Unit 2 Using Language词汇讲解(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx

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1、UNIT 2 BRIDGING CULTURESSection C Using Language教材原句p.19Well,I suppose it was difficult to grasp the tones at first.嗯,我想一开始很难掌握音调。核心词汇1 grasp v.&n.(1)v.理解;领会;抓紧grasp at sth.试图抓住某物;试图抓住机会搭配搭配grasp sb.by the arm/hand 抓住某人的胳膊/手grasp the meaning/significance of 理解的意思/理解的重要性grasp the chance/opportunity 抓

2、住机会She grasped at his coat as he rushed past her.他从她身边冲过去时,她使劲向他的外衣抓去。题组练领悟方法(2)n.理解力;领悟力;紧握;抱紧have/get a grasp of 理解a good/firm/poor grasp of 对领悟得好/不好搭配搭配be beyond ones grasp 超出某人的理解力beyond/out of ones grasp 力所不及slip from ones grasp 失去控制He has a good grasp of German grammar.他德语语法掌握得很好。These complex

3、 formulae are beyond the grasp of the average pupil.这些复杂的公式是一般小学生不能理解的。单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Bob grasped _ the boys hand,but he escaped.(2)The tasks are _ his grasp,so you had better not ask him to do them.(3)The policeman grasped him _ the hand and asked where he came from.(4)Your daughter has _ good gras

4、p of English.完成句子完成句子(5)His parents _(不能理解)his worry.(6)Finishing the task on time is _(力所不及).atbeyond byahad no grasp ofbeyond/out of his grasp教材原句p.20To begin with,many students who study abroad face great economic pressure.首先,许多留学生面临着巨大的经济压力。2 to begin with(1)“首先;第一”,用作插入语,多置于句首。We cant go.To beg

5、in with,its cold.Besides,we have no money.我们不能去。首先,天太冷;其次,我们没钱。(2)“最初;开始”,用作状语。The special school was quite a small one to begin with.这所特殊的学校一开始规模很小。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】近义词汇有:first,firstly,to start with,first of all,first and foremost。First of all,we should learn to pronounce every word correctly.首先,我们应该学会正确地

6、读每个单词。单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)To begin _,students can broaden their horizons if they go abroad for furtherstudy.(2)As high school students,you have some problems to deal with.First _all,you should get your study hours well arranged.完成句子完成句子(3)Undoubtedly,the bike-sharing program can bring lots of benefits._(

7、首先),riding a bike is not only economic but also time-saving.with ofTo begin with教材原句p.20Tuition fees and living expenses.could end up costing most families an arm and a leg.国外的学费和生活开销大部分家庭最终可能要花费一大笔钱。3 expense n.费用;花费;开销cover/meet an expense 支付的费用go to the expense of doing sth.花钱做某事搭配搭配put sb.to a l

8、ot of expense 使某人花钱(于);使某人负担费用at ones expense 由某人付费at the expense of 以为代价They went to all the expense of redecorating the house and then they moved.他们不惜一切代价重新装饰这房子,可后来又搬走了。Their visit put us to a lot of expense.他们的来访使我们破费不小。We were taken out for a meal at the companys expense.公司出钱请我们外出就餐。单句语法填空单句语法填

9、空(1)The couple didnt go to the expense of_(buy)a cellphone for their son.(2)That little mistake put us _ the expense of reprinting the whole book.(3)Mr.Yang went to Hangzhou for his holiday_ his own expense.完成句子完成句子(4)_(不惜巨额花费),the king built the great palace for his late wife.buying toatAt great/va

10、st/considerable expense4 cost an arm and a leg(使)花一大笔钱Buying the house cost an arm and a leg.买房子花了一大笔钱。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】cost a fortune/the earth/a bomb 花一大笔钱Going abroad to study further must cost the earth.出国深造一定花很多钱。完成完成句子句子(1)Although buying the land _(花很多钱),we can do what we have been wanting to.(2)The

11、 car is of high quality,but it _(太贵了).costs an arm and a leg costs an arm and a leg教材原句p.20Some may struggle and suffer from culture shock when learning how to behave in new surroundings.在学习如何在新环境中举止得体时,有些学生可能会感到吃力,并承受文化冲击的折磨。5 behave vt.表现 vi.&vt.表现得体;有礼貌behave well/badly 表现好/不好搭配搭配behave oneself 守

