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1、2020高考英语外刊学习专题(三):新型冠状病毒(来自CNN)By b&fWhat do you need to know about Coronavirus?FROM CNN HEALTH VIDEOA new Chinese coronavirus, a cousin of the SARS virus, has the international community on alert1. Since the outbreak began in Wuhan, China in December, the number of people infected and patients who

2、have died keeps climbing. So heres what you need to know about coronavirus. Coronavirus are a large group of viruses common among many species of animals, including humans. In rare cases, the virus actually makes a jump from animals to humans and, even more rare, from person which is what scientists

3、 believe has happened in this case. Now, typically, coronavirus symptoms include a runny2 nose, cough, sore throat, possibly a headache, fever which can last for several days. For those with a weakened immune system, there is a chance the virus could cause a lower down and much more serious respirat

4、ory3 tract illness like pneumonia4 or bronchitis5 There have only been two other coronaviruses that have been known to be deadly. The middle East Respiratory Syndrome, known as MERS virus, that caused severe respiratory problems, and the CDC estimated6 three out of four of every ten patients infecte

5、d with MERS had died Another one is the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS. Now, that had an average death rate of around 10%, with older people being the most vulnerable7. Viruses can spread from human contact with animals. Scientists think MERS, for example, started in camels and they susp

6、ected SARS started with civet cats8. As for human-to-human transmission9, often happens when someone is within three feet of the infected person. And with this new virus, we dont know yet when exactly someone becomes contagious10, how sick they are when they do. Depending on how virulent11 the virus

7、 is, a cough, a sneeze12, a handshake could cause an exposure13. There is no vaccine14 to protect against this family of viruses. There is no specific treatment for a coronavirus. Most of the time, symptoms are going to go away on the own. Those who catch the virus are advised to do the basics-drink

8、 plenty of fluids, sleep as much as possible. Symptoms as well can be relieved by taking pain or fever medications, but if they do get worse, its recommended to see a doctor. You could reduce the risk of infection by avoiding people who are sick, avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth and of co

9、urse, washing your hands with soap and water as often as possible for at least 20 seconds.附:本文不提供全文翻译,仅对部分较为生僻词汇进行注解。1:处于警戒状态;保持戒备2:adj.流鼻涕的;流眼泪的;太稀的;水分过多的;软的3:adj.呼吸的4:n.肺炎5:n.支气管炎6:v.估价;估算7:adj.(身体上或感情上)脆弱的,易受伤害的8:果子狸9:n.传送;传递;传达;传播;传染;(电子信号、信息或广播、电视节目的)播送,发射,发送,传输;(电台或电视)信息,广播10:adj. (疾病)接触传染的;患接

10、触性传染病11:adj.致命的;恶性的;剧毒的;狠毒的;恶毒的;不共戴天的12:v.打喷嚏 n.喷嚏;喷嚏声13:n.面临,遭受(危险或不快);揭露;(在电视、报纸等上的)亮相,被报道14:n.疫苗;菌苗Lunar New Year is normally a huge celebration in China在中国,农历新年通常是一个巨大的庆祝活动A man wears a face mask in Guomao, central Beijing. Artyom Ivanov/TASS via Getty Images在北京市中心的国茂,一个男人戴着口罩。Yesterday was the

11、first day of the Lunar New Year, the Year of the Rat.昨天是农历新年的第一天,鼠年。For many Chinese people, the holiday is a once-a-year chance to share a meal and carry bags of gifts from the cities to their families back home. This year, it was originally expected that 3 billion journeys would be made during chu

12、nyun, or spring rush - the 40-day period from January 9 to February 18 when people travel for Lunar New Year.对许多中国来说,这个节日是一年一次的机会,可以分享一顿饭,把一袋袋来自城市的礼物带回家。今年,人们原本预计在春云或春运期间会有30亿人次出行,从1月9日到2月18日的40天,人们将出游过春节。But celebrations were considerably smaller this year, as authorities across mainland China, Hon

13、g Kong and Macao canceled many large public gatherings in order to help contain the Wuhan coronavirus. 但今年的庆祝活动规模要小得多,因为中国大陆、香港和澳门当局为了遏制武汉冠状病毒,取消了许多大型公众集会。Eva Kwang, 35, was at Hong Kongs West Kowloon Station on Friday to cancel her familys train tickets to Guangzhou, in southern Guangdong province.

