2020年湖南中考英语复习课件专题十九 交际运用.pptx

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1、考点一 单项选择 1.(2019湘西土家族苗族自治州,32)Andy has a headache and cant go to school today. .I hope hell be well soon. A.Thats great B.It doesnt matter C.Im sorry to hear that,A组 20152019年湖南中考题组,答案 C 安迪头痛并且今天不能去学校。 听到这个我很遗憾。我希望他会尽快好起来。本题 考查情景交际。Thats great太棒了;It doesnt matter 没关系;Iam sorry to hear that 听到这个我很遗憾。

2、根 据语境可知答案为C。,2.(2019岳阳, 30)You dont look well.Whats the matter with you? . A.I won the game B.Maybe I have a fever C.Thats too bad,答案 B 你看上去不太好。你怎么了?我可能发烧了。本题考查交际运用。A我赢得了比赛;B 我可能发烧了;C那真糟糕。根据语境可知答案为B。,3.(2018邵阳,30)My mother was badly ill in hospital yesterday. I had to look after her, so I didnt go t

3、o have the picnic. . A.Never mind B.I am sorry to hear that C.No problem,答案 B 句意:我的妈妈昨天病重住院了,我必须照顾她,所以我没有去野餐。听到这个我很难 过。本题考查情景交际。A项意为“没关系”。B项意为“听到这个我很难过”。C项意为“没有问 题”。根据句意可知答案为B。,4.(2018岳阳,30)Could you please help me do the dishes? . I cut my finger and Im trying not to get it wet. A.Yes, sure B.Sorry

4、, I cant C.Yes, here you are,答案 B 句意:你能不能帮我洗这些碟子?对不起,我不能。我割到了手指,我正尽量不把伤口弄 湿。本题考查情景交际。拒绝别人时常用sorry来回答,故本题选B。,5.(2017邵阳,29)Gina, your new dress looks so nice. . A.No,no B.Thank you C.Yes,答案 B 句意:Gina,你的新连衣裙看上去很漂亮。谢谢。本题考查交际用语。对别人的赞美需 表示感谢。故选B。,6.(2016郴州,35)I havent been back to my hometown for years. !

5、Your parents must miss you very much. A.Of course B.No problem C.What a shame,答案 C 句意:我好多年都没有回家乡了。太遗憾了!你的父母一定很想念你。本题考查交际运 用。根据题意选择C项。,7.(2016衡阳,30)Thanks a million for your help. . A.Never mind B.My pleasure C.Good idea,答案 B 句意:非常感谢你的帮助。不客气。本题考查交际用语。A选项回答sorry,意为“没关 系”;B选项回答thank you,意为“不客气”;C选项回答提建

6、议,意为“好主意”。故选择B。,深度解析 所使用的语言要符合英语在情景交际中的表达习惯,不要受中式思维的影响。,8.(2015益阳,34)Are you sure you can do well in todays test,Lily? .I have got everything ready. A.Its hard to say B.Im afraid not C.I think so,答案 C 句意:今天的考试你有把握考好吗,Lily?我想是这样。我已经做好一切准备了。本题考 查情景交际。由“做好一切准备”可知“认为是这样”。故选C。,9.(2015衡阳,23)Shall we climb

7、 hills this Sunday? . A.Good idea B.Youre welcome C.Youre right,答案 A 句意:这周日我们去爬山好吗?好主意。本题考查情景交际。问句为提建议的句子,答 句应对所提建议应答。故选A。,考点二 填空型补全对话 1.(2019长沙,第二节) 通读下面的对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。 A:Hey, Joy. This is Steve, calling from the Tianmenshan Mountain of Zhangjiajie! B:Hi, Steve. You are already in Zhangjiajie?! Gr

8、eat to hear you! So (1) ? A:Oh, amazing! You know, Zhangjiajie is famous for its steep(陡峭的)mountains, which are quite different from those in our country. B:Really? (2) ? A:No. Instead of walking, we took the cable car(缆车). B:That was also an exciting experience, I suppose. (3) ? A:For five days. My

