Unit 4 Body Language Words and expressions(2)单词(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx

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Unit 4 Body Language Words and expressions(2)单词(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx_第1页
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1、Unit4.Body LanguageWords and Expressions(2)-Luciaclarify vt.使更清晰易懂;阐明;澄清clarification n阐明;澄清clarify.with.用来阐明;用来说明clarify a situation/a problem/an issue 澄清情况/问题clarify sth.for sb.为某人讲清某事clarify ones position/stand 阐明某人的立场I hope this can clarify my position.Could you clarify one or two points _ me?I

2、am seeking _(clarify)of the regulations.forclarificationstraighten upstretn p直起来;整理;收拾整齐直起来;整理;收拾整齐slumpslmpv.垂头弯腰地走(或坐等)垂头弯腰地走(或坐等)tendency n趋势;倾向have a tendency to do sth.有做某事的倾向a tendency to/towards.的倾向/趋势a tendency for sb./sth.to do sth.的倾向/趋势There is a tendency for unemployment to rise in summe

3、r.I have a tendency _(talk)too much when Im nervous.There is a growing _(tend)among employers to hire casual staff.to talktendencyoccupy vt.占据;占用(时间、空间、面积等)占领occupy oneself with(be occupied with)忙于occupy oneself(in)doing.忙于做be occupied with sth.忙于某事manual occupations 体力工作a full-time occupation 全职工作b

4、e under occupation 在占领下He occupied himself with various social activities.I cant meet you on Sunday.Ill be otherwise _(occupy).In many of the caves there is evidence of human _(occupy).occupiedoccupationstare vi.盯着看;凝视n凝视stare at 凝视,盯着看stare at me in disbelief 不相信地盯着我stare into the darkness/distance

5、 凝视黑夜/远方stare sb.up and down 上下打量某人with a cold stare 冷漠地凝视Stop _(stare)out of the window and set out to do your homework.She ignored the _(stare)of everyone around her and left without saying anything.staringstareseducatordju()ketn.教师;教育工作者;教育家教师;教育工作者;教育家distinguish vi.&vt.区分;辨别distinguish(between)

6、A and B 区别/辨别A和Bdistinguish A from B 区分A和B;使A有别于Bdistinguished adj.卓越的;显著的;杰出的be distinguished for.因而出名be distinguished as 作为而著名We should distinguish between right and wrong.He could not distinguish between cotton _ wool.As is known to us,Mo Yan is a _(distinguish)novelist.anddistinguishedembarrasse

7、d adj.难堪的;尴尬的be/feel embarrassed about/at.因而感到尴尬/窘迫be embarrassed to do sth.尴尬/窘迫地做某事an embarrassed silence 尴尬的沉默to ones embarrassment 使某人尴尬的是an embarrassing question/situation 令人难堪的问题/处境She was embarrassed about that stupid mistake.He could not hide his _ at his childrens rudeness.Are you trying _

8、me by saying that?embarrassmentto embarrassashamed adj.羞愧;惭愧be ashamed of 为感到惭愧/羞耻be ashamed to do sth.耻于做某事;因难为情而不愿做某事be ashamed that.对感到惭愧to ones shame 让某人惭愧的是What a shame!真遗憾!She is ashamed that she did not finish her homework yesterday.I _(不好意思承认)that I have a poor appetite._(令我惭愧的是)I never than

9、ked him for his kindness.am ashamed to admitTo my shameticktkvt vi n.给(试卷、问题等)打钩号给(试卷、问题等)打钩号;(钟表)发出嘀嗒声(钟表)发出嘀嗒声;钩号钩号bother vi.&vt.费心;麻烦;因操心n麻烦;不便;令人烦恼的情况(或事物、人)bother sb.with sth.为某事打扰或麻烦某人bother about/with sth.为某事烦恼bother to do/doing sth.费心做某事I dont want to bother you with my hardship.I dont want

10、to _(因为而麻烦她)my children at the moment.Im not thirsty._(请不必费心为我泡茶).bother her withDont bother to make tea for mechinnn.下巴下巴conflict n&vi.矛盾;冲突;抵触come into conflict with 与冲突;与发生争执in conflict with sb.(over sth.)和某人(在某事上)有冲突/分歧the conflict between.and.和之间的冲突Mary often comes into conflict with her boss.M

