Welcome unit Listening and Speaking (ppt课件)(9)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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Welcome unit Listening and Speaking (ppt课件)(9)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx_第1页
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1、Get to know new peopleListen and get to know new people;Listen and learn how to introduce yourself,how to greet people and respond;Learn to give speeches to new people.A thousand-mile journey begins with the first step.LaoziIt means that even though the task or challenge ahead of us may look immense

2、,it is actually completed with a series of small advances.Further,it cannot be completed at all unless we begin unless we take that first step.Whats your first step?How do you feel on the first day of school?excited,happy,nervous,curious,anxious 1.Match the pictures with the sentences.A My name is A

3、my.Id like to have a student ID card,please.B Hi,Im Max Jackson.Im an exchange student from the UK.C Hello,everyone!Welcome to our school!Describe what the people in the pictures are doing.in the classroomin the lecture hallin the registration officeListening skills1.Read before you listen.听前预读听前预读2

4、.Catch the key words.抓关键词抓关键词3.Take notes quickly.快速笔记快速笔记4.Be in a good mood.心态良好心态良好2.Amy is getting her student ID card.Listen to Conversation 1 and complete the table.1REGISTRATION2Student No.NameSexNationalityGradeEmail3AmyFemale170143Jonesthe USAO3.Max meets Amy in the dining hall.Listen to co

5、nversation 2 and tick Maxs favorite subject and Amys favorite subject.Who are the speakers?What did they talk about?Before listening,read the demands carefully.星期星期时间时间一一二二三三四四五五上午上午1语文语文英语英语化学化学数学数学数学数学2英语英语历史历史数学数学政治政治语文语文3生物生物化学化学物理物理地理地理物理物理4数学数学语文语文美术美术英语英语化学化学5数学数学数学数学语文语文体育体育英语英语下午下午6地理地理体育体育

6、英语英语语文语文历史历史7音乐音乐政治政治英语英语语文语文生物生物8周会周会自习自习信息信息技术技术自习自习自习自习ChinesephysicschemistrymathematicsEnglishgeographybiologyhistoryIT(Information Technology)PEWhat subjects will you learn at Senior High school?musicartpolitics SubjectChineseMathsEnglishChemistryPhysicsMaxsfavoriteAmysfavorite3.Max meets Amy

7、in the dining hall.Listen to conversation 2 and tick Maxs favorite subject and Amys favorite subject.Amy is talking to Ms Li,a school adviser,about which courses to choose.1.What does Amy want to be in the future?A.An engineer.B.A designer.C.A writer.2.What course will Amy probably choose?A.English.

8、B.IT.C.Art.WHOWHATwords mentioned in the questionBefore listening,read demands and questions to get what we should pay attention to.4.Listen to conversation 3 and answer the questions.1.What does Amy want to be in the future?A.An engineer.B.A designer.C.A writer.2.What course will Amy probably choos

9、e?A.English.B.IT.C.Art.5.Choose one of the situations and make a conversation.Try to use the introductions and greetings below.A boy meets a girl during a break.An exchange student is talking to a teacher on campus.A boy and a girl are at the airport to meet a visiting group of teachers and students

10、 from England.My name is Im.Introduce yourself Introduce others This is Have you met?Do you know?May I introduce Id like you to meet I dont believe you knowIntroductionsPeople speak in a more polite way in formal situations.Responses Hi!/Hello!Good morning!Whats up?Hows it going?How are things going

11、?How are you?How are you doing?Nice/Glad to meet you!Greetings Hi!/Hey!Morning!Not much.Great!Im fine,and you?Very well,thank you.How about you?Nice/Glad to meet you,too.Mike:Hi!My name is Mike.Jennifer:Hey,Im Jennifer.Mike:Say,arent you in Ms Sullivans 10:00 English class?Jennifer:I sure am!I alway

12、s sit at the front.Mike:I thought I saw you there.Oh,class is about ready to start.Catch you later!Jennifer:Catch you later!Bye!开音开音节节:以以元音字母结尾的音节,如元音字母结尾的音节,如he,go等。还有一种情等。还有一种情况也是开音节,即一个元音字母后接一个辅音字况也是开音节,即一个元音字母后接一个辅音字母和不发音的母和不发音的e构成的音节,如构成的音节,如Dale,Grace等。等。闭音闭音节:节:以以辅音字母结尾的音节,如辅音字母结尾的音节,如bed,han

13、d等。等。开音节和闭音节开音节和闭音节 在开音节中发字母音在开音节中发字母音 ,(即即e_e结构结构)在开音节中发字母音在开音节中发字母音 ,(元音元音+辅音辅音+不发音的不发音的e,即,即a_e结构结构)在闭音节中重读在闭音节中重读时时 在重读闭音节在重读闭音节中中 在开音节中发字母音在开音节中发字母音 ,(即即i_e结构结构)在闭音节在闭音节中中Notice the pronunciation of the vowels(A,E,I,O,U).aei 在开音节中发字母音在开音节中发字母音 ,(即即u_e结结构构)在开音节中发字母音在开音节中发字母音 ,(即即o_e结构结构)ou 在闭音节在

14、闭音节中中 在重读闭音节在重读闭音节中中Listen and repeat.Notice the pronunciation of the vowels(A,E,I,O,U).Then add a word to each group.A grade escape _ map campus _E these Chinese _ met forget _I write alive _ quiz listen _lakefamilyevespellridebeginO hope alone _ frog coffee _U use future _ up discuss _thoseshopexcuseunder1.Practise the useful expressions in your daily life2.Preview Reading and Thinking3.Finish Welcome unit(2)in 40 minutes


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