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1、Common Combining Forms,Prefixes and Suffixes Chapter 3大家好1Abdomin/o abdomen abdominocentesisb.dminsenti:sis abdominoscopyb.dminskpi -scopy=process of viewing using an endoscope.大家好2Acr/o extremities,top,extreme point acrophobia.krfubi The suffix phobia means an intense acromegaly.krmegli大家好3Acu/o sh

2、arp,severe,sudden acutekju:t adenoma.dnum 大家好4Aden/o gland adenoma.dnum adenovirus.di:nuvairs 大家好5Agor/a marketplace agoraphobia.grfubi A morbid fear of open spaces.大家好6Amni/o amnion amniocentesis.mniusenti:sis -centesis=surgical puncture.amniotic.mniutik 大家好7Angi/o blood vessel angioplasty.ndiuplst

3、i angiogenesis.ndiudenisis大家好8Arteri/o artery arteriosclerosis:tiriusklirusis arteriovenous:tirvins大家好9Arthr/o joint arthroplastya:zr.plsti arthrosis:rusis The suffix osis means abnormal condition or state.大家好10Axill/o armpit axillo-thoracic flap The combining form thorac/o means chest.axilla ksil 大

4、家好11Blephar/o blepharospasmblefruspzm blepharoptosis.blefrptusis The suffix ptosis means prolapse大家好12Bronch/o bronchial tubes bronchiole brkiul The suffix ole means small or tiny.bronchitis br:kaitis 大家好13Carcin/o cancer carcinogenk:sindn The suffix sis means process,stage,or condition,and the suff

5、ix genesis means forming.大家好14Carp/o wrist bones carpus k:ps carpal k:pl大家好15Chem/o drug,chemical chemotherapy.kemuerpi chemicalkemikl The suffix ical means pertaining to.大家好16Chondr/o cartilage chondrocytekdrsit The suffix cyte means cell.chondrolysiskndrlisis The suffix lysis means breaking down,d

6、ecomposition.大家好17Chron/o time chronological krnldikl chronickrnik大家好18Cib/o meals cibophobia sibfbi:cibariumsibrim 大家好19Cis/o to cut incision insin excision eksin大家好20Col/o colon(large intestine)colorectalkulrektl colitiskulaitis inflammation of the colon.大家好21Cost/o rib costa l kstl costotomy kst:

7、tmi 大家好22Cutane/o skin cutaneouskju:teinis The suffix eous meams pertaining to.cutaneolipectomykju:teiniulipektmi The suffix lip/o means fat.大家好23Cyst/o urinary bladder cystographysistgrfi The suffix graphy means the process of recording.cystic sistik大家好24Dactyl/o fingers,toes dactylogramdktilgrm Th

8、e suffix gram means recording.dactylitis.dktlaitis大家好25Duct/o to lead,carry abductorbdkt adductor dkt 大家好26Encephal/o brain encephalomyelitis en.seflumailaitis 大家好27Flex/o to bend flexor fleks flexible fleksbl The suffix ible means capable of.大家好28Furc/o forking,branching furcate f:keit The suffix a

9、te changes the word into verb.furcal f:kl 大家好29Hydr/o water,fluid hydrophobia.haidrfubi hydrotherapy haidruerpi大家好30Gloss/o Tongue glossal glsl-al=pertaining to.glossitis glsaitis大家好31Glyc/o sugar glycosuria.glaikusjuri The combining form ur/o means urine.glycoprotein.glaikupruti:n大家好32Immun/o prote

10、ction immunity imju:niti The suffix ity means state or condition.immunoglobulinimju:nuglbjulin大家好33Inguin/o groin inguinocutaneous wnukjutenis The combining form cutane/o means skin.inguinal iwinl region大家好34Isch/o to hold back ischium iskim ischemiaiski:mi The suffix emia means blood condition.大家好3

11、5Lapar/o abdomen,abdominal wall laparotomy.lprtmi The suffix tomy means cut into.laparoscope lpr.skup大家好36Laryng/o larynx(voice box)laryngopharygeal lrigufrindil The combining form pharyng/o means pharynx(throat).laryngeal lrindil laryngectomy lrindektmi The suffix ectomy means surgical removal.大家好3

12、7Lymph/o lymph lymphocyte limfsait lymphoidlimfid The suffix oid means resembling.大家好38Mamm/o breas mammographymmgrfi mammogenicmmdenik hormone大家好39Mast/o breast mastectomymstektmi mastodynia mstdini The suffix dynia means pain.大家好40Morph/o shape,form morphological.m:fldikl morphocytology m:fsaitldi

13、 Cyt/o=cell,-logy=study.The whole word means study the shape of cells.morphologym:fldi大家好41Mort/o death mortality m:tliti Death rate.postmortalpustm:tl The prefix post-means before.premortal pri:m:tl 大家好42Muc/o mucus mucoid mju:kid cell-oid=resembling.mucocutaneous mju:kukju:teinjs Cutaneous=pertain

