Unit5 Developing ideas (ppt课件+视频)-2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.rar

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    • 高中修订版必修第二册Unit 5 Developing ideas.pptx--点击预览


Unit 5 On the roadDeveloping ideasRead and answer the questions to see how much you know about Canada.1 What is the capital of Canada?a Toronto.b Ottawa.c Montreal.2 Which is not an official language in Canada?a French.b English.c Spanish.DevelopingDeveloping ideasideas Activity 1 3 What is on the Canadian national flag?a An oak leaf.b A maple leaf.c A laurel leaf.4 What is the most popular sport in Canada?a Baseball.b Soccer.c Ice hockey.5 What animal is a national symbol of Canada?a Moose.b Beaver.c Polar bear.DevelopingDeveloping ideasideasActivity 1 Scan the email and write the places on the map.Scan the email and write the places on the map.DevelopingDeveloping ideasideasVancouverRocky MountainsQuebecNewfoundlandActivity 2 Pronouns such as“it”,“this”,“that”,“these”and“those”are used to make connections between parts of a text.These pronouns may refer to a word,a phrase or a sentence,or even several words,phrases or sentences.They can refer back to previous information or forward to new information.DevelopingDeveloping ideasideasActivity 3 Find out what the underlined words refer to.1 We made it!(Paragraph 1)“It”refers to“My family and I have managed to cross the North American continent,from western to eastern Canada,in two weeks!”.2 It took us where we wanted,(Paragraph 2)“It”refers to“our vehicle”.DevelopingDeveloping ideasideasActivity 3 3 The funniest thing happened on that day.(Paragraph 3)“That(day)”refers to“the eighth day of our trip”.4 How did that happen?(Paragraph 3)“That”refers to“Mums seat was empty”.DevelopingDeveloping ideasideasActivity 3 1 Why do you think Eva and her family chose to travel by motor home?They chose to travel by motor home because it took them where they wanted,when they wanted.2 What do you think Eva enjoyed most about the trip?Eva enjoyed most about the fantastic view of the Rocky Mountains.DevelopingDeveloping ideasideasThink and share 3 What do you think was the most memorable moment of their trip?4 Have you ever travelled with your family?Share your experience with the class.DevelopingDeveloping ideasideasThink and share Work in groups.Imagine you are Eva and give a talk about your travel experience.Use the table to help plan your talk.DevelopingDeveloping ideasideasActivity 4 Things you enjoyed Problems you faced 2 Organise your talk following the steps below.Say where you went and who you went with.Share what you enjoyed about the trip.Describe what problems you faced.End by talking about your overall feelings about the trip.3 Give your talk to the class.DevelopingDeveloping ideasideasActivity 41 Who wrote the postcard and from where did she send it?Alice wrote the postcard and she sent it from Yunnan,China.2 Who is receiving the postcard and where is she?Emma is receiving the postcard and she is in Melbourne,Australia.3 What has the writer done so far?She has spent the whole day hiking and seen some huge yaks.4 What is the writer going to do next?Shes going to visit the famous old town of Lijiang.DevelopingDeveloping ideasideasWriting a postcardRead the message and write a postcard to Sam.Use the expressions in the box to help you.Hows your trip been so far?What have you seen?Have you met anybody interesting?DevelopingDeveloping ideasideasWriting a postcardHi Amy,We made it!My family and I have managed to cross the North American continent,from western to eastern Canada,in two weeks!I cant wait to share the stories with you.我们成功了!我和我的家人用了两周的时间,从加拿大西海岸到东海岸,成功横穿了北美大陆!我已经迫不及待地想和你分享这次旅行的故事了。We started from Vancouver,where we picked up our vehicle for the trip-a home on wheels.It took us where we wanted,when we wanted.Dad did the driving but he has a poor sense of direction.We got lost a few times even with the help of GPS,but eventually we managed to cross the Rocky Mountains.I was hoping to see a bear or even an eagle,but all I saw was a small group of deer.The views were fantastic,though.There were forests,mountains with snowy tops and masses of ice.Its like another world.我们从温哥华出发,在那里取到了这次旅行的交通工具一一-辆房车。它可以随时带我们去想去的任何地方。爸爸负责开车,但他的方向感太差。有好几次即使用了导航,我们还是迷路了。但最终我们成功穿越了落基山脉。我本来盼着能看到一只熊甚至是一只老鹰,结果却只看到了一小群.鹿。不过沿途的风景还是非常美的。我们看到了森林,看到了白雪皑皑的群山,以及大片的冰原,仿佛是到了另一个世界。We reached Quebec on the eighth day,where most people speak French.Well,actually,they speak Quebecois,which is a type of Canadian French.The funniest thing happened on that day.Id fallen asleep,when I heard Dads phone ringing.He was driving,so I answered it.Guess who it was?Mum!It was then that I realised her seat was empty!How did that happen?Well,while I was sleeping,Dad stopped for some petrol and Mum also got out to take photos,and you can guess the rest.She was so mad!To cheer her up,we went to a typical Quebec restaurant for lunch.We had the famous“poutine,which is a dish of French fries,fresh cheese and a hot brown sauce alledl“gravy”.Irs ually fllowedl by pancakes with maple syrup-delicious!我们在第八天到达了魁北克,那儿的人大多说法语。不过确切来说,他们说的是魁北克语,一种加拿大法语。那天发生了这一路上最搞笑的事。我当时正在睡觉,忽然听到爸爸的手机响了。他在开车,所以我接了电话。猜猜是谁打来的?是妈妈!直到那时我才意识到她的座位是空的!这是怎么回事?原来,在我睡着那会儿,爸爸停车加油,妈妈也下车去拍照,后来的事你应该能猜到了.妈妈简直气坏了!为了哄她开心,我们去了一家地道的魁北克餐厅吃午饭。我们点了有名的“肉汁奶酪薯条”,这是一道由炸薯条、新鲜奶酪和一一种叫作“肉汁”的褐色热酱汁做成的菜。So,were now in Newfoundland,the very eastern part of Canada and the end of our joumey.To celebrate,we went on a boat trip yesterday.Mum was using Dads phone to take photos of the colourful ltte houses along the coast when we saw something amazing-a killer whale!Mum was so excited that she dropped the phone into the sea.This time it was Dads turn to get mad!Anyway,another family from Quebec was also on the boat and they got some great photos of the whale.Theyre going to send them to us when they get back home.Whats more,their sons the same age as me.Hes so cool!Were going to keep in touch,so I now have someone to practise French with!我们现在位于本次旅行的终点站-一一加拿大最东部的纽芬兰省。为了庆祝,我们昨天乘船出海。正当妈妈用爸爸的手机拍摄海岸_上五颜六色的小房子时,我们看到了令人惊喜的一幕一只虎鲸!妈妈太兴奋了,结果把手机掉进了海里。这下轮到爸爸生气了!不过,来自魁北克的另外-家人当时也在船上,他们拍到了一些很棒的虎鲸的照片。他们回家后会把照片寄给我们。而且,他们的儿子和我一样大。他非常酷!我们会保持联系。所以,现在有人陪我练习法语了!HomeworkThank You!
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