12、规矩;举止得体behave as if/as though 表现得好像Do behave!规矩点!I didnt know how I ought to behave.我不知道自己应该怎样表现。Behave yourself in public places and you will win the respect of others.在公众场合举止得体才能赢得别人的尊重。词汇复现【词语积累词语积累】behaviour/behavior n.举止;行为good/bad behaviour 良好/恶劣行为be on your best behaviour 行为检点;举止得当Children sh

13、ould be praised for their good behaviour.孩子们应该因他们的良好行为受到表扬。单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)He told his pupils to behave _(they)and not to chat while listening to a lecture.(2)She always _(behave)well when her aunts come to visit.(3)The Great Wall is still facing threats from natural disasters and human_(behave).完成句子

14、完成句子(4)They felt a sense of achievement,because their children all _(表现得好).(5)His mother often punished him in his childhood because he _(表现不好).themselves behaves behaviourbehaved wellbehaved badly教材原句p.20Other students.may become depressed.另一些学生可能会感到苦闷。6 depressed adj.沮丧的;意志消沉的be depressed about 对沮

15、丧搭配搭配be depressed by 因沮丧feel depressed 感到沮丧Hunger and cold can make people feel depressed and lose confidence.饥饿和寒冷会让人感到沮丧,失去信心。词汇复现He is depressed because he hasnt built up his own company up to now.他很沮丧,因为他至今还没有成立自己的公司。词汇复现【词语积累词语积累】depress vt.使沮丧;使忧愁depressing adj.令人沮丧的;令人丧气的depression n.沮丧;消沉suf

16、fer from depression 患抑郁症Jane suffers a lot from depression after the death of her husband.简在丈夫去世后患有严重的抑郁症。【误区警示误区警示】depressed 的主语是人,depressing 的主语是物或修饰物。【一言助记一言助记】Hearing the depressing news,he felt depressed and later he had depression.听到这个令人沮丧的消息,他感到沮丧,后来他抑郁了。单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)When you are _(depress)

17、,the last thing you likely want to do is get up and go for a run.(2)词 汇 复 现 He was not satisfied with the summer camp because the whole experience was _(depress).(3)There are few things in the world that can better or more rapidly treat _(depress)than exercise such as running.(4)When we fail to do s

18、omething,we often feel very _(depress).完成句子完成句子(5)His parents _(很沮丧)because the boy had a bad temper.(6)My brother stays at home and _(对沮丧)losing his job.depressed depressing depressiondepressedwere very depressedis very depressed about教材原句p.20.different approaches to teaching and learning may come

19、as a shock to many students.不同的教和学的方式对很多学生来说也是一种冲击。7 approach to doing sth.做某事的方法(to 是介词)Could you think of an approach to solving the tricky problem?你能想出一个解决这个棘手问题的方法吗?The best approach to building up your body is to do exercise every day.增强体质的最佳方法就是每天进行锻炼。单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Facing up to your problems

20、rather than running away from them is the best approach to _(work)things out.(2)What we need are new approaches _solving the problem.(3)Policy makers and educators should look for ways _(improve)access and reduce costs for traditional higher education.(4)Music is a means _preserving Anna from harm o

21、r unpleasantness.(5)Over time,India has tried many methods _fighting the growth of the monkey population.workingtoto improveof of/for教材原句p.20.helping to educate young people who will contribute to the economy and further strengthen our country.助力培养为经济做贡献、进一步增强我国实力的年轻人。8 strengthen vi.&vt.加强;增强;巩固str

22、engthen cooperation 加强合作strengthen discipline 加强纪律搭配搭配strengthen national defence 加强国防strengthen the weak lines 加强薄弱环节strengthen ones courage 增强某人的勇气The wind had strengthened overnight.夜里,风更大了。The team has been strengthened by the arrival of two new players.球队因两名新球员的到来而增强了实力。The exercises are design

23、ed to strengthen your stomach muscles.这些训练的目的在于增强你的腹部肌肉。强某人的勇气【归纳拓展归纳拓展】strong adj.强壮的 strength n.体力 strengthen v.加强,增强long adj.长的 length n.长度 lengthen v.(使)变长wide adj.宽的 width n.宽度 widen v.(使)变宽high adj.高的 height n.高度 heighten v.(使)加强,提高deep adj.深的 depth n.深度 deepen v.(使)变深单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Through th

24、ese activities,we hope that our two countries will _(strength)cooperation.(2)To make members of a team perform better,the coach first of all has to know their_(strength)and weaknesses.(3)Practising Chinese kung fu can not only build up ones _(strong),but also develop ones character.(4)“Midnight Zone