9、 dad will have an important meeting next Monday. Work comes first.,B:What a pity! Given more time, you could visit more places of interest. How about the food there? A: (4) ! As a real foodie(吃货),I enjoy all kinds of traditional food here. And so do my family. B:You do? A:Yes. And tomorrow we are go

10、ing to visit Huanglongdong. It is said to be one of the most beautiful karst caves (溶洞)in the world and it has interested so many travellers. B:Fantastic!Could you please tell me more about it when you are back? A: (5) . Ill see you in a few days. Talk to you soon. B:Thank you. Have a nice journey!,

11、答案 (1)what do you think of it 根据答语中amazing可知,本句是询问张家界怎么样。 (2)Did you climb the mountain on foot 根据答语可知,此处应使用一般疑问句,且应询问爬山的方式。 (3)How long will you stay there 根据答语“For five days”可知,此处应询问在那里待多长时间。 (4)It tastes delicious 根据后文提示可知,此处应填写食物不错。 (5)No problem 根据前文可知,此处是对别人的请求表示同意。,2.(2019衡阳) 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处

12、填上适当的句子,使对话的意义连贯、完整。 A:Whats your favorite season, Tim? B:(1) . Because in spring the weather gets warmer and warmer, and I can plant trees. A:(2) ? B:Yes. We plant trees every year. A:(3) ? B:Because trees are important to us. We should plant more trees and protect them well. A:Tomorrow is Tree Pla

13、nting Day.(4) ? B:Sure. Welcome to join us! A:(5) ? B:Lets meet at the school gate at 8:00 a.m.,答案 (1)Spring/My favorite season is spring 根据设空处后面句子中的“spring”可知答案。 (2)Do you often plant trees 根据回答中的Yes可知,该句为一般疑问句;再根据We plant trees every year.可 知,设空处内容是询问B是不是经常植树,时态为一般现在时。 (3)Why do you plant trees 根据

14、答语中的“Because.”可知,设空处为why引导的特殊疑问句,询问为什么 要种树。 (4)Can I plant trees with you 根据下面的答语(当然了,欢迎加入我们)可知,本空询问对方自己可不可以加 入种树的活动。 (5)When and where shall we meet 根据回答(让我们早上8点在学校门口见)可知,设空处询问他们见面的时 间和地点。,3.(2019郴州) 通读下面的对话,然后根据上下文补全对话。 A:Hi,Linda.Did you have a nice time during the Dragon Boat Festival? B:(1) .I

15、visited my grandparents in a village,and it was so much fun. A:Sounds good.(2) ? B:It was rainy,as usual! A:Well,(3) ? B:I made zongzi with my grandma,watched the boat races on TV and chatted with my family. A:Oh,nice.(4) ? B:I visit my grandparents once a week. A:Oh,youre so kind and caring. B:(5)

16、. A:Youre welcome.See you. B:See you.,答案 (1)Yes 根据答语中的it was so much fun 可知应是肯定回答。 (2)How was the weather 根据答语中的rainy可知是询问天气。 (3)What did you do 根据答语中的made zongzi,watched the boat races on TV和chatted with my family可知是 询问端午节做了什么。 (4)How often do you visit your grandparents 根据答语中的once a week 可知是就频率提问。

17、 (5)Thank you 对对方的赞美表示感谢。,4.(2019娄底) 通读下列对话,然后根据上下文补全对话内容. (A:Mr.Wu B:Sally) A:Hi,Sally.(1) ? B:Not bad,Mr.Wu.(2) ? A:Im translating an English passage into Chinese for Loudi Association of Translators and Interpreters(娄底市 翻译协会). B:Oh,Ive never heard of it.(3) ? A:It was set up on May 30,2019. B:Hav