14、ing to skin.大家好43My/o muscle myocardial.maik:dil The combining form cardi/o means the heart.myoma maium A benign tumor composed of muscle tissue.大家好44Myel/o spinal cord bone marrow myeloma.mailum myelocyte.mailusait An immature leukocyte normally found in bone marrow.大家好45Nat/i birth postnatal pustn

15、eitil prenatal pri:netl 大家好46Necr/o death(of cells or whole body)necroticnekrtik tissue The suffix tic means pertaining to.necrosisnekrusis virus necrocytosis nekrsaitusis -osis=abnormal condition.大家好47Nect/o to bind,tie,connect connectiveknektiv tissue大家好48Nephr/o kidney nephronnefrn nephrologynifr

16、ldi大家好49Neur/o nerve neuronnjurn A cell that is specialized to conduct nerve impulses.neurological.njurldikl 大家好50Neutr/o neutrophil neutron nju:trn neutrocyte nju:trsait neutrophil nju:trfil 大家好51Norm/o rule,order normoglycemian:mglaisi:mi normotensive n:mutensiv The suffix tensive means pertaining

17、 to blood pressure.大家好52Ophthalm/o eye ophthalmology.flmldi ophthalmoscope flm.skup大家好53Oste/o bone osteoarthritis.stiu:raitis osteotomy.stitmi大家好54Ot/o ear otopharyngeal.tfriil tubes otologyutldi 大家好55Ox/o oxygen carbon dioxidedaiksaid The prefix di-means two.hypoxemia.haipksi:mi The prefix hypo-me

18、ans less than normal.emia=blood condition.大家好56Path/o disease pathology pldi pathogenpdn 大家好57Peritone/o peritoneum peritoneocentesis.peri.tuniusntisis peritoneoplasty.perituniu.plsti大家好58Phag/o to eat,swallow phagocytefgsait phagosome fgsum The suffix some means body.大家好59Phleb/o vein phlebitisflib

19、aitis phlebotomist flibtmist大家好60Plas/o formation,development aplasia pleizi The prefix a-means without and the suffix ia means condition.大家好61Pleur/o pleura pleuroperitonealpluruperitni:l pleuralplur 大家好62Pneumon/o lungs pneumonosis nju:mtusis pneumonia nju:munj大家好63Pulmon/o lungs pulmonary plmnri

20、The suffix ary means pertaining to.pulmonology.pulmnli大家好64Pub/o pubis pubofemoral pju:bufemrl pubococcygeus pju:bu kksidis muscle大家好65Rect/o rectum recto rektu-vaginalvdainl fistula rectal rektl大家好66Ren/o kidney renalri:nl failure renography ri:nrfi大家好67Sarc/o flesh sarcoma s:kum sarcoplasmic s:ku.

21、plzmik protein大家好68Seps/o infection antisepsis.ntisepsis The prefix anti-means against.antiseptic.ntiseptik大家好69Somn/o sleep insomnia insmni somnolencesmnlns Sleepy,drowsy.大家好70Son/o sound ultrasonographyltrsngrfi The prefix ultra-means beyond.graphy=process of recording.大家好71Splen/o spleen splenome

22、galy.spli:numegli The suffix megaly means abnormal enlargement.splenalgic splinldik The combining form alg/o means pain.大家好72Staphyl/o clusters staphylococcal stfilukkl bacteria The suffix coccal means pertaining to coccus which is a spherical bacterium.staphylococcus.stfilkks大家好73Strept/o twisted c

23、hains streptococcal.streptkkl streptomycin streptmasn The suffix mycin means antibiotics,usually fungal derivatives.大家好74The/o to put,place synthesis sinisis The prefix syn-means together.大家好75Thel/o nipple epithelial.epii:lilcell The prefix epi-means above.thelorrhagiai:lreidi The suffix rrhagia me

24、ans an abnormal or excessive flow or discharge.大家好76Thorac/o chest thoracolumbar:rkulmb The combining form lumb/o means loin.thoracentesis:rsenti:sis大家好77Thromb/o clot thrombocytermbsait Platelet,essential for blood clotting.thrombolytic rmbulitikdrug-lytic=break down,dissolve.大家好78Thyr/o thyroid th

25、yrotoxicosis airu.tksikusis thyroglobulin airulbjulin 大家好79Tonsill/o tonsils tonsillotomy.tnsiltmi tonsillectomy.tnsilektmi大家好80Top/o place,position,location ectopic ektpikpregnancy _ The prefix ec-means out or outside.大家好81Tox/o poison toxictksik toxolysin tkslaisin大家好82Trache/o trachea,windpipe tracheoesophageal treikiui:sfdi:l trachea treiki大家好83Urethr/o urethra urethrostenosisjuri:rstinusis The suffix stenosis means narrowing.大家好84Ven/o vein venous vi:ns sinus venodilationvi:nudailein大家好85谢谢大家好86


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