14、35岁的王伊娃(EvaKwang)上周五在香港西九龙站取消家人前往广东省广州的火车票。She said she was sad that she couldnt see her family, but was worried about her two children. I think the safety for us is more important than my dinner with them, she told CNN. I think I can go back and visit them after maybe one month or two months. 她说她很伤

15、心,她看不到她的家人,但担心她的两个孩子。我认为我们的安全比我和他们共进晚餐更重要,她告诉CNN。我想我可以回去探望他们,也许一个月或两个月后。Japan will evacuate its nationals from Wuhan via chartered flights日本将通过包机从武汉撤离本国国民Japans Prime Minister Shinzo Abe speaks to the lower house of the parliament on January 20, 2020 in Tokyo. Tomohiro Ohsumi/Getty Images2020年1月20日,

16、日本首相安倍晋三在东京向国会下议院发表讲话。The Japanese government plans to help all Japanese nationals who wish to return to Japan from Wuhan by sending charter flights, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Sunday.日本首相安倍晋三(ShinzoAbe)周日表示,日本政府计划通过派遣包机帮助所有希望从武汉返回日本的日本国民。Abe said Japan is working with the Chinese government to

17、coordinate the evacuation.安倍说,日本正在与中国政府合作,协调撤离行动。Japan confirmed its third case of Wuhan coronavirus on Saturday.日本上周六确诊了第三例武汉冠状病毒病例。There are about 700 Japanese nationals in Wuhan, according to national broadcaster NHK. 据国家广播公司NHK报道,武汉约有700名日本国民。Hong Kongs two biggest theme parks - including Disney

18、land - have closed香港两大主题公园包括迪士尼乐园已关闭Hong Kongs Ocean Park is seen in this file photograph from September 27, 2019.Chan Long Hei/Bloomberg via Getty Images香港海洋公园于2019年9月27日拍摄到这张档案照片。陈龙海/彭博通过盖蒂图片Hong Kong Disneyland and Ocean Park, two of the citys biggest theme parks, have closed due to the coronavir

19、us outbreak.香港迪士尼乐园和海洋公园是香港最大的两个主题公园,因冠状病毒爆发而关闭。Both parks made the announcement on Facebook.两个公园都在Facebook上宣布了这一消息。Disneyland, which welcomed 6.7 million guests in the 2018 fiscal year, said its closure was temporary and that the resort hotels affiliated with theme park would remain open.迪斯尼乐园在2018

20、财年接待了670万游客,表示其关闭是暂时的,与主题公园有关联的度假酒店将继续开放。Ocean Park said it would close Sunday until further notice. The park says on its website more than 7.7 million guests visit each year.海洋公园表示,周日将关闭,直至另行通知。公园在其网站上说,每年有超过770万游客前来参观。Both parks suffered financially in 2019 as a result of the months of political u

21、nrest that rocked the city.2019 年,由于持续数月的政治动荡,两个公园都遭受了财政损失。How does the Wuhan virus compare to regular winter flu outbreaks?武汉病毒与冬季常规流感疫情相比如何?Medical staff wearing protective clothing tend to a patient at the Wuhan Red Cross Hospital in China on January 25. Hector Retamal/AFP/Getty Images1月25日,中国武汉红

22、十字会医院的医护人员正在照顾病人。With global attention on the Wuhan coronavirus and its spread around China and other countries, its important to put it in the context of other deadly infections - including seasonal influenza, which claims the lives of thousands of people every year.随着全球对武汉冠状病毒及其在中国和其他国家的传播的关注,将之置于

23、其他致命感染的背景下非常重要,包括季节性流感,季节性流感每年夺去数千人的生命。According to a September 2019 study by Chinese scientists published in The Lancet, there are about 88,100 influenza-related deaths every year in China, with a mortality rate of between 1.6% and 2.6%. The majority of those who died as a result of the flu were ag

24、ed over 60, the report said.根据2019年9月发表在柳叶刀杂志上的中国科学家的一份研究报告,中国每年约有88,100例流感相关死亡,死亡率在1.6%至2.6%。报告说,大多数死于流感的人年龄都在60岁以上。While the true extent of the new coronavirus is unclear, it appears to be more deadly than seasonal influenza. Of the 1,317 cases confirmed globally as of noon Saturday in China, ther

25、e had been 41 deaths, a mortality rate of 3.1%.虽然新型冠状病毒的真正程度尚不清楚,但它似乎比季节性流感更致命。截至上周六中午,全球确诊的1317例病例中,有41例死亡,死亡率为3.1%。However, that is far less deadly than related coronaviruses SARS and MERS. SARS has a mortality rate of about 10%, while MERS killed 34% of those infected.然而,这比相关的冠状病毒SARS和中东呼吸综合征的致命性