18、e you joined it? A:(4) .I joined it two weeks ago. B:Great! I also want to be a member of it when I grow up.What should I do? A:(5) . B:Thanks for your advice.,答案 (1)Hows it going 根据答语中的Not bad可知A是在询问B最近过得怎样。 (2)What are you doing 根据答语Im translating an English passage可知A在询问B正在做什么事。 (3)When was it se

19、t up 根据答语可知是就时间进行提问。 (4)Yes 根据答语中的I joined it two weeks ago.可知A已经加入了翻译协会。 (5)You can send an E-mail to them 回答如何加入翻译协会,只要言之有理即可。,5.(2019益阳) 通读下面的对话,然后根据上下文补全对话内容。 A:Hey,Zhang Ming.I didnt see you last week. B:Hi,Li Jun.I was on vacation. A:Sounds good!(1) ? B:My vacation was wonderful. A:(2) ? B:I w

20、ent to Yunnan. A:Really?Yunnan is a beautiful place.(3) ? B:Yes,I did.I went there with my friends. A:What about the food there?(4) ? B:Oh,I ate rice noodles, a special food in Yunnan.,答案 (1)How was your vacation 根据答语My vacation was wonderful.可知是询问对方假期过得怎样。 (2)Where did you go 根据答语提示的地点可知是询问对方去了哪里。

21、(3)Did you go there with friends 根据答语中的Yes,I did.可知问句应为一般疑问句。 (4)What did you eat 答语介绍了一种云南特有的食物,可知是询问对方吃了什么。 (5)Thank you 对对方的祝福表示感谢。,A:Great!I am planning to go there next month. B:Good idea!Have a good time! A:(5) .,6.(2018长沙) 通读下面的对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。 A:Hey, Emily, hows it going? B: (1) . You know wh

22、at? Ive made some progress in English, and I got an “A” in the last exam. A:Wow, good for you! Your efforts finally paid off. (2) ? B:Well, I just listened to the teacher carefully in class. Besides, reading English newspapers and novels helped me a lot. A:No wonder grammar is just a piece of cake f

23、or you now. B:Anyhow, I still have a long way to go. By the way, I called you at nine oclock last night, but you didnt an- swer. (3) ? A:Oh, terribly sorry. I was watching the movie Amazing China. (4) ? B:Yes, I have. Amazing China really shows us how amazing China is! All the Chinese people are pro

24、ud of our country.,答案 (1)Pretty good 由“hows it going”可知,答语应该和近段情况相关。 (2)How did you make such progress 根据答语可知此处应该询问“怎样取得进步的”。 (3)What were you doing 根据答语中“I was watching the movie.”可知本句问的是“你那时正在做什 么”。 (4)Have you ever watched it 根据答语中“Yes, I have.”可知,此处应使用一般疑问句。 (5)Thank you 根据上文中“Good luck”可知,此处应是对

25、别人表达谢意。,A:I cant agree more. Id like to watch more movies like that after the big exam in June. But now I have to go all out for the exam. B:You are right. Study comes first. Good luck, my friend. A: (5) . The same to you!,7.(2018郴州,第一节) 通读下面的对话,然后根据上下文补全对话。 A:Hello. (1) ? B:Yes. This is Lucy speaki

26、ng. Whats up? A:I called you several times yesterday, but there was no answer. (2) ? B:I was shopping at that time. By the way, why were you calling me? A:I wanted to ask you to see a movie with me. (3) ? B:I like action movies. A:(4) ? B:Jackie Chan is my favorite actor. A:Me, too. The movie The Fo

27、reigner is on at the cinema. Why not see it this afternoon? B:Sounds great. A:OK. See you at 4 oclock at the cinema. B:(5) .,答案 (1)Is that Lucy speaking/May I speak to Lucy 根据答语可知本句是问“我能和Lucy说话吗”。 (2)What were you doing 根据答语中I was shopping at that time.可知是询问那时正在做什么。 (3)What kind of movies do you lik

