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1、1984By George OrwellPart IIIChapter IVSummary Winston screams out Julias name many times.He tries to bottle up his hatred so that even he will not recognize it.Winston tells Obrien that he hates Big Brother.OBrien then instructs the guards to take Winston to Room 101.Winston comes to the conclusion

2、that he was foolish to oppose the Party alone Symbolthe place where there is no darkness approach to the future intense fatalism-he believes that he is doomed no matter what he does.Winston allows himself to trust OBrien,even though inwardly he senses that OBrien might be a Party operative.Symbolvar

3、icose ulcer Winstons need to express his individualism sooth his mind and try to apply both the stick and the carrot to tame him AnalysisTransformation of inner mindThe pencil felt sick and awkard in his fingers.P353(DEMORALIZED)The past was alterable.The past never had been altered.P353(DOUBLETHINK

4、)Stupidty was as necessary as intelligence,and as difficult to attain.P355(HELPLESSNESS)AnalysisFREEDOM IS SLAVERYTWO AND TWO MAKE FIVEGOD IS POWERAnalysisDream of Julia overwhelming hallucinationIn that moment he had loved her far more than he had ever done when they were together and free.P 356Ana

5、lysis Compromise of Winston obeyance vs hate intellectuality vs emotionThey would have blown a hole in their own perfection.To die hating them,that was freedom.P358Chapter VSummary ClimaxIn Room 101,OBrien strapped Winston to a chair,then clamped Winstons head so that he couldnt move.He told Winston

6、 that Room 101 contained“the worst thing in the world.”He reminded Winston of his worst nightmarethe dream of being in a dark place with something terrible on the other side of the walland informed him that are on the other side of the wall.OBrien picked up a cage full of enormous,squirming rats and

7、 places it near Winston.He said that when he pressed a lever,the door would slide up and the rats would leap onto Winstons face and eat it.With the starving rats just inches away,Winston broke down.He screamed that he wanted OBrien to subject Julia to this torture instead of him.OBrien,satisfied by

8、this betrayal,removed the cage.Winstons Reaction Towards the Torture.Struggling&Fighting Against(page 363 para 3&5).Turning Insane yet with“Tiny Fragment of Hope”(page 364 para 1-4).Thorough Deterioration(page 364 para 4-page 365)“He was light years distant,but OBrien was still standing at his side.

9、”Symbol 1 Room 101p“You asked me once,”said OBrien,“what was in Room 101.I told you that you knew the answer already.Everyone knows it.The thing that is in Room 101 is the worst thing in the world.”page 360 para4Room 101 is the basement torture chamber in the Ministry of Love,in which the Party atte

10、mpts to subject a prisoner to his or her own worst nightmare,fear or phobia,with the object of breaking down their resistance.Symbol Room 101Orwell named Room 101 after a conference room at Broadcasting House where he used to sit through tedious meetings.It also inspires radio and TV programmes name

11、d after it.BBC Broadcasting HouseSymbol 2 BODYp“There was one and only one way to save himself.He must interpose another human being,the of another human being,between himself and the rats.”page 364 para 1p“But he had suddenly understood that in the whole world there was just ONE person to whom he c

12、ould transfer his punishment-that he could thrust between himself and the rats.”page 364 para 4:to win over soulChapter VISummary15:00 Chestnut Tree caf The war with Eurasia Encounter with Julie Memory of his mother and sister Oceania has won a decisive victory “He loved Big Brother.”Gin and Chessbo

13、ardSymbolChestnut Tree caf“Under the spreading chestnut treeI sold you and you sold me:There lie they,and here lie weUnder the spreading chestnut tree.”(Part 1,Chap 7&Part 3,Chap 6)In the name of justice,honesty,and chastity,only betrayal occurs.Effectiveness The strong ties of Big Brother Betrayal

14、brought by Big Brother upon every character in the novel Prohibition of any close relationships AnalysisDoes Winston die at last?“Winston,sitting in a blissful dream,paid no attention as his glass was filled up.He was not running or cheering any longer.He was back in the Ministry of Love,with everyt

15、hing forgiven,his soul white as snow.He was in the public dock,confessing everything,implicating everybody.He was walking down the white-tiled corridor,with the feeling of walking in sunlight,and an armed guard at his back.The longhoped-for bullet was entering his brain.”AnalysisDoes Winston die at

16、last?Figuratively,yes he dies.Physically,not yet,but not far away.“The party would never kill a free thinker”AnalysisMental transformation“But it was all right,everything was all right,the struggle was finished.He had won the victory over himself.He loved Big Brother.”Analysis Is Winston brainwashed

17、 or just defeated?Figuratively,yes he dies.Physically,not yet but not far away.-being defeated mentally rather than brainwash Subconscious resistance1.He is true to himself“A violent emotion,not fear exactly but a sort of undifferentiated excitement,flared up in him,then faded again.”“For a whole af

18、ternoon they had all been happy together,as in his earlier childhood.”“An extraordinary medley of feeling-but it was not a medley,exactly;rather it was successive layers of feeling,in which one could not say which layer was undermost-struggled inside him.”Subconscious resistance2.He sees the reality

19、 clearly“He pushed the picture out of his mind.It was a false memory.He was troubled by false memories occasionally.They did not matter so long as one knew them for what they were.”“Something was killed in his breast:burnt out,cauterized out.”Subconscious resistance143.Dream of escaping from reality

20、.“The longhoped-for bullet was entering his brain.”ThemesThemes14The Dangers of Totalitarism1949-CommunismThe story represented a real possibility for the near futureOrwells opinion of the ending14“I do not believe that the kind of society I describe necessarily WILL,but I believe that something res

21、embling it COULD arrive.I believe also that totalitarian ideas have taken root in the minds of intellectuals everywhere,and I have tried to draw these ideas out to their logical consequences.”Orwells opinion of the ending14“The scene of the book is laid in Britain in order to emphasize that the Engl

22、ish-speaking races are not innately better than anyone else and that totalitarianism,if not FOUGHT against,could triumph anywhere.”p“By itself,”he said,“pain is not always enough.There are occasions when a human being will stand out against pain,even to the point of death.But for everyone there is s

23、omething unendurable something that cannot be contemplated.Courage and cowardice are not involved.If you are falling from a height it is not cowardly to clutch at a rope.If you have come up from deep water it is not cowardly to fill your lungs with air.It is merely an which cannot be destroyed.It is

24、 the same with the rats.For you,they are unendurable.They are a form of pressure that you cannot withstand,even if you wished to.You will do what is required of you.”page 362 para3Totalitarianism:EMOTIONAL&BODY CONTROLPsychological destroy by physical tortureA persons own nervous system becomes his.

25、EMOTIONAL CONTROLu Quoted from“Mind Control in Orwells Nineteen Eighty Four:Fictional Concepts Become Operational Realities in Jim Joness Jungle Experiment”by Philip G.ZimbardoBODY CONTROL The Party constantly watches for any sign of disloyalty,to the point that,as Winston observes,even a tiny facia

26、l twitch could lead to an arrest.Anyone who does manage to defy the Party is punished and“reeducated”through systematic and brutal torture.“The nightmare threatening torment”:nothing is more powerful than physical painno emotional loyalty or moral conviction can overcome it.Another Aspect of Totalitarianismp Panoptical Control(全景式监控)“The Theory of Panoptical Control:Benthams Panopticon(圆形监狱)And Orwells Nineteen Eighty Four”by Harry Strub从全景式监狱结构看中的心理操控by 李锋THANKS


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