Unit 3 The world of science 一轮复习 (ppt课件) -2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册.pptx

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1、一轮复习一轮复习Life is like riding a bicycle.To keep your balance,you must keep moving.1识记单词识记单词(一)汉译英1._adj.虚拟的,模拟的2._adj.易弯曲的,柔韧的3._n.电池4._n.渴望,欲望5._adj.被动的6._prep.无法.7._n.例子,实例8._adj.小的9._n.物种10._n.小河;小溪1.virtual 2.flexible 3.battery 4.desire 5.passive6.Beyond7.instance 8.minor 9.species 10.stream(二)英译汉

2、(二)英译汉1.gunpowder n._pass n_3.stuff n._4.chemist n._5.astronomer n._6.biologist n._7.radium n._8.lightning n._9.fiction n._10.flash n._1.火药2.指南针,罗盘3.东西,物品4.化学家5.天文学家6.生物学家 7.镭(一种化学元素)8.闪电9.虚构的事,,想象的事 10.闪光11.extraordinary 12.brilliant 13.theory 14.cure 15.draft 16.metal 17.conduct 18.gravity 19.acco

3、unt 20.procedure11._adj.非凡的,出色的12._adj.聪颖的,才华横溢的13._n.学说,理论14._n.药剂,疗法15._v.起草,草拟16._n.金属17._v.传导(热、电)18._n.重力,引力19._n.记述,描述20._n.程序,步骤,手续2.拓展单词拓展单词1._v.按_n.压力;压强2._v.射出(光、亮等),放射_n.开枪,射击;击球,投篮;(电影中的)镜头3._v.计算_n.计算机4._adj.有能力的_adv.能干地5._adj.重要的,影响深远的_ n.(尤指对将来有影响的)重要性,意义l.press;pressure 2.shoot;shot

4、pute;computer4.capable;capably 5.significant;significance6.injure;injury;injured 7.accurate;accurately;accuracy 8.origin;original;originate 9.mental;mentally10.declaration;declare 6._v.使受伤,弄伤_n.伤害;损伤;受伤处_adj.受伤的;有伤的7._adj.精确的_adv.准确地;精确地;如实地_n.准确(性);精确(程度)8._n.起源,起因_adj.最初的,独创的,原作的_v.起源,发源,发端于9._adj

5、.精神的,精神健康的_adv.精神上;智力上;思想上10._n.声明,宣告_v.表明,宣称;公布,宣布;申报11.experiment;experimental12.attach;attachment;attached 13.scientific;science;scientist 14.entirely;entire 15.proof;prove11._n.(科学)实验_adj.实验性的;试验性的12._v.系,绑;贴_n.附件,附属物;爱慕_adj.附属的;喜爱的;依恋的13._adj.科学(上)的_n.科学_n.科学家14._adv.完全地,彻底地_adj.全部的;整个的;完全的15._

6、n.证明;证据_v.证明;证实直击高考直击高考1 The connection between people and plants has long been the subject of _(science)research.2 Lighting accounts _ about 7%of the total electricity consumed in the US.3 Historical _(accurate)is important but so is entertainment.4 To test the effect of social influence on eating

7、habits,the researchers conducted two _(experiment).1 scientific 2.for 3.accuracy 4.experiments5 And they tended to lose cognitive function at a much slower rate than those with the least _(mental)challenging jobs.6 He has recently made a _(significance)discovery-loneliness is a serious social proble

8、m that can contribute to depression and even crimes,but it can be prevented in a clever way.7 Today,they are once again a familiar sight,playing roles that are often just as important for the community as their _(origin)purpose.8 Publishers already in business,people who were owners of successful pa

9、pers,had little desire_(change)the tradition.5.mentally6.significant7.original 8.to change9 A war_(injure)has made his left hand stop functioning,and he has often been in prison.10 But at Union Station in Los Angeles last month,a board went up with dollar bills _(attach)to it with pins and a sign th

10、at read,“Give What You Can,Take What You Need.”11 If a basketball star is,for example,trying to gain a high personal point total,he may take a _(shoot)himself when it would be better to pass the ball to a teammate,affecting the teams performance.12 Emma had never taken herself as a crane and become

11、deeply attached _ humans.13 A month before my first marathon,one of my ankles_(injure)and this meant not running for two weeks,leaving me only two weeks to train.9.injury 10.attached11.shot 12.to 13.was injured3短语巧练短语巧练1._变成现实2._代替.,而不是3._幸亏,多亏,由于4._就.而言,在.方面5._放风筝6._把.系在.上7._科学实验8._除此之外,另外9._别轻易说绝不

12、10._提出,想出(观点,想法等)1.become a reality 2.instead of 3.thanks to 4.in terms of 5.fly a kite 6.tie.to.7.scientific experiment 8.in addition 9.never say never e up with直击高考直击高考1 Shes trying to _(想出,提出)a label to attach to nutria fashions to show it is eco-friendly.2 Now he hopes that other cities will con

13、sider making their streets run smarter _(而不是)just making them bigger.3 Our communities benefit from arts _(在方面)economy.4 Walking on water hasnt _(变成现实)mainly because humans have biological e up with 2.instead of 3.in terms of4.become a reality4句式仿写1.there be句型_golden ages of invention throughout his

