the 1960s.vHe sought apologies from his family for how they treated him.vResigned h

5、is post as a college professor and researcher at Berkeley in 1969;he did not want to teach math to engineers who would use it to harm the environment.vTed had difficulty relating to women,family relationships strained vHe and his brother bought 1.5 acres in Montana,just west of continental divide2.B

6、ackground of the TextvHe lived five miles in the hills from Lincoln,Montana,a town that was already isolated.He lived by himself without telephone,electricity,running water,no sewage hook up,In a 10 x 12 foot cabin was wall to wall booksvHe attacked targeted universities,airlines,and computer compan

7、ies.vHe associated the victims with technology and its illsvThere were 16 total attacks,23 injured,and 3 people killedTed KaczynskiQuestions 1.How do you describe Ted Kaczysnki?Why?2.How much do you know about his family?3.Why is it that he was worried about being called crazy?4.What is the“double-p

8、lay”designed by Ted Kaczysnki to confuse the police?5.Describe the construction of the first bomb.6.What theories did the police come up with to try to account for Professor Crist being targeted?7.Why was Ted Kaczysnkis manifesto allowed to be published?8.How was David Kaczysnki able to relate the m

9、anifesto to his brother Ted Kaczysnki?9.Did Ted Kaczysnki pleaded guilty in the court because he finally found his conscience and Why?10.Comment on the court speeches by the victims and their family.Word Distinctions1)escape,escape from He cut a hole in the wall and_ the prison.The police lay in wai

10、t around his house,but he did not return that night and _capture.A lion has _its cage.She was lucky to _ serious injury.He narrowly(=only just)_a fine.His name _me(=I have forgotten his name).Nothing important escapes_ notice/attention2)search,search for The police spent the whole week _ the missing

11、 boy.They _ the suspect before he had time to destroy the document.Ive _every of my pocket,but I cant find my key.The detectives_the house all over,there is no sign of the stolen goods.She _her mind/memory for the mans name,but she couldnt remember it.People who are _ inner peace sometimes turn to r

12、eligion.3)approve,approve of Obviously he did not_ smoking but he had to accept it in the situation.We had to wait months for the city council to _our plans to extend the house I thoroughly _what the government is doing The court _the sale of the property1.Oral TranslationPut the following Chinese e

13、xpressions into English1)暴力犯罪,2)判终生监禁 3)辩护律师4)不/服罪 5)被起诉 6)守法公民 7)通缉要犯 8)法网恢恢,疏而不漏2.Oral TranslationPut the following Chinese sentences into English 1).我花了一个小时计算那道题但还是算错了。(Get it wrong)2).人们塑了一个雕像以纪念这位诗人的百年诞辰。(Commemorate)3).警察直升飞机被叫来搜索在三周内洗劫五个加油站的武装劫匪。(Call in)4)他是否给那些即将开始表演生涯的人们一些忠告?(Embark)5)正当他们

14、对下一步行动感到迷茫时,总部来电说我们现在的搜寻是徒劳无益的。(Wild goose chase)6)政府把坠机事件归咎于技术故障,而国外媒体揣测直升机是被火箭击落的。Speculate 7)回顾两人一起生活这许多年,他们很容易就发现那些导致他们婚姻破裂的倒霉时刻。(Pick out)8)地板是硬石头铺的,墙是石灰刷的,房间里没有一件家具。(Devoid of)1.Written TranslationPut the following Chinese paragraph into English:2019年4月19日上午9时,美国俄克拉何马城中心,“轰”的一声巨响,只见火光冲天,浓烟滚滚,响

15、声和震动波及数十英里之外。瞬间,一座9层高大楼的1/3墙倒顶塌,500名政府官员和职员在这里上班,许多人惨死废墟之中。官方说,这是美国75年来最严重的一次恐怖主义制造的爆炸事件。联邦调查局当天发布紧急通缉令,并悬赏200万美元将嫌疑犯捉拿归案。2019年8月10日,提摩西 麦可维(McVeigh)被联邦政府控11项罪名,包括8项一级谋杀。10月25日,政府表示将寻求死刑。2019年2月20日,2019年6月2日,陪审团裁定11项罪名成立。6月13日,同一陪审团推荐死刑。2019年6月11日早晨7点14分,提摩西 麦可维(McVeigh)在印地安纳州被注射处死.2.Written Transla

16、tionPut the following quotes into Chinese:All violence is not power but the absence of power -EmersonNothing enduring can be built on violence.-GandhiViolence is an admission that ones ideas and goals cannot prevail on their own merits -Edward Kennedy Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun

17、 -Mao Tse TungNothing has ever been established except by the sword -Napoleon3.Written TranslationTranslate the following passage into Chinese.The Oklahoma City bombing trials raise questions more interesting than the answers they provide.How,in four years,can an army sergeant and Green Beret aspira

18、nt turn so violently against the government he served?If there had been no Waco(城市名),would there have been no Oklahoma City?Did McVeigh want to be captured?Why did the government only bring charges against three men in connection with the bombing,when compelling evidence suggests that others played

19、significant roles in the crime?We do not have clear answers to any of these questionsbut some possible answers to these and other intriguing questions have come into better focus in the years since the McVeigh and Nichols trials.Further questions for discussion1.Why do you think Ted Kaczysnki,Harvar

20、d educated professor ends up as an anti-technology extremist?2.What would you act if you were in the position of David Kaczysnki?3.Comment on David Kaczysnkis taking his concerns to the police.4.Whats your comments on the court sentencing of Ted Kaczysnki to life in prison instead of to death?5.How do you interpret Ted Kaczysnkis real motive?


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