28、e 根据答语: I like action movies.可知是询问喜欢什么类型的电影。 (4)Who is your favorite actor 根据答语: Jackie Chan is my favorite actor. 可知是询问最喜欢哪个男演员。 (5)See you 根据上句中See you.可知是道别。,8.(2018衡阳,C) 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上适当的句子,使对话的意义连贯、完整。 (L:Li Hong Z:Zhang Ting) L:Hello, Zhang Ting. Long time no see.(1) ?,Z:Things are going v

29、ery well. L:(2) ? Z:Im getting ready for our school program The Sound of School these days. L:Oh, (3) and it is becoming popular in our school. Z:So more and more students take part in it. Id like to have a try. L:Great!(4) ? Z:My Heart Will Go On. The song is so beautiful. I like it very much. L:Th

30、en when is your show time? Z:At 8:00 p.m. next Friday. L:(5) ! Z:Thank you very much.,答案 (1)How are things going 由答语可知,上文是就当前情况进行询问。 (2)What are you doing these days/What are you busy with these days 由答语可知此处应该问“你这些天在 做什么”。 (3)the program is nice/great/interesting 根据后文提示可知此处应填写节目有趣等。 (4)Which song wi

31、ll you sing 根据答语可知此处应询问唱什么歌。 (5)Good luck/Wish you success 根据答语可知此处应该为表达祝福的句子。,9.(2018怀化) 根据上下文的意思,把下列对话补充完整。 A:Good morning. (1) B:Good morning. Id like to buy an MP3 for my English study. A:We have many types here. Some are made in China and some are made in other countries. B:This one looks nice.

32、 (2) A:Its made in Japan. B:(3) A:2,000 yuan. Its a new type. B:Wow. Thats too expensive! I cant afford it. Do you have an ordinary one? A:Sure. (4) It costs only 300 yuan. B:Well. That one looks very good and the price is OK. Is it made in China? A:Yes. Its made in Shanghai. B:OK. (5),答案 (1)What ca

33、n I do for you? 根据答语可知,这个对话发生在商店里,本句是商店服务员询问顾客买什么。 (2)Where is it made? 根据答语可知该句是询问商品的产地。 (3)How much is it? 根据答语可知该句是询问商品的价格。 (4)How about this one? 根据答语可知该句是商店服务员推荐另一种产品。 (5)I will take it. 根据上文可知顾客对此商品满意,故该句表达要买下它。,10.(2017长沙,第二节) 通读下面的对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。 A:Jeff, (1) ? B:Yes, Mum. I finished my homew

34、ork a few minutes ago. A:But what are you doing now? B: (2) . I just want to relax myself. A:Is that also your homework? B:Not really. But the video is well worth watching, I suppose. A:You do? (3) ? B:Its about the Belt and Road(“一带一路”). (4) ? A:Yes, Ive just heard something about that on the radio

35、. Anyway, it may be a little bit hard for you to under- stand.,答案 (1)did you finish your homework (2)Im watching a video (3)What is it about (4)Have you heard anything about that (5)Sure,B:A little bit hard? You must be joking. In the video, the conversation between the father and the daughter ex- p

36、lains the topic lively and clearly. A:It does? Can I watch it with you? B: (5) . I promise youll find it amazing and interesting.,11.(2017郴州,第一节) 通读下面的对话,然后根据上下文补全对话。 A:Good morning, doctor. B:Good morning,(1) ? A:I have a stomachache and a sore throat. B:(2) ? A:Ever since last night. B:(3) ? A:I h

37、ad lots of ice-cream, chocolate, hamburgers and salad. B:Thats probably why. You shouldnt eat too much next time. Its bad for your health. A:OK, doctor.(4) ? B:You should drink more hot tea with honey and have a good rest. I think youll be better soon. A:Thank you very much. B:(5) .,答案 (1)whats wron

38、g/whats the matter/whats the trouble (2)How long have you been like this/How long has it lasted (3)What did you have/eat (4)What should I do (5)You are welcome/Not at all,12.(2017益阳,B) 通读下面的对话,然后根据上下文补全对话内容。 A:Hi! Excuse me. B:Yes. What can I do for you? A:Id like to go to Yiyang Museum. (1) ? B:Its