14、tory.历史上出现过很多发明创造的黄金时代。2.It is+形容词+to do sth.In terms of the environment,it is now possible_.在环境领域,建造智能可移动房屋现在已成为可能。3.neither.nor.句型However,_ are entirely true.然而,不管是故事本身还是实验细节都并非完全属实。1.There have been 2.to create an intelligent walking house 3.neither the story nor the details of the experiment直击高考

15、直击高考1 带一件礼物到乔迁宴上是传统。It is traditional _ to a housewarming party.2 没有动力,你既不能设定目标,也不能实现它。Without motivation,you can _.3 多年来,有许多不同的技巧来帮助设计师应付这一点。Over the years,_ to help designers approach this important point.1.to bring a gift 2.neither set a goal nor reach it3.there have been a number of different te

16、chniques1.单词拼写1_(虚拟的)reality couldnt be mixed with the real life or your life will be in a mess.2.This material is_(柔韧的)so it can be changed into any shape.3.The main drawback of this cellphone is that its_(电池)easily loses its charge.4.Its a sad truth that children are the biggest victims of_(被动地)sm

17、oking.5.If you cant jump over the_(小溪),youll have to go round by the bridge.1.Virtual 2.flexible 3.battery 4.passive 5.stream6.The society was set up to preserve endangered_(物种)from extinction.7.According to the_(学说,理论)of relativity,nothing can travel faster than light.8.Plastic and rubber cant_(传导)

18、electricity,but copper can.9.When there is no_(重力),our feet no longer stay on the ground.10.One great advantage of this_(金属)is that it doesnt rust.6.species 7.theory 8.conduct 9.gravity10.metal2.单句语法填空1.Mary often does part-time jobs to earn extra money,which accounts _ half of her income.2.The hall

19、 is very big and it is capable_ holding about eight hundred people.3.All people have a strong desire_ happiness and health,with no exception.4.I found a birthday card_(attach)to the letter.5.After three weeks discussion,they will sign the_(declare)this afternoon.1.for 2.of 3.for 4.attached 5.declara

20、tion6.The boy is popular with his classmates because he is honest and considerate._ addition,he is easy-going and humourous.7.He is_(mental)ill and cannot be held responsible for his actions.8_ terms of native speakers,the number of Chinese speakers is larger than any other country in the world.9.Th

21、e_(experiment)were carried out under simulated examination conditions.10.These results are a further_(prove)of his outstanding ability.6.In 7.mentally 8.In 9.experiments 10.proof3.语段填词语段填词1.Most students think it_ to join the English corner,though a few havent realized the_(significance).2.The boy w

22、as_ in the match and a doctor rushed to deal with his_(injure).3.This word_ from a Latin word and the_ meaning is quite different from what it is today.(origin)4.I dont know the_ number of it so youd better count it_ and make sure the_ of it.(accurate)5.The_ was interested in_ when he was young and

23、he was fond of doing _(science).1.significant;significance 2.injured;injury3.originated;original 4.accurate;accurately;accuracy5.scientist;science;scientific4完成句子完成句子1 _this film,so we know nothing about it.”木克和我都没有看过这部电影,因此我们对此一 无所知。2 _in the village recently.最近这个村庄有了许多变化。1.Neither Jack nor I have

24、seen2.There have been many changes3.what was it that4.had got up earlier5.to answer the questions3.So_ made him change?那又是什么使他发生了改变呢?4.If you_,you would have caught the train.如果早点起床,你就会赶上火车了。5.It is important_ as honestly as you can.重要的是尽可能如实地回答问题。5.微写作请根据下列要点介绍一下本杰明.富兰克林。要点如下:1.本杰明.富兰克林是一位著名的政治家。此外

25、,他还被认为是一个创造性的发明家。2.他那著名的闪电实验众所周知。3故事是富兰克林在暴风雨中放风筝,一把金属钥匙系在风筝上的绳子上。4.一道闪电击中了风筝,电通过绳子传到了钥匙上。5.然而,新的研究表明这个故事可能是虚构的,而不是事实。1.词数80左右;2.尽管使用本单元的知识点。3.可适当增加细节。Benjamin Franklin was a famous politician.In addition,he was also regarded as a creative inventor.His famous experiment with lightning is known to al

26、l.The story is that Franklin flew a kite during a storm.A metal key was attached to the string which was tied to the kite.A flash of lightning hit the kite,and electricity was conducted through the string to the key.However,new research suggests that the story may be fiction instead of fact.6.课文语法填空

27、Dr Richard Fairhurst,1_ new book The New Age of Invention has just been published,2_(interview)now.Many people think the great age of invention is over.But he says there have been golden ages of invention throughout history.The four great 3_(invention)in Ancient China-gunpowder,papermaking,printing

28、and the compass-changed the world forever.Then there were the great Western inventions-the steam engine,the telephone and the radio.1.whose 2.is being interviewed 3.inventions And now,we find 4_(we)in the great new age of technology.Dr Richard says most of the new great inventions are tech-based.In

29、addition,important advances have been made in medicine and 5 _(environment)science thanks to increasing computer power.For example,new inventions like 3D printers 6_(use)to make replacement hearts and bone parts.In terms of the environment,7 _is now possible to create an intelligent walking house.It

30、 is capable 8_ using GPS technology to travel to different places,with computing technology 9 _(control)its legs.Whats more,huge advances in solar technology mean it can be eco-friendly,too.He stresses that the real spirit of invention is that we have an incredible desire 10 _(think)and create.4.ourselves 5.environmental 6.have been used 7.it 8.of 9.controlling 10.to thinkThank you!


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