26、要小得多。SARS的死亡率约为10%,而中东呼吸综合征导致34%的感染者死亡。The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that this flu season - from October 1, 2019 until January 18 - 15 to 21 million people have contracted the flu in the United States, killing somewhere between 8,200 to 20,000 people.美国疾病控制和预防中心(C

27、DC)估计,从2019年10月1日至1月18日,流感季节期间,美国有1500万至2100万人感染流感,导致8200至2万人死亡。Those numbers are based on the CDCs weekly influenza surveillance reports, which summarize key influenza activity indicators. 这些数字基于CDC每周流感监测报告,该报告汇总了主要的流感活动指标。Beijing to postpone start of spring semester due to virus北京因病毒推迟春季学期开学From C

28、NNs Steven Jiang in Beijing.Chinese health workers wait to check the temperatures of travellers entering a subway station on January 25, 2020 in Beijing, China. Kevin Frayer/Getty Images2020年1月25日,中国北京,中国卫生工作者等待检查进入地铁站的旅客体温。Beijing announced on Sunday that the city will postpone the start of the spr

29、ing semester for all schools in the city, including primary, secondary and universities, due to the coronavirus outbreak, according to a decree released by the Beijing Education Commission.根据北京市教委发布的一项法令,北京周日宣布,由于冠状病毒爆发,北京将推迟全市所有学校(包括小学、中学和大学)春季学期的开学。 “To effectively curb the spread of the coronavir

30、us outbreak on campuses of schools and other educational institutions, it is decided that the start of the 2020 spring semester will be postponed for all schools and kindergartens,” the decree said. 为了有效遏制冠状病毒疫情在学校和其他教育机构的校园蔓延,决定推迟2020年春季学期开学,所有学校和幼儿园,该法令说。 “Off-campus offline educational programs w

31、ill also be suspended throughout the city,” it said. 校外线下教育项目也将在全市暂停,它说。A new start date for the 2020 spring semester has yet to be set. 2020年春季学期的新开学日期尚未确定。Chinas Shantou city withdraws lockdown中国汕头市撤销封锁From CNNs Yong Xiong in Beijing.Authorities in the Chinese city of Shantou, in Guangdong Provinc

32、e, announced Sunday they will withdraw a lockdown and ban on the movement of vehicles that they announced earlier in the day.中国广东省的广东省汕头市当局周日宣布,将撤销当天早些时候宣布的禁令,禁止车辆通行。Shantou will continue to allow vehicles, ferries, people and goods to go in and out of the city, but will strengthen its monitoring an

33、d prevention efforts for the coronavirus outbreak, authorities said.当局表示,将继续允许车辆、渡轮、人和货物进出城市,但会加强对冠状病毒疫情的监测和预防工作。Shantou was the first city in Guangdong Province to enact such a lockdown. 汕头是广东省第一个实行这种封锁的城市。There are now 15 cities in China that are under full or partial lockdown by authorities, affe

34、cting some 57.2 million people. 目前,中国有15个城市被当局全面或部分封锁,影响约5720万人。UK government looking at all options to help Britons in Wuhan英国政府考虑各种选择帮助在武汉的英国人From CNNs Samantha Tapfumaneyi in London.Priti Patel addresses delegates in Manchester Central on October 1, 2019.2019年10月1日,Priti Patel在曼彻斯特中心向代表们发表讲话。The

35、British government is looking at all the options to help citizens trapped in Wuhan, UK Home Secretary Priti Patel said Sunday after being asked about UK media reports that officials are examining the logistics of airlifting Britons out of the central Chinese city.英国内政大臣Priti Patel周日被问及英国媒体有关官员正在检查将英

36、国人从中国中部空运出去的后勤工作时说,英国政府正在考虑所有选择,以帮助被困在武汉的公民。城市。During a Sky News interview, Patel said she would not “comment specifically on newspaper stories” but the UK is doing its utmost to stop the virus from coming to the UK and obviously becoming a widespread problem.在接受天空新闻采访时,帕特尔说,她不会具体评论报纸的报道,但英国正在尽其所能阻止

37、病毒进入英国,显然成为一个普遍的问题。There are many efforts being made, and this is actually where Border Force provides information to Public Health England in terms of passengers that have traveled to and from the area. And so, they are actually contacting people and reaching out to them and providing screening and

