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1、53综合测试卷(三) 英语试题 (考试时间90分钟,满分60分) 知识运用 (共14分) 一、单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分) 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.Mr. White is very kind to others. We all like very much. A.me B.him C.her D.us,答案 B 句意:怀特先生对人非常友善,我们都非常喜欢他。此处指代前面提到的Mr. White,因此选B。 2.Peters father works a big hospital. And he is a good doctor. A

2、.in B.on C.from D.of 答案 A 句意:Peter的爸爸在一家大医院工作。他是一名好医生。在医院工作的表达是work in a hospi- tal。因此选A。,3. can I better myself? By working hard and thinking more. A.What B.Where C.When D.How,答案 D 句意:我怎么才能让自己变得更好?通过努力和多思考。by doing.表示“通过某种方 式”,要用how来进行提问,因此选D。 4. I use your dictionary? Sure, here you are. A.Must B.

3、May C.Need D.Should 答案 B 句意:我可以用一下你的词典吗?当然可以。给你。此处表示征求同意,故选B。,5.I was very tired last night, I went to sleep early. A.but B.or C.so D.for,答案 C 句意:我昨天晚上非常累,所以我早早睡了。前半句的was very tired和后面的went to sleep early 是因果关系,故选C。 6.Huawei is one of technology companies in China. A.large B.larger C.largest D.the l

4、argest 答案 D 句意:华为是中国最大的科技公司之一。“one of+the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数”表示 “最的之一”。,7.Marys aunt is a doctor. She in a hospital. A.works B.worked C.has worked D.was working,答案 A 句意:Mary的姑姑是一名医生。她在一家医院上班。句中没有明显的时间标志词,但前面用的 是一般现在时,是在叙述一个客观事实,所以这里继续使用一般现在时,因此选A。 8.Tom, where is your mum? Oh, she in the kitchen. A.cooks

5、 B.will cook C.is cooking D.cooked 答案 C 句意:Tom,你妈妈在哪儿?哦,她正在厨房做饭。句中没有明显的时间标志词,但是问句 是想找妈妈,是此时此刻想找。由此可以推断出是现在进行时,因此选C。,9.Its nice to see you again. We each other for a long time. A.dont see B.havent seen C.wont see D.didnt see,答案 B 句意:很高兴再见到你。我们已经很久没有见过彼此了。“for+时间段”是现在完成时的标志, 此处表示“已经好久不见了”,应用现在完成时的否定形式

6、,因此选B。 10.The boy a game with a mobile phone when his mother opened the door. A.plays B.played C.is playing D.was playing 答案 D 句意:当他妈妈打开门的时候,这个男孩正在用手机玩游戏。when引导的时间状语从句表示过 去某一时刻,主句表示“那一时刻正在发生的事”,所以应该用过去进行时,因此选D。,11.New Chongli Railway Station in 2020. A.completes B.is completed C.will complete D.will

7、 be completed,答案 D 句意:新崇礼火车站将在2020年建成。in 2020是将来的时间,说明事件发生在将来,火车站是被 建成的,要用被动语态,因此选D。 12.What did Mr. Johnson ask, Lucy? He asked . A.where is the post office B.where was the post office C.where the post office is D.where the post office was 答案 D 句意:Lucy,Johnson先生问什么了?他问邮局在哪儿。根据宾语从句要用陈述句语序的 原则,排除A和B;

8、由问句中的did和前面的asked可知此处要用一般过去时,因此选D。,二、完形填空(共8分,每小题1分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 The New Hoop Marco looked at the basketball hoop and threw the ball up. “Score!” Marco shouted as the 13 went through the basketball hoop. “You won this time, but next time Ill 14 you, Marco!” said Kim

9、, as the two friends walked home. “I wish we could play at the park too, instead of only at school.” But the basketball hoop in their neighborhood park had been ruined by a fallen tree. “I feel so 15 ,”said Kim. “I guess there s nothing we can do.”,Marco and Kim walked past the citys recycling cente

10、r. They saw Mr. Morse was collecting plastic, paper and metal items. Marco stared at all the old stuff. “That gives me an idea!” he said. “Mr. Morse, do you have anything we could 16 to make a basketball hoop?” Mr. Morse picked up a plastic laundry basket. “We are going to recycle this basket, but I

11、 think you can take it.” “It looks useless, old and cracked. I want a new basketball hoop!” said Kim. “Why?” wondered Marco. “Reusing things is a great way to 17 waste. And dont you think that will be meaningful to make something on our own?” “That sounds interesting! I guess we can try,” said Kim.

