Unit 4 Using Language 单词(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx

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1、词词课课堂堂版本:新人教版本:新人教单元:选择性必修四单元:选择性必修四 Unit 4(Using Language)1.lately构词:late(接近末期的)+-ly近义词:recently2.input构词:in(入)+put(放)放入内部的(事物)投入 输入的信息;反义词:output名词动词化:输入 3.tune名词动词化:调音;调词块:theme tune,in/out of tune,sing a different tune,sing the same tune(as sb),tune in4.contract构词:con-(together 一起)+tract(to draw

2、 拉)把拉在一起(基本义)同根词:attract,extract,distract词块:contract a disease/cancer本单元词汇梳理本单元词汇梳理5.circuit构词:circu(round)+it(to go 行走)6.disability构词:dis-(lack of)+ability(能力)熟词生义:障碍词块:a mental/physical disability,a learning disability词族:able,ability,disable,disabled,disability7.consultation 构词:con-(together 一起)+s

3、ult(to summon 召集)+-ation(名词后缀)召集到一起协商事务 咨询;商讨词块:in consultation with词族:consult,consultant,consultation8.relay词源:原本指过去打猎中转站的供接替疲劳猎狗的备用狗,或驿站供接替的马,后引申出“接替、接力赛”等释义。名词动词化:转播;传达词块:the Olympic torch relay,a relay race,relay to9.criterion构词:crit(判断、决定)+-er(名词后缀)+-ion(名词后缀)判断好坏的依据 标准复数:criteria词块:satisfy/mee

4、t criteria10.stability构词:stable(adj 稳定的)+-ity(名词后缀)词块:social/economic stability11.pray词块:pray for,pray that派生词:prayer重重难难点点词词精精讲讲tune 搭配义搭配义词根词缀词根词缀英语习语英语习语名词动词化名词动词化contract一词多义一词多义tune看图猜词看图猜词in tune 合调合调 out of tune 跑调跑调 tune n C 调子;曲调;旋律:调子;曲调;旋律:the movies theme tune U 和谐和谐in tune 合调;协调:合调;协调:s

5、ing in tunebe in tune with the times out of tune 走调;不协调:走调;不协调:I have no ear for music.My singing is out of tune.be out of tune with the times sing a different tune 改变观点改变观点/态度态度sing the same tune(as sb)(和某人)持同样的态度和主张(和某人)持同样的态度和主张 vi 为(乐器)调音;调(收音机,电视频道)为(乐器)调音;调(收音机,电视频道)tune in 收听;收看:收听;收看:tune in

6、 to a radio stationcontract 根据所给汉语,在空白处填入适当的词块。根据所给汉语,在空白处填入适当的词块。Unfortunately he _(得了癌症)at a very young age.had/contracted cancer/developedcontract n C 契约;合同:契约;合同:draw up a contract enter into/make/sign a contract with sb Being punctual is a contract that is silently agreed.2015 陕西v vi 缩小;收缩:缩小;收

7、缩:Metal contracts as it cools.vi&vt 签(合同):签(合同):They are contracted to work 35 hours a week.vt正式用语感染(疾病):正式用语感染(疾病):contract diseases 构词:构词:con-(together 一起)+tract(to draw 拉)把拉在一起(基本义)contract 语义网络图语义网络图把物体内部把物体内部“拉拉在一起在一起”缩小;收缩缩小;收缩感染(疾病)感染(疾病)把人与疾病把人与疾病“拉拉在一起在一起”把人与合同把人与合同“拉拉在一起在一起”签(合同)签(合同)把把拉在一

8、起拉在一起contract v(基本义基本义)本单元的词根词缀本单元的词根词缀说出下列单词的词根词缀的汉语释义。说出下列单词的词根词缀的汉语释义。1.deserve:de-(completely 完全)+serve(to serve _)服务所应得 _ 2.contract:con-(together 一起)+tract(to draw _)将合作双方 _(的东西)合同3.uniform:uni-(one 一)+form(form _)统一的形状/形式 _4.circuit:circu(round _)+-it(to go 行走)_(a going around)环行 服务服务应受、值得应受、