25、”is an area at a _(deep)of about 1,000 meters below the surface where light does not reach but life still thrives.完成句子完成句子(5)My fathers words _(增强了我的勇气).strengthen strengths strengthdepthstrengthened my courage教材原句p.20To sum up,one cannot deny the fact that studying abroad has its disadvantages.综上所述

26、,我们无法否认的事实是:留学有其弊端 9 to sum up 总而言之;总之To sum up,your daughter is an excellent student.总之,你女儿是一名优秀的学生。【词语积累词语积累】sum up 合计;是的总和;总结;概括He summed up the money he spent last month.他合计出了他上个月所花金额的总数。Could you sum up the main point of the story in three sentences?你能用三句话概括这个故事的主要内容吗?【归纳拓展归纳拓展】表示“总之”的短语有:in su

27、m,in summary,in conclusion,in short,in a wordIn summary,theory should be combined with practice.总之,理论必须与实践结合。单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)To sum _,we should never forget those people who gave us help when we were in trouble.(2)_ sum up,we have achieved a lot,but we still need to work harder.(3)_ short,all power o

28、n earth comes from the sun.(4)In _ word,she is one of the best players in volleyball.完成句子完成句子(5)_(总 之),I was a real human boy,such as you might meet anywhere in New England.upToInaTo sum up/In sum/In summary/In conclusion/In short/In a word10 deny vt.否认;否定;拒绝deny doing sth./having done sth.否认做/做过某事搭

29、配搭配deny sb.sth.否认某人某物deny oneself 节制,克制deny sb./sth.(to be)+n./adj.否认某人/某物(是)deny the truth/the fact 否认真相/事实deny oneself to all visitors 谢绝一切来客Jackson denied having written to me.杰克逊否认曾写信给我。He was so stubborn that he denied me any help.他很固执,拒绝接受我的帮助。By denying herself,Mrs.Brown gave the children a g

30、ood education.布朗太太省吃俭用,使孩子们受到良好的教育。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】no one can deny the fact that.没人能否认这个事实There is no denying that.不可否认No one can deny the fact that the Internet plays a very important role in our life.没人能否认这个事实,互联网在我们的生活中起着非常重要的作用。There is no denying that learning a foreign language is difficult.不可否认,学习一

31、门外语是困难的单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Mr.Green denied _(do)anything illegal before the police.(2)There is no _(deny)that in the current situation,cooperation will be the only way.(3)No one can deny the fact _ online shopping has brought a lot of convenience to us.完成句子完成句子(4)Helen _(否认自己是一名医生).(5)In order to write t

32、his book,Mr.Lee _(谢绝一切来客).(6)_(不可否认的是)I am bound to fight for my dream to the endin the following months!having donedenyingthatdenied herself to be a doctor denied himself to all visitorsThere is no denying that教材原句p.20.there are no great difficulties for a person who is brave,optimistic,and willing

33、 to work hard!对勇敢、乐观、愿意拼搏的人来说,世上无难事!11 optimistic adj.乐观的 搭配搭配be/remain optimistic about.对乐观be optimistic that.对持乐观态度She took up the job and was optimistic about her future.她开始从事这份工作,并对未来充满了信心。词汇复现We are still relatively optimistic that the factory can be back on its feet.我们仍然比较乐观地认为工厂能够恢复元气。【学法点拨学法

34、点拨】在阅读理解中,经常考查作者对文中某一事物或现象的观点态度,optimistic 是高频词,另外还有 pessimistic(悲观的),negative(消极的),objective(客观的),supportive(支持的),doubtful(感到怀疑的)等。单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)My good performance in the job interview left me _ about my future and about what I could do here.(2)They are cautiously optimistic _ the educational ref

35、orms will take place.完成句子完成句子(3)People are likely to live more happily and longer if they _(对生活持乐观态度).(4)After the traffic accident,Nancy _(对悲观)her future.(5)If you _(对感到非常消极)their job,you have no intention to do it.optimistic thatare optimistic about lifeis pessimistic about feel very negative abou

36、t教材原句p.20The education you gain and the experiences you have will change you for the better.你获得的教育和拥有的经历将有助于你提升自我。12 gain vt.&n.(1)vt.获得;赢得;取得;增加搭配搭配gain experience/independence from 从获得经验/独立gain.from/by.从获得Mary gained valuable experience by working in the top company.玛丽在这家顶级公司工作获得了宝贵的经验。The country

37、 gained its independence ten years ago.这个国家十年前获得了独立。(2)n.好处;增加No pain,no gain.谚不劳无获。A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit.谚吃一堑,长一智。Regular exercise helps prevent weight gain.经常锻炼有助于防止体重增加。完成句子完成句子(1)词汇复现 Students should take an active part in social activities where they can _(获得经验)for growth.(2)词汇

