Unit4 Amazing art 一轮复习 (ppt课件) -2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册.pptx

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1、一轮一轮复习复习1识记单词识记单词(一)汉译英1._n.楼梯2._n.战斗,战役3._n.人物照片;肖像4._n.缝衣针5._adj.当代的6._n.香烟7._v.没有,缺乏8._n.葡萄酒9._v.资助10._adj.喜爱的11._n.花瓶12._adv.大部分;主要地13._n.(色彩的)浓淡,深浅,色度1.stair 2.battle 3.portrait 4.needle 5.contemporary6.cigarette 7.lack 8.wine 9.sponsor 10.fond 11.vase 12.mostly 13.shade(二)英译汉1.selfie n._2.embr

2、oidery n._3.seal n._4.calligraphy n._5.porcelain n._6.magnificent adj._7.hoof n._8.emperor n._9.majesty n._10.gallop V._1.自拍照2.刺绣图案,刺绣品3.印章,图章4.书法5.瓷器6.宏伟的,壮丽的7.蹄8.皇帝9.陛下10.(马)飞奔,疾驰2.拓展单词拓展单词1_v.问候,迎接,招呼_n.问候,迎接,招呼,致意2._n.广播节目,电视节目_n.广播员;(电视或电台的)节目主持人3._n.某物的量_v.卸载;卸下_v.下载_v.上传4._v.折起_adj.可折叠的,可合拢的_

3、v.(使)展开,打开;逐渐展现,展示,透露5._n.雕刻家,雕塑家_v.雕刻,雕塑_n.雕像,雕刻品,雕塑作品1.greet;greeting 2.broadcast;broadcaster3.load;unload;download;upload 4.fold;foldable;unfold 5.sculptor;sculpt;sculpture 6.exhibition;exhibit7.neighbourhood;neighbour 8.demonstrate;demonstration 9.vividly;vivid 10.elegant;elegance 6._n.展示,展览_v.展

4、览;展出n.展览品;(在法庭上出示的)证据7._n.社区,街坊_n.邻居8._v.示范,演示_n.示范;证明;表露;游行示威9_adv.生动地_adj.生动的;清晰的;丰富的;鲜艳的10._adj.高雅的,优美的_n.高雅,优雅11.carve;carving 12.stimulate;stimulation;stimulating 13.bare;barely14.dirt;dirty 15.frequent;frequency;frequently11._v刻(图形或字母)_n.雕刻,雕刻品12._v.刺激,促使,促进_n.刺激;激发,启发;促进_adj.刺激的,有刺激性的13._V.使暴

5、露,露出_adv.仅仅,勉强;几乎不;赤裸裸地,公然地14._n.灰尘,尘土_adj.脏的;肮脏的;卑鄙的15._adj.经常发生的,频繁的_n.频繁;发生率,出现率,重复率_adv.频繁地,经常直击高考直击高考1.(2020.全国卷II)Higher-income parents tended to have children play with puzzles more_(frequent),and both boys and girls who played with puzzles had better spatial skills.2.(2020.浙江高考)A waiters job

6、,for example,that requires multitasking,teamwork and decision-making could be just as_(stimulate)as any high-level office work.3.(2020.天津高考)Painters,_(sculpt)-theyve all tried to make the best of this ordinary face,but Im afraid there s not much hope.4.(2020.天津高考)The library is now a multimedia zone

7、,_(load)with information in many formats(载体形式).5.(2020.江苏高考)Later,he worked in Africa,where many people suffered from blindness for lack_ proper treatment.1.frequently 2.stimulating 3.sculptors 4.loaded 5.of6.(2019.江苏高考)Li Jiang and Su Hua dont agree on what to wear when _(greet)the British students

8、.7.(2019.全国卷I)Earlier this year,!the China Through A Looking Glass exhibition in New York_(exhibit)140 pieces of China-inspired fashionable clothing alongside Chinese works of art.8.(2018.天津高考)What made the author start to climb up the_(stair)to the mountain top?9(2017.全国卷I)These pieces can_(fold)in

9、to a neat little pack and fastened on your belt.10.(2015.湖北高考)She also operates a website,where she shares her tips and recipes,with the goal of_(demonstrate)that everyone has the ability to control whats on their plate.6.greeting 7.exhibited 8.stairs 9.be folded10.demonstrating3短语巧练短语巧练1_因为.出名2._注意

10、,仔细看3._由.制成(看得出原材料)4._顺便说一句5._引起某人的注意6._在.的历史上7._偶然,意外地8._喜欢.9._日复一日,一天又一天10._高度赞扬.1.be famous for 2.get a load of.3.be made of4.by the way5.catch ones attention 6.in the history of 7.by accident 8.be fond of.9.day after day10.sing high praise for直击高考直击高考1.(2019.浙江高考)The concert was broadcast live a

11、nd attracted the largest one night audience_(在.的历史上)television up to that time.2.(2016.全国卷I)Truly elegant chopsticks might_(由.制成)gold and silver with Chinese characters.3.(2016.天津高考)Nothing like this had ever been done before,and_(日复一日)I kept coming up with solutions,but none of them worked.1.in the

12、 history of 2.be made of 3.day after day4 句式仿写1.seem to do结构One moment she seems_,but then again I catch a sense of sadness in her smile.上一刻她仿佛还在取笑我,而下一刻我却能从她的微笑中捕捉到一丝悲伤。2.its time to do sth.到了做某事的时间And now,_ with one of historys greatestartists-Rembrandt!现在,是时候近距离亲身了解历史上最伟大的画家之一-伦勃朗啦!3.It is said t