39、 on Kangfu Road. A:Oh,(2) ? B:Its about 4 kilometers away. Youd better take the bus there. A:(3) ? B:You can take No.8 bus. A:(4) ? B:It will take you about 15 minutes.,A:Well, is the museum on the right? B:(5) . Its on the left. Its between the post office and the bank. A:Thanks a lot. B:Youre welc

40、ome.,答案 (1) Where is it (2)how far is it (3)Which bus can I take (4)How long will it take me to get there (5)No, it isnt,13.(2017衡阳) 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上适当的句子,使对话的意义连贯、完整。 (A:Mrs. Wang B:A stranger C:A waitress) A:Excuse me, (1) ? B:Sure. Go straight along the street first, then turn left at the third

41、 crossing. Just follow this street, four blocks. Linyin Hotel is near the bus station. A:(2) ? B:Oh, its about 10 kilometers away from here. Youd better take a No. 101 bus. It will take you to Linyin Ho- tel. A:OK, thanks. B:Not at all. (Fifteen minutes later, in the hotel.),C:Welcome to Linyin Hote

42、l. Here is the menu. (Five minutes later.)(3) ? A:Sure. Id like some chicken, some beef, a bowl of vegetable soup and two bowls of rice. C:(4) ? A:I also want a glass of soft drink. C:OK. Thanks for your order. (Thirty minutes later.) A:(5) ? C:Let me see. Its ¥276. A:Here you are. C:Heres your chan

43、ge. Thanks for coming.,答案 (1)could you tell me where Linyin Hotel is 根据下文的回答可知此处是问Linyin Hotel的位置。 (2)How far is it from here to Linyin Hotel 根据下文的回答可知此处是问有多远。 (3)Would you like to order now 根据下文可知此处是问现在需不需要点餐。 (4)Anything else 根据下文可知此处是问还需不需要别的东西。 (5)How much is it 根据下文可知此处问的是多少钱。,14.(2016长沙) 通读下面的

44、对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。 A:Hey, Peter!You look tired. (1) ? B:I didnt get enough sleep last night. A:Were you just doing your homework last night? B: (2) .Mountains of homework,math,chemistry,Chinese. I didnt finish it until midnight. A:Poor guy!No wonder you dont look well. B:You know, less sleep is bad for

45、 my health.I am not as energetic as before. (3) ? A:Sure.I advise you to make a plan before doing your homework.First things first.And youd better do some outdoor sports. B: (4) .I am going to follow your advice.Thank you. A:Um. If you are too busy on weekdays, just relax yourself at weekends.,B:Wee

46、kends?No kidding.I have to take after-school classes at weekends. A:You do? (5) ? B:Because my parents want me to get into a good high school. A:Yes.I guess that is the reason.Perhaps you should talk to them and explain that health is the most important. B:You are right.Thanks for all the good advic

47、e.Ill try to talk to them.,答案 (1) Whats up 由look tired可知是询问“怎么啦”“发生什么事了”。 (2)Yes, I was 由“直到半夜才做完”可知应作肯定回答。 (3)Can you give me some advice 由答语可知是在向对方寻求建议。 (4)Sounds great 表示同意对方的建议。 (5)Why do you have to take after-school classes 由答句可知是询问原因。,15.(2016株洲) 根据上下文和你的实际情况把下面的对话补充完整。 A:Hi, Olive. Long time

48、 no see. B:Hi, Alison. Yes, I was on vacation last month. A:Where did you go? B: (1) A:What did you do there? B: (2) A:Who did you go with? B: (3) A: (4) B:Yes, I had a great time. (5) A:I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax.,答案 (1)I went to Beijing in China. (2)I visited a lot of beautiful places there./I did lots of interesting things there. (3)I went there with my family/friends. (4)Did you have a great time/have fun/enjoy yourself? (5)What


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