人教新目标版七年级上册-Starter Unit 1(4a-4d).docx

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1、Starter Unit 1 Good morning!(4a-4d)一、教学目标1. 巩固本单元所学字母AaHh、单词good, morning, hi, hello, afternoon, evening, how, are, you等及句型Good morning/ afternoon/evening! How are you? Im fine, thanks.等。2. 感知元音字母A和E在重读开、闭音节中的不同发音:/ei/和/、/i:/和/e/。3. 学会4d英语歌曲。二、教学重难点教学重点:巩固本单元所学字母、单词及句型。学唱英文歌曲。教学难点:感知元音字母A和E在重读开、闭音节中

2、的不同发音:/ei/和/、/i:/和/e/。三、教学准备教师:教学课件;多媒体设备学生:课前预习四、教学过程Step 1. Warming-up1. Let Ss sing the song “Good morning!” with the video. 2. Ss practice greeting with their English names. 3. Play a Bingo game.(1) Ask Ss to draw a chart like this. (2) Play the game with an example: Fill in nine blanks with AaH

3、h. One of them can be used twice. Ss should write both the big ones and the small ones. Ss circle the letters they hear. If the circled letters are in a line, they win. 【设计意图】课前让学生不断熟悉歌曲,跟着模仿,为本堂课正式学唱英文歌曲做好铺垫;相互用英文名字打招呼,使学生进一步熟悉更多的英文名字,通过bingo游戏,巩固AaHh字母的大小写和发音。Step 2. Presentation1. Show pictures o

4、f the Ss in S1 and ask two questions. Who are they? Do you know their names? 2. Work on 4a. (1) Write down the childrens names below their faces. (2) Write the names in the alphabetical order in the list. (3) Check their answers. (提醒学生注意名字的第一个字母应大写。) 【设计意图】让学生进一步熟悉书上所出现的人物的英文名字,书写时第一个字母应大写。3. Work o

5、n 4b. Ask Ss to listen and repeat. (1) Play the recording for the first time. Ss only listen. (2) Play the recording for the second time. Ss listen and repeat. (3) Ask some Ss to read the letters and words. 【设计意图】先听后读,培养学生的注意力和集中精力听录音的好习惯。让学生通过录音材料感知并模仿发音,初步建立一定的语感。Step 3. PracticeAsk Ss to read the

6、 words and try to find the rules.Dale, Grace,Frank, thanks, evening, Helen【设计意图】让学生通过录音材料感知并发现字母的发音规律,初步建立一定的语感,形成自主和探究的学习策略。Step 4. Production1. Work on 4c (1) Ask Ss to read aloud the words on the left. Make sure they know the distinction between different pronunciations of the same letter. (2) As

7、k Ss to try to read the new words on the right. Teacher moves around the classroom and helps Ss if necessary. 【设计意图】运用观察到的字母a,e在开音节和闭音节中的读音规则引导学生读生词,有助于培养他们的语音素养和自学能力。2. Work on4d(1) Play the song and ask Ss to sing with it. (2)Ss listen and sing the song after the recording.(3) Ss sing the song tog

8、ether. (4) Boys try, then girls try. 【设计意图】通过学唱歌曲帮助学生复习本单元的重点句型。Step 5. SummarySummary what Ss have learnt.见面问候语见面问声好,做人有礼貌。好友重逢 How are you?初次见面 How do you do?上午说声Good morning!一天都有好心情。下午说声Good afternoon!工作学习都轻松。晚上问候Good evening!所有烦恼都消除。【设计意图】帮助学生总结并复习本课所学。Step 6. Homework1. 默写3c对话,再仿写一组对话。2. 默写字母A到H的大写与小写。【设计意图】通过不同方式复习并巩固本课所学。五、板书设计Starter Unit 1 Good morning!Period 3 (4a-4d)A ei A H Dale Grace age Frank thanks handE i: B C D E G evening he e F Helen bed


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