12、“But I still dont 18 it will be as good as a new one.” They took the basket to Marcos house and found some leftover wood in an old yard. Together they tinkered (焊) with the materials and made a post and a backboard. When all the parts were ready, they took everything to the 19 and managed to set up

13、the hoop.,“It looks better than I thought it would!” said Kim. “Heres the real test!” He bounced the ball, aimed and shot a perfect basket. He was 20 . “Wow, I was wrong,” Kim said. “This basketball hoop is really great. Now we can play whenever we want!” The two friends played until dinnertime. The

14、 hoop stood the real test and the boys had the true joy. 13.A.bag B.ball C.card D.book 14.A.hit B.help C.beat D.teach 15.A.excited B.tired C.satisfied D.discouraged 16.A.win B.throw C.sell D.reuse 17.A.stop B.make C.increase D.collect 18.A.hope B.believe C.remember D.realize 19.A.park B.yard C.schoo

15、l D.house 20.A.regretful B.painful C.cheerful D.peaceful,答案 13.B 此处指篮球穿过篮筐。故选B。 14.C Marco进球得分,Kim输掉了比赛,但是Kim表示下一次一定能打败Marco。故选C。 15.D Kim觉得他们什么也做不了,话语中透出一种无奈,故选D。discouraged意为“泄气的”。 16.D Marco和Kim来到了回收站,看到Morse先生正在回收垃圾,于是就产生了利用回收的这些东西制作 篮筐的想法。reuse再利用。故选D。 17.A 再利用能够很好地阻止浪费。故选A。 18.B Kim前一句说那(利用废弃物

16、制作篮筐)听起来很棒,觉得可以一试。但是后面出现了but和still表示 仍然存疑,不太相信,故选B。 19.A 此处指第一段中提到的社区公园,故选A。 20.C Kim进行投篮测试,投球入篮后觉得一切都很棒,所以他很开心(cheerful)。故选C。,阅读理解 (共36分) 三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共26分, 每小题2分) A A New World of Transportation(交通),21.Today the biggest planes carry about . A.80 passengers B.130 pa

17、ssengers C.400 passengers D.480 passengers 22.Germany, China and Japan will be the first countries to use new . A.high-speed trains B.large airplanes C.high-speed planes D.large trains 23.Now transportation is making peoples life comfortable and . A.slow B.difficult C.interesting D.convenient,答案 21.

18、C 细节理解题。由“New large airplanes”部分的第一句可知答案。 22.A 细节理解题。由“High-speed trains”部分的最后一句可知答案。 23.D 细节理解题。由文章最后一段的第二句可知答案。,“Its a crow, a crow.” A moment later, the father again asked his son the fourth time, “What is this?” The son shouted at his father, “Why do you keep asking me the same question again an

19、d again? I have told you so many times.IT IS A CROW. Cant you get it?” A week later, the father was sent to hospital because of his heart problem. While the son was cleaning up the old mans desk, he noticed an old diary. On the first page, it read, “For My Beloved Son”. Out of curiosity, the son sat

20、 down by the desk and read through the diary. On one page, it wrote, “Today my lit- tle son aged three was sitting with me on the sofa. When a crow was sitting on the window, my son asked me 23 times what it was, and I replied to him all 23 times that it was a crow. And each time I hugged(拥抱)him lov