13、hat句型_when the Emperor asked Han Gan to take a master of horse painting as his teacher,the artist replied,“I have my own teachers,Your Majesty.All the horses in your stables are my very teachers.据说,当皇帝让韩干选一位画马大师为师时,他却回答说:“陛下,臣自有师,陛下内厩之马,皆臣师也。”1.to be laughing at me 2.its time to get up close and per

14、sonal 3.It is said that直击高考直击高考1.(2020.天津高考)总统似乎要认真考虑她的想法了。The President seemed_.2.(2019.浙江高考)他们在美国的胜利仍然被认为是摇滚历史上的一个重大转折点。Their victory in America was still remembered as a major turning point_ rock and roll.1.to consider her idea seriously 2.in the history of1.单词拼写单词拼写1.To our sorrow,four soldiers

15、lost their life in the_(战斗,战役).2.The famous painter was invited to paint a_(肖像)ofthe Queen.3.The museum contains more than 6,000_(当代的)and modern artworks.4.She found a company to_(资助)her through college.5.Treat yourselves to a glass of_(葡萄酒)to help you relax at the end of the day.6.This material is

16、very thick and this_(缝衣针)is not strong enough to go through it.7.Auguste Rodin is considered as one of the most outstanding_(雕刻家,雕塑)in France.8.She unlocked the case and carefully lifted out the_(花瓶).9.The girl posted a_(自拍照)online and aroused heated discussion.10.Young women in this village_(大部分)ha

17、ve married people of other places.1.battle 2.portrait3.contemporary 4.sponsor 5.wine6.needle 7.sculptors 8.vase 9.selfie 10.mostly2.单句语法填空单句语法填空1.How many_(stair)are there up to the second floor?2.I had_(bare)started speaking when he interrupted me.3.More and more high-rise buildings have been built

18、 in big cities for lack_ space.4.The truck,_(load)with bricks,broke down suddenly in the middle of the bridge.5.These camping chairs are portable because they can_(fold)away and put in the car.1.stairs 2.barely 3.of 4.loaded5.be folded6.As soon as he got out of the car,he went straight into the hall

19、 without_(greet)anyone.7.All the houses in the village are made_ stone so they are strong enough to resist strong wind.8.Yunnan Province is famous_ its warm climate,beautiful scenery and natural rich resources.9.1 like watching TV and playing football while my brother is fond_ collecting stamps and

20、coins.10.All of the people sing high praises_ the doctors and nurses and extend our deep gratitude to them.6.greeting7.of 8.for9.of 10.for3.语段填词1.The table is very_ so you should remove the from the surface of the table.(dirt)2.As a result of_ smoking,the _of his asthma(哮喘)attack is increasing,and h

21、e coughs_.(frequent)3.He gave a_ account of his life as a fighter pilot and he could still_ remember his life in the army.(vivid)4.It is announced that over 2,00 masterpieces of the painter will be_ in the_.(exhibit)1.dirty;dirt 2.frequent;frequency;frequently3.vivid;vividly4.exhibited;exhibition4.完

22、成句子1.Dont disturb him.He seems_.不要打扰他。他好像正在睡觉。2.I have finished all my work and_.我已经完成了所有工作,现在是时候回家了。3.My mother likes listening to music while_.我妈妈做家务时喜欢听音乐。4._ Cang Jie created the Chinese writing system.据说,中国的汉字是仓颉发明的。5.The charges were dropped_.这些指控因缺乏足够的证据而被撒销。1.to be sleeping 2.it is time to g

23、o home 3.doing housework 4.It is said that 5.for lack of enough evidence5.微写作请根据下列要点介绍一下你去看展览的经历。要点如下:1.我喜欢艺术作品,这不仅开阔了我的视野,而且使我对艺术和生活有了更好的理解。2.上周末,我去看了一个精彩的展览,在那里我遇到了一批杰出的艺术家,我们热情地打招呼。3.一开始,我被一个石雕吸引住了。4.接着,另一幅画奔马图引起了我的注意,画中马被画得栩栩如生。5.据说是徐悲鸿创作的,他被认为是当代最伟大的艺术家之一。注意:1.词数80左右;2.尽量使用本单元的知识点3.可适当增加细节。I am

24、 fond of the works of art,which not only broaden my horizon but also make me have a better understanding of art and life.Last weekend,I went to see a wonderful exhibition,where I met a load of outstanding artists,and we greeted each other warmly.At first,I was attracted by a sculpture made of stone.

25、Then another painting called Ben Tu caught my attention,with the horse painted vividly.It is said that it was created by Xu Beihong,who is regarded as one of the greatest contemporary artists.6课文语法填空Live from the LouvreToday were going to find out about some of the Louvres most1_(amaze)treasures.Tha

26、t huge sculpture you can see is the Winged Victory of Samothrace,or Nike of Samothrace:Her head and arms are missing,but you can imagine her 2_(hold)her arms up high,celebrating the result of an ancient battle.I really cant believe she s made 3_ stone.The painting Mona Lisa is a lot smaller than you

27、 would expect,and 4_(protect)by glass.When I look into her eyes it seems she has a mind of her own!One moment she seems to be laughing at me,but then again I catch a sense of sadness in her smile.!I guess thats 5 _she attracts so many visitors every day.1.amazing 2.holding 3.of4.is protected 5.why N

28、ow,its time 6_(get)up close and personal with one of historys greatest artists-Rembrandt!He 7_(paint)this self-portrait about 400 years ago.Throughout his life,he made over 90 self-portraits!About 35,000 works are 8 _(current)being displayed in over 300 rooms in the Louvre,and 9_ would take a lifetime to see everything!I hope you can all visit this fantastic place one day to feel the power of these great 10 _(work)of art for yourselves.6.to get7.painted 8.currently 9.it10.worksThank you!


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