11、y husband and I hold _(conflict)opinions on the matter.The UN plays an important role in dealing with some urgent problems,such as armed _(conflict)and wars in the world.conflictingconflictsadjust vt.调整;调节vi.&vt.适应;(使)习惯adjust.to.调整以适应adjust to(doing)sth.适应于;习惯于adjust oneself to sth.使自己适应于某物adjust t

12、he drivers seat 调整驾驶座He had to make a few _(adjust)to his original plan.The height of these seats is _(adjust).adjustmentsadjustablereact vi.(对)起反应;回应;(对食物等)有不良反应react to 对做出反应react with 与发生化学反应People can react badly to some food.What was the _(react)of the public to the assessment?How did he react

13、_ the news?reactiontolower vt.把放低;降低;减少adj.下面的;下方的;较小的lower a flag 降旗 lower her eyes 垂下她的眼睛the lower lip 下嘴唇Less fat _ your diet _(lower)the risk of heart disease.She lowered _(her)_ the chair.inlowers/loweredherselfintoimply vt.意味着;暗示imply agreement 意味着同意imply that.意味着Familiarity does not necessari

14、ly imply deep friendship.The _(imply)in this article is _ Chinese companies will be _(competitive)in the market than other companies.implicationthatmore competitivebarely adv.几乎不;勉强才能;刚刚bare adj.赤裸的;勉强的v.使暴露,露出;使裸露a bare hill 光秃秃的山bare ones head 脱帽bare ones opinion 发表意见bare ones teeth/backWater is t

15、he _(barely)minimum _ any living being.He _(bare)passed the examination.bareforbarelyceilingsiln.天花板;上限天花板;上限distract vt.分散(注意力);使分心distract sb./sth.(from sth.)转移注意力,分散注意力be distracted with/by sth.因而精神不能集中be distracted with joy/fear/sorrow/anxiety 因高兴、恐惧、悲伤、忧虑等而精神不集中without distraction不受干扰He found t

16、he noise of the photographers a _(distract).Children are easily _(distract).The film managed to distract me _ these problems for a while.distractiondistractedfromperceive v注意到;意识到;察觉;看待;理解perceive a change in ones behavio(u)r 注意到某人举止的改变perceive that.意识到/察觉到be perceived to do sth.被发现做了某事perceive.as/t

17、o be.将看成/理解为That morning,he perceived a change in Jacks mood.The patient was perceived _(have)difficulty in breathing.I perceived _ change _ his _(behave).to haveainbehavio(u)ranxiety n焦虑;担心;害怕anxious adj.忧虑的,担心的;(非正式)渴望anxiously adv.焦虑地;急切地with anxiety 焦虑地be anxious about sth./for sb.为担心be anxious

18、for sth.渴望得到某物be anxious to do sth.渴望做某事,急于做某事You need to find an appropriate way to wash away your anxiety about the job loss.Many people are suffering from _(anxious).He feels a lot of anxiety _ the future.anxietyaboutcheststn.胸部;胸膛胸部;胸膛inquire vi.&vt.询问;打听inquiry n调查;查究;查问;询问;打听inquire sth.of sb

19、向某人打听(或询问、了解)某事inquire about sb./sth.询问/打听inquire after sb.向某人问好/问候inquire into sth.调查/查究/查问某事The investigation will inquire into the companys financial dealings.People called to inquire _ the baby.We must inquire further _ the matter.afterintoultimately adv.最终;最后ultimate decision 最终决定ultimate outco

20、me 最终结果ultimate fate 最终命运ultimate source 最终来源ultimate goal/aim 终极目标The _(ultimately)goal of Levines research is to provide people with access to scientific theory._(ultimate),the childs parents approved of his decision.ultimateUltimatelymerelymliadv.只是;仅仅;只不过只是;仅仅;只不过callklon(短暂地)访问;要求(某人讲(短暂地)访问;要求(某人讲话等);正式邀请话等);正式邀请weepwipvi.vt.哭泣;流泪哭泣;流泪intervenent()vinvi.干预;介入干预;介入componentkmpnntn.组成部分;零件组成部分;零件tonetnn.语气;腔调;口吻语气;腔调;口吻Brazilbrzl巴西(国家名)巴西(国家名)Bulgariablger保加利亚(国家名)保加利亚(国家名)Albanialben阿尔巴尼亚(国家名)阿尔巴尼亚(国家名)


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