21、ing- ly. I didnt feel troubled at all. I just simply wish all his questions answered, and all his dreams achieved.”,Reading all of this, the son felt something so wrong with his impatience and shouting at his father the other day. He talked to himself, “How can I be so silly, paying no attention to

22、all his selfless love showered on me? I promise I will say all good and kind words to my dear father, no matter how he behaves.” 24.The father asked his son about a crow . A.two times B.three times C.four times D.twenty-three times 25.The son shouted at his father because his father . A.had a heart

23、problem B.cleaned the old desk and sofa C.hugged him lovingly D.asked the same question again and again 26.After reading his fathers diary, the son felt . A.regretful B.troubled C.worried D.curious,答案 24.C 细节理解题。由第二段倒数第二句A moment later, the father again asked his son the fourth time可知 答案。 25.D 细节理解题

24、。通过读第二段最后一句话中的“Why do you keep asking me the same question again and again?”可知答案。 26.A 推理判断题。通过最后一段第二句那个儿子说的“How can I be so silly, paying no attention to all his selfless love showered on me?”可知,他认为自己以前的做法是愚蠢的,所以可以推断出那个儿子很后 悔。,s most basic needs, a way that the brain meets the high demands and the

25、narrow margins that set it apart from all the other organs(器官) of the body. The brain has a large pool of clean, clear fluid(流体) called cerebrospinal fluid. Biologists call it the CSF. The CSF fills the space that surrounds the brain, and wastes from inside the brain make their way out to the CSF, w

26、hich gets the waste into the blood. What was surprising to them was that the fluid on the outside of the brain didnt stay on the outside. Instead, the CSF goes into and through the brain along the outsides of the blood vessels(血管), and it was actually helping to clear away and clean the waste from t

27、he spaces between the brains cells(细胞). Its only happening in the sleeping brain. Recent research suggests that whats happening is that when the brain is awake and is at its most busy, it puts off clearing away the waste from the spaces between its cells until later. When we go to sleep, it gets int

28、o a kind of cleaning mode to clear away the waste from the spaces between its cells.,We go to sleep every single night, but our brains never rest. While our body is still and our mind is off walking in dreams somewhere, our brain is hard at work. Like our housework, its a dirty and thankless job, bu

29、t its also important. In your house, if you stop cleaning your kitchen for a month, your home will become completely un- livable very quickly. But in the brain, the situation is much more serious, because when it comes to cleaning the brain, it is the very health and function of the mind and the bod

30、y thats at stake. That is why understanding these very basic housekeeping functions of the brain today may prevent and treat diseases of the mind tomorrow. 27.What does the underlined phrase “at stake” in the last paragraph mean? A.In a healthy situation. B.In a dangerous situation. C.In an amazing

31、situation. D.In an unlivable situation.,28.What can we learn from the passage? A.Sleeping makes our brain feel murky. B.The CSF can clean the waste in our brain. C.Our brain can clean the waste at any time. D.Sleeping makes our brain have a good rest. 29.What is the main purpose of this passage? A.T

32、o teach us how to have a good sleep. B.To show the new research of the brain. C.To introduce how CSF works in our brains. D.To tell us the importance of sleeping.,答案 27.B 词义推断题。 根据画线短语所在句的But in the brain, the situation is much more serious和前一句的 类比关系可知,此处表示“面临危险”,故选B。 28.B 推理判断题。 根据第三段倒数第二句可知选B。 29.

33、D 推理判断题。 根据第一段、第二段和文章最后一段的最后一句可知,本文旨在告诉我们睡眠的重 要性,故选D。,when they were 16 years old. The research team was interested in this question because home library size can be a good sign of “book-oriented socialization.” Participants were able to choose from a given range of books that included everything fr

34、om “10 or less” to “more than 500.” The surveys, which were taken between 2011 and 2015, showed that the average(平均的)number of books in participants childhood homes was 115, but that number varied widely from country to country. The average li- brary size in Norway was 212 books, for example; in Tur