38、 testing and that is fine.”有许多努力正在作出,这实际上是边防部队向英国公共卫生局提供往返于该地区的乘客的信息。因此,他们实际上是在联系人们,与他们联系,并提供筛选和测试,这很好。Before China put in restrictions on outgoing flights from Wuhan, there were three flights a week into Londons Heathrow Airport, a Public Health England spokeswoman told CNN on Saturday.英国公共卫生部一位女发言

39、人周六告诉CNN,在中国限制从武汉起飞的航班之前,每周有三个航班飞往伦敦希思罗机场。Lunar New Year parade canceled in Paris巴黎农历新年游行取消From Antoine Crouin in ParisPeople dance with costumes to mark the Chinese New Year at the Eiffel Tower in Paris on Saturday. AP Photo/Michel Euler)周六,人们在巴黎埃菲尔铁塔用服装跳舞庆祝中国新年。The Chinese community in Paris has c

40、anceled its Lunar New Year parade planned for Sunday at the Place de la Rpublique as a precautionary measure against coronavirus, the citys official Twitter account said.巴黎官方Twitter账户称,巴黎华人社区已经取消了原定于周日在共和国广场举行的农历新年游行,以防范冠状病毒。A spokesperson for Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo told CNN that precaution took p

41、recedence. 巴黎市长安妮伊达尔戈的发言人告诉CNN,预防措施是优先的。The Chinese community in Paris has decided to cancel the parade planned for this afternoon on the Place de la Rpublique. The associations didnt have the heart to celebrate, Hidalgo told French radio Europe 1.巴黎的华人社区决定取消今天下午在共和国广场举行的游行。协会没有心来庆祝,伊达尔戈告诉法国欧洲1电台。 “

42、We must not give in to panic but, at the same time, be vigilant and respect the decision of the Chinese associations in Paris.我们绝不能屈服于恐慌,但与此同时,要保持警惕,尊重巴黎华人社团的决定。There are currently three confirmed cases of coronavirus in France, the French Health Ministry announced on Friday.法国卫生部周五宣布,目前法国有3例冠状病毒确诊病

43、例。Japan confirms fourth case of Wuhan coronavirus日本确认第四例武汉冠状病毒Japan confirmed a fourth case of the Wuhan coronavirus on Sunday, the countrys Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare said in a statement.日本厚生劳动省在一份声明中说,日本周日确诊了第四例武汉冠状病毒病例。The latest case is a man in his 40s who traveled from Wuhan and arr

44、ived in Japan on January 22.最新的病例是一名40多岁的男子,他从武汉出发,于1月22日抵达日本。He showed no symptoms at the time of his arrival but started suffering from a fever and joint pain on the 23rd. He went to a hospital in Aichi prefecture in central Japan on the January 24 and was hospitalized after symptoms of pneumonia

45、were found. 他抵达时没有症状,但23日开始发烧和关节疼痛。他于1月24日前往日本中部爱知县的一家医院,在发现肺炎症状后住院治疗。The man still has fever, but his condition is stable. He told authorities he hasnt visited the seafood market in Wuhan - the epicenter of the outbreak.那人仍然发烧,但病情稳定。他告诉当局,他还没有去过武汉的海鲜市场疫情的中心。It is unclear whether he had contact with

46、 any pneumonia patients. 目前还不清楚他是否曾与任何肺炎病人有过接触。China says virus can spread before symptoms show - calling into question US strategy to contain virus中国称病毒可以在症状出现前传播质疑美国控制病毒的战略From CNN Healths Elizabeth Cohen Ma Xiaowei, the director of Chinas National Health Commission, speaks at a press conference a

47、bout a virus outbreak at the State Council Information Office in Beijing, Sunday. AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein周日,中国国家卫生委员会主任马晓伟在北京国务院新闻办公室就病毒爆发问题召开新闻发布会。Chinas health minister Dr. Ma Xiaowei had some very bad news Sunday about the Wuhan coronavirus: He said people can spread it before they have sympto

48、ms.中国卫生部长马晓伟博士周日对武汉冠状病毒有一些非常坏消息:他说,人们可以在出现症状之前传播它。A veteran adviser for a US health agency called the news a game changer.美国一家卫生机构的一位资深顾问称这一消息是游戏规则的改变者。“When I heard this, I thought, oh dear, this is worse than we anticipated. It means the infection is much more contagious than we originally thought,” said Dr. William Schaffner, a longtime adviser to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.当我听到这个,我想,哦,亲爱的,这是比我们预期的更糟。这意味着感染的传染性比我们原先认为的要强得多,美国疾病控制和预防中心的长期顾问威廉沙夫纳博士说。Schaffne


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