9、值得 拉拉拉在一起拉在一起形状形状/形式形式制服制服圈圈走一圈走一圈名词动词化名词动词化说出下列句子中画线词的汉语释义。说出下列句子中画线词的汉语释义。1.The books are all covered with dust.Could you dust them?_2.We must weed the yard;it was overgrown with weeds._3.She wants to skim(撇去)bubbles when the soup bubbles._4.We tried to use the rubber plug to plug up the holes in

10、the cupboard._擦去擦去的灰尘的灰尘 /掸灰掸灰给给除去杂草除去杂草 冒泡冒泡 /起泡起泡 把把塞住塞住 /堵塞堵塞 5.She shaded her eyes against the sun and then sat in the shade of a large tree._6.Your piano is out of tune;you should call someone over to tune it._7.Please mail us at the following email address._8.When the chorus ended their last n

11、ote,the audience chorused its approval by cheering._给给遮挡(光线)遮挡(光线)为(乐器)调音为(乐器)调音 给给发电子邮件发电子邮件同时说同时说/齐声说齐声说 英语习语英语习语英语中有很多习语(idioms),是人们经过长时间的使用提炼出来的含有特殊意义的固定词语组合,其真正的意义和字面意义往往相差甚远,不好理解和记忆。学习时,可以借助习语背后的词源故事或文化内涵来理解和学习,加深对它们的认知深度。wake the deadwake the dead 是一种夸张的修辞手法,在是一种夸张的修辞手法,在本句中可以理解为本句中可以理解为“(声音)

12、非常大(声音)非常大”,相当于成语相当于成语“震耳欲聋震耳欲聋”。这种修辞手法。这种修辞手法可以让人对声音之大有更鲜明的印象。可以让人对声音之大有更鲜明的印象。The noise of music from my neighbours party was enough to wake the dead.英语习语英语习语be in a league of ones own在本句中,在本句中,league 是是“水平水平”“”“等级等级”的的意思,意思,be in a league of ones own=be much better than the rest,意为,意为“独领风独领风骚骚”。W

13、hen it comes to traditional Chinese painting,Qi Baishi is always in a league of his own.sing the same tune I want to make sure were all singing the same tune before we give any interviews to the newspaper.sing the same tune字面意思是字面意思是“唱相同的曲唱相同的曲调调”,形象地表达比喻和某人持同样的态度,形象地表达比喻和某人持同样的态度和主张。和主张。out of ones

14、 league 在本句中,在本句中,league 是是“水平水平”“”“等等级级”的意思,的意思,out of ones league 不不在某人承受范围在某人承受范围/超出某人的水平。超出某人的水平。The house price like that is out of your league.You should stop thinking about it.sing a different tunesing a different tune 字面意思是字面意思是“唱不唱不同的曲调同的曲调”,形象地表达,形象地表达“对某事有了对某事有了新的论调或改变看法新的论调或改变看法”。The you

15、ng man once said that it was easy to make money;but hell sing/be singing a different tune when he has to earn his own money.习语习语汉语释义汉语释义let the dust settle _ burst sbs bubble_left sb in the dust_ sbs jaw dropped_ The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence._ 说出下列习语的汉语释义。说出下列习语的汉语释义。这山

16、望着那山高。这山望着那山高。英语习语英语习语让尘埃落定让尘埃落定打破某人的幻想打破某人的幻想让某人望尘莫及让某人望尘莫及某人大吃一惊某人大吃一惊1.I have no ear for music.My singing is out of tune.2.Being punctual is a contract that is silently agreed.2015 陕西3.When it comes to traditional Chinese painting,Qi Baishi is always in a league of his own.本单元金句汇总本单元金句汇总随堂检测随堂检测t

17、une写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.Shell also be playing your favorite pop tunes._2.It was just an ordinary voice,but he sang in tune._3.Finally,my mother decided to sing the same tune as me and respected my decision._ 合调合调歌曲歌曲和和持有同样的态度持有同样的态度/主主张张一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.Two-thir

18、ds of the adult population there has contracted AIDS._ 2.Glass contracts as it cools._3.What are the legal consequences of breaking a contract?_二、根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成句子。二、根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成句子。Dont _(签订任何合同)before examining its conditions carefully.contract感染感染收缩收缩违反合同违反合同enter into/make/sign any contract谢谢谢谢观观赏赏


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