35、key, it was 27. In all, however, it seemed that more books in the home was linked to higher proficiency in the areas tested by the survey. The effects were most marked when it came to literacy. Growing up with few books in the home resulted in be- low average literacy levels. Being surrounded by 80

36、books raised the levels to average, and literacy continued to improve until libraries reached about 350 books, at which point the literacy rates leveled off. The researchers saw similar things when it came to numeracy;the effects were not as pronounced with information communica- tion technology tes

37、ts, but skills did improve with increased numbers of books. So, what does the new study tell us? Take, for example, an adult who grew up with hardly any books in the,home, but went on to get a university degree compared to an adult who grew up with a large home library, but only had nine years of sc

38、hooling. The study found that both of their literacy levels were almost the same. “So, literacy-wise, bookish childhood makes up for a good deal of educational advantage,” the study authors write. Further research is needed to decide exactly why exposure to(沉浸在)books in childhood encourages valuable

39、 skills later in life, but the study offers further evidence to suggest that reading has a powerful effect on the mind. And so home library size might be important because, as the researchers note, “children emulate (模仿)parents who read.” 30.The second paragraph is mainly about . A.what the study fo

40、und out B.how the study was carried out C.who were invited to the research D.why the researchers did the study,31.The phrase “leveled off” in Paragraph 4 probably means “ ”. A.backed to average B.started falling C.continued to grow D.stopped rising 32.The example in Paragraph 5 shows . A.the disadva

41、ntage of having little school education B.the effect of having a home library in childhood C.the necessity of raising peoples literacy level D.the importance of getting a university degree 33.What can we learn from the passage? A.The study explained why bookish childhood encouraged valuable skills.

42、B.Adults benefit more from a home library than children. C.Home library size has little to do with numeracy levels. D.Parents who love reading benefit children a lot.,答案 30.B 主旨大意题。第二段介绍了研究的参与人数和对象、研究的方面和等级划分。由此可知选B。 31.D 词义推断题。根据前面的“Being surrounded by 80 books raised the levels to average, and lit

43、eracy continued to improve until libraries reached about 350 books”中raised.to.和until.可知,此处表示“停止上 升”,故选D。 32.B 推理判断题。根据第五段最后一句中的“So, literacy-wise, bookish childhood makes up for a good deal of educational advantage”可知选B。 33.D 推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句可知选D。,friends decided to make a bike rack by themselves. T

44、hey came up with a design. They calculated how much wood they might need. They measured how long the boards should be. They used power tools to cut them and put them together safely. And they did all this in their schools makerspace. Makerspaces are workspaces where kids can learn to create objects

45、using technology, engineering, art and de- sign. These spaces often feature a mix of high-tech machines, such as 3D printers and robotic kits(工具箱), and simple materials like clay and cardboard. Izzy goes to the Harley School in New York. It is one of a growing number of schools across the United Sta

46、tes with makerspaces. Makerspaces are largely inspired by Maker Faires(创客盛会), which are events that give people a chance to share their creative projects. Each year, about 250,000 people attend the Maker Faires in San Mateo, California, and Queens, New York. Maker Faires have also spread to countrie

47、s around the world, includ- ing Egypt, France and Thailand. Schools are introducing makerspaces to the curriculum(课程)because makerspaces give kids a way to have ideas,and build something from those ideas. Kima Enerson is a makerspace teacher at the Harleys Lower School(pre -kindergarten to Grade 4),

48、 where students learn about the basics of computer software. By third grade, they study coding and how electricity works. In sixth grade, they learn to safely use tools such as drills and saws. When students get to high school, Enerson shows them how to apply their skills to solve global problems. “

49、Through- out the process of designing, students are learning to create something to better the world,” she says. 34.What did Izzy and her friends decide to make by themselves? 35.What are makerspaces? 36.How many people attend the Maker Faires in San Mateo and Queens each year? 37.Why are schools introducing makerspaces to the curriculum? 38.What can high school students learn in Enersons class?,答案 34.A bike rack. 由第一段最后一句可知答案。 35.Makerspaces are works


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