38、复现 You will never _(取得成功)unless you are fully devoted to your work.(3)In 1947,India _(从赢得独立)the United Kingdom.用用 gain,earn,acquire,obtain,win 填空填空(4)How did you _ so much knowledge of buying and selling of stocks in such a short time?(5)Jessica _ a gold medal in the Olympic Games.(6)My daughter _ a

39、 drivers license after three-month training.(7)He fought bravely in many battles and_ their respect.(8)William _ some money and bought a house for his mother.gain experience gain success gained independence from acquirewonobtainedgainedearned教材原句p.20 Studying abroad also helps you to gain a global p

40、erspective and improve your general competence.留学还有助于你获得全球视野,提升你的综合能力。13 competence n.能力;胜任;本领general competence 综合能力professional competence 业务能力Susan improved her professional competence by studying online.苏珊通过在线学习提高了她的业务能力。【词语积累词语积累】competent adj.有能力的;称职的be competent at sth./doing sth.能/擅长做某事be co

41、mpetent to do sth.能做某事The girl is competent at communicating with others.这个女孩擅长与别人交际。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】be able to do sth.=have the ability to do sth.有能力做某事单词拼写单词拼写(1)Mr.Smith shows thorough _(能力)in dealing with the unexpected issue.单句语法填空单句语法填空(2)词 汇 复 现 Being convinced of his own_(competent)is an important

42、 factor in his success.(3)词汇复现 Improving your own _(competent)really needs time,hard work and great determination.(4)Teenagers interact with people in order to learn how to become _(competence)adults.(5)Please believe in Henry.He is competent_(complete)the task by petence competence competencecompet

43、ent to complete教材原句p.20Cooperating with people from diverse cultural backgrounds helps us view the world from different angles.与来自不同文化背景的人合作有助于我们从不同视角看待世界 4 cooperate vi.合作;协作;配合cooperate in/on sth.在某事上合作搭配搭配cooperate with sb.与某人合作cooperate to do sth.合作做某事cooperate closely 密切合作cooperate happily/succ

44、essfully 合作愉快/成功It is hoped that we can cooperate with your company.希望我们能与贵公司合作。The company will cooperate to develop new robots with us.公司将与我们合作开发新的机器人。【词语积累词语积累】cooperation n.合作;协作cooperative adj.有合作意向的;合作的;协作的【误区警示误区警示】cooperate 本身有“彼此合作”的意思,其后不跟 mutually,with each other,together,jointly 等词。我希望我们

45、能合作。I hope that we can cooperate with each other.()I hope that we can cooperate.()单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Several nations had cooperated _(create)effective conservation efforts,the organization said in a statement.(2)He was awarded the prize because of his efforts to achieve peace and international_(cooperat

46、e).(3)That young man is honest,_(cooperate),always there when you needhis help.In short,he is reliable.完成句子完成句子(4)词 汇 复 现 Is there any possibility that we can _(与合作)the big firm this year?(5)词 汇 复 现 Two well-known firms of drug manufactures are _(合作寻找)a cure for cancer.(6)I will be very glad if you

47、_(在方面合作)the development of this kind of new plan.to create cooperationcooperativecooperate with cooperating to findcooperate in/on教材原句p.20.these in turn will provide them with better career opportunities.这些反过来将为他们提供更好的职业机会。15 in turn 相应地;转而;依次;轮流Some of your choices during the day and evening affect

48、 your melatonin levels,which in turn can play a role in how well you sleep.你白天和晚上的一些选择会影响你的褪黑激素水平,转而影响你的睡眠质量。The Queen shook hands with the players in turn.女王依次与队员们握手。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】by turns 轮流地,交替地(表现某些特质或情感)in ones turn 轮到某人,接着The book is,by turns,funny and very sad.这本书时而妙趣横生,时而悲悲戚戚。They,in their turn,

49、accounted for the reason why the plan was a failure.他们接着解释了这个计划失败的原因。单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Please give your opinions on the education system _ turn.(2)Cleaning environment can help the city bid for the Olympics,which _ turn will promote its economic development.(3)His children took care of him _turns when

50、he was in hospital.(4)_ his turn,Mr.White said only two words“No problem”.完成句子完成句子(5)This gesture makes breathing more difficult,which _(转而)can make you feel nervous or uncomfortable.ininbyInin turn教材原句p.20All in all,studying abroad helps to build character.总而言之,留学有助于塑造品格16 all in all 总